So what your saying is...there is no EVIDENCE. Right?
2008-09-16 04:49:11 UTC
Ive asked for evidence of a god twice today and gotten the same answers both times. Basically i have to look at the complexity of life and ask how it came about. But then again, is it really that big of a coincidence? The universe is infinite. There is an infinite amount of possibilities. Is it more likely this was created by chance and leftover energy from the Big Bang or does it really make more sense to you that there is some big intelligent being that sits somewhere all day and manipulates us and wants us to listen to him yet doesn't let us know he exists. Really?

Once again, don't lash out. It makes your answer less powerful. Just tell me what compels YOU to think he actually exists.
23 answers:
2008-09-16 04:52:58 UTC
I can give you evidence that gods do not exist.

1) In the history of all religions, none of them have come up with gods that don't just reflect the times in which they were created. For example, the Judao-Christian god has bronze age scientific knowledge and moral values.

2) In the study of human nature, you see that we are prone to make up and strongly believe in myths, superstitions, and urban legends. A comparison of those with religions shows a similar basis and structure.

3) The fact that all of these supposedly omnipotent gods need people to convince other people of even their existence shows that it is only human origin.
2008-09-16 12:00:25 UTC
Science knows that infinite matter does not exist. If all this is a coincidence left over from the big bang, you have to logically explain what started the big bang and where the matter and energy came from. The more science searches for answers the more they find that believing everything is coincidence is a bigger leap of faith than believing there is a creator. Look into gravity and how important it is for life to even begin.Or how suns convert helium into hydrogen. If it were any less, life wouldn't be possible. Any more, and all the helium would have been consumed by now. And that's only two factors out of over 20 that need to be perfect in order for life to exist.
2008-09-16 12:20:11 UTC
Hi. Yes, there very well could be an infinite number of possibilities. But in reality most people know there is usually a right way and a wrong way or a right answer or a false answer to just about anything.

If there is no God, then right and wrong are entirely human concepts based on what individuals perceive based on their emotions. And what one individual condsiders right, others may agree with to be right or completely wrong. I think most people would consider murder and stealing for example wrong. In society, however, those who consider murder and theft right ending up going to prison because most people consider what they do wrong. There is not endless possibilities. Only one of two answers.

One of the arguments for God's existence is known as the Kalam (Arabic for eternal) Cosmological Argument or the KCA. It goes like this.

The Universe began to exist.

If something began to exist, something else must have caused it to exist.

Therefore the Universe was caused by something else.

You can prove virtually anything using logic. Unfortunately, everything ultimately relies on some underlying axiom or postulate. So if you say the following axioms are true:

1: A Universe can only be created by God.

2: All Universes have a beginning and therefore a creation.

Then the proof is trivial.

It is readily observable that we live in a Universe.

By postulate 2 all universes had a beginning.

By postulate 1 we can conclude that our universe was created by God.

Therefore God must exist, or else our Universe would never have been created.

The Big Bang is the closest explanation humans have come up with on how the Universe expanded. But it leaves those in ignorance who ask what caused the Big Bang.

The Bible says that the evidence of God is seen through His creation of all created things, from plants and animals to stars.

Also, I am not ignorant of human history. There is documented historical evidence found in manuscripts, most from non-Christian sources from the first century, that claim that a Jewish man named Jesus was put to death by the Romans for claiming to be a king.

It's up to you what you want to believe.

For me, Christianity is a reality and not a religion.
Free To Be Me
2008-09-16 12:12:43 UTC
If you are looking for primary evidence, there is some. God has appeared to men, and continues to do so today. But the experiences are so sacred and beautiful that to share it on Y!A would be like participating in a mud fight in a wedding dress.

As for secondary evidence, there is so much that it is overwhelming. Many people have experienced God's love and personal miracles in their lives. Most of their testimonies would be admissible in court as evidence.

Also, I have been on Y!A for about 1 1/2 years now. The Atheist line of reasoning always takes one of these directions:

1. It didn't happen to me, so it never happened to anyone. (This is the height of stupidity and arrogance; not even worth answering.)

2. Organized religion or Christians/Muslims/etc. have done wrong things, so it can't be true. This, to me, is equal to saying "I no longer believe the world is round because Columbus offended me."

3. Scientific evidence has proven the non-existence of God. This one is based on several faulty assumptions:

1. Science has discovered everything, and has all facts now.

2. Scientists must deny religion/God to be objective. In other words, scientists must disbelieve in God to be able to prove His nonexistence. This flies in the face of the scientific method! Absolute neutrality is required to be able to analyze the data. Scientists should neither believe nor disbelieve a premise. They should merely test it.

3. All natural laws governing this earth control the entire universe.

4. Organized religion disagrees with some scientific conclusions. Of course. Every scientific discovery has detractors, and discussion always ensues.

I am aware that I have proven nothing, only picked apart the Atheistic position.

If a person wants to know the existence of God, they must find out from Him in the ways that He has laid out:

1. If you want to know if what I say is true, experiment. Live what I teach to see if it is true.

2. Read my word with an open mind, not with the intention of finding fault.

3. Ask me in prayer if these things are not true.

God will give an unmistakable answer to anyone who does these things. These are also sacred, beautiful experiences. The evidence becomes written into your soul, and then the "evidences" put out by faithless, Godless people become meaningless babble by comparison.
2008-09-16 12:16:49 UTC
I personally wonder why someone doesn't at the very least believe there is a God. There is no evidence or proof that God isn't real.

With out God we are saying:

Nothing produces everything

Non life produces life

Randomness produces fine tuning

Chaos produces information

Unconsciousness produces consciousness

Non-reason produces reason

None of which makes sense!

The only option left is that God exists!

It must be clear that it is not possible to prove God by the usual scientific method. Then again one can't prove Abraham Lincoln either. The reason lies in the nature of history and in the limits of the scientific method. For proof it would have to be repeatable. But the beginning of the universe or the assassination of Lincoln can't be proven because they can't be repeated. But the fact these things can't be repeated doesn't disprove their reality as events. Scientists today are aware that science itself is limited. Science is competent to answer questions about how matter behaves according to the laws of nature, but science is not competent to answer the question of whether or not the laws of nature have a Lawgiver.

The atheist does not disbelieve in God because he has neutrally examined all the evidence, and drawn the proper conclusion that there is no God. On the contrary, the atheist radically misconstrues the plentiful evidence for God, and he does this because of his false worldview, which tells him that only the physical really exists. Before he has examined the evidence, the atheist thinks he knows that nothing non-physical actually exists, and this assumption governs how he responds to the evidence. What's going on here? Does the atheist have superior insight that allows him to see the errors that invalidate the arguments for God that seem valid to us theists? Or is it the atheist who is missing something? I believe the latter ....

Best wishes on your studies, you definitely wouldn't be the first person to come to a belief in God because of them!
2008-09-16 12:20:09 UTC
Initially, I wasn't sure. I began to read evolutionary teachings as well as look into other religions. I turned to satanism, then just atheism. But none of them made sense. I still felt unsatisfied. I read a lot of philosophy and they only asked the same questions I did. In my musings eventually, it became apparent to me that there had to be a VERY intelligent creator.

There are what WE call "laws of nature". LAWS. We set OUR clocks by the motion of the universe. We RELY on these laws. Such reliability shows order. Order means arrangement, or organized. How could something complex happen by chance? It simply didn't make sense, unless...there is a Creator.

It is difficult to even imagine a 50 piece puzzle "accidentally" being put together perfectly. I must say, the first time I nursed my first born, I knew God had to have done this . This was no accident that, not only can I feed my baby with my own body, but she loves it, it gives her perfectly everything she need. That cannot be by chance, but rather from someone who knows love.

Since I decided there must be a creator I wanted to look for ways to get to know him. I had my doubts about the bible, being so old, written what appeared to be by man. But honestly I had never read the Bible before so I began to study it

. Now I feel that the same force that created the universe wrote and protected the bible. There is to me no other more perfect piece of history, prophecy, lessons, proverbs, etc on earth, written or otherwise.

I continue to study. The bible coming from such a high intelligence gives me enough fodder for many lifetimes.

It is a process. And it is NOT blind faith. It takes deep thinking and reasoning. Weeding out thoughts, adding or dismissing new ones.

But I will say this, I believe in God. I am happy now, and I , if I remain in His love, will be happy far into the future.

“Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need.”—MATTHEW 5:3.
2008-09-16 12:14:52 UTC
Your question is a good one but as far as I know there is neither evidence nor proof. Some may say that the complexity of life, the universe and everything (Yes, Douglas Adams thought about this too) points to a divine creator. But others say no, there is actually no logical connection. Dawkins addresses this at length in "The God Delusion" but whether his arguments are sound I can't say.
2008-09-16 12:07:47 UTC
I once again ask you as well. Can you show me proof of the big bang? and were you there? All of the proof you have it just from books. And we know for 100% fact they are and were written by men. Why do you keep asking the same question? You find your few answers from men written books. Yet, ask a question and replies. NO BIBLE! hum, how fair is that? and then, when it is proven, you don't believe it.

Have a good one, and I hope to see a different question from you. This is now the 3rd one. And still you're doubting your way of thinking in life.

Bye for now.
2008-09-16 11:58:19 UTC
i think what the problem is what is your definition of evidence. All you have been given is people and thier testimoney, what for them is proof or justificiation. That is the evidence. peoples testimoney, like in court. Now there is no physical evidence. Any lawyer will tell you that is a hard case to win when all you have is testimony. But with god my friend testimony is all you will ever get presented to you in searching on a forum like this. It is evidence, its just not the evidence you were hopeing to find. Sorry.

before you wanted facts. We present you the fact of our testimony. Whether you find it truthful or not is up to you... But he fact is the testimonies of the followers. good luck with your search.

I do want to add this. When you have problems with chemistry homework you ask a chem teacher, not the english teacher. IF you have questions about religion, go ask a person who studies religion. Set up an interview with all the different leaders, a priest, rabbai, monk, imam, etc. they go through a lot of training and study to answer questions like the ones you pose...
2008-09-16 11:56:24 UTC
An expanding universe is infinite now...?

Anyway, part of it is philosophical: How did something come from void? And if you believe in the Big Bang, where did that condensed dot that expanded come from? Why something, and not void? Why does anything have purpose and use if nothing matters? There are incongruencies with what we know for sure are true, and what atheists assume to be true. Such as we know in life to obtain order it requires intelligence. But for some reason when it comes to nature, since we can't find the intelligence for the order, atheists assume there isn't any. Which defies logic of what we do know for absolute fact.

I believe God HAS PROVEN HIMSELF through his word and fulfillment of prophecy. There is no way I can take years of study on this subject and give you some satisfactory pithy answer. I also believe God has it set up that way, it is up to the individual to figure out God's word and prophecies by himself, no other individual can do your thinking for you and sum up ALL THEIR WORK for you.
2008-09-16 12:10:49 UTC
i will try to explain to you why i believe with other than person experiences which could be branded as lies. i will give a list of facts. these facts can be checked out and you will see that they are facts

1 the bible is not a book but rather a collection of scrolls made into a book

2 these scrolls were written by different people

3 these scrolls were written over a period of literally thousands of years

(now i will refer to the scrolls as books within the bible)

4 the book (or scroll) of psalms is more than 1000 years older than Jesus Christ that is to say it was written about 1200 years before Christ was born

5 psalms 22 preidcts the following things with great accuracy

a) Chist would be born crucified and resurrect

b) it tells exactly the words Christ would speak while hanging on the cross verbatim word for word

c) it clearly states the fact that the roman soldiers would cast lots (gamble) for Christ's robe

there are other predictioons it makes but we will just take those 3 for now

now keepig in mind all this was 1200 years before He was even born

when it actually happened (his birth and death and resurrection) He spoke exactly the words that were fore told Him speaking and the romans sis gamle for His clothes just as predicted

this is verified by the Gospels of the new testament 1200 years after the fact

now you find me just 1 human that has ever made such accurate predictions (word for word with no ambiguity) so far in advance wothout God being involved (in other words no prophets from the bible being used as your example) and i will consider that just maybe you are right

and don't bother with nostradamus his predictions ore so vague that they have no choice but to come true. he might as well of predicted that the sun would rise.

now i will relate just 1 more fact in support of God's existance

even the sceientific community measures the very passing of time by the existance of God's Son Christ

by this i mean the year 44 b.c (before Christ) and 2008 a.d (in the yaer of our lord Jesus Christ. a.d. is anno domenei but spelling may be wrong there but still it means or translates to the year of our Lord Jesus)

there are other prophecies that have come true exactly as they were written in the bible also

so i say to you is this not proof? and if it is not then how much proof would it take? can enough proof actually be given you?
2008-09-16 11:55:02 UTC
Well, if that was the concept of God I had, then I wouldn't believe in God either.

The word "God" means different things to different people.

The complexity of life is pretty amazing. Look up at the sky in the countryside on a clear night. It's mind-boggling. All those stars representing yet another solar system.

Why get tied up in knots about people who either believe or don't believe in "God"? What do they mean anyway? Just live your life.

The human body too is amazing. My heart beats by itself, my breath happens by itself. Billions of cells working together.
2008-09-16 12:02:25 UTC
This has all been figured out a long time ago, by people much smarter than you or I.

If you want to work it all out, I suggest you go here, and study the finest work of all time, on the subject.

Then, at least you'll have a sense of the gravity of the question, and all the possible answers ... both right and wrong:

It doesn't get much better, but it won't be easy. Nor should it be.
Martin S
2008-09-16 12:10:37 UTC
When you ask for "evidence" it's like asking for evidence in a court case. Since the eternal Creator isn't going to "answer your summons" to show up and prove that He exists, those of us who have his Spirit in us can only appeal to the types of evidence that could be used to build a case that overcomes a reasonable doubt.

When you look at the universe and the complexity of life you are left with two main categories of options as an explanation since no one alive today was alive back then to provide eyewitness testimony of where it all came from. Either some supernatural, extra-dimensional, highly intelligent being whom we refer to as "God" is responsible or there is "some other" explanation that most often is said to be a combination of chance and the innate properties of matter.

So which explanation makes the most sense? Which explanation has the most believable case? Did this universe just show up all on it's own? Was it an extremely lucky break that the earth has so many conditions necessary for life to exist on it? Did inanimate matter come alive by chance chemical reactions? Did the complex DNA codes in every form of life come about via random mutations with natural selection cancelling out all of the mistakes over millions or billions of years?

If it could be shown to you through solid and persuasive evidence that God created the universe and everything in it, would you believe it?

Featuring an impressive cast of world-class scientists and scholars, Foolish Faith exposes the failure of mainstream science to answer the ever-present question of where we came from — unveiling a surprising store of controversial facts that support the existence of God, but are largely ignored by the media.

Read on line @

Then you have the Bible. Is this just a collection of writings by 40 different human authors who wrote over a period of about 1500 years or is it a book that was inspired by this being whom we refer to as God?

Here's a link where the author lays out compelling arguments for why it is reasonable to conclude that the Bible is a book of divine origin.

The Divine Inspiration

of the


by Arthur W. Pink

Last, but cetainly not least, what about Jesus? Did this man really live and die publicly and rise from the dead having been seen by many reliable witnesses?

Testimony of the Evangelists by Simon Greenleaf (1783-1853)

Greenleaf, one of the principle founders of the Harvard Law School, originally set out to disprove the biblical testimony concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He was certain that a careful examination of the internal witness of the Gospels would dispel all the myths at the heart of Christianity. But this legal scholar came to the conclusion that the witnesses were reliable, and that the resurrection did in fact happen.
2008-09-16 11:58:42 UTC
all you need to do is really look at the world. you will see that a god simply doesnt exist! The proof is in the earth, its in nature. Nature is so cruel, and not just the animals!! Plants too, there are trees in large forests where they grow their roots upwards around another tree to reach the sunlight, then they strangle the tree on the inside killing it! So that this new tree can take its place in the sun, and grow its roots back into the ground. Even trees are mean!!!!! Everything in this world is cruel, and while the earth is a VERY beautiful have to wonder, if their is a god....what on earth is he playing at? because hes not doing a very good job!!!
Mary B
2008-09-16 11:57:55 UTC
I could look all day and not find God but I don't have to do that because I feel Him in my heart. I know he has worked things out for me that were beyond my abilities. Everytime I talk to people about why they beleive in God they say it is a feeling and that they have had Him do wonderful things for them. The Bible says To knock and the door will be open to you. I truley beleive that all you have to do is ask Him and He will show you the truth. Most people just do not want to ask because they fear what they might find.
2008-09-16 12:22:15 UTC
Since when has the universe been infinite? The Chandra X-ray Observatory mapped the universe some years ago, and although extremely large it is not infinite.
2008-09-16 11:54:31 UTC
Dude - you are, like, totally wasting your time. They can't give you evidence so they make it up and tell you to "look around".

Sorry, but you are wasting points for nothing. You can't reason with the unreasonable.

To The 01animal - for crying out loud! Were you THERE when these "predictions" came true? NO! You read about them and blindly believe them like the sheep you are. Your "evidence" is complete and utter rubbish.
2008-09-16 11:56:45 UTC
Every breath, every pulse of the heart, is evidence of the care of God.
2008-09-16 11:52:20 UTC
People choose whatever they want to believe. It shouldn't be up to others to judge them or ask for validating evidence. Believe what you want and get on with life. Stop bothering people.
2008-09-16 11:52:46 UTC
in life; we experience and learn from it as every day is a new day. go according to nature.
son of God
2008-09-16 11:53:07 UTC
God is not only the infinite universe but He is also Infinite Mind.
2008-09-16 11:52:38 UTC
Atheism makes no sense because everything requires a creator. That creator is God. God requires no creator simply because he is the beginning and the end. The Alpha and Omega.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.