Yoga has eight steps for self-realization. Of these two are most important. These need to be mastered before heading towards the other six because without these the asanas will end up being just mere exercises to keep the body fit.
The first two steps are called Yam and Niyam . These need to be followed internally for preparing oneself for the higher consciousness.
Yam contains five disciplines:
Ahimsa � means not giving pain to anyone through speech, deed and mind
Satya � to be always truthful
Asteya � not to get attracted by the wealth of others, or get affected by what others have
Aparigraha � unnecessary collection of luxuries or attachment to collections
Brahmacharya � natural discipline of the body
Niyam also dictates five disciplines
Sauch - cleanliness of the body, mind and soul
Santosh � or contentment in every aspect of life
Tap � to bear all pains and hurts bravely and be unaffected by them, which means, bearing everything with peace
Swadhayay � constant learning by self meditation
Samarpan � total surrender but not complacency. Doing everything that comes our way with all our mental and physical capacities i.e. living the moment to perfection.
These are the prerequisites for yoga and are to be mastered to attain the next step. The other six steps of yoga are: Asanas, Pranayam, Pratihaar, Dhayan, Dharana, Samadhi.