I don't question God. Man is not perfect, he has weaknesses, but God sees into the heart and He chooses good men. He teaches them what they need to know and forgives them of their sins when they repent and ask for forgiveness.
There are people who, for a price, will swear untrue things about a person, or some who have a perceived grievance for that person. The critics like to take these documents to show what a scoundrel and low life Joseph Smith was, but they conveniently omit the hundreds of sworn statements, by upstanding people of the community, who attested that Joseph Smith was a fine man with good character, who worked hard, helped anyone who needed help and was a pillar in the community.
It is said that Joseph Smith took many wives. Members accept that he was sealed (not the same as marriage) to other women, and some already had temporal husbands. These women remained in their marriage to their husbands. These sealings are believed to have been made so that the righteous women could enter the Celestial Kingdom as their husbands were deemed unrighteous. And many women had themselves sealed to Joseph's after his death, this was a common practice among the women back then, many did the same with Brigham Young. The commandment for polygamy came from God, and when God tells us to do something, it is not bad. Again, I do not question the will of God.
I had a crisis of faith when I was in my late teens early twenties. And I read the critics which were out at the time. I found what I read sad, but laughable, at the misconceptions these people had on the Church and its beliefs. And it was easy to discover how they had twisted what they listed as 'true' beliefs of the Mormons. Seeing the inaccuracies in these books actually helped me choose to remain a member and strengthened my belief in the LDS Church.
The Tanners are one of those couples who were excommunicated from the Church because of their behavior. They have made it their life's work to tear down the Church. But they, like other critics, take their research from the same early critical works against the Church. Works which have been proved inaccurate decades ago. If you take the works of people like the Tanners, Martin, Decker and others and do a side by side comparison of them, you will find that they all use the same sources and sometimes even write word for word.