i feel a little embarased. i dont feel very comfortable either, it is not how the bible teaches to behave.
i'm sure the bible teaches reverance and also teachers how conduct should go in church.
what religion is this, it pentocostal.... i think they have a reputation wheni it comes to speakingin tongues and colourful in church behaviour.
i must at first say it is very excellent that your husband is happy with you not going to church on occassion, thats lovely.
i think you should take this time to read your new testament. it is the important one with St Pauls ministry which is a powerful teaching in christian behaviour at church at home and with the family and in general.
i would say read a King James Version of the bible and i'd say read Matthew first and corinthians galatians ephesians then Hebrews, making notes of questioning points as the bible in the new testament says the wife is to do.
i have seen many new christian groups with similar behaviour, it is not for me and not in the bible. The bible is opur guide and reading Psalms daily as the bible teaches will reasure you and guide you in worship and prayer and meditation when you stay at home.
Me and my brother as youth growing up at times stayed at home a did our mother. it was nice at times, we played christian music and read christian books at times, or watched a christian video for teachings and sabbath keeping.
its good you realise you need to take time out, it sounds like your husband knows you support him and stand by him. it can be hard acclimatising to new surroundings and behaviour.
take your time, thank God your not throwing yourself to the floor and giving yourself away cheaply.there is much to be aware of... i have read the bible state we must be aware and not speak Evil, but it also speaks on how to conduct speaking in tongues....if that is what it is.
you can use bible gateway to surf quickly the bible for reference, but be awareof the version you are using, please use the king james version, it is the best one on there.
This website is useful, you can choose between version of the bible to read. www.biblegateway.com
i must say that the King JamesVersion is the least wattered down version, in my church it is the one we used.
in the old testament, Isaiah was read by Jesus in the temple on the Sabbath, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, Jeremiah and Genesis and Exodus as well as St Davids story in Samuel through to Kings.
The last few books of the bible after Hebrews are an amazing read, you can read these whenever, they are very good and made me sit up and be serious.
i find revelation a revalation and good to know before reading the new testament again as you wish at your own speed, the bible is the book to guide you through your whole life, it is a nice read and your husband sounds lik he is in a good position to help you.
I must also advise that Romans chapter 1 and 2 is very very powerful and should be read patiently, Romans is about Pauls sacrifice, as is The book of Job, its a long suffering testimony, but i am not hinting to you to soften you, the bible says patience worketh perfection and there are teachings in the bible that mention the bond of man and wifethrough difficulties, you sound a lovely woman and a loyal and kind wife. God bless you.
i'll gladly reply to you if you want on denominational issue... there are many types of chrisianity.... May God be with you.