I"ma 12 year old wanting to learn how to be a wicca does anyone know a good spellbook to start off on?
2007-08-18 13:47:13 UTC
I want to know a good spellbook to start off on but.. the main spell i've been looking for is to open the third eye to do levitation and stuff.......i'm accpeting links to books..i'd really love it though if the site u give me is a free spell site
23 answers:
2007-08-18 14:02:07 UTC
Wait till you are 18. I don't think you really know what Wicca is or what it is about.

There is more to Wicca than spell craft. Wicca is a spiritual and religious path and from your question, you should mature more before considering it.

Leigh-Ann A
2007-08-20 16:24:28 UTC
To be Wiccan you absolutely do not start with a spellbook. Wicca is a spiritual path that requires a great deal of study before you touch any spellbooks, if you ever do (many Wiccans never pick up a single spellbook). If you are serious about Wicca, you must first study the philosophical and spiritual aspects before you worry about things like opening the third eye (which, if you are 12, you are a little young to attempt on your own anyway). If you are not willing to take the time to study the spirituality of Wicca first, then Wicca is not for you.
2007-08-18 14:08:01 UTC
first, allow me to elaborate on the concept of magick. contrary to what harry potter or the craft may have had you believe, there isn't anything magical about a spell. the spells and the rituals behind them are just tools to evoke a response deep within yourself to accomplish a given task.

so, you can write your own spells. using your creativity will increase your success tenfold.

2nd... meditation and visualization are crucial to the success of magick. your mind has to be in a certain state that can only be achieved through these tools. become proficient at both. practice several times each day if possible.

3rd... levitation... i've never been able to do that, but beliefs regarding how it works allow for the possibility. if you do, please... let us know. email me! lol. i have friends that make this claim, but i think they're full of crap. lol.

your 3rd eye will open through visualization, meditation, and generally getting better at all this stuff.. it all starts with practice.

finally, Wicca is a very specific, nature based religion. How much do you appreciate nature? A lot? A little? Not at all? Something to think about. Witchcraft is a practice which requires no real caring about anything. However, if you want to be a Wiccan, all the more power to ya! ;) spend tons of time outdoors and try to find harmony with nature before going any further.

ok. i plug this person's homepage all the time. listed below is a website with a course outline for wicca and witchcraft. read all about it there:
2007-08-18 13:57:34 UTC
Honey, PLEASE do a bit more research!

I'm not saying that Wicca is not a valid and wonderful belief system. I have much respect for Wiccans in general. But I do not think that you have researched this choice enough. You need to understand the belief system before you start trying to "practice" it!

Wicca is not just "casting spells". It is a lot more. You should start by reading a few books or web sites, and getting a valid view of several different sects of Wicca.

And most of all, I would like to point out that you are 12 years old! You are BY FAR not old enough to be making such transitions.

Also, think about why you really want to study Wicca. Is it just to be "different"? Is it because you want to make people see how awesome and freaky you are? Or is it a good old parent piss off?
carpathian mage
2007-08-18 14:08:29 UTC
I would first recommend learning about Wicca before attempting spells, if you can make your way through the following book, then you might want to concentrate on your place in nature, responsibility and consequence.

Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner

By Scott Cunningham
Dom D
2007-08-18 14:02:08 UTC
I'd suggest looking at theology first if you want to be Wiccan. One of my favorites is:

It has a page about traditions and different pagan practices.

Now, if you're only interested in witchcraft (yes, it is very separate from Wicca, although it can be used in conjunction), you still need to do some research and a LOT of practice. It takes dedication, willpower, and time to be a witch. I don't know any books off the top of my head, but I'd say check around online to see if there are any local bookstores in your area that sell books like that. Again, Witches' Voice will have some very good recommendations for beginners.

Good luck!
2007-08-18 15:09:10 UTC
If you're looking to do some reading, I'd recommend "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" by Scott Cunningham, and "The Triumph of the Moon" by Ronald Hutton. I advise you to stay away from anything by Silver Ravenwolf, for reasons outlined in the following essay:

EDITED TO ADD: In response to sigyns_bowl... no, the problems that many Wiccans have with Silver Ravenwolf go a bit beyond the fact that she's making money. *points to the essay link once more* I have read her books, and find both her ethics and her scholarship to be rather shoddy.
2007-08-18 13:59:59 UTC
Well, Wicca is a religion, it's not just about casting spells. Get to know some more stuff about it and then try some spells.

2007-08-18 13:53:07 UTC
You might want to read up on the differences between different groups of Wiccans first. Then understand what Wicca is truely about "Earth worship" as far as levitation... good luck on that.
Sean L.
2007-08-19 18:39:36 UTC
NO!!! In Wicca you write your own spells. not copy other peoples. And also, the third eye has NOTHING to do with the Craft, the third eye is for psychics.
2007-08-18 14:01:13 UTC
Wow, so you want to be Harry Potter huh? Maybe you should read the "Rouge Warrior" series and become a Navy SEAL too!

Kid, Wicca is all crap, you can't levitate, cast spells or make pigs dance.

if your looking for a spiritual following, find a Martial arts studio and invest your time with that.
2007-08-18 14:30:52 UTC
Hmmm...welll, before you start casting spells all over the place, make sure you realize that Wicca is a real religion. It's not a hobby and it is not like Hollywood. We don't ride brooms, our finger doesn't zap to make things disappear, etc. You should study Wicca much more before you try any spellwork, as I said before. GoodLuck! ;)

Try reading a book by Scott Cunningham! Or read this book by Ellen Dugan. It is for teens and it is one of my favorites:

It has tons about Wicca, the God & Goddess, Spells, Magick, the Sabbats, the Esbats, and more! Good Luck! :]
2007-08-18 13:55:26 UTC
well, wicca is a good place 2 start off on witchcraft but u should be careful and it is a sin also , but do as u wish!

is a good site and is 2! try them and learn more! good luck!
Cheryl E
2007-08-18 14:00:35 UTC
I find it ironic that so many are telling this young person not to explore Wicca, but would heartily encourage attendance at Sunday school and church activities.
2007-08-18 13:55:07 UTC
You are too young and my third eye is wide open and levitation does not come with this...
2007-08-18 13:52:18 UTC
Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
2007-08-18 14:04:42 UTC
Sorry to disappoint you but Harry Potter is as close as it gets. HP is just a make-believe story but Wicca spells are make-believe too. If you don't believe that ask some Wiccans to show you what their spells can do. Don't believe it until you see it.
2007-08-18 14:57:08 UTC
Wicca is an intiatory mystery religion. It is not merely spellcraft, although it is part of it. Wicca does not accept initiates under the age of 18, unless they are already part of a wiccan family, and the parents are involved in the training of their under age witchling. As far as spell craft goes, there are plenty of books out there that have tons of spells in them. Trish Telesco has a few, she even has a book for teens who are interested.

here is a book geared for young men

If you are interested in levitation, know that it is a parlor trick and information about it is available here

as far as free books an wicca:

we call it the "big blue badge book"

As for "opening your third eye" you do not need a spell for that... you need to learn to medititate. Here is a website that discribes such a medititation

and a note to tiger lily rain... you have been misinformed child...

Silver Raven Wolf, is in fact a real wiccan with a real lineage, as noted here

She is listed under the Clan Regan lineage as "Black Forest Tradition"

Being so young I highly doubt that you have ever even read one of her books and you just swallowed some crap from some "elder" who is pissed that Silver is making bank, and the said "elder" is living off of welfare...

Edited to respond to Prairie Crow:

I believe that an author’s value should be judged on their body of work, not just on one or two books or even worse snippets of books taken out of context. I believe that someone who is interested in a topic should read all they can on that topic so that they may judge for themselves what is helpful and what is worthless. Personally I have issues with several new age & wiccan authors, but I NEVER encourage someone not to read them. Just because I have issues with a few factual errors in Ray Buckland’s blue book, shoddy research, in Raven Grimaassi's work or made up crap in Edain McCoy's or Ralph Blum's books, that does not mean that all of their collected works are worthless, and not to be read by anyone. It seems popular and very common for some in the BTW community to enforce censorship on Ravenwolf. This all started with the "Teen Witch scandal." The original beef with Ravenwolf was that it was irresponsible to teach those under the age of 18. All this nonsense & taking quotes out of context to "prove" that she has questionable ethics, etc. happened afterward. I abhor censorship in any form, I believe that it is irresponsible for elders to enforce censorship on someone who is just opening their eyes to a subject for the first time.

You really should read everything you can get your hands on and decide for yourself what is helpful.
2007-08-18 13:56:33 UTC
You need to go and talk to your parents about your interests and have them help you find resources. You are too young to be asking for help or advice on the internet. There are nasty people out there looking for kids just like you.
2007-08-18 20:28:37 UTC
I used to be a solitary Wiccan myself. Maybe you should read about the lives of famous occultists:

Then decide if it's worth persuing. If you want to wind up broke and forgotten, go for it!

In the 19th century a romaticizing of things Pagan began. Godfrey Leland forged a spurious book called Aradia:Gospel of the Witches that implied that witches were pagans who worshipped Diana (and Lucifer). He plagarized materials from two previous books he wrote (Etruscan Remains and Gypsy Sorcery). Although the word Wicca isn't mentioned, it was the great-great daddy of the whole thing.

Later on quack anthropolgist Margret Murray hatched her own theory about the witches of the European witch trials actually being survivors of a Pagan cult in her books. These inspired Gardner to create his own witch cult witch he called "wica" (at first spelled in lower case and with only one "c"). Gardner insisted Witch meant "Wise one" claiming the word derives from the Old English word "wicce". "Wicce" actually means "to bend", and this is where the word "wicker" comes from. The word "wicked" also comes from "wicce" (as in a wicked person being "bent").

The word "witch" has a nefarious meaning in every language on earth,including English, but for some reason Wiccans still insist on calling themselves "Witches" (with a capital "W") and their religion "Witchcraft". They feel that the reason people are afraid of them is centuries of "xtian propaganda" meant to defame them. But even if they went to Vietnam ( a predominantly Buddhist country) and said they were a Phuy Tay (Vietnamese for witch), people would still be afraid of them. Of course, a tiny few Wiccans have stopped calling themselves witches, but most probably enjoy the shock value wether they admit it or not.

If there is any truth to the old saying "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.", that truth is found in the occult, and Wicca in particular. Silver Ravenwolf has written close to a dozen books on the subject of "The Craft", and claims she has been studying it since about 1969, which is almost as long as I’ve been alive. She has written a book on how to cast money spells, and includes a chapter on how to do so in her Teen Witch book. But the thing is, she doesn't particularly sound all that prosperous herself. Ravenwolf writes,

" For years I couldn't afford to go to a hair stylist (still can't, it's shop and chop for me). I got pretty good at stying my own hair from looking at magazine pictures" [SOURCE: Teen Witch, Llewellyn Publications, 2003 edition, page 145]

OK, she so rich she can't go to the hairdresser. Hey, get me a copy of that Prosperity Spell book!

Silver Ravenwolf seems to have inadvertently discovered that Wicca makes things worse, but won't ever admit it as such.

In Teen Witch she says

"A lot of people tell me how bad their lives have gotten after casting a spell and tell me they won't do Witchcraft anymore. I tell them their lives would have been much worse for not having cast the spell".

Gee Silver, you would think a lot of people would be saying things like "Hey, Silver Ravenwolf, my life has improved tremendously with Wicca!" if Wicca is as great as they claim. Instead it makes lives much worse, and even Silver Ravenwolf admits she hears this a lot!!!

Why? Because sometimes, things are just as you think they are. Most people would tell you the occult will bring misery into your life, and most people are right. When you stop trying to rationalize it with inaccurate data and just use common sense you will realize this. There are two forces at work in this universe: the counterfeit and the genuine. Wicca’s source of power is not the genuine. There’s just simply no way Wicca (and thus the copycat Neopagan religions) can be created from the black magic writings of “The Great Beast 666"(where much of Wicca is plagarzed from), the bizarre sexual practices of Gardner, the spiritual “guidance” of the Watchers (fallen angels) mentioned by writers like Grimassi and Huson, and still be a source of good!

None of the people who have answered your question can make it work either, Don't delude yourself. It's an incredible waste of time and money, and it's spiritual poison.

My advice would be to rethink the whole thing and try reading C.S. Lewis instead.
2007-08-18 14:16:41 UTC
Voodoosim is for you
jeff f
2007-08-18 14:05:30 UTC
dude, unless you want to be a virgin your whole life and live in your moms basement until you're 30, stay away from wicca. chicks don't dig it.

they spend their whole day playing dungeons and dragons, watching lord of the rings while getting cheetos stuck in their braces. and they work part time at taco bell.
2007-08-18 13:54:46 UTC
i wouldnt do that if i was u.... yuor playing russian rullet with yuor life.... but then again it is yuor choice...

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