Should I visit an Assembly of God church or stick with what I'm used to (Baptist)?
2010-11-12 14:43:57 UTC
My parents believe in God, but I only remember them taking me to church once on Christmas Day.

Now I'm 22. I go to church sometimes with my husband's family, but they live in different cities. Most of the churches I've been to have been Baptist or non-denominational. I want to pick a local church and start going every week. I looked up church websites. I'm surprised that the one I liked the most (based on the information on their website) is an Assembly of God church...

I read online that people who are baptized in an Assembly of God church gain the ability to speak in tongues...I can't imagine myself speaking in tongue because I thought that speaking in tongues ended a long time ago..,

The Assembly of God church I read about doesn't say anything on their website about speaking in tongues. I read their beliefs, and everything matched my beliefs...

Should I try it out or choose a different church (like a Baptist or non-denominational church)?
24 answers:
2010-11-12 14:49:41 UTC
Why not try reality instead? If you really need the crutch of religion, I would suggest Buddhism. If you need the crutch of Christianity, go with the only true Christianity, Catholicism.
2010-11-12 15:12:21 UTC
Speaking in tongues is also known as "Glossolalia." It's a fairly common occurrance, especially in African and Carribian animalistic religions. People get worked up into an emotional frenzy and start mumbling in syllables, and that's about it, really.

Some people enjoy it, and it unnerves others. And other folks regard it as silly. Try it if you think you might like it. But you should keep in mind that other religions have been speaking in tongues before the Christians ever started doing it.

Before you join a church --

Write down what your religious ideas are. Most churches have their own ideas of what's what, and before you can become a member, you have to say that what they teach is your opinion, also.

You might compare your ideas with the ideas (doctrines) of different churches, and then visit the ones you agree with, or like, the most.

Popular disagreements are found on --

1) Is Jesus human or divine or a combination of both?

2) Is there an actual Heaven and/or a Hell? Not everyone agrees.

3) Is the Bible 100% inerrant, without fault, and perfect?

4) Do women have to be subserviant to men?

5) Can a woman teach men in a church? Not all churches allow for this.

6) If a church member doesn't agree with all of its primary doctrines, can they kick you out? Some do.

7) Do you have to give 10% of your income to the church, or only what you can spare, or do you have to give both tithes (10%) along with offerings? Some churches have an annual congregational budget meeting, figure out how much they're going to spend over the next year, and ask for pledges from the members, which might be more or less than a tithe.

8) Does the church oppose war? Does it approve of it in some cases, or does it encourage war against a variety of heathens and infidels?

9) Is the Bible the only source of religious information, or does God expect people to use the brains He gave them as well?

There's lots of things you should decide now, before you go to a church, that is reasonable. If they say you have to pray 5 times a day, well, decide for yourself if that's reasonable for you. If you think it's ok for churches to require that you be supervised, or that you beleive everything that they tell you, well, fine. Decide that now, before you pick one.

Best wishes, and if you get into glossolalia like I did, make sure you carry a hanky for the initial learning phases.
2010-11-12 14:56:45 UTC
I am Assembly of God now, and have tried many different Pentecostal churches/denominations and several others in my 40 years. Speaking in tongues is not just Assembly of God, it has been in every Pentecostal church I have ever been to. I recommend to all that a church-search should definitely be something done until you find the right one. Try it! Tongues are a now-thing, not just in the past. It is a gift of the spirit.
2010-11-12 14:53:36 UTC
Well, this is speaking as someone who is Spiritual but not Christian. I believe that you should go to a few different Church's and see which one feels right in your heart. A web page can be nice but that doesn't necessarily mean that the church is. Picking a church is more about how the church and the people make you feel. It's about the how the preacher preaches and how the congregation believes. I'm sure that you will find the one that is best for you and your family.
2010-11-12 14:59:38 UTC
If I could walk or sit , I would go to My Local kingdom hall, where the name of Jehovah has real meaning, and people know how to emulate the Christ, My ex- husband was assembly of God. No love lost on me, he used to beat me, even when i wore a cross, for not being a Christen{ My real name starts with a T and it is my stage name, so I can wear it without looking at it like it is a Cross, but Even attending his church, getting him into His own business and off probation, he still did me wrong, and He was the son of a preacher. he was the worst case scenario of a hypocrite! But No one ever made me feel welcome at any church except for The Jehovah's witnesses.But sad to say, i have to admit, the times are changing and no where you can find anything that even remotely resembles perfection in motion any more.But the one thing we have is the truth, and though imperfect, we know what love is! God is love..... Read your bible every day, and ask the maker of heaven and earth where you should attend, after all, is He capable of answering you? if not, you do not know him> Powerful he is ! I am a Christian, take a look at And he thought I was not christian, hmm, bride of the Christ I am, I hate Satan.
2010-11-12 14:54:28 UTC
Assembly of God is the lest strict of the bigger Pentecostal denominations. It all depends on the church and community but usually AoG churches are very lively. They do speak in tongues but it may not be quite as emphasized or required as other more strict Pentecostal churches.

Anyway you don't need to go to a church to receive the gift of tongues it can be done alone too but it maybe easier to connect if you're in an environment with like minded believers.

When I first received the gift of tongues it was a really unique experience. I had no control over the speech coming from my mouth but as Paul tells us seek higher gifts of the spirit too.
2010-11-12 15:02:00 UTC
I think you should give it a try. I have visited 3 AOG churches. One was great, one was a little too... pentecostal for me, and I walked out of the other mid-service because it was ridiculous. What I'm trying to say is that, even within a particular denomination, each church varies. You should definitely look around until you find a church that is a good fit for you. Good luck finding a church home!
2010-11-14 11:11:12 UTC
Jesus only set up one Church!

We are supposed to be faithful to that.

He is returning soon for the faithful, those are the people that truly believe in him!

You don't become a member of that church by repeated attendence, "praing the sinners prayer", confessing "the apostles creed" etc.

"by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit" (1 Cor. 12:13)

- the baptism in the Holy Spirit

"you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days hence . . . they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance . .. . Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he (Jesus) has shed forth this, which you now see and hear"

(Acts 1:5, 2:4, 33; see also 10:44-46)

Is it different today?

- No!

"when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?

Then Peter said to them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

** For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call **" (Acts 2:37-39)

Melissa, are you in *this* church?

- - - - - -

You will probably get prayed for to receive the above with AoG, but, they say the baptism in the Spirit is a "second blessing", different from receiving the Spirit (born again).

They have done this to avoid rejection by other "churches".

They do not make a point of sticking to the original, nothing added or taken away, so over the years they have followed various wrong doctroines such as christians having demons, "slain in the Spirit", "Toronto blesing", ... the point of receiving God's Spirit is so that you can be taught of Him daily and led into all truth and unity of the Spirit.

I reccommend you visit one meeting of:
2010-11-12 15:35:38 UTC
Speaking in tongues is something that happened in early early Christianity, but it doesn't happen anymore--it was a promise to the apostles, and they could give that as an ability to who they deemed should use it, but once the apostles died, it wasn't passed on anymore. It was part of the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit to help convince non-believers that they were the real deal, but now we have the New Testament which, taken with the Old Testament, speaks for itself. Tongues is no longer a gift that people are given. (in Acts 2:11 the Jews who were witnessing the first occurrence of it said: "We hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own 'tongues!")

'Tongues' simply meant languages. Speaking in tongues meant you were speaking an intelligible language, but if you're speaking something that nobody understands, then it's not speaking in tongues from a biblical sense.

Baptism appears at first to be also another ritual, but it's purpose is far different. Matthew 28:18-20 says this:

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

Being baptized is the point at which we enter ourselves into a commitment to Jesus. It's the point at which we unite ourselves with Him through our death to sin and raise to a new life with Him. Unlike speaking in tongues, which was a promise to a select few in the beginning, this was a command given to those who are disciples of Christ. (Being a Christian and being a disciple means the same thing)

I'd say non-denominational, but you've got to be careful with that, because while it's a good thing to claim no denomination (and so make the effort to align your church with what the first century churches were doing), there's a lot of misconceptions about what they were doing. Read the bible, and study for yourself! As for me, I love the church that I go to--the Chicago International Christian Church (and it's got a lot of sister churches around the globe, so you might have one nearby, which is pretty cool) I don't mean that to be a mere plug for my church--the important part is getting to Jesus, because it's through Him that we get to God.

I won't pretend my church is the only one that follows the bible as accurately as is possible with our own human understanding. I don't know much about the church you're considering, either, but the important part isn't whether it aligns with YOUR beliefs, but whether or not it aligns with the bible. If you put that church under the microscope and, after scrupulous examination, find that the church and the people in it are making the bible their standard for living, then that's the one to go to.
2010-11-12 23:59:14 UTC
If you're curious, visit. If you think you're going to get roped into a particular denomination after a single visit, stay home and read. Just don't feel that you have to solve all the mysteries of the universe by age 22.
2010-11-12 15:43:05 UTC
Ask yourself why you go to church. Is it for social interaction? To make friends?

Those aren't bad motives, but don't you think it is wiser to find out what God wants from you first? Many decide first what their beliefs are and then find a group who conform to THEM? does that mean you will be pleasing God?

The Bible says the road to life is narrow and few will find it. (Matthew 7:13, 14) “Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.

It also says that it means our life to take in knowledge of god's word and act on it. (John 17:3) "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ."

DOCTRINES MATTER. Many teachings like the trinity or hellfire are not Biblical teachings but people don't take the time to look into it. I encourage you to start with a fresh slate and let the Bible fill in the gaps.

2010-11-12 14:47:59 UTC
Yes you should by the way I am 18 and I went to a church of Assembly of God and the people are very caring and loving to all of their members and my grandfather on my dads side can speak tongue. I want to speak tongue just like him but I am meant for a different plan of Gods to bring victory to all Christians in the name of my Lord.
2010-11-12 14:49:23 UTC
Their is a world of difference between these two denominations,the best thing to do is explore the different denominations until you find the one that pleases you most.

Hears a blessing and a our father prayed just for you.Practice the holy rosary for world peace and for your own inner and spiritual renewal.
2010-11-12 15:07:34 UTC
forget the churches and read the bible for yourself because even the best of the worst that now predominates is in very sad shape - revelation 3:14-22
Pastor Art (((SFECU)))
2010-11-12 14:49:08 UTC
Yes, visit.

The Assemblies of God have some fantastic local churches.

They send more missionaries overseas on a per capita basis than any other US based denomination.

I don't like their politics, but then again I don't like any kind of politics in churches.

However they teach and preach the Full Gospel of Jesus Christ, including speaking in tongues.
2010-11-12 15:12:48 UTC
Goto Church with your husband. If he is overseas go to nondenomination or Baptist services at a nearby military base.
Delusion Crusher 10000
2010-11-12 14:51:02 UTC
They are not going to compel you to be baptized or speak in tongues. It is a worldwide organization and the basic tenets of the faith are sound. It would not hurt to attend. Go to all of them.....
2010-11-12 14:47:29 UTC
Jesus said The church should not be divided into denominations
2016-10-01 05:50:59 UTC
because of the fact the lyrics from 'spectacular Grace' will greater or less greater wholesome the track to 'domicile of the turning out to be sunlight' (and vice versa, notwithstanding spectacular Grace has 4 verses, domicile of the turning out to be sunlight has 6, so alter subsequently) you need to because of the fact it to that track. in case you have an obliging organist, he ought to do the organ solo in the middle. it would distract them from the smoke.
2010-11-12 14:47:01 UTC
I think visiting other denominations than your own is always a good thing.
Tuxedo Mask
2010-11-12 14:55:33 UTC
search around at other churches to see what you personally believe

i fit in the baptists

but to each their own
2010-11-12 14:48:01 UTC
You said visit, go and visit them, there's no wrong with it.
2010-11-12 14:44:38 UTC
You should visit reality for a change.
2010-11-12 14:44:55 UTC
Deary me, I bet you've got a direct line to the vatican haven't you ...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.