Why polar bears are have see-through fur for camouflage (Remember, their habitat wasn't always full of snow)
The reason we can’t see through the “transparent” hair directly to the polar bear’s skin (eek! naked polar bear!) is that the hairs are hollow. The air inside the hollow space in the hair bounces the white light from the air back to our eye, sort of like millions of tiny mirrors tilted at tons of different angles. The result is that we see a white bear.
Even though polar bears are white, their hair is actually colorless
its not evolution their hair has no color
its the same hair a brown or black bear has but has no color
Why moths used to be a lovely white color, just a hundred years ago to blend with the trees. now the trees have darken with pollution so have the moths, most moths you will see now are very dark.
two populations of moth white and dark. the white moths existed more because they blended in with their surroundings. the dark moths were eaten more. the trees darkened. now the white moths have decreased because they no longer are protected and the dark moths flourish. its not evolution
Why so many skulls and skeletons have proved evolution of man (don't say they're just rocks, even amateur archeologist's are smart enough to tell the difference)
they haven't their just guesses.
such as dinosaurs were said to have evolved into birds but true science proved it never happened
Why we still have a small tail bone and humans are still born today with fully-funtioning tails.
Why whales, dolphins and snakes have solid evidence on hind legs.
we don't science assumes it was a tail bone its not just another of their false assumptions.
whales and dolphins don't
snakes had legs even the bible said they did before god changed them.