This is one thing that I can never understand?
2009-11-13 04:03:15 UTC
Not that i love islam or say that all muslims are good people. In fact lots of muslims are intolerant and very wicked people too.

But when we look at this war on terror subject it seems that the only lives that have become worthless are the lives of muslims who keep getting killed daily by other muslims and so called mistakes that western soldiers keep making by gunning down innocent muslims.

When a western soldier gets killed its always a crime , but when muslims are killed there is no one to call it a crime.

Why has the lives of westerners become so sacred while the lives of muslims have become disposable?
Seventeen answers:
Nikon f5
2009-11-13 04:09:13 UTC
Just like in school when bullies had a little sycophantic group America bullies it's way throughout the world and through spin blinds people to reality.
2009-11-13 04:13:43 UTC
How many Muslims do you actually know? I don't like to generalize about any group, but having spent some time in Muslim countries I can honestly say that they are some of the nicest people I have ever met. I have more problems with Christians than I have with Muslims.

In case you haven't been listening, there are A LOT of people, Muslim and non Muslim, who have been calling the deaths of innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan a crime. They've been doing so for years.
2009-11-13 04:42:25 UTC
Any country where war takes place, the citizens are always the ones who end up suffering. Its not a religious thing either, take WW2 in Europe for example, both sides where Christian and of the same faith, ended up bombing each others towns and cities, those people being bombed where innocent and had nothing to-do with the fighting.

Modern armies today are all about overkill, they send rockets that cost 10s of thousand's to kill one man with a rifle. In my mind is like shooting a mouse with an elephant gun. Given that, allot of fighting is done in towns. Of course we hear about the soldiers who have died, but for one 1 soldier I wouldn't be surprised if 10 civilians are dead, maybe more.

Modern warfare is cowardice and relies on crippling a country into submission, but the funny thing is how do you deal with these terrorist's or in their mind freedom fighters, who don't have a country?
2016-12-03 07:07:40 UTC
Why is "vast" a sprint be conscious Why is "little" a great be conscious Why are weekends so quickly and weekdays so sluggish Why do undesirable ingredients flavor solid and strong ingredients are boring Why does a fan get so labored up over a activities group whilst the gamers on that group do not understand and don't care that the fan exists Why did a guy i replaced into attracted to desire as much as now my roommate who had no activity in him Why does my cat throw up on the carpet instead of the floor the place there's no carpeting Why have not the Cubs gained a international sequence in view that 1908 and why replaced into the final group they beat interior the international sequence the Tigers? If the retirement age is raised to 70 the place are the previous human beings going to locate a place to paintings? Why am I spending time answering this question?
2009-11-13 04:36:23 UTC
Hmmm, I'm wondering why I get that smell of a clone here?

Conas tá tú, Belfast Girl?

Many a "Western" soldier dies in the line of duty everyday in a foreign land where he or she was sent to help bring order.

Have you heard of people calling that a crime?

You say that "Western soldiers" gun down innocent victims; but, have you or any of your Liberal friends ever been there see the truth?

Have you seen children using AK 47's to shoot down soldiers who hesitate, more often than not, fatally because it's a child facing them?

Have you seen a lame Iraqi child blown up in the wheel chair that the GI's got for the poor polio lame kids there by getting their families to beg in the churches here and buy them for those poor kids that used to drag themselves around, just because the Ba'athists did want the local people to consider the GIs as the human beings they were?

Have you seen the crazed wannabe "martyr" open indiscriminate fire on a crowd or blow himself or herself up just because they "believe" that a reward awaits them in Heaven?

Have you had a crowd of people below shoot automatic weapons at you and then have it claimed that it was a "Wedding Party" celebrating that you returned the fire upon? Do you even know that they would take a newly married couple and shoot them to fall among the dead to bolster their story?

Sure, according to our Liberals and the Muslims, these are grave war crimes; because they will not allow the complete real story to emerge for fear of retaliations against local Muslims by our people. After all, our GIs are expendable, so that the Vote Banks may be "appeased", isn't it?

Have you ever stopped to think, even for a moment, that if our "Western soldiers" were to really have been able to do half the things that they are accused of, that a lot of Muslims would have really been dead there, and less of the casualties would have been our own?

If you cannot respect the sacrifices that our Western soldiers do for you, at least, don't go around talking absolute balderdash.
2009-11-13 04:38:59 UTC
@:Why has the lives of westerners become so sacred while the lives of muslims have become disposable?:

Like you said at the beginning, they kill each other as a sport.

[their life is worthless at that point].

They would do the [same thing] if it wasn't a war.

Women FIRST!
Devilishly Sexy MasterMinD
2009-11-13 04:38:30 UTC
I know, I know. That's why I'm so depressed over what's happening over Iraq, Afghanistan and now Pakistan T_T

I mean, why kind of a crazy logic is at work over bombing your own brothers and sisters while at the same time claiming to fight in the path of God and the religion you and them have in common?

The people pulling the strings over these terrorist acts have other agendas in mind, but the ones at the grassroots, the ones actually committing the act, say by blowing himself up, how brainwashed can he be that he can't see with a clear conscience just how cruel and gruesome of an act he's pulling off and that too over none other than HIS OWN PEOPLE ?!!

What kind of logic is at work here? How can these terrorists be that insane? HOW?!!
2009-11-13 21:34:48 UTC
thank you B/girl)

i hope this will help you to Undrestand!!!! the actual Fact.

Harmfulness of factionalism

You cannot assess what harm has been caused to Muslims by this factionalism. Merely to say the Muslims are one Ummah. There are eight crores of them in Hindustan. If such a big community were really united and worked hand in hand to raise aloft Allah's Kalima, who has the guts in the world to subdue them?

But, in reality, due to this sectionalism this Ummah has been split into hundreds of factions.

Their hearts are sore with each other. They cannot stand together even at the time of the gravest crisis.

The Muslim belonging to one faction is as much, rather more, prejudiced against the Muslim belonging to another faction.

There have been cases when a member of one Muslim faction sided with unbelievers to humiliate a member of another Muslim faction.

In such a situation, don't be surprised to see Muslims overpowered and dominated upon.

This is what they have earned by their own hands.

(6:65) Say:

"It is He Who has the power to send forth chastisement upon you from above you, or from beneath your feet, or split you into hostile groups and make some of you taste each others' violence.

Behold, how We set forth Our signs in diverse forms, so that maybe they will understand the Truth".

That is to say, one form of punishment is that Allah divides you into different groups and you finish yourselves by cutting each other's throat.


This punishment which is being suffered by Muslims in the whole of Hindustan(muslim countires) seems most pronounced in the Punjab. Here the intersections strifes of Muslims are the highest in number throughout the country, and it is due to this that in spite of your numerical majority in the Punjab, your strength is ineffectual. If you want your well-being, you must break these groups, live as brothers unto one another and become one united Ummah.

There is nothing in the Shari`ah of God on the basis of which Ahl-i-Hadith, Hanafi, Deobandi, Brelvi, Shi`ah, Sunni etc. can constitute as separate Ummahs.

These Ummahs are the product of ignorance.

Allah made only one Ummah : "Ummah-e-Muslimah".
2009-11-13 04:10:31 UTC
All lives are cheap because religious people have this misguided view that there is something after death other than becoming worm food.

My mate was walking down the Falls road years ago when someone stuck a gun in his back and whispered in his ear "catholic or protestant?", being a smart **** he answered "jewish", wasn't so pleased when the gunman whispered "really? I must be the luckiest fcuking arab in Belfast".
Big Steve
2009-11-13 04:10:07 UTC
well, from a perspective of a US soldier, anyone they see could be a terrorist hiding a bomb or assault rifle under their clothes, it puts you on edge, finger on the trigger, suspicious of everyone you see not in an army uniform

its not right, but thats the experience over there and it leads to the deaths of innocent civilians

and media in this country, the US, is not concerned when people from another country are killed, for obvious reasons
Jesus is my Gardener
2009-11-13 04:11:09 UTC
Engaging in combat without a uniform violates international law and treaties like the Geneva Convention no longer protect you. The Geneva Convention also specifically places blame on civilian casualties on the group firing out of the civilian area, not the ones who return fire. It is very specifically spelled out.

So is a crime for the Muslims to fight the way they are, and the blame for most of the civilian deaths under international law is totally theirs.
2009-11-13 04:11:15 UTC
Simple. The Muslims want the war with all their heart, and the Western Soldiers just want to be left alone.

The Muslims want Jihad. The Western Soldiers want the Muslims to stop planting bombs and flying airplanes into buildings.
2009-11-13 04:45:01 UTC
Who made the situation like this? This was not the situation of a Muslim before. They only made it in this way. Nobody to blame. they themselves.
2009-11-13 04:09:57 UTC
That is only in the Western media I don't think Al Jazeera report it like that
2009-11-13 04:08:58 UTC
The U.S invades a defenseless country, then train it's people to kill and hate their own countrymen.
2009-11-13 04:08:30 UTC
That's a matter of perspective.
I Love TED!!
2009-11-13 04:06:54 UTC
Welcome to politics / propaganda >.>

If you believe anything media says in ANY country you generally deserve to be manipulated

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.