What reasons can you give to argue atheists are wrong?
2008-08-10 10:38:24 UTC
Atheists say the universe was always there and we evolved and there was no creator. Please no bible links etc.
23 answers:
2008-08-10 12:38:11 UTC
The Bible says that outer space is full of water (Genesis I: 6-10).

Since this is true, atheists are obviously wrong.
2008-08-13 09:27:15 UTC
Atheists simply believe that God does not exist. Most scientists, some of which are atheists, believe that the universe began in the so-called 'Big Bang', and some believe in the 'Steady State' theory. Others believe that there are multiple universes. Some scientists conclude from Quantum Mechanics that the universe has no real substance, being a formation of matter based on an observing mind: if no one observes, it does not exist! This is probably the closest to the truth since the world is an illusion as Buddhists have said for 2 1/2 thousand years. It is also the basis of the real teachings of Jesus, where the illusion of the world should be set aside for the reality of Heaven through the practice of being non-judgemental and forgiving.
Leigh H
2008-08-10 11:01:28 UTC
You can't really. You can tell them about your beliefs and how it has effected your life, but nothing that you say about their belief is going to make them say, "oh gosh, you were right all along, how do I sign up?"

The first thing you should do though, if you are trying to get through to one, is get your facts straight. Most Atheists to hold with evolution and lack of a creator, but I don't know anyone that says the universe was always here. Modern science holds with the big bang theory that the universe was created at one point in time with what amounts to an explosion of energy and mass.

To start conversation, calmly and rationally, not attacking them, I would ask what caused that? What happened seconds before that? What was there before it?

I think that a lot of religious people are doomed before they begin with Atheists or people of other religions because they don't understand that it isn't about proving that they are wrong, but that you are right and that the burden of proof falls to you.
The Bald Satyr
2008-08-10 11:43:36 UTC
I don't know if the universe was or wasn't always there, or even if there are or aren't endless universes.

And I still don't believe people's stories about god/s because I have no reason to, there is no evidence that they are anything other than stories. All the evidence in fact points to recycled mythology.

But carry on putting words in my mouth why don't you?

At least I'm honest about what I do and don't know. That's my 'argument': Honest enquiry, with the emphasis on 'honest'.

Finally you ask :

"If the universe was always there then....erm.... ... did it all just appear?"

Erm, do you not get what 'was always there' means?

We don't observe beginnings or endings in nature or cosmology. Things just transform from one form into another, energy gets redirected. It never begins or ends.

So in that case, why invent a 'beginning'? Just because we view the universe from an primitive anthropic point of view, you know, 'birth and death' thing..?

Even our birth and death are simply transformations.

Think about it...I do , even if I don't claim to know all the answers. That would be dishonest.
Woody S
2008-08-10 10:55:07 UTC
Actually, Athiesm is the perfect religion. You can't prove it wrong in practice. Its kind of like the Eastern story about how you can't fight water because as soon as you bring a sword down on it, the water closes in around it.

Its kind of a screwed up premise, that each Athiest beleives what they beleive EXCEPT for the one thing that they all embrace that

"God doesn't exist". Because there is no set doctrine, if you try to engage one of them and convince one of them, all the others have a different doctrine so the argument doesn't apply to them. The water closes around the sword.

Some of them worship logic. However, none of them beleive that actual formal logic applies to them. Very convenient and makes for a highly resiliant religion. For example, formal logic says you can't disprove a negative, which should shut down a logical athiest down cold, but it doesn't. They just borrow from other theistic belief systems that you are free to ignore something if you want.

Most of them have some kind of axe to grind. However its part of the Athiest Rede that you never look at this psychological aspect. The buddhist concept of self-examination not being part of the Athiest code.

Some of them are very evangellical. Its not enough that they have discovered the Truth for them, but they have to tell others about their "liberation". Which is strange because a lot of the Athiests really don't like evangelists for the very same reason.

Unfortunately, those groups that have embrased Athiesm have a historic problem of killing each other. Communism did this and they insisted on wacking each other off into the millions, in something called The Purges. That Athiesm isn't dangerous hasn't been statically born out in history. In Russia, they have found out that the lesser of the two evils is to embrase a postive beleif system, and religion is making a come back there.
2008-08-10 10:50:06 UTC
You can't, especially by using the line, "because the Bible says so..." which is their first "Proof"...

The easiest way is to prove that God exists. If you can prove it, most Atheists will not deny it, including me. But it has to be proof, not because the bible says so, or the fact that there are trees, or because life is too complex, or "just look at the birth of a baby". It must be physical proof.
2008-08-10 10:51:27 UTC
Their position is based on belief not fact, this puts them in exactly the same position as theists relying on wish full thinking/delusion.

Atheists do not say the universe was always here and that we evolved, they do deny the existence of god. The other two issues are separate.
2016-10-21 14:00:21 UTC
honey, it feels like you try your self to cajole believers into Atheism. undesirable concept! trust is something own, and as maximum countries of our international promote loose selection and education of religion, go away it as a lot as absolutely everyone what they trust. btw, this also is going to the address of militant, missionary Christians, Muslims, Hindus etc (although both very last ones do not do missioning, after I undergo in concepts proper). trust does not ought to spotlight God, Allah, even with. in case you outline trust as faith, than Atheism may nicely be said as a faith, ever concept about that? you may not imagine so, yet different Atheists may. you're proper, Sammi, there are quite some pagan symbols in church homes - Christianity followed many symbols. as did / does the different faith... yet you're incorrect about Jesus' birthday, i imagine - wasn't it in March? a minimum of, it grow to be not December twenty fourth.
Punk Rock and Minerals
2008-08-10 10:48:27 UTC
Try disproving the evidence, which is kinda hard to do because all known evidence supports an ancient universe (in it's current form for about 13.7 billion years) and all known evidence points to the theory of evolution by natural selection
2008-08-10 10:50:41 UTC
Partially right. Some atheists think that the universe could have made itself. A deeper understanding of quantum physics actually makes it more likely.
2008-08-10 11:07:32 UTC
Admit that you know it's a crazy fantasy, but that you grew up feeling obligated to believe in it, and knowing no other way, you submitted. And now, though you realize the preposterous notions involved, the irrational idea of "God"'s authority excusing any sort of behavior the mob of church goers decides is "god's will", you still associate your parent's love with your beliefs and find it impossible to separate the two, for you to deny God is to deny your parents loved you, and while intellectually you know better, emotionally you can't stop, can't disassociate the two, can't disbelieve.
2008-08-10 13:03:00 UTC
The Bible and many Religions had to originate from somewhere.

I'm uncertain to where the universe came from, so I believe the Big Bang Theory.

-Don't shoot the messenger-
Dreamstuff Entity
2008-08-10 10:42:37 UTC
Atheism is the lack of belief in any gods.

To prove atheists wrong, just provide evidence your specific god exists.

Or pray for all atheists to become christian tomorrow. According to the bible, all prayers will be granted. If all atheists do indeed become christians, great. If not, you'll know the bible is false.
2008-08-10 11:12:31 UTC
How nice it must be to only be responsible to one's self, to choose what one does or doesn't do as good or bad and forgive oneself for any mistakes. I want to choose the easy path and be close minded, but alas, I can't, the last time I applied to be an athiest they turned me away because I wasn't cool enough.
2008-08-10 10:42:12 UTC
Ones from your own supposed faith I guess, rather than ones you garnered off other people in this desperate question
2008-08-10 10:49:32 UTC
Most who partake in atheism do so because they choose to believe in what they taste, touch, smell, hear and see. They rely on what is physical, being ignorant of all that is spiritual.

God is not a God of the dead, but the living. God is spirit.

Atheists do not know God, for they are carnal minded, thus have not inclination as to the things of the spirit.

Yet, the thing that amazes me is they deny the spirit, when inside them is a soul/spirit.

So since the atheists rely only on the phyiscal, they cannot see the movement of God since he is spirit.

For a man to understand God who is spirit, the man must first become of that same spirit of truth known as the Holy Spirit. This comes when a man is born again, when a man's spirit that is dead because of sin is reborn, made alive again through the quickening spirit Christ Jesus.
2008-08-10 10:42:09 UTC
It doesn't matter how many times you prove an atheist wrong - that still doesn't make religion right.
2008-08-11 03:53:21 UTC
You can't. That's why theists use violence or insults to silence atheists.

Atheists, however, won't go away.
2008-08-10 10:47:15 UTC
Leave them alone please... that's why they choose to be Atheists, so that religious people give them a break with their non sense.
2008-08-10 10:42:59 UTC
that is an intriguing question and im gonna give it due consideration...hold on a sec....."Alright damnit! who stole the remote?!"
Grover says Hallowed be the Ori
2008-08-10 10:43:01 UTC
you can't. there is no need to. atheists are not wrong.
2008-08-10 10:45:10 UTC
No argument is going to convince an atheist;-{ his mind is closed.

All you can do is share your own faith experience;-} why you believe.
2008-08-10 10:46:03 UTC
cook him a dinner and ask if they believe there was a chef

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