One of my Christian colleague admitted that he learned to wash his organ, after urination, from Muslims when he was living in KSA.
He used to say Innsha'allah and believe his difficult problem get easily solved in this way.
Islam tells us what to say to eachother as greetings.
Islam tells us how to take a bath properly and when taking a bath is must.
Islam tells us how to keep claen and pure our body and dress.
Islam tells us what is wrong and right in daily life and what is a halaal food and a Haraam.
What to say before going to a Mosque and what while comming out. same for our house and same for going to toilet, as every place is told what to say and be safe from Shaitan and get blessings and mercies of almighty Allah.
Praying five times a day keeps us away from evil acts, personally, Friday prayer for the welfare of a suburb and Eid prayers for the welfare of Muslim society.
How to purify our innerself by fasting.
How to clean our wealth by paying Zaka
Most of the Muslim Ummah gethers at one place once a year during Hajj.
How to deal with our relatives, how to deal with animals, how to deal with patients, how to deal with our neighbours, how to deal with our employees, how to deel with our employer, how do buissness and trade etc.
How punish a thief, how to punish a killer, how to punish a illeagle sex committers, Islam tells us a complete Judicery system.
How to get married, how to cancell a marriege....
There is a never ending list that covers all ways of life,
So Islam is a complete code of life.