2006-07-05 11:18:40 UTC
I must confess I some time do, working on it to cure it , right from now,
hbt u,c'mon tell me
nothing to b shy of it's just one of the form of EGO

for enlightened one's pls omit this question
Twenty answers:
2006-07-05 11:23:06 UTC
No, I do not get some sort of pleasure from criticizing other religions. I do feel that it is my duty though, to point things out to people when I feel that they are wrong or are being misled.
she who is awesome
2006-07-05 11:31:23 UTC
What is an enlightened one?

I derive pleasure from showing other people how much smarter I am than they are, and I do that by criticizing them. And it's not my fault that they decide to metaphorically scream their religious beliefs for all to hear, as long as they know that I will criticize it and will very probably be right.

I also have a problem with people who believe the answers to all of life's questions are hidden in a book. I think that religion does play a part in it, but that it should not be the only source used to find an answer. I also have a problem that some people believe that they, and only they, are right, and that anyone else, who uses documented scientific discoveries to prove their point, is "going to burn in hell" because they have doubts about the holiness of a man who lived 2006 years ago, and who no one alive today has ever met.

I also dislike that you say ego as if it were a bad thing. I know I'm better than everyone, it's not my opinioin, it's fact.
2006-07-05 11:25:32 UTC
No I don't feel good criticizing others religion...that is just wrong. Most ppl whole personality basis is their religion and to insult that is to insult them.

I read something a long time ago I think it was from a Buddhist monk (BTW I am Christian) it said something like this

"to criticize or talk badly about another religion is only doing bad to your own religion" So I remember that.

How can I say Christian this and that by putting down say Muslims. I am not being Christian by judging and criticizing others religions, ways of life...that is not my duty as a Christian. Those ppl that do just make their own religions look bad and intolerant. I am well aware that there are many many Christians that do this...but they should know all this judgment they pass will come back around to them.
2006-07-05 11:27:16 UTC
No. There has been only one religion from time of Adam and Eve and that is Islam. Prophet Abrham's religion was Islam and he was Muslim. So was Moses and his followers.Teh word Jew did not exist at that time. It is derived from Yahuda tribe which is then converted into Yahudi and Y is usually changed into J in English. Same is the situation with Jesus (PBUH). He possessed superb charater and had the distinction of not having father (Adam did not have father and mother). Jesus was a Muslim and his religion was Islam too. The word Christinity did nt exist fro 300 years after Jesus. So the presen religion other than Islam are contaminated religions. So we are not critisizing the truth in those religions but only mand made fabrications. We don't feel pleasure, we feel sorry for those people who follow man made fabrications. Quran is the only book which is preserved in its orioginal language letter by letter, word by word for last 1400 years and it is as fresh, as serene, as motivating as on day 1
2006-07-05 11:39:41 UTC
I just love the way people say no, you know that all of you do it, Hell i do it! We are human, We do $hit like that.

It is not up to you what is right or wrong, it is not up to what the rules are (hell we don't even know what the rules are! The rules change all the time) What you feel is right may not be what i feel is right! EVERYONE does this and then tries to act like a saint. "i only do it when i feel that they are doing something wrong or they are being mislead' <--How do u know that it is wrong? How do you know if they are being mislead?

I faced this sort of thing in the Mormon church as a child and also had to deal with it as a teen in my boarding school. It is all nonsense! This is the sort of thing that i expect to see in their girls locker room in high school.

Just be true to what you believe, be true to who you are don't worry about what another is doing or believing in. I am pagan and i am so tired of ppl telling me that i am wrong, but they cant seem to tell me what it is a bout what i believe that is wrong.
2016-11-06 02:36:59 UTC
i'm wondering devil's the genuine solid guy. I advise, God has an empire, he demands worship, he slaughters international locations, even the completed international at one aspect, because human beings weren't paying adequate interest to him, and then he has this Bible written it really is truly 900 pages of ways tremendous he's interspersed with what a foul rat this guy devil is. devil, on the different hand, is this guy we under no circumstances listen of except at the same time as God talks about him, and all all of us understand is that for some reason God hates his guts. (now to not instruct that God supposedly has the flexibility to do some thing he needs, yet for some reason can not contact this devil personality.) If this replaced into Orwell's 1984, i'd say that God's huge Brother, and devil is Goldstein.
2006-07-05 12:01:34 UTC
I derive HUGE amounts of pleasure playing the "turn about" game. I really enjoy playing with hypocrites... you know, those people who look down on others, demand that other people treat them a certain way while they are walking on everyone else's toes.

Other than that... nah, I don't get much out of just criticizing people's religions. I have better things to do.
2006-07-05 11:25:02 UTC
well here is what one God fearing Christian has linked to his comments...

from the anals of justaskdon

Muslims worldwide are on a proselytizing campaign. They have joined the ranks of the Vishna Hindu Parishad, the J.W's, and the Mormons in "picking off" poor ignorant "almost Christians",and uninformed Christians.

Id have to say thats just about as ignorant as one could be.
2006-07-05 11:26:12 UTC
I know that people who are lured to the wrong faith are lost forever. I do not derive pleasure in fighting the devil.....I do feel joy when I see a victory for my Lord and Savior Jesus... when I know that satan has suffered a defeat....and when I know that one has been saved or a seed was sown.
2006-07-05 11:24:09 UTC
of course it feels good to criticize others; that's why people do it so much. Making yourself feel better at the expense of putting someone else down is easy when you feel low yourself... we all do it...

I just always try to remember the best way to go in life is never the easiest way.
2006-07-05 11:23:12 UTC
No i aint crazy lol. Many times people are molded by their society not the Religion itself and i don't criticize people for what they believe in.
2006-07-05 11:24:40 UTC
I take no pleasure in it. In fact, I wish I didn't have to do it. But if all of us atheists simply sat on our asses and let this insanity continue, the human race wouldn't last much longer.
2006-07-05 11:22:10 UTC
I only criticize what I believe is wrong and/or totally asinine when it comes to religion.
2006-07-05 11:21:03 UTC
As long as you believe in something, that brings you solace and promotes goodness, I am all for it. I'm catholic but find comfort when others are praying around me.
2006-07-05 11:23:18 UTC
People who promote hatred love to ask controversial just for kicks. This is their fun.
2006-07-05 11:20:46 UTC
I'll criticize anything that is false or incorrect. I'll also criticize spelling as atrocious as yours.
2006-07-05 11:21:46 UTC
Yes, it's fun to poke holes in flimsy theories.
Miss Red
2006-07-05 11:22:47 UTC
Retribution always makes me feel better.
2006-07-05 11:51:30 UTC
no i honestly don't...religion is good and as long as it doesn't harm anyone i could care less about other people's choice of faith!!!
2006-07-05 11:23:59 UTC
nope. and you don't have to be enlightened to not criticize.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.