Just a query about God and the dinosaurs...?
2006-09-04 05:29:35 UTC
Did he make them and just forget to put them into the bible? God created the world in 7 days, finishing off with mankind. At what point did he create dinosaurs? What I want to know is do Christians believe that dinosaurs existed before man, simultaneously lived with man or never existed at all?
52 answers:
2006-09-04 05:39:59 UTC
To deny the existance of dinosaurs would be as foolish as denying the existance of yesterday. We have fossils to prove this. So the question is - how does one explain it?

There are many theories that have been set forth on this interesting question. Some are as imaginative as labeling these fossils as the remains of demons who perished during the war in heaven and who were thrown to earth.

Others believe that the creation timeline is not literal. Even the bible itself states metaphorically that one day to man is as a thousand years to God. If God is a being who may transcend time, who in fact exists on every plain and realm of existance, then time has no meaning. It is very plausible that the Dinosaurs inhabited the Earth prior the the creation of Man and the creatures that God gave him dominion over.

It is also important to remember that the first four books of the bible were written by Moses. Prior to Moses' written record, all of the information was passed down by word of mouth and song. It is possible that some information wasn't passed along, and that only the critical information was passed down - as many things in Genesis seem to be "rushed" and incomplete. Surely more went on in the Garden of Eden than just the fall of Man, yet we don't have a record of them... not because nothing happened, but because it was not necessary to pass along. If Moses didn't know of the fossils, he had no reason to make mention of them.

There are even more theories, but you might get too bored reading about all of them in this forum. Keep your faith and focus on Christ, and the dinosaur answer will someday be shown to you when you ask your Savior and Lord, when you stand before Him and dine with Him in the everafter.

God bless you!
2006-09-04 08:30:09 UTC
There is a mention of a dinosaur type creature in the Bible. In Job 40, it talks of a 'behemoth' with a tail 'like a cedar tree' that eats grass 'like an oxen'. Originally this was thought to be a rhino or a similar creature but is actually a dinosaur. This, in terms of Bible chronology happened after the Flood and Noah, so they must have been some young dinosaurs or their eggs on the Ark with Noah.

Also, many scholars believe that ancient and mediaeval texts referring to dragons may actually be referring to dinosaurs, at a time when the Greek word dinosaur was not used or known. The first use of the word dinosaur was around the 1850s, when the present systen of classification was being developed, and many new species were given names.

There is also an idea between both creationists and some scientists that dinosaurs may be hiding in unexplored forestland,which is plausible considering that we discover new species in places too dangerous to explore until now.
2006-09-04 05:59:08 UTC
The Bible doesn't dwell on Dinosaurs because its not important. If you read the Bible at all you will notice that no creature is ever dwelt upon, only humanity and the Lord. But saying that there are a couple of references of two creatures within the Bible that people have pondered over. One is Leviathan and the other is Behemoth. These possible could be Dinosaurs, but nobody is sure.

This is a personal believe, and I'm prepared to be wrong. I believe that the dinosaurs weren't around millions of years ago, but I do believe they existed. I believe they where around maybe 10 to 20 thousand years ago and they got wiped out with the flood during the time of Noah. As I said I know that I could be wrong, but then again so could science.
2006-09-04 06:48:39 UTC
There's so many stupid answers on here I can't give them all a rating. The dinosaurs died long before man was on earth. They only lived simultaneously in the movies.

If you are a bible lover THEY WERE ANIMALS and genesis says he created the animals. It doesn't say why we had to wait till the last day when all the other animals got preferential treatment.

He also created bugs twice according to genesis But I'll let that go because I don't believe any of it.

Carbon dating may not be that accurate but they never found any human remains that are even close enough in age to dinosaurs to be within the margin of error.

So many of you are showing how ignorant you are.You believe the bible and guess the rest.

Why is genesis the only part of the original bible that Christians believe?

The new testament is just a sequel. It should be called:

"Bible II The life and times of Jesus H Christ"

There's been another sequel since then.

The Mormons should be allowed to add the third testament to the bible.

If the bible was never written everything on earth would make a lot more sense. There would be less confusion.Maybe even less ignorant people.
2006-09-04 06:21:39 UTC
Bible is a spiritual book not an archaeological book. God asked Moses things that are only important. If God asked Moses to write everything that took place during the creation, don't you wonder how many page bible would end up and do you think Moses can finish writing it since the CREATION TOOK BILLIONS OF YEARS.

God created the world in 7 days. True. BUT, there were HINTS in the bible why should we not believe that the 7 days mentioned was human days composed of 24 hours.

Genesis 1:5 spoke about 1st day. How come that it was called 1st day when sun and moon was only made on the fourth day? The answer is provided by II Peter 3:8,:

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

BUT, never be mistaken about this passage. It says one day is AS a thousand years. It doesn't say EQUAL. So, what does it means? God never feel boredome. 1 day is as 1000. 1 is as 1 billion....and so on.

So, the days mentions in Genesis is not 24 hours..well, no one knows how long it was. Only God knows. (Isaiah 55:8-9)

In fact, SCIENTIFICALLY, day is relative. A day is different when you are in Earth, different when you are in moon, different when you are in Jupiter;....

Now, when was the dinosaur created? I believe that it was on the 6th day as written in Genesis1:24-25. It was also written that they were created before man.
pooh bear
2006-09-04 06:00:16 UTC
In the Bible large monstrous animals are mentioned, although it doesn't say the word dinosaurs, many believe that the monstrous animals mentioned are in fact dinosaurs.

Job 40: 15-18, 23 Job 41 Psa 74:14 Psa 104:26

There where also mentions of dragons that some believe were in fact dinosaurs.

The reason the word dinosaur isn't used is because the Bible was translated and written in the 1600's and the word dinosaur wasn't around until it was penned in the 1800's
2006-09-04 06:29:23 UTC
I am a Christian - I believe God created the universe and all that's in it - but - I do not think 7 days in our time is necessarily God's timing - Archaeology tells us about dinosaurs and many other prehistoric creatures. Looking at how these creatures must have looked - I think God has a great sense of humour!! Archaeology also suggests that we came after the dinosaurs. I don't worry too much about it - all will be clear in the end.
2006-09-04 05:45:52 UTC
First, if I said "the day of steam" or "the day of the mobile phone" would you think I was talking about literal "days, or periods of (ubdefined span) time? I hope you would think the latter.

Right, so when the bible says creation took seven days, it also does not mean literal days.

In this contesxt could not a creation day actually be millions of years?

This does not actually disprove evolution within certain limits, as species are evolving all the time. Look at the difference between cave man, and modern man.

This doesnot mean however that man came from monkeys.

On the fifth day God created animal (including monkeys, dinosaurs etc, but not neccesarily all together)

On the sixth day He created man.

Before you ridicule this answer, just think and meditate on it.
2006-09-04 05:33:15 UTC

Believe it or not.... the dinosaurs were created by Lucifer and God wiped out all of the dino's with a world flood before he (God) created Mankind. Man was to have dominion over all the world, therefore Man could not co-exist with such monstrosities.

The flood is evident in Gen. 1:2 & 9.....

There is no record of dinosaurs in the bible.
2006-09-04 05:43:36 UTC
There's a lot of debate about this. i believe ultimately that the bible is true. Some take the bible creation story literally, while others take it figuratively. Whichever the case, the dinosaurs must have appeared before man did, since man only appeared on the 6th day. Its probably safe to assume that dinosaurs appeared together with all the other animals.

As for dating methods, there are numeous geologists that question the way fossils are dated. They can really be grossly off the real timeframe they appear in. So, even though its the only thing we have now(the dating method), it might not be entirely accurate. A good website discussing this topic is:

For other general information, you can try:

To answer your question, dinosaurs, to me, were created before man, and probably have simultaneously lived with man.
2014-10-30 17:17:31 UTC
Others believe that the creation timeline is not literal. Even the bible itself states metaphorically that one day to man is as a thousand years to God. If God is a being who may transcend time, who in fact exists on every plain and realm of existance, then time has no meaning. It is very plausible that the Dinosaurs inhabited the Earth prior the the creation of Man and the creatures that God gave him dominion over.
2006-09-04 05:43:46 UTC
I'm not a Christian, but I grew up in a Christian family. What many Christians believe is:

1. Evolution really happened. But it was 'guided' by God in order to create us.

2. Genesis is a story. At the time it was written people wouldn't have understod the Big Bang, and so the story of creation is in a way that they can understand it. But it can be used today as a metaphor for what really happened.
2006-09-04 06:04:38 UTC
I have already answered this one before, but I will do it again. I am a Christain. Now many Christains beliefs is that this world is only 6000 yrs. Old & they will argue until they turn Blue, I, too one time thought the same. To answer your question quickly, God did not made this earth in 6 24 hrs. days. God made this earth in 6000 yrs. Each day is the same as 1000 yrs. & on the 7th day God rested, Do you think God got tired, NO, That day of rest types the 1000 yrs. Millennuim that is just in front of us. You ask did God forget to put them into the bible, NO. Let me said also, When Adam & Eve was created, satan was already a fallen angel, when did he fall, at the begginning of time, even way before the dinosaus.. If you have a Bible, there is always an answer to any question. Go to Genesis 9:1 And God Blessed Noah & his sons & said unto them Be fruitful & Multiply & (LOOK AT THIS WORD VERY CLOSE) & REPLENISH the earth, Why would God give Noah those instructions, Because the flood destroyed all mankind that was not in that ark. Replenish means to FILL IT UP AGAIN. Now turn to Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them & GOD said unto them, Be fruitful, & multiply (& do what) REPLENISH the earth, in other words, bring forth AGAIN life on this earth. In Gen. 2:4 it also says These are The GENERATIONS of the heavens & the earth---- What is a Generation, 1000 yrs. Now in our day & time we usually consider a generation to be about 70 yrs. But we don't live as long as they did back then. So yes I do believe in a Prehistoric world. No God did Not forget to make them. But they lived before mankind was here as what we know as mankind today. God Tested the angelic beings & the aninmal kingdom during that time, & when he destroyed the Prehistoric life I can see God taking this planet away from the Sun long enough to create the ICE age, therefore killing ALL prehistoric life & after many million yrs. God began to gradually bring this earth back into relationship with the sun to begin to bring life & Mankind beginning with Adam. I have always said ONE WORD can change the whole picture. & that word in Gen 1:28 IS REPLINISH, That points back to another time before Adam & Eve. Why din't God just say PLENISH the earth, which would mean to fill it up. But God said REPLINISH, which means to FILL IT UP AGAIN.
2006-09-04 05:42:13 UTC
Dinosaurs were created when the fish were created, because there were dinosaurs in the sea, and he created them when land creatures were created, because the were dinosaurs on the land. The Bible contains the information that God wants us to have---not everything that we would like to know. God expects us to explore his creation and learn for ourselves the wonders of everything that he has created. The reason for this is spiritual growth and worship of God. God is not going to spoon feed us every bit of knowledge, but he will assist us in discovering the how and why of his creation to the greatest of our ability to understand it. As an added note, these so-called primitive men that archaeologist have unearth are really classes of sub-humans that did not survive Noah's flood. They are not forerunners of modern man as the evolutionist claim---there is no missing link.
2006-09-04 06:00:26 UTC
I have heard many schools of thought on this and the only real answer to it is that I really don't know.

I do tend to believe that the dinosaurs are not as old as we think they are along with many other things.

Look at your computer monitor. Was it created? How do you know? Now try to explain its existence without a creator. It might sound a bit like this.. "Well millions and millions of years ago" Now lets carbon date it and see what it says. WALLA!! Validation.

he he he.. All of this is speculation of course. But I like it. I would never be so crass as to try to sell it as fact. That would be simply wrong.

GOD Bless ya.
2006-09-04 05:46:55 UTC
First, what reason would there be for mentioning them? There are untold thousands of animals not mentioned in the Bible, What reason would there be to mention them?

However, the Bible may actually contain a reference to dinosaurs. Ever read Job 40:15-18?

Look at the behemoth,

which I made along with you

and which feeds on grass like an ox.

What strength he has in his loins,

what power in the muscles of his belly!

His tail sways like a cedar;

the sinews of his thighs are close-knit.

His bones are tubes of bronze,

his limbs like rods of iron.

Prior to the 20th century it was speculated on what animal was being referred to here. Many suggested that it must be an elephant. However did you ever see an elephant with a tail depicted as: "sways like a cedar"?

Christians will be divided on your question of them coexisting with man, but that's a more involved topic....
2006-09-04 05:42:26 UTC
He created everything. Everything has it's purpose. Dinosaurs are interesting arent they?

What else on this earth is interesting for us humans to keep busy about?
2006-09-04 05:32:34 UTC
I think God created the dinosaurs on about the 5th day when he created the Animals, read Genesis it'll tell you.

No i think about 99% of Christians like myself dont believe in Creationism, thats just unsane
Anria A
2006-09-04 05:34:10 UTC
Some believe they lived with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, some believe God left the skeletons on earth to test our faith.

I was raised to believe that God is so big and mighty, that a million years will seem like a day to him, so he says a day, as to not confuse our tiny human minds. So one day to God is like a million years to us.

So there are differant believes.
2006-09-04 06:27:30 UTC
Every thing created is created by God himself. The last of God's creation is Man. After God completed all His creation, He said," Let us create man, in our own likeness and image let us create him." So the creation of man is the most wonderful and the greatest creation among every thing God created on our planet the Earth. God's time cannot be measured like man's time. God exists in space and time that is not limited to past present and future. Understanding the Creator Himself is beyond human understanding. Hence, we human being must believe in God and not understand God; because the moment you understand God, then God becomes not God; why? Because if in our limited mind; if we have come to understand the Creator, then our mind becomes greater than the creator's mind himself. Think of this this way: If we can surround God by completely understand God in our limited mind, then we become greater than him as we reach to a stage of mind that can understand every thing about God and hence every thing about his creation, which consequently makes God bound by our minds. Therefore, God whom is understandable by man cannot be God. God is greater than what man understands and cannot be bound and limited as man is.

So God chose during His wonderful and splendid moments in his eternal existence; He chose to create the Dinosaurs. Later on, He decided to completely let the dinosaurs be extinct. So He did. What is so wrong about God's creation that He did 50 million years ago? God decided to put out His creation to an end; so God creates, and puts His creation to an end, and then creates another creation, then puts another to an end, and so on. God is the Creator of all things, He always creates and He always brings His creation to an end. Is that so difficult to understand? After all He is God. If you want to know God totally, then read about Jesus Christ himself. He is God. What Christ did while He was in human form reflects exactly the heart of God. Lazarus died, four days later Christ comes to the tomb and shouts :"Lazarus, to you I say arise." Immediately Lazarus arises. Was that easy to understand or is it hard? Because in the same manner that Jesus Christ did with Lazarus, God does when He creates. God creates by using his word. The rising of Lazarus from the grave after he had been dead for four days is a creation.
Amy R
2006-09-04 05:50:15 UTC
It does say in genesis that at some point there were 'great lizards'. Given that the name dinosaur means 'great lizard', we can assume they meant dinos. And yes, they were there before mankind.
2006-09-04 05:40:52 UTC
shane k
2006-09-04 05:36:11 UTC
I don't think most christians have a logical answer to this . In fact , when I was 12 and taking Catacism in church, I asked my pastor naively " where do the diosaurs fit into all of this?", not knowing what a great debate it was. He did not have an answer for me, he totally just tried to get me back in the Bible.
2006-09-04 05:39:44 UTC
Hello.. :)

Yes, I believe they existed along with men..what other animal on this earth fits this description below..

Job 40

15 Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.

16 Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.

17 He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.

18 His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron.

19 He is the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him.

20 Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play.

21 He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens.

22 The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about.

23 Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth.

24 He taketh it with his eyes: his nose pierceth through snares.

In Jesus Most Precious Name..

With Love..In Christ.. :)
2006-09-04 05:37:54 UTC

God did not make everything, he/she created the process of evolution, and that took care of evolving everything.

The dinasours came a long time after god had died.

Therefore Creationists are partly correct but Darwin was right
the ole ball and chain
2006-09-04 05:32:28 UTC
i asked the same question not long ago and christians believe that they lived at the same time because they metion beast and stuff in the bible and they say that is the dinosaurs

i believe they were before and i also believe that the bible is a book of bedtime stories
Jose Mariano
2006-09-04 05:40:04 UTC
They did not forget to put them in the Bible, Dinosaurs are reptiles and reptiles are animals.
True Blue Brit
2006-09-04 05:36:40 UTC
According to tradition, dinorsaurs were created millions of years ago. The act that killed the dinosars wrecked the earth and it lay wasted for millions of years. Until God recreated it for Adam.

Believe it or not, this is in the bible.
2006-09-04 05:48:45 UTC
Dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible.

In ancient Hebrew, The Behemouth means "Beast par eccelance"

and the Leviathan means a beast even far more powerful than the Behemoth.

Some versions say that Behemoth is referring to a Hippo, but a Hippo doe not have a tail that is like a cedar, and the Leviathan in some interpretations is said to be a Crocodile, but after reading the chapter, this is clearly not so.

Job 40:15 ΒΆ Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.

Job 40:16 Lo now, his strength [is] in his loins, and his force [is] in the navel of his belly.

Job 40:17 He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.

Job 40:18 His bones [are as] strong pieces of brass; his bones [are] like bars of iron.

Job 40:19 He [is] the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his sword to approach [unto him].

Job 40:20 Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play.

Job 40:21 He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens.

Job 40:22 The shady trees cover him [with] their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about.

Job 40:23 Behold, he drinketh up a river, [and] hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth.

Job 40:24 He taketh it with his eyes: [his] nose pierceth through snares.

Job 41:1 ΒΆ Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? or his tongue with a cord [which] thou lettest down?

Job 41:2 Canst thou put an hook into his nose? or bore his jaw through with a thorn?

Job 41:3 Will he make many supplications unto thee? will he speak soft [words] unto thee?

Job 41:4 Will he make a covenant with thee? wilt thou take him for a servant for ever?

Job 41:5 Wilt thou play with him as [with] a bird? or wilt thou bind him for thy maidens?

Job 41:6 Shall the companions make a banquet of him? shall they part him among the merchants?

Job 41:7 Canst thou fill his skin with barbed irons? or his head with fish spears?

Job 41:8 Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle, do no more.

Job 41:9 Behold, the hope of him is in vain: shall not [one] be cast down even at the sight of him?

Job 41:10 None [is so] fierce that dare stir him up: who then is able to stand before me?

Isa 27:1 In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that [is] in the sea.
2006-09-05 03:03:50 UTC
the people that wrote the bible were writing about a truth which was true to them at their time, it is not a compleltly factually correct document and should be taken with a pinch of salt
2006-09-04 05:49:50 UTC
i asked a similar question....where are all the creationist huh !!

oh bush country !!!

Dinosaurs = Reality

God = Nonsence

Religion = Control + Death
2006-09-04 17:09:20 UTC
Dinosaurs created by lucifer????

good grief whatever next?

think i`ll go have a valium sandwich
2006-09-04 05:32:32 UTC
The bible was written 2000 years ago. dinosaurs existed millions of years ago. how are people 2000 years ago gonna know what happened millions of years ago. they would hardly have had a delorean to go back to the future would they. Lay of the crack mate, its doing your head in for no reason.
2006-09-04 05:38:20 UTC
Todays reptiles are midget dinosaurs.
2006-09-04 05:32:56 UTC
You are taking the bible a little to literal. It is just a story and all stoeis have flaws
2006-09-04 05:37:42 UTC
They existed before man!! To God, one Day Might be like thousand years, just live you'r life, and dont question God!! Christ said, "Don't tempt my god"!!!!!
2006-09-04 05:40:13 UTC
its a very good point!!

i dont think in my limited reading of the Bible that i ever saw that either,

Are you certain its not something just made up by steven spielberg!!
2006-09-04 05:34:41 UTC
the bible is written using imagry,everything isn't meant literaly,time is relative:a day on earth is now 24 hours,a day on the moon is 28 days.
2006-09-04 05:38:15 UTC
it's in the bible, the eg. is in the book of Job. also check out:
Dragon Empress
2006-09-04 05:32:32 UTC
He took 6 days - 7th was a day of rest. Good question though
2006-09-04 05:33:13 UTC
That's a good question, as an an atheist not one I'm qualified to answer. I can however, tell you that if you ask a Jehovas Witness that when they knock on the door, they will *never* return. :)
2006-09-04 05:54:26 UTC
u stated from bible that God had created the world in 7 days. this means that the original bible has been interrupted by man for their own interest.
2006-09-04 05:38:26 UTC
The Bible is not a science textbook so it doesn't tell us
Rich S
2006-09-04 05:35:54 UTC
No god sorry.

Dont belive the fairy stories in that old book
2006-09-04 05:38:18 UTC
well theres a question.

maybe god didnt like them ,so he got rid of them and made us,we all make misstakes hehe,

boy did he make a big one ,

who were gods parents then?.

perhape we lived with them and god saw how nasty they were to us and decided to kill them off,

i quess we will never know will we ?.
2006-09-04 05:53:17 UTC
c hinduism is probably da only religion which belives nature created life n nothing else.. it believes dat there r five elementary constituents of life: earth, fire, wind, water n i dont remember da last one.. but all i can say is dat da hindus pray da wind, sun, fire, earth n water among others.. hence they have Pavan Dev [wind god] Surya Dev [sun god] Agni Dev [fire god] Bharat Mata [mother india, da birthland of hindus] n Ganga Maiya [mother ganga, da most important river in hinduism.. its like payin tribute to da creators..
happy_84 k
2006-09-04 05:32:27 UTC
i think they don't believe in Dinosaurs at all

Dinosaurs defy all Religions' ideas about creation
2006-09-04 05:34:32 UTC
yea and i was wondering at what point did he create monkeys.......

go read genesis chapter 1 again dude
2006-09-04 05:30:51 UTC
Yes they did.
2006-09-04 05:35:45 UTC
I think aliens put their skeletons there just to confuse us.
Tony Hi_teck
2006-09-04 05:31:15 UTC
No god trust me we evolved
2006-09-04 05:30:57 UTC

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