Just trying to keep you guys from doing something silly that we might all regret for a very long time...
Don't take the "stamping" too personal. It's completely defensive stamping. You can't expect us to be pleased when you call us godless heathens, try to walk all over us, inserting very specific religious propaganda into SECULAR school systems while masquerading as science itself. In public interviews, they won't reveal a single piece of what they actually want to teach. They won't answer questions about the Bible for some reason, but have no alternative justification. In short, they're hiding something and everybody knows it.
Creationism and intelligent design are not the same. Creationism arose from clearly religious motivations. For political reasons, its advocates found they could "sell" it better to non-fundamentalists if they downplayed the religious content and renamed it "creation-science". Intelligent design strips away even more of the religious context, concentrating on the notion of an "intelligent designer" who supposedly created the universe, and perhaps intervenes in natural processes from time to time to create new species of plants and animals.
ID claims that the evidence for the existence of an intelligent designer is found in the universe itself, and specifically in instances where natural laws "could not possibly" have brought about certain biological modifications through natural processes alone. Unlike creationism, intelligent design does not insist on an absurdly short age of the earth.
Scientists recognize that the so-called ID "theory" is not a scientific theory at all, and that its claims of supportive evidence from nature are contrived and easily shown to be invalid. But scientists now also realize they must not ignore this threat to scientific integrity, for it is part of an organized campaign with social and political goals and widespread grass roots support.
Evolution is a proven, working theory that has granted incredible insights into mechanics of the natural world. You know, the world in which science is based. Name one actual discovery that ID had lead to... Not one finding? I mean, come on. They're putting the Bible into a science class.
How can any reasonable person not feel the slightest bit awkward about this arrangement?
Catholics actually accept evolution now, so who's going to teach their version of ID? Certainly not protestants and their shining place in the center of the earth. Come on man, can't you see how big of a circus this is?
The world needs a little more rationality and I don't think some people are just quite getting the picture. You can't just move in and change the methods of science to gain support for a preconceived PERSONAL belief in supernatural forces. We're not just going to stand back and let you guys destroy everything that has been worked so hard for and has provided us with so much, just so you can continue to make-believe that the world revolves around Christian ideology.