If you are looking for primary evidence, there is some. God has appeared to men, and continues to do so today. But the experiences are so sacred and beautiful that to share it on Y!A would be like participating in a mud fight in a wedding dress.
As for secondary evidence, there is so much that it is overwhelming. Many people have experienced God's love and personal miracles in their lives. Most of their testimonies would be admissible in court as evidence.
Also, I have been on Y!A for about 1 1/2 years now. The Atheist line of reasoning always takes one of these directions:
1. It didn't happen to me, so it never happened to anyone. (This is the height of stupidity and arrogance; not even worth answering.)
2. Organized religion or Christians/Muslims/etc. have done wrong things, so it can't be true. This, to me, is equal to saying "I no longer believe the world is round because Columbus offended me."
3. Scientific evidence has proven the non-existence of God. This one is based on several faulty assumptions:
1. Science has discovered everything, and has all facts now.
2. Scientists must deny religion/God to be objective. In other words, scientists must disbelieve in God to be able to prove His nonexistence. This flies in the face of the scientific method! Absolute neutrality is required to be able to analyze the data. Scientists should neither believe nor disbelieve a premise. They should merely test it.
3. All natural laws governing this earth control the entire universe.
4. Organized religion disagrees with some scientific conclusions. Of course. Every scientific discovery has detractors, and discussion always ensues.
I am aware that I have proven nothing, only picked apart the Atheistic position.
If a person wants to know the existence of God, they must find out from Him in the ways that He has laid out:
1. If you want to know if what I say is true, experiment. Live what I teach to see if it is true.
2. Read my word with an open mind, not with the intention of finding fault.
3. Ask me in prayer if these things are not true.
God will give an unmistakable answer to anyone who does these things. These are also sacred, beautiful experiences. The evidence becomes written into your soul, and then the "evidences" put out by faithless, Godless people become meaningless babble by comparison.