You are in no position to tell me or anyone else what to believe or not to believe.
The majority of Christians do NOT "believe in the ancestral line back to Adam," that is b.s.
The ONLY line of importance to Christianity is the fact that Jesus was born to the HOUSE OF DAVID. Adam was an allegorical character, not an actual person.
The majority of Christians DO accept evolution and even common descent. Adam was symbolic of the first person to become aware of good and evil in the world.
Noah was also an allegorical figure -- not an actual person. There were NO Hebrew people until Genesis 12 -- when God spoke to Abraham. That is a fact.
You know less than nothing and ignorance is NOT a virtue!
Even when reading a text 'literally', one is still obliged to research the symbolism, metaphorical expressions, idioms, and at the very least, the correct translation of the terms, and of course, to understand the cultural context. The YEC fundees/fringe (and ironically some atheists) have not bothered to do so.
The word "yom" can refer to a day, but it also refers in the context of Genesis 1, to an undetermined "period of time." Ancient Hebrew had only 8700 vocabulary words, and many words had multiple meanings.
The idiomatic expression "evening and morning" signified the ending of one period and the beginning of another.
Psalms 90:4 "For a thousand years are but a day in your sight."
2 Peter 3:8 "For a thousand years in your sight are like a day."
Showing time is meaningless for our eternal God.
Also, in Genesis 2:4 "These are the GENERATIONS of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the DAY that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens". Why use the word "generations" when speaking of a "day" if it were a 24 hour "day"? More importantly, WHY did the fringe cults and fundamentalists CHANGE this key verse??
And please explain how it was a solar-24 hour day when the sun was not "created" until the 4th "day"?
One obvious symbol in Genesis 2 is " the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." The eating of its fruit represents the beginning of the mixture of good and evil together in humanity. It was believed that before our consciousness, our awareness, of good and evil, the two were separate, and the potential for evil only existed outside of us. The "talking snake" represents a manifestation of evil that existed outside of us. When the forbidden fruit was consumed and internalized, this changed and gave rise to the "yeitzer hara," or our inclination to commit evil ourselves.
The threat of "death" is not physical but spiritual. Adam was not struck dead when eating the metaphorical fruit. Disobeying God and eating the fruit caused mankind to experience spiritual separation from God (being expelled from the metaphorical Garden).
The first person to propose the concept of the "big bang" was a Belgian priest/physics professor - Msgr. Georges Lamaitre (see The Primeval Atom).
The RCC, the Orthodox churches, the Church of England, and all mainstream Christian denominations (oldest & largest) – even Orthodox Jews -- accept evolution, the big bang, etc. because the average ten year old can see that the Bible is NOT a science textbook.
Genesis 1 is a song of praise to the miracle of creation – not a science paper. The sooner the fundamentalists/fringe cults realize that, the better it will be for everyone.
Our genome contains our entire evolutionary history, as does the genome of every living organism. Denying this is really pointless.
So what if our physical bodies have evolved? It is our souls/spirits (aka "God's image") that are important, not our physical bodies!
Only funDs like the Southern Baptists and fringe cults like the SDA reject science, but they love to parade their ignorance about science and theology in public. So, they manage to make all people of faith look dimwitted. Which cult are you in?
Ignorance of abiogenesis (organic chemistry); evolution (biology, genetics, etc.); the big bang (cosmology, physics, astronomy, etc.) will do very little to convince anyone that you should be trusted about matters that have no physical evidence, like the belief in God and our spirituality.
Luke 16:10 -- If you can’t be trusted with unimportant things (physical reality) how can you be trusted with important things (spirituality)?
Science explains the world we believe God created. Why be afraid of knowledge?
This is a Christian website, maybe it will help you understand that there doesn't have to be a conflict between faith and science & there isn't for most Christians (just ignore the ads).
This is a paper by a Russian Orthodox Christian & respected evolutionary biologist:
Theodosius Dobzhansky -- "Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution".
In this essay from American Biology Teacher, March 1973 (, Dobzhansky shows how evolution is the cornerstone which supports and unifies the many fields within biology.
and for the ignorant here:
Please learn what a scientific “theory” means. You are embarrassing yourselves and all people of faith.