2010-07-21 03:15:06 UTC
He was NO different than a CHILD PORNOGRAPHER in the sense that he EXPLOITED people to make money.
The fact is God gave you a body and it is HIS choice and HIS ALONE on when you die. Plus, what about the family members who will miss you? If you have a chronic condition that "cannot be cured" then you have to look on the bright side. First off, chronic pain CAN be cured through pain killers. Plus, God allows us to have pain to help us learn and grow. Pain can make you a stronger person. You are basically spitting on God if you choose to end your life too early. Plus, because you're in pain, you're not thinking straight so your mental awareness is off. You're almost like a child.
So, are you someone who supports evil things like child pornography which ALSO exploits kids? Euthanasia is evil too because it PROFITS from people who can't think straight because they're in pain.
Child porn is EVIL and wrong and so is euthanasia.