Do fundamental Christians, who think that the world was created 6,000 years ago, not believe in dinosaurs?
2012-08-09 14:01:24 UTC
Or do they think that archaeologists are incorrect and dinosaurs existed say, 5,000 years ago opposed to 65,000,000 years ago?
Eighteen answers:
2012-08-09 14:05:19 UTC
It's not archaeologists, it's paleontologists, just a minor correction.

And some think that the fossils are all frauds, some think that they are from modern animals, some think that dinos were killed in the "flood" and that carbon dating is all wrong (but they have yet to prove their point obviously lmao)
2012-08-09 14:48:15 UTC
Ben, you seem reasonably intelligent. You asked a very good question and apparently do not mean any abrasiveness about it just sort of voicing an opinion---I like that and perhaps in my giving you an answer will clarify some of the mystery for you and for Christians.

The first verse in the bible in Genesis 1:1 says: "In the Beginning......" Let us start there--when was the beginning--this is obviously not the day one of this upcoming creation, so when was the beginning? Geologist have estimated the universe to be about 13.5 billion years old, the earth just 4.5 billion and life just a mere 2.0 billion years old. So can we assume the beginning is at least 1.35 billion years ago. I must point out two other factors related to verse one--the first is: "In the beginning God.......". Isn't that interesting--God was at the beginning, so I am betting he will be at the end also. The second interesting thing is: "In the beginning God created the heaven and earth." So many creationist want one of these last words plural--heavens while the interpreters of our English bible showed it singular---and yes we do have more than one heaven but not at the beginning--my assumption. Ben, this alone is enough to blow the minds of most young earth creationist.

Now look at verse two--some time, quite sometime after the beginning but long before this earth we live on there was a catastrophic event for verse two tells us: "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.' Now notice something--it is like God is out strolling in the universe and he finds this lump of rock that is without form and void---void of life. does that mean there had been life but now isn't? Notice another thing--up to this point in the minds of the young earth creationist God has not formed earth yet 'In the beginning God created the heaven and earth." Is this the same earth? sure it is but it has been smacked hard and flung out into space due to a universal flood and is now lifeless and out of shape floating around in darkness of outer space. God is not going to perform a miracle--as the Negro Sermon says from God's Trombones--the Creation, God takes this lump into his hands, he rolls it about in his hand and he molds it in his hand like he would a lump of clay. This becomes Earth II---perhaps. You can read more on this by looking for the Gap Theory.

Now as to the dinosaurs--they were lost to mankind during earth I most likely but their remains would have survived the long journey into outer space. The bible is just 6000 years old in topic matter and is not a prehistory study book, not a history nor science study book--it is a God and man relationship study book--within you can find salvation over your sins but not dinosaurs.
2012-08-09 14:14:43 UTC
The KJ Bible written in 1611, mentions dinosaurs 34 times. The word "dinosaur" wasn't invented until 1841 though, so different words are used...Levithian, Behemoth and (the equivalent of the Hebrew word, Tannyian (meaning dragon...which was commonly used before 1841).

There is much evidence that points to the falsehood of dinosaurs living 65 million years ago...

1) fresh blood found in T-rex bones in Montana and Argentina

2) thousands of ancient paintings, sculptures, pottery that show men and dinosaurs living together

3) Falsification of assumptions for Radiometric dating

4) Dinosaur and human footprints together
2016-10-17 01:58:45 UTC
how are you going to believe thousands and thousands and billions of years? A Christian for social applications. You both know Christ or you do not. One Scientist from the college of Montana got here across DNA in a dinosaur bone. One archaeologist got here across a dinosaur and guy's footprint at the same time. " How can technological awareness educate that God has no longer deliberately designed and created human beings and different creatures? How can it educate that they have got arisen in common terms by utilising twist of destiny? it really is no longer empirical technological awareness- it really is metaphysics or theology. it really is a theological upload-on, it shouldn't, of direction, study in public faculties," Dr. Alvin Plantinga, Professor of Philosophy of the bathing room O'Brien college on the college of Notre Dame. This guy is between the international's most popular pupils contained in the philosophy of religion. He calls evolution a faith and the project arises at the same time as scientists and others take evolution to be a procedure it really is totally unguided and pushed by utilising twist of destiny, so as that it really is only a remember of threat that rational creatures like us exist. you ought to question carbon relationship because it doesn't carry real after 5,000 years. Even earlier 5,000 years it really is questionable. creation wondering become round lengthy earlier evolution wondering and the Bible informed of a circle earth meaning round, pathways contained in the sea, flying on eagle's wings, etc., etc., etc.
2012-08-09 14:17:12 UTC
I would like to point out that you are not looking at other data as well as dinosaurs, for example ice samples that with each 1000 years have a new layer of ice on to that have about 65,000 different layers, and there is carbon dating. fundamentalists generally ignore pure logic.

the bible is a work of poetry not necessarily false but is exaggerated as well as a composition of different books and languages making it very hard to translate.

But hey that damn Satan tricking us again, it's not like we have thousands of years of developed technology or anything like that.
2012-08-09 14:13:03 UTC
It goes back only about 4,500 years to Adam, who was a Pharaoh. But back to the dinosaurs, there is a museum I think in TN or KY where children are depicted riding dinosaurs. There is nothing so rattled as a delusional mind.
2012-08-09 14:07:33 UTC
Yes, we think dinosaurs existed within 6000 years.

I've looked at the various dating methods. Some of them seem pretty good. There is a theory that the Bible doesn't contain all of the generations, but is a list of the highlights. Maybe.

In any rate, if I'm totally wrong about dates, then so be it. I can't ignore that a guy came to earth, claimed to be God, said he would die, but rise from the dead, AND THEN DID IT. I've looked at various angles and I'm convinced it happened, so I'm going with what he said.
2012-08-09 14:16:15 UTC
Ha ha these imbeciles answering here really make me laugh. They genuinely think the earth is 6000 yrs old??

Incredible, these americans. Supposedly the most technologically advanced country in the world, yet half their population believe this childish drivel?

No wonder they execute as many of their own citizens as china, iran and iraq do.
Clouds withsome Lala
2012-08-09 14:09:23 UTC
I was wondering about that when a great discovery was made, one I'm sure you can't give any answer to :

* "65-million" Year Old T. rex Soft Tissue: North Carolina State University discovered original biological tissue from a supposedly 65-million year old Tyrannosaurus Rex thighbone, with transparent and pliable blood vessels containing red blood cells! See these photos at Smithsonian Magazine and at MS-NBC, and then see a 2007 Nat'l Geographic report, a 2009 Nat'l Geo. confirmation, and the Hell Creek Formation excavation site worked by famed paleontologist Jack Horner of Montana State University. In 2011 ten leading universities and institutes including Harvard, the University of Manchester, and the University of Pennsylvania published in PLoS One, a peer-reviewed journal, that they have verified that presumed dinosaur material is indeed original biological tissue from a dinosaur! Combined with the research on Egyptian mummies that established 10,000 years as an upper limit for how long such biological molecules could survive, this is another reason why creationists refer to dinosaurs as missionary lizards. Interestingly, PZ Myers recently mocked RSF and repeated the now widely-discredited evolutionist hope that the "soft-tissue" dinosaur finds were "biofilm" contamination from bacteria. But as 60 Minutes shows and Bob Enyart sums it up, "This is dinosaur."

* Iron-clad "Dinosaur-era" tissue from "70-million year old" Mosasaur: In this peer-reviewed report by researchers including from Lund University in Sweden and Southern Methodist University in Dallas, scientists confirm another biological tissue discovery using sophisticated techniques to rule out modern contamination, bio-film, etc., concluding that original biological collagen exists in a small bone from an extinct marine reptile called a Mosasaur. Yet according to a report in Science Magazine as it relates to the discoveries of dinosaur tissue, scientists calculate the maximum survival time of collagen not in millions but in thousands of years.
2012-08-09 14:05:19 UTC
When I was a kid they were teaching that dinosaurs never existed and that Satan planted those fossils to test our faith. These days they're saying that the fossils are real but dinosaurs lived alongside humans. They can't get their stories straight, though - one group says all the dinosaurs died out after the flood because of the different atmospheric pressure, and another group says dinosaurs are still alive today, just hiding.
2012-08-09 14:10:34 UTC
"Dinosaur fossils have been found with bone tissue, blood vessels, and blood cells - soft elastic tissue."

Telling lies for Jesus yet again. That is absolutely untrue. If you were to read some science instead of listening to a deluded pastor, you might actually learn something.
2012-08-09 14:32:01 UTC
you have your information grossly incorrect.

U put words into the mouths of others.

Your question has no bearing. Its delusional, your thoughts not the thoughts of others.
2012-08-09 14:09:15 UTC

As a fundamental Christian,

I believe every land animal was created on day six, 6000 years ago.

If you ask said a paleontologist how he dates the dinos to 65 mil,

he will answer that the strata is dated to 65 mil.

Now ask a Geologist how he dates the strata,

and he will say the fossils are 65 mil - - -

Pure circular reasoning - - - what a huge joke !

. . .
2012-08-09 14:03:27 UTC
Those are true Christians. We also believe dinosaurs existed and most died from the flood. They were called "behemoths" in the bible.

Dinosaur fossils have been found with bone tissue, blood vessels, and blood cells - soft elastic tissue. Soft tissue like this could not last for even 1 million years, let alone 60 million. It would have been completely decomposed in just a few thousand years

So, if dinosuars died out 60+ million years ago, then how come they still have soft tissue inside their fossils?
Mutations Killed Darwin Fish
2012-08-09 14:05:22 UTC
I believe in God. Dinosaur is a fairly recent addition in the English dictionary.
2012-08-09 14:08:37 UTC
How do you happen to be an expert on what Christians think? And who appointed you to chastise us because you don't like what you think we think?

Go away and play with your beads.
Robert S
2012-08-09 14:09:45 UTC
Fundamentalists reject most of scientific observations.
2012-08-09 14:04:06 UTC
archaeologists are incorrect

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.