The term scientology can refer to EITHER of two DIFFERENT things:
A. Scientology is a spiritual practice which assists in developing insight & awareness of self & others and was originally developed by L.Ron Hubbard & numerous collaborators in the 1950s-1960s.
B. A cultish religion & church (Co$) established by L.Ron Hubbard renown for the abuses perpertrated on members, staff, & critics by church management.
The subject of scientology is an effective & useful tool for increasing spiritual awareness & insight. It is similar in many ways to Buddhist philosophy although the awareness techniques used are quite different from traditional meditation.
General Principles of Scientology:
The religion of scientology is perhaps better called a "spiritual practice" than a religion.
Belief is not really a factor in scientology, individuals are encouraged to explore their own truths and understandings of things. But I'll list the basic principles which underly the practice of scientology for your benefit.
Among the basic principles of scientology are the following:
A. Man is in essence an immortal spirit.
B. Human life represents a composite of a mortal body with the immortal spirit.
C. An individual is responsible for his own thoughts & actions.
D. An individual's thoughts & decisions may have unintended consequences including those of which he may not be aware.
E. Communication resolves problems and allows an individual to alter their thoughts & decisions.
F. Scientology focuses on techniques of communication and improvement of an individual's self-awareness.
Scientology auditing practices involve listening to an individual express his upsets in life a confidential session and, by directing his attention to the ideas he has associated with the upset, locating the source(s) of the upset and eliminating it as a difficulty in his life.
Reincarnation is accepted as a possibility by scientology but it is NOT a belief which is taught in scientology. Individuals are free to accept or reject the prospect of reincarnation. Although most scientologists ultimately come to a personal acceptance of some aspect of reincarnation as a result of a better understanding of their own personal history of decision-making.
In short the principles of scientology are very similar in many ways to those of Buddhism.
I am a freezone scientologist. I am not affiliated with the Church of Scientology.
Freezone Scientology practices scientology independent of the church of scientology.