A question about evolution.?
2007-01-26 17:40:37 UTC
Macro evolution says that one species changes into another species over the course of millions of years. But have scientist ever found a missing link from one species to another? There's something called living fossils. Animals which scientist have thought been exticnt for millions of years, been then have been found still living. Over a 150 such living fossils have been found, and none of them show any signs of evolution.

One of the oldest living fossils found is the lobe fish. Believed to have been exticnt for over 50 million years, it was found to be still alive in the Indian Ocean. In fact, the Lobe Fish is called index fossil, meaning scientist use it to date rock formations. I guess these dates will have to be rethought. The amazing thing, their so-called 50 million year old fossils, and today's lobe fish, show no evidence of evolution.

I believe the Bible, that each kind of animal reproduces it's own kind. If macro-evolution is true, where are the missing links?
22 answers:
2007-01-26 17:42:28 UTC
What's wrong with you? Scientist don't need missing links, or evidence, they have their theories. And as long as scientist have their theories, even though their theories are constantly changing, then Christians are wrong. All we Christians have is a two thousand year old book, and though none of the scientific evidence in the Bible has ever been proven to be wrong, and secular scientific theories are always changing, they're right, and we are wrong. Maybe at the end of time, God can explain it to them.

Murnip, not one living fossil has needed to evolve over millions of years? Not one? You would think they would have found at least one living fossil that showed some signs of evolution. I mean, the time between the fossils and these living animals are supposedly millions of years. And not even the slightest sign of evolution? Maybe the Bible is right, there's only been about 6,000 years, and no evolution.
2007-01-26 18:04:49 UTC
"Missing link" is a misnomer. The more proper term is transitional fossil. Missing link invokes an image of one single fossil that would connect one species to another, and that's not correct. The truth is far more complex. Species don't transform from one thing into another; rather they are birthed from older species. It's a subtle difference, but crucial. Think of it as a shrub, where the various endpoints are today's species. Each line converges as we move from the top of the tree down. It's about ancestory, not direct lines.

It's interesting you mention lobe fish. I can only assume you mean the coelacanth as there is no such thing as a "lobe fish." Rather, there is a family of species known as the lobe-finned fish named for their fleshy fins. The coelacanth does indeed still live today, however it has indeed changed over time in many drastic ways. The skeleton of a modern coelacanth is different than the skeleton of an ancient coelacanth.

Another interesting find in the lobe-finned fish family is the Tiktaalik, which shows very distinct characteristics of both fish and tetrapods. This is a transitional fossil.

We also have surprisingly complete records of the evolution of horses from their common ancestors, and whales from their land-based common ancestors. To say that transitional fossils don't exist is a blatantly false assertion.

And finally, what is a kind? That's a very slippery term that creationists use and it doesn't really many anything. One could say that a dog is a kind, but a chinhuahua can't give birth to a great dane, so does that mean they aren't the same kind even though a german shepherd could reproduce with a great dane? Also, the way you've worded it, you're making the false implication that the theory of evolution claims a dinosaur gave birth to a fully-formed bird. This is most certainly not the position of any evolutionary biologist. Macro-evolution is just micro-evolution over a long time.

Here's a tip: learn about evolution before you start trying to construct arguments against it. And don't just trot out the same old tired false arguments. That just doesn't fly.
2007-01-26 18:00:19 UTC
Evolution is a long slow process of small mutations. Mutations occur when some individuals of a particular species are exposed to a different environment and there is a need to mutate in order to adapt to these new surroundings. So if a species is in the same environment today that it was in 50 million years ago, then there was never a need for it to mutate. That however does not mean that it's brother didn't.

Today we have a variety of scientific methods used to date sites and fossils. It is very rare that anything is dated by only one of those means.
2007-01-26 17:49:28 UTC
Yes, there have been plenty of transitional fossils , or "missing links" found.

About index fossils: it is not the only method used to date rocks. If it were, then obviously geological dating would be a bit of a joke. It's possible to date rocks by other means as well.

The reason the "living fossils" are still much the same as they were millions of years ago is that their environment has not changed very much and so the fish have not had to adapt to fit their environment in order to survive.
2007-01-26 17:47:20 UTC
Religious people always go on about missing links but I just don't understand it.

How about a missing link between apes and human beings - Look how many species there are in the hominid species, there are over a dozen ranging from nearly ape to various species almost indistinguishable from modern man - not impressed? Of course not! You'll pick the one closest to man and say between them is a 'missing link'.

Dolphins and Blue whales are mammals - they evolved on land - I expect you want that proved, though why God would put animals in different families when they have different environments I have no idea unless his idea of fun is to maliciously mislead people - now look up Basilosaurus - it has tiny vestigial FEET. Explain that 'missing link', contrast that with modern whales which have a totally superfluous pelvic girdle. As if their ancestors had legs. Strange, isn't it? Go further back, look at Packicetus, or Ambulocetis. Not impressed?

Of course not. Theists don't want to learn anything, do they? They want to reject whatever interferes with their superstitious dogma. I doubt any creationists realise that the evidence for macroevolution would be overwhelming even if we'd never found a single fossil.

Thumbs down huh? Well, the truth hurts.
2016-10-16 07:58:00 UTC
a million) in accordance to evolutionists, people advanced from apes? people are apes through definition. Linnaeus categorised us as such and he became a creationist. 2) there are various of shown data in technological know-how, yet evolution is only a concept. fake with the aid of a false impression of the note concept. A actuality, in technological know-how, is a discrete factor of steerage. Theories connect data and clarify them. there is not any more desirable type than concept. 3) A transitional kind is a fossil of an animal it is an element one species and area yet another. fake. All organisms are transitional. 4) The age of the earth is determined through scientists totally by ability of the radioactive relationship of fossils ? The age of the Earth became determined through relationship a meteor on the conception that the image voltaic equipment became all the same age. All different calculations in fantastic condition the age discovered. 5) The medical approach starts with a prediction and then looks for data to help that prediction? It starts with commentary. Then a hypothesis is formed from that commentary. After the hypothesis is formed, scientists seem for data to help or falsify the hypothesis. 6) the conception of evolution consists of the tremendous Bang? fake. 7) To position self assurance in evolution is to believe that life and count number number got here from no longer some thing? fake.
Bad Liberal
2007-01-26 17:44:41 UTC
Microraptor. 125 million years old. Feathers, teeth, and a wishbone. You know any birds or lizards like that?

The creationist expects evolution to be a continuous process, like baking bread. Evolution doesn't happen if there are no environmental pressures on an organism. That's why crocodiles haven't changed in 250 million years. And that's why there are still apes.

Try to know what you are talking about, because you'll find sure as anything that people here are going to.

2007-01-26 17:53:39 UTC
Just because all the missing links are not known does not mean that evolution did not occur. Do you deny the existence of earlier forms of man? . . . . Neanderthal Man? . . . . Cro-Magnon Man? . . . . Homo Erectus? There is abundant fossil evidence that these earlier forms of man existed.

On the other hand, creation science requires that we believe in talking serpents. And the only "evidence" you have for a talking serpent is that it was part of a primitive man's ancient creation fable.
2007-01-26 17:44:07 UTC
yes, they have found the links

Where did you get this crap? It must have been a pretty useless creationist propaganda website because I can refute ALL of this garbage.

1)Yes, they have found missing links, paleontologists recently found a fish fossil that was able to walk and breathe on land, look it up if you do not believe me. Did you know that churches everywhere are protesting a Kenyan museum that is putting on display an exhibit that shows the evolution of man USING ACTUAL FOSSILS?!!!! Look it up.

2)Living fossils show no sign of evolution??? Since when!!!!? If you look at bacteria and smaller organisms, you can see them evolve in YOUR lifetime.

3)index fossils are a JOKE!!!!! NO ONE that is a scientist uses fossils to date the age of rock formations. They use radio-carbon dating (which IS accurate by the way), as well as the layers of rock to figure out how old the rock is.

Stop making ridiculous arguments to try and refute evolution. It HAPPENS, it HAS HAPPENED, and it WILL HAPPEN. All you are doing is fighting reality
Its not me Its u
2007-01-26 18:50:36 UTC
Jumping to the supernatural conclusion does not make rational sense. I am an atheist because I don't believe in deities and the word atheist describes this state of disbelief. I don't believe in deities because no argument or evidence presented to me in support of their existence has been convincing.

1. Biology adequately describes life and emotions without appealing to mystical invisible dieties

2. Astronomy adequately describes the formation of stars/planets/universe/etc without appealing to mystical invisible dieties

3. Geology adequately describes the evolution of the Earth, land formations, etc without appealing to mystical invisible dieties

4. Psychology describes the human psyche better than appealing to mystical invisible dieties

5. Appealing to mystical invisible dieties is an appeal to ignorance

6. There's no physical evidence for the existence of mystical invisible dieties

7. A myriad of mystical invisible dieties have been posited by emphatically superstitious societies and have been proven to be products of overly active imaginations (today's religion is tomorrow's myth) and ignorance.

8. Believing in mystical invisible dieties seems to become quite absurd when those who posit the mystical invisible dieties begin explaining why and how they exist in the face of contradictory physical evidence

9. As scientific knowledge increases, the role of the mystical invisible dieties oddly gets pushed further and further back.

10. Mystical invisible dieties are mystical invisible dieties (ie can never be found by empirical methods)

I could go on, but you get my drift.........
2007-01-26 20:07:49 UTC
In the West, the theory of evolution continues to be promoted as if it is a proven fact or a secure, testable and tested law. This presentation implies that there is no room, let alone any need, for discussion. The most common media cliche is that the evolutionary chain has been confirmed yet again by yet another discovery of the missing link proving human ancestry from apes. Faced with this kind of promotion and presentation, and the sheer pervasiveness of it, it is no surprise if non-specialists come to accept that the theory must be true, and that it must be accepted by all the specialists, the whole scientific community, with no serious doubters. However, that perception is far from the reality. In the first place, the theory lacks completeness on two major counts and there is no likelihood of these deficiencies ever being made up. In the second, there are major voices of dissent from within the scientific community, alongside alternative theoretical explanations which demonstrate a far superior conformity with observed or experimentally obtained data.

The origin of life

To have any enduring claim to viability the theory of evolution must explain the origin of life in its own terms. It must be able to answer the question, “How did life evolve from non-living forms?’ It needs also to explain how the notion of “selection for survival” operates before life exists, to explain how “life” is the best way for non-living forms to exist longer. Just as the theory tells us that, because rhinoceroses with the thickest skin did best in battles with other rhinoceroses, over aeons of time rhinoceroses evolved skins as thick as skins can possibly get while still functioning as skins ñ so too, it needs to tell us how life is an adaptation. If it is, what is it an adaptation to? Moreover, if life is an adaptation, why is it the same across the whole range of living forms (animal or plant or in-between)? We have innumerable varieties of living forms (adapted, we are told, to different conditions of climate and competition for food resources) but we do not have different varieties of being alive. Is that what we should expect? Should we not expect that the creatures who lived longest (and had offspring the least often) would have out-survived all competition, until eventually they lived so long it was for ever? Or, vice-versa that those who lived the shortest lives (and therefore had more offspring more often) eventually fell back, after aeons of trial and proof, into hardly being alive at all individually, but merely replicating themselves? In fact, of course, the same climate and conditions of competition for food resources support both relatively long- and relatively short-lived forms at every level of complexity and thoroughly intermingled within even the same individual life-form.

Life rests upon an infinitely precarious equilibrium among the proteins, the building blocks of life, found in the simplest to the most complex of living forms. Denying the existence of a conscious Creator, the theory of evolution cannot explain how this equilibrium was established and protected. The theory proposes chance and coincidence as the only scientific way to think about the question. But a scientific way of looking at a problem must have at least some likelihood of being true, if we are to expend energy fruitfully on verifying or falsifying it. In other words, a hypothesis must be reasonable to start with so that we can test and judge it. It must not be irrational: the appeal to chance and random coincidences is nothing if not an abandonment of reason. Proteins are amino acid sequences, made up from 20 different amino acids. Each protein with its unique design presents a highly sophisticated structure consisting of thousands of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen atoms. Even some simple mutations in these sequences may render a protein useless. For those who study the structure of the proteins, it is as hopeless for these proteins to have formed by chance as the for the Aeneid (the long Latin epic by Virgil) to have been composed by random association of the letters of the Latin alphabet.

Another evolutionist scientist has offered a different analogy with the same conclusion. The probability of a chance formation of only one of the proteins required for life (Cytochrome-C) may be likened to the probability of a monkey writing out the history of humanity by randomly pushing the keys of a typewriter.

What evolution theory defends is exactly this nonsensical assertion. Yet, the examples above are only the probability calculations for the chance formation of a single protein. However, millions of similar impossible coincidences should have been realized consecutively in order for the evolution of life to be effected.

The probability of chance formation of a Cytochrome-C sequence is as low as zero. If life requires that certain sequence, it is likely to be realized only once in the whole life-time and space of the universe. Now it could be proposed that some metaphysical power(s) beyond our definition consciously enabled its formation. But to entertain such a proposition is, apparently, not appropriate for the modern enterprise of science. Therefore we have to fall back on the first hypothesis as the best we have at present.

If, as it appears, the theory of evolution is not justified by the information we have, how does it survive? Has questioning it become, among the specialists, a taboo which they violate at the risk of their reputation and their careers? If so, why? We will return to this question.
Nick F
2007-01-26 17:45:13 UTC
evolution does not say one species "changes into another species", you are wrong from the first sentence

what can happen is that a subpopulation of a species is isolated somehow perhaps though geography, eventually changes enough through mutation, natural selection that it can no longer interbreed with the parent species, when this happens speciation has occured
2007-01-26 17:53:11 UTC
If you visit any cave the fish and other creatures in the cave are exactly like the ones above ground but they have no pigmentation and often have no eyes.

There are no missing links there either but they have obviously evolved differently from their above ground relatives.

Love and blessings Don
2007-01-26 17:47:36 UTC
You said it yourself, they find them everyday. They actually found a fish skeleton outside of japan that had legs. Evolution does take millions of years and if you think about it we have only been at this level of technology and intellegence for the last 100 years we still have alot to discover and alot to understand.
2007-01-26 17:48:11 UTC
You are horribly confused, every single individual is a missing link. You are a link between your parents and between your children and in turn their children. If you expect a dog and a cat to mate and have something half way in between you have absolutely no idea what evolution is about.
2007-01-26 17:58:59 UTC
DR. DARWIN said, " That evolution is just a theory. But a theory is not a fact.." I have a question to everyone if evolution is just the theory.. then what is the Fact? Well the fact is that there is a creator that created everything and his name is God... (Father, Spirit, Son).

For more information call on him today - John 3:16.
2007-01-26 17:45:06 UTC
"Macro-evolution" is a joke. You can't insert God into every gap in the evolutionary chain.
Charlotte M
2007-01-26 17:49:14 UTC
I believe in a creative God who could easily have created the world by means of what we know as the laws of science. Who's to say He didn't create things like evolution and then interfere and guide it along in certain places, leaving loopholes to make us think? It's like a cosmic puzzle.
Brendan G
2007-01-26 17:47:21 UTC
Creationists using 1950s textbooks to try to disprove Evolution.

What else is new? Next!
2007-01-26 17:45:35 UTC
Remember, God can make things aged. Adam was a man when he was created from the dirt, not a baby or an embryo. Do not theories fool you. : )
2007-01-26 17:46:31 UTC
2007-01-26 17:44:19 UTC
- If evolution is true why did homo sapiens abruptly appear 200,00 years ago instead of taking millions of years to evolve like evolutionists thought they had?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.