Jehovah's Witnesses?
Mommy of 3
2007-11-28 03:40:39 UTC
We are taught the the New Testament was written primarily to the anointed and the scriptures that talk about heavenly life don't apply to those of us who are of the great crowd.

So, my question is How do I know which scriptures in the NT apply to me and which ones don't.

Matthew 28:19, 20 says "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit"

Wouldn't it be safe to assume that this scripture doesn't apply to me and therefore I don't have to spend hours out in service every month.After all Jesus was speaking to the 11 apostles at this time.

Or whose to say that the scripture at Hebrews 10:24,25 applies to me, If you look at verse 19,20 you will see that Paul was speaking to those who had a heavenly calling.

So, maybe I don't have to attend meetings 5 times a week. Maybe this is only the responsibility of the anointed.

How do you know these scriptures apply to you?
Twenty answers:
2007-11-28 07:41:43 UTC
Jesus was speaking to those who were to be annointed when he said: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And, look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”

Did you note he said to make disciples out of people of all the nations? These would be both of the annointed as well as those not annointed.

He said to teach "them to observe all the things I have commanded you." That would include the command to "go ... make disciples."

So although the command applied originally to the annointed, within that command itself is the basis for extending it to all who would do Jehovah's will.

Likewise with Hebrews 10:24, 25. This would be included for ALL disciples, because it is indirectly from Christ, as he is head of the Congregation and that command was inspired by Jehovah, and Jesus as head enforces Jehovah's commands.

Rather than be overly concerned about picking apart our beliefs, perhaps it would be more beneficial for all to assure that they are doing God's will. (Matthew 7:21; 1 John 2:17)
2007-11-28 17:17:08 UTC
Dear Sasi

Do make sure that you check the things you are taught with a normal Bible.

In Mark 16:15 Jesus tells the eleven disciples to:

'Go and proclaim the gospel (the good news) into all the world to the whole creation.

Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

...20. And they went out and preached everywhere, ...'

We are told that many are called but few are chosen. I believe one reason that they

are not chosen is because they don't want to do things the way God asks.

The Bible teaches that Jesus will return to set up his kingdom on earth, there is not this strange idea of different classes of believers.

Don't be disheartened by anything negative.

Read the scriptures for yourself. See Isaiah 40:10,11; 52:7-10; 65:17. That last reference is so worth reading.

There is a wonderful hope in the scriptures and through the grace of God it is offered to everyone.
2007-11-28 04:49:48 UTC
It is true that Jesus was speaking to his eleven apostles at that time when he was telling them to make disciples of people of all nations. This text applies to everyone! Paul wrote to the Romans in Romans 10:13,14 saying that how would someone be saved if someone doesn't preach to them? And in verse 15 it says "how comely are the geet of those who declare the good news of good things!" Don't you think that if Paul was to write this letter to all the Romans, don't you think that it applies to us as well? In Matthew 24:14 says that "the good news of the kingdome will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come". How would 144,000 people will be able to do that? Also, Jesus says that the last days will be just like the days of Noah. He says in chapter 24 and 25 that people will be preaching and that many will turn against it. If Noah and his family preached, why can't we?

Now talking about Hebrews 10:24, 25. To reunite like a congregations is an essencial part of our devotion to God. It has always been that way with early christians. In the book of Acts, it reveals to us that being together is an important step. In Acts 2:46, 47. It also applys to everyone because in John 17:3 says that those who have exact knowlege of God and of his son Jesus will have eternity. Here, it dosen't apply only to those who will have the heavenly calling. It goes for everyone.

In Psalms 37:10,11 says that "the meek one themselves will posses the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace" Of course, here is talking about the future, but only the meek ones will possess the earth. and like i said before that John 17:3 says that only those who have knowledge will gain everlasting life. Where can we do that? By assisting to the congregations.

As we see, ALL scriptures of the bible is beneficial for ALL. That is what 2 Timothy 3:15-17 says. If this dosen't answer your question, let me know.
2007-11-28 04:15:13 UTC
Revelation 22:17says: “The spirit and the bride keep on saying: ‘Come!’ And let anyone hearing say: ‘Come!’ and let anyone thirsting come; let anyone that wishes take life’s water free.” The “bride” is clearly identified in the Scriptures as the anointed Christian congregation, espoused to the heavenly Bridegroom, Christ Jesus. (Eph 5:25-27; 2Co 11:2; Re 19:7-9; 21:9-11) The invitation to “take life’s water free” presented by the heavenly “bride” class is obviously open to an unlimited number of persons, “anyone that wishes.”

Having accepted that invitation, being taught the truth and gaining accurate knowledge results in an obligation.

James 4:17  Therefore, if one knows how to do what is right and yet does not do it, it is a sin for him.

Rev 7:9-15 After these things I saw, and, look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands....they are before the throne of God; and they are rendering him sacred service day and night...

1 John 5:1-3 5 EVERYONE believing that Jesus is the Christ has been born from God, and EVERYONE who loves the one that caused to be born loves him who has been born from that one. 2 By this we gain the knowledge that we are loving the children of God, when we are loving God and doing his commandments. 3 For THIS IS WHAT THE LOVE OF GOD MEANS, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome.

So the great crowd are moved with love for Jehovah and are obligated to share the truth with others along with the Anointed class.
2007-11-28 10:29:23 UTC
"Wouldn't it be safe to assume that this scripture doesn't apply to me and therefore I don't have to spend hours out in service every month.After all Jesus was speaking to the 11 apostles at this time."

The answer is No.

Without the help of th earthly class, the preaching work would not get done as it is today.

"Or whose to say that the scripture at Hebrews 10:24,25 applies to me, If you look at verse 19,20 you will see that Paul was speaking to those who had a heavenly calling."

Paul was speaking to those with the Heavenly calling, but it also applies to us too. Why? Because we still all gather in one congregation. And if we are gathering, then we should apply these scriptures to ourselves.


No one is saying the scriptures are divided.


Anthea was right about using 1 John 5:1-3,5.

We are all Sons of God, be we are not all adoptive sons of God, which the anointed are. Job 1:6 calls the angels of God his sons, but they are not all begotten sons of God.

So Anthea was right for using this verse.


I have a question, What you are truly trying to do?

I don't have a problem with you asking questions, but its the way you're asking them. I've seen many Witnesses on here answer your questions the best way possible, but after the question is resolved, you give the best answer to a anti-Jehovah's Witnesses, without acknowledging the answer we gave you.

This is why people are asking you "are you truly one of Jehovah's Witnesses".. And again, its not because of the questions you're asking, its how you asking them.

I'm not trying to be mean but I just find it odd.


No, I'm not saying as if you were asking a lot of questions.

You're saying that we don't give our own views on the question, which is not true. We're only showing you what the Bible is talking about, but you didn't want to accept our answers.

I know which scriptures apply to me and which scriptures to not, just for the fact that I am not of the anointed. If I'm associated with certain things like in Hebrews 10:24,25, then I know these scriptures apply to me. If you were at the Bible study for the past 2 months or so, you will know the scriptures you stated applied to not only the Heavenly Class but the earthly class as well.

You just have to consider all the factors thats stated in the, and then meditating upon them.


Witnesses are on here all the time, and the best way to answer questions about our faith is to point them to a watchtower article. And just because some of the Witnesses do it, doesn't mean they can't answer the question on their own.


Simon Peter, thats wrong. When Jesus was on earth, he and his followers preached about the Kingdom of God, and thats exactly what we are doing.

Take a look at Matthew 24:14

"And this good news of the kingdom..."

As you can see, it says the good news OF THE KINGDOM will be preached throughout the world, but the only ones that are preaching about the Kingdom are the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Sorry, but most of what you said was inaccurate.
Hannah J Paul
2007-11-28 04:33:35 UTC
2 Timothy 3:16, 17 should give you a hint. Matthew 25:40 should give you another.

And I think it very possible that you personally can assume you should not be out in the public ministry. Because the command does not apply to you? No. Because of 1 Kings 18:21. The one limping upon two different opinions cannot obey Matthew 28:19 and 20; neither can that one obey Matthew 24:14 because that one's heart is unsteady, unsure and indecisive. How can that one teach anybody anything when that one vacillates on whether the teaching is true or applicable?

As for meetings, you do not have to attend them. You do not have to do anything you don't want to do. You never did. Your reasoning reflects that used by the certain man versed in the law at Luke 10:29. You will recall this account about the neighborly Samaritan. Verse 29 reports that the man versed in the law wanted to "prove" himself righteous. He really was not overly concerned about whether he was truly on the road to gaining eternal life. He wanted to show Christ that he was doing enough. He wanted to prove his righteousness.

So he asked Christ Jesus: "who really is my neighbor?" Because, of course, his attitude was that loving one's neighbor only applied to his fellow Jews. This attitude is made obvious by the illustration that followed. I am sure you recall it. About the Jew who was robbed and lay beaten. Two of his fellow Jews passed him by without a care. You might want to review the illustration to remind yourself of the details. Then Christ finished up with the question: "Which of these men does it seem to you to have MADE HIMSELF neighbor to the man that fell among the thieves?" Almost begrudgingly, the man replied: "The one that acted mercifully." Who acted mercifully? The Samaritan. Samaritans, you will recall, were hated by the Jews. And Jesus told the man versed in the law: "go your way and be doing the same yourself."

What is the application in the present case? Perhaps you are not genuinely concerned about which scriptures apply to the great crowd, but rather, you are more concerned about proving your conduct is already "righteous" – already acceptable in its own right without having to apply any other scriptures which you seem to question at every turn.

Christian meetings are a merciful provision from God. They educate, refresh and encourage us. They are a blessing. All of God's provisions act like a seatbelt – not a straitjacket.

Sharing the good news of the kingdom with others in the ministry is a blessing for the hearer as well as the one sharing the good news. Do you think Noah built that Ark by himself? Or don't you realize that his family helped him? Eight people built that Ark. How many survived the Flood? (eight).

Hannah J Paul
2007-11-28 12:27:35 UTC
The Mosaic Law , is that applied to you or to the Israelites? If the Mosaic Law is applied to you then you are still under that Law.

1 Tim 5:3 states “Honor widows that are actually widows”. Now are the widows here “NOT” actually widows?

Gal 5:28 states “28 In this way husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies”

Is that command for husbands, also for the wives?

We all benefit and learn from ALL these scriptures. It doesn’t mean that ALL Bible commands should apply to ALL persons
2007-11-28 03:49:14 UTC
Well i am not a Jehovah"s witness but a Christan and what i will say is that the bible is the word of God that he wants you to read and learn from you don't really need someone to be pin putting everything to you.All you have to do before you read the bible is pray to the Holy Spirit to give you understanding to his word and you read am sure the Lord will help you and please you works can never be in vain it is recorded in the book of life
2007-11-28 11:37:11 UTC
Here is a reasonable answer. We are Christians. We follow Jesus Christ himself. What did he do? Preached, met at the temple or at the synagogue (no meetings back then).

I hope that makes sense, without all the non-sense. But my question to you is: Why are you still answering other questions in this forum as a Jehovah's Witness when you obviously have serious problems with their "Watchtowery" teaching? Please stop.
2007-11-28 12:05:37 UTC
I hope you don't mind an answer from someone who was almost a JW, but by the grace of God, I was able to see the light before becoming fully ensnared by their theology.

I wanted to respond to your question because I felt exactly the same way when I was debating as to whether I should become a Witness or not. The Bible says we must be born of water and spirit - but the JW's told me to ignore the "born of spirit",- that didn't apply to me - but the "born of water" (baptism) DID apply to me. It's all in the same verse - John 3:5 - so how could one part apply, but not the other??? Also, I didn't feel right about NOT eating the bread or drinking the wine at the Lord's Supper - if it's supposed to be for a memorial or remembrance, shouldn't everyone remember Jesus in that way? Why should you even attend if you're just going to "pass" anyway?

I asked the very question then that you're asking now, and I didn't get any better answers than you're getting.
2007-11-28 11:19:49 UTC
Paul states in a letter to the Ephesians, that it is God's purpose to gather people to both earthly and heavenly destinies. "It is according to his good pleasure which he purposed in himself for an administration at the full limit of the appointed times, namely, to gather all things together again in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth."

If you suppose that the "things in the heavens" are angels, you would have to explain why Christ would need to gather angels to himself.

No, "the things in the heavens" actually refers to the anointed; even while they are on the earth.

That is made apparent by Paul a little further on, where he says at Ephesians 2:6: "And he raised us up together and seated us together in the heavenly places in union with Christ Jesus, that in the coming systems of things there might be demonstrated the surpassing riches of his undeserved kindness in his graciousness toward us in union with Christ Jesus."

So, Paul refers to those in union with Christ as being seated in the "heavenly places" even in this system. So, that means that "the things on earth" are those who hope to survive the great tribulation and inherit the earth.

The "one hope" Paul referred to in that context was the heavenly hope of the one body of Christ; but it also certainly applies in principle to "the things on the earth" since they also have hope that Christ will provide them with salvation two.

As for what applies to who? The very definition of a Christian means a follower of Christ. John chapter ten speaks of two folds of sheep but they both listen to Jesus voice. Verse nine says anyone who follows Jesus will be saved so all his instructions are for any sheep unless specify spelled out such as telling Paul "keep doing this in remembrance of me."
2007-11-28 05:18:49 UTC
I have wondered about this as well..I am glad you asked. You know, I was raised for over 30 years as a JW's, and NEVER knew that the NT was for the anointed, mainly. YOu know what else I didn't know until about a year ago? That they believe that Jesus is Michael...How did I not know this? Either I didn't pay attention very well..or it wasn't of importance to be taught it.

I hope you continue to ask these question. Pray so hard, day and night and Jehovah God will help you to answer all of them.

these might be of interest to you..they are not anti witness web sites..but if you read these..just think what this may very well mean..give it some thought..and prayer.

The bottom web site is for you to see the pictures..There are larger ones on line. You just have to search for it. I didn't put that web site up for you to read. It is not of interest to me personally..but the pictures are..I find it interesting. If you research this further..I imagine you would as well..anyone with a thirst for answers would.
2007-11-28 09:46:57 UTC
You raise an interesting point. Jehovah's Witnesses believe only 144,000 have been fully anointed with God's Holy Spirit and only they have a heavenly hope. The millions of other Jehovah's Witnesses have been told that they are not fully anointed and that the Holy Spirit is not inculcating in them a desire to go to heaven. Only the 144,000 are in the New Covenant that Jesus established 2,000 years ago. Which begs the following questions:

Since the 'other sheep', the 'great crowd' are not in the New Covenant , how are they to be saved?

How can the shed blood of Christ cover their sins if they cannot partake of the bread and wine as Jesus commanded his followers to do?

How are they going to survive Armageddon if, as Revelation says only those with the seal on their foreheads (the symbolic 144,000) will be spared?

And how do the 'Great Multitude' from every nation, tribe, people and language get to stand before the throne and in front of the Lamb (which is in heaven), wearing white robes washed in the blood of the Lamb?

This is not possible unless you are born again by the Holy Spirit. But, according to the Watch Tower Society, only 144,000 people will ever by born again by the Holy Spirit.

Hebrews explains in detail how Christ is the High Priest of the New Covenant and that only those who are in that New Covenant can be made holy, and can call God 'Abba, Father'.

A person can go from door to door 365 days a year and attend meetings 52 weeks a year, but that of itself, will not save anyone because salvation is a gift - a gift from God to ALL who call upon the name of Jesus and accept him as Lord and Saviour. No amount of hard work or good deeds can save anyone. Only by being fully anointed with the Holy Spirit and entering into the New Covenant can we be assured that our sins have been forgiven. And when God says ALL who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved, he does not mean only 144,000. He means you and he means me.

So, do you have to go from door to door and attend meetings 5 times a week? According to the Watch Tower Society that's the only way you MIGHT survive Armageddon. Doesn't say that in my Bible.

P.S. I add a sincere and heartfelt 'Amen' to Carol D's prayer.
the truth has set me free
2007-11-28 09:36:04 UTC
You raise some very salient points. I think you know in your heart that the NT applies to ALL who accept Christ as their saviour and not just an elect few as the society teaches. Teaching that some are different than others, are members of the elite, is a classic way to control the masses. Think of the British Empire and it's ruling classes and the power it had over the lives of millions of ordinary people; have you never heard of the expression 'divide and conquer'. There is but one class, one hope; Ephesisan 4:4,5 'One body there is and one spirit, even as you were called in the ONE HOPE to which you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism. I pray that the Holy Spirit continues to work within you and the truth shines forth. Blessings.
Carol D
2007-11-28 09:50:31 UTC
From your edit (which is as follows),

You put 2 Timothy 3:16,17 which says ALL Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.

No where does the Bible give evidence that it is divided, whereas some scripture apply to the great crowd and others only apply to the 144,000.

I believe your next obvious question should be is the seperation of the 2 classes truly scriptural. For IF you take that out of your equation, then the house of cards will continue to fall apart.

ALL scripture is inspired and beneficial for ALL persons. All things apply to all who have professed Christ as their Savior, which I certainly hope you have despite your denominational choice. So, logically the scriptures that have been highlighted by the WBTS as seperations of the 2 classes for heavenly and earthly hopes are misapplied and misinterpreted and mistaught (AKA LIED TO YOU ABOUT) by the WBTS.

I truly pray for God's guidance and Holy Spirit to be upon you as you endeavor to search for Him and His truth, not man's.
2007-11-28 03:44:02 UTC
"Oh and please do not say you should go talk to your elders"

That answer is very simple. we are not as stupid as you want to make us believe.

all the people who "wash" their robes with Jesus´s blood the 144000 and the great crownd, we love Jesus Chirst.

Revelation 7:9 "After these things I saw, and, look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands.

10 And they keep on crying with a loud voice, saying: “Salvation [we owe] to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb"

If you love him, you obey him (1John) and Jesus command his followers to do certain thing .

John 17:3 "Learn from His father Jehovah and from him"

and that is why we go to our five meeting, you know it is a shame that all JWs know waht date Jesus Died for our sins and the majority of people don´t know that, we learnt that in our meeting.

we are helping to ther 144000 preach the message of GOd´s kingdom, they are few while we are growing and we gave them our support, that was foretold in Isaiah 60:22

"The little one himself will become a thousand, and the small one a mighty nation. I myself, Jehovah, shall speed it up in its own time.”

both are saved with the same blood of Jesus so both have exactly the same responsability... unless you can prove the opposite.... but are saved but the place we are going to live 144000 in heaven ruling with Jesus and the great crownd ruled by Jesus both are in a very good conditions in front of God and the lamb.

So the commands was for Christians and both groups are christians.

"Wouldn't it be safe to assume" SAFE? to Dissobey God´s and Jesus Command? let supposed we are not commanded if Jesus said in Matthew 5:41

"And if a person wants to go to court with you and get possession of your inner garment, let your outer garment also go to him; 41 and if someone under authority impresses you into service for a mile, go with him two miles. "

I f we have to do that for an stranger why we wouldn´t do that for Jesus Christ and God almighty command it?

Can you prove that that command id not also for us? No then ... simple obey it, you don´t like to go to meeting to learn from God and his purpose ?
2007-11-28 09:32:25 UTC
If you meditate on the scripture in Ephesians 4:4 you should gain clarity. It reads, 'There is one body and one Spirit - just as you were called to one hope when you were called - one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all'. Note, however, that the 'all' refers to all who have this one hope - the heavenly calling. Only those who are 'in' Christ are addressed. It is a gross distortion of scripture to put 'in union with Christ' when the Bible simply says 'in Christ'. Only the anointed are 'in Christ'.

If you then look at the salutations in the Greek scriptures at the start of the letters, you will see that those not anointed are not addressed. For example, the 1st letter of Peter: 'To God's elect... who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit...' Only the anointed are God's elect.

Also, the 2nd letter of Peter: 'To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours... so that through the promises you may participate in the divine nature...': That's the 'one faith' Paul spoke of in Eph 4:4 which makes believers part of the body of Christ. So if you are not yet a member of Christ's body, those 2 letters are not addressed to you. Nothing in them applies to you.

The answers to your questions are in the Greek scriptures.
Simon Peter
2007-11-28 12:44:43 UTC
Actually, I will give Hannah her props for using 2 Tim. 3:16. That would have been one of my choices, in fact. Paul is clear, here, that all Scripture is good for all of the things he lists and nowhere does he say that it is only good for these things for some people and not others. Good choice of scripture, Hannah.

Now, as to the door-to-door work, let's look closely at what Jesus is saying in Matt. 28: 19, 20 in CONTEXT:

When He said, “Go therefore”, He made absolutely NO MENTION of house to house preaching. And, yes, you are correct that He was speaking to His immediate disciples who were gathered around Him waiting to see Him ascend into heaven--Acts 1 picks up where the Gospels end.

Now, let's just say, for the sake of arguement, that this verse does command us to go house to house preaching. Then, we want to know just what the Gospel we are to preach consists of, do we not?

According to the context of MT 28, we are to preach JESUS CHRIST RISEN from the dead (V 7), so that those who hear will be filled with great joy and a desire to worship HIM (V 8, 9,17).

We are NOT to be running around claiming to be prophets of God and telling people that our specific denomination is the only means of salvation and that people must jump on our bandwagon in order to be saved.

We are to preach JESUS--not even Jehovah--but JESUS. This is what Jesus said here.

Furthermore, our message, according to Him, should include the fact that He has ascended back to heaven with all power and glory (V 18).

Our objective, He says, is to baptize those who believe, in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. Not to baptize people into an organization.

And we are to teach people what Jesus commanded as well as His assurance that He is with us.

We are not to be teaching people to look forward to specific dates of His return so that they join us out of fear. In contrast, we are to comfort them with this promise and to assure them that He will return for His church and that, even though we may not know the day nor the hour, we should be ever watchful.

Now THAT is what we are commanded to do here.
2007-11-28 11:51:58 UTC
What you are going through makes my heart ache for you, and I will keep you foremost in my prayers. it is very painful. Lean on god, and he will be our strength.

If I were your sister I would give you a hug, and embrace your worries and try to answer them for you, It grieves me to see what the Witnesses are doing to you. It feels really abusive to me.
2007-11-28 03:43:03 UTC
i never open the door for them ,they act like there better than anyone else..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.