Actually, Athiesm is the perfect religion. You can't prove it wrong in practice. Its kind of like the Eastern story about how you can't fight water because as soon as you bring a sword down on it, the water closes in around it.
Its kind of a screwed up premise, that each Athiest beleives what they beleive EXCEPT for the one thing that they all embrace that
"God doesn't exist". Because there is no set doctrine, if you try to engage one of them and convince one of them, all the others have a different doctrine so the argument doesn't apply to them. The water closes around the sword.
Some of them worship logic. However, none of them beleive that actual formal logic applies to them. Very convenient and makes for a highly resiliant religion. For example, formal logic says you can't disprove a negative, which should shut down a logical athiest down cold, but it doesn't. They just borrow from other theistic belief systems that you are free to ignore something if you want.
Most of them have some kind of axe to grind. However its part of the Athiest Rede that you never look at this psychological aspect. The buddhist concept of self-examination not being part of the Athiest code.
Some of them are very evangellical. Its not enough that they have discovered the Truth for them, but they have to tell others about their "liberation". Which is strange because a lot of the Athiests really don't like evangelists for the very same reason.
Unfortunately, those groups that have embrased Athiesm have a historic problem of killing each other. Communism did this and they insisted on wacking each other off into the millions, in something called The Purges. That Athiesm isn't dangerous hasn't been statically born out in history. In Russia, they have found out that the lesser of the two evils is to embrase a postive beleif system, and religion is making a come back there.