"DNA is a code" No, DNA is a self-replicating molecule that happens to function by providing a functional protein sequence.
"The only rational, Logical explanation is that an intelligent being made it. The Bible says God did it, and Jesus confirms that" A false dichotomy followed directly by an appeal to ignorance. Two in one, good job!
"There is more Evidence for the Life, Crucifixion, and RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ than there is for any Human Theory (scientific or not)." Lies. If there was evidence for Jesus's resurrection, faith would not be required, making your religion a mute point.
"Only a God can be resurrected" According to your own mythology, Lazarrus was resurrected. Was Lazarrus a god too?
"Most historians agree That That's what happened to Jesus!" No they don't. You really shouldn't lie for your god.
"So why don't you atheists hit your knees and beg your GOD for forgiveness and accept his Sacrifice!?!?!?!" First, any being as immoral as your god would never be my god. I would never worship a being that thinks it's okay to kill 42 children just because they called someone "baldy." Second, his "sacrifice" wasn't a sacrifice. It's not a sacrifice to have an immortal spend 72 hours in hell to pay for an eternity of pain for someone else. Jesus didn't stay down there, thus nothing was sacrificed. Third, the supposed sacrifice is immoral. It is immoral for me to allow someone else to pay the penalty for crimes you claim I committed. Anyone willing to let someone else pay the penalty for their own faults is using Jesus as a Get Out of Jail Free card.
"you are CHOOSING to go to, by Ignoring, and rejecting him!" You forget about door # 3: If the choise is truly mine, then I choose not to believe in your hate-filled fairy-tale and not to go to your imaginary hell.