Jehovah's Witnesses: Questions about holidays?
2008-09-26 07:00:51 UTC
I am having some trouble understanding why we cannot celebrate holidays. Yes, I know it is because of their origin.
But shouldn't it only matter about why we celebrate them now and not why they used to be celebrated?
I am not putting you down at all. I am studying with someone right now and I am progressing. This is the only thing I am having trouble with.
And I trust that I can get a good answer from you JWs because you guys have helped me gain understanding in every other question I have had!
And even my boss at work made me feel like crap. She asked me what I was going to do about the holiday party we have at the staff meeting in December (which I am required to go to because we are also going to be talking about work things during it). And I told her I just will not participate in the non work related parts and I will not help put up the Christmas tree. And I told her I can accept gifts but it is not going to be because of the holiday.
Then she asked me why I would deprive my 3 year old daughter like that! And I told her that I give her gifts all through the year. It doesn't have to be because of one day. I surprise her with things all the time.
Fifteen answers:
2008-09-26 14:00:48 UTC
Well, you've likely learned about origins, so I won't go into that. But consider this- the things involved in holidays- being with family, decorations, costumes, presents, etc. are nice. They're like candy- fun, colorful, taste good. There's nothing wrong with any of these things in and of themselves- but shouldn't the origin matter? You would eat candy that you buy in a store, but if you found a piece of candy lying in the sewage gutter of New York City, would you eat it? It's candy, right- so does the origin, or where it came from, matter?

Another thing- when you celebrate, say, Easter, you are actually reenacting ancient pagan fertility rites in honor of the goddess Ashtoreth, thus praising her and asking her blessing on your womb. True, it may not mean all that to you, or anyone, anymore, but that's still what you are doing. If I were to....use a Catholic Rosary to recite the Hail Mary, wouldn't you say I was engaging in Catholic worship? I may protest and say I simply enjoy doing it, the prayers are pretty and fun to say, I like the beads and wear them for a necklace- but that doesn't change the fact that I'm acting out the Catholic Religion, which doesn't make any sense for a non-Catholic. So, what's the difference between acting out Catholicism and acting out paganism? Wouldn't both be considered worship?

And I like that you give your daughter gifts throughout the year. We may not celebrate holidays, but that doesn't mean we deprive ourselves of fun. My parents did the same for me.
2008-09-26 09:31:40 UTC
Good for you in standing up for Jehovah!!! He and I are both very proud of you and your progress.

What some of my work mates have told me is that it's not a holiday gift it's a friendship gift. So I reply: "Oh, good so then you can wait to give it to me after the holiday." That way you're acknowledging their kindness, and still standing up for the truth.

When they would ask if I feel deprived I always say "Well, do you feel deprived when you don't receive a gift from me this time of year?" Most of them reply "No." I respond "That's because I do things for you all the time. I care about my work mates and do things for you because I want to. It doesn't have to be a special day for me to do something nice."

I also ask them if they're really interested. "What's the fun in the surprise if you know the day that you're getting a gift? I'd rather be surprised with a gift because they love me and want to not because they have to. Don't you agree?"

It usually works beautifully you're giving a witness and they don't even know it!!

Finally, the reason we don't celebrate holidays is summed up with this:

2 Tim. 3:16 All scripture is inspired by God and beneficial.

Holidays are not supported by the Bible and thus not supported by God. Everything God had written in the Bible is beneficial. So if God doesn't support the holidays then they aren't beneficial to us in any way.

I hope this helps and encourages you!
2008-09-26 07:58:12 UTC
So, if you give your 3 year old daughter gifts all through the year and she is aware that the gifts are an expression of love between you and her, how are you depriving her?

Do you use some of the time you would have otherwise spent stressing out shopping at the mall for quality bonding time with her?

Are the myths of Saint Nicholas and the Easter Bunny true or a lie from Mommy and Daddy's own lips?

Others pick and choose which holidays to observe like Lent or MLK's birthday, your choice happens to be none of the above.

And yes, they are all inventions of the church including Christ's Mass.

Hope anyone can answer this.
2008-09-26 07:40:45 UTC
I used to feel the same way but the longer I studied and looked at the scriptures it made more sense. I think the one thing that stood out the most was that they are traditions of man. They are not from Jehovah and where they came from Jehovah does not want anything to do with them. Also that it's a wordly thing and you are to be no part of the world. I mean think about it anyway christmas is so expensive and people can't afford it. People can barely get by these days and with the extra cost of gifts where is the joy in being broke. It gets easier and easier through the years. I don't even think about it anymore. Those days are just another day to me now.

Also holidays should never be an excuse to get family members together. If you truly love family then you should be able to get together at other times.
בַר אֱנָשׁ (bar_enosh)
2008-09-26 07:35:14 UTC
You have asked a good question about the holidays, and that is fine. Many people who were deeply involved in holiday celebrations need time to really put those thoughts and feelings behind them. Don't worry, that's normal.

But it has to be considered that even now, the celebration of certain holidays still exalts error and falsehood. There is no Santa Claus. Jesus was not born on December 25th, no matter how many people celebrate that day as his birthday. The commercialism of Christmas promotes greed and materialism.

As Christians, we should take our example from what Jesus and his apostles did, not from people today who sponsor the traditions of men rather than the Word of God.

Ask yourself, what example did Jesus and his apostles follow when it came to celebrating birthdays and holidays?

There is not one example in the Bible of a servant of God celebrating a birthday. There is not one example in the Bible of Jesus or his apostles celebrating "Christmas." There must be a reason for that.

Jesus and his apostles went to weddings and they celebrated the religious festivals set out in the Law of Moses, since that Law was still binding at the time.

Beware of emotional appeals like "depriving" your children of anything. As you noted, our children are not deprived of gifts, the most important gift being the true love of their parents --- all year long.

It might help to talk about this with a mature sister who also had to make this choice, or with the elders at the Kingdom Hall.

And remember that doing what Jehovah approves leads to the highest gift of all: the friendship of Jehovah and his Son, and eternal life.

Your question is appreciated.
Greek Olive
2008-09-26 09:56:36 UTC
Oh I'm so upset, I had a big long answer and it disappeared!!!! Let me make sure this one will go up, then I'll edit and add.

Ok, I see that others posted the paragraphs in the Bible Teach book that I had also. I love the candy illustration! I won't elaborate on that since the other bros and sis answered very well.

But the other thing I said, and want to really reiterate, is that you must replace holidays with fun things that are acceptable to Jehovah. Get togethers, wrapped presents during other times of the year, parties just for fun, ...get creative! Something I make a point to do for my kids is to show up at their classroom at least once during the year with a bunch of decorated cupcakes to pass out. The kids say, "Is it your son/daughter's birthday?" I say, "Nope" with a big smile "it's Just Because Day!" The kids are bewildered. I explain that it's nice to get treats when we don't expect them, just because!!!! So, that makes my kids feel great, and then it never fails, the kids in the class tell my kids I'm the coolest mom ever! lol!

We also make a big deal within our family about our wedding anniversary. We tell the kids it's not only mommy and daddy's day to remember our wedding day and what it means, but also the kids are part of this arrangement and we want them to feel like it's "their" day too.

I have lots of other suggestions, but the key is this: For our kids to be able to tell other kids in defense, "Well I get presents all year round!" we have to make sure it's true. Presents aren't the point, but in a kid's mind, when all the other kids in the class are talking about their Xmas presents, they need to be able to remember that they too get presents at other times.

Much Christian Love,

Greek Olive
2008-09-26 09:46:03 UTC
Jehovah was pleased with the Jews as they worshipped him when the other peoples went off to false gods. They celebrated to these gods. And when Jesus came along he told people they were to put Jehovah first and not follow the traditions of men. That the only way to salvation was pure worship.

Then the churches made part of those false god celebrations part of their Christianity to get the people to join their church.

So now everyone is happy...the churches get your money and satan is still part of their worship.

But God warns if you want life you must free yourself of any false celebrations and traditions of mankind.

Perfect example was when Moses went up to the mountain to get the 10 commandments. He wasn't even gone a month before the people went back to their pagan gods..and they were in bondage 400 years when Jehovah rescued them. How quickly they forgot the miracles it took to set them free.

Jehovah is working very hard to get us through this system of things and see that we are protected through the great tribulation. Now is not the time to revert back to the pagan...other gods.

Stay free and the reward will be so great in the new system that no one has seen the great things he has in store for us yet.
2008-09-26 11:49:22 UTC
Yes i had the same problem at my jobs also.

the first thing i told them if you can show me in the bible where any of the christians in the bible celebrated ANY of the holidays today then i will do it... one lady said ok christmas..... i said not in there, nothing about the date of Christ's literal birthday and to celebrate it. next.

easter... nothing in the bible about a bunny rabbit and to celebrate the birth or resurrection of christ only to celebrate his Death to remember Jesus by. out of his own mouth of his own commandment.(Luke 22:19).

All of the other holidays also are made up by man & for man. doesnt mean we have to by law to observe them , which is what Jesus also meant to be no part of the world.

If a person want to be an imitation of Jesus & do the things he does the scriptures shows that we must worship God with Spirit & truth.(John 4:24.) Even if they say well its for the kids... but is it inline with the Truth?

Wheres the truth in Christmas-- a man on a 1 horse open sleigh with 12 reign deer , coming down a chimney> false

Easter bunny laying eggs, much less golden ones.false

Cupid on Valentines day etc.etc. e\Everyday should be a time for giving, thanksgiving & loving your mate or anyone not just one day.

then i asked one of my bible students who do you think God will be more pleased with someone who celebrates Christmas, yet curse, steal, have fornication relationships, drunkards etc.

or someone who doesnt celebrate christmas yet dont do any of these things, you decide.

Stick with your first plan it will work out for you--- holidays are over rated, there are many ways you & i can love our neighbors & God than celebrating any holiday made by man.
2008-09-26 08:54:15 UTC
The point you made about should origins matter and isn't it important how/why we do it that makes the difference.

This same attitude is what has caused many in Christendom to have the same view about premarital sex. I even heard growing up in religions that sex is like eating pork, when you could do it without getting a disease or had meds to kill the disease, it wasn't valid to abstain from fornication anymore.

I've heard time and time again in Christendom that it isn't the sex outside marriage that is wrong, it is the reason you are doing it...if you are tricking someone, lying, cheating or being promiscous or a hooker, it is wrong. If you have a nice mature relationship, it is ok (good reason for doing it). Homosexuals even use this to justify their lifestyle.

Some churches use this same reasoning for abortion even.

Does it matter if we do something Jehovah hates, but for a good or nice reason? Of course, having good intentions is still participating in the act.

So if we do holidays, we mimic the worship of pagan gods, if we fornicate nicely it is still fact, false pagan worship is viewed as spiritual fornication. Ezekiel 23, 16, James 4:4, Rev. 17:2, 5......

Deuteronomy 7:25 tells us to burn such stuff and not even use them to melt down or change for our material use. The same was done in NT times. Acts 19:19, 2 Cor. 6:14-18....we must clean out of our lives things like that.

Christendom has a "nice" reason for its dislike of God's name, too.....

2008-09-26 11:27:57 UTC
I know how you feel. My children were small when I came into the Truth also. As the holiday has nothing to do with Jesus' birth to begin with, we don't partake in it. Jehovah did tell us everything to do with His Son's death but nothing about the day or time of his birth, not even the year, this tells us that we should not do it. Children are happy that Santa brought them stuff. Santa is a lie and as Satan is the father of the lie, we should not do the Santa thing. I am 50 and still remember how I felt when I realized that my parents lied to me about Santa. Satan uses us in many ways, guilt is one of many.
2016-04-06 09:47:04 UTC
I'm honestly sorry nobody showed hospitality and love. That's happened to me when I'm visiting other congregations and I am a Witness. Sometimes people just aren't considerate. We aren't perfect. And we don't use spies. We pretty much have to take your word for it. But God knows, so why would you want to get baptized if you know you aren't going to serve God in a way that is pleasing to him?
2008-09-27 11:13:40 UTC
Dear, is good you do ask for.

Most of the holidays of today were celebrated already in apostles days: Mom day, San Valentain, Christmast, etc. But, how the apostles view this celebrations?

Plese, read 1 Corinthians 10:20: "Things which nations do sacrifice are sacrificed to demons, not to God, and I don´t want you do have participation with demons."

Those celebrations, which dedicated to Afrodita, Cupido, the Sun, etc, really were dedicated to Satan and his demons, just as today.

You have to know something: Many of the people in my country have abamdoned Catholic church to "convert" to evangelical churches; but most of them continue celebrating Christmas, Mom day, Friend day, and so on. Do you believe they really have "converted"?

2008-09-26 07:28:31 UTC
Good for you for standing up for your beliefs! But yes, origins really do matter. It's like this illustration: Suppose your daughter picked up a piece of candy and you ask her where she got it from. She tells you that she picked it up from a dirty gutter. Would you want her to eat the candy, even if it looks brand new and clean? The same applies to the origins of holidays.
2008-09-26 07:19:38 UTC
You did well in answering your boss about your daughter. However, I have one question for you. If you do accept gifts at the party yet claim to not participate in Christmas, won't that make you look like a hypocrit? Some may say..."Oh ya she will certainly take gifts but she won't give em out, what a theif or a cheapskate!!"

Now the following info is kind of long, but please read it and look up the scriptures. It will help you make the most informed decision possible.


11 Some agree that such holidays as Christmas have pagan origins but still feel that it is not wrong to celebrate them. After all, most people are not thinking about false worship when they observe holidays. These occasions also give families opportunities to draw close together. Is this how you feel? If so, likely it is love of family, not love of false religion, that makes taking a stand for true worship seem difficult. Be assured that Jehovah, the one who originated the family, wants you to have a good relationship with your relatives. (Ephesians 3:14, 15) But you can strengthen such bonds in ways that God approves. Regarding the matter that should be our chief concern, the apostle Paul wrote: “Keep on making sure of what is acceptable to the Lord.”—Ephesians 5:10.

12 Maybe you feel that the origins of holidays have little to do with how they are celebrated today. Do origins really matter? Yes! To illustrate: Suppose you saw a piece of candy lying in the gutter. Would you pick up that candy and eat it? Of course not! That candy is unclean. Like that candy, holidays may seem sweet, but they have been picked up from unclean places. To take a stand for true worship, we need to have a viewpoint like that of the prophet Isaiah, who told true worshipers: “Touch nothing unclean.”—Isaiah 52:11.


13 Challenges may arise when you choose not to participate in holidays. For example, fellow employees may wonder why you do not engage in certain holiday activities where you work. What if you are offered a Christmas gift? Would it be wrong to accept it? What if your marriage mate does not share your beliefs? How can you make sure that your children do not feel deprived because of not celebrating holidays?

14 Good judgment is needed to discern how to handle each situation. If a holiday greeting is casually extended, you could simply thank the well-wisher. But suppose you are dealing with someone you see or work with regularly. In that case, you might choose to say more. In all cases, be tactful. The Bible advises: “Let your utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one.” (Colossians 4:6) Be careful not to show disrespect for others. Instead, tactfully explain your position. Make clear that you are not against gift-giving and gatherings but prefer to participate in these activities at a different time.

15 What if someone wants to give you a gift? Much depends upon the circumstances. The giver might say: “I know that you do not celebrate the holiday. Still, I want you to have this.” You may decide that accepting the gift under those circumstances is not the same as taking part in the holiday. Of course, if the giver is not familiar with your beliefs, you could mention that you do not observe the holiday. This would help to explain why you accept a gift but do not give one on that occasion. On the other hand, it would be wise not to accept a gift if it is given with the clear intention of showing that you do not stick to your beliefs or that you would compromise for the sake of material gain.


16 What if family members do not share your beliefs? Again, be tactful. There is no need to make an issue of every custom or celebration that your relatives choose to observe. Instead, respect their right to their views, just as you want them to respect your right to yours. (Matthew 7:12) Avoid any actions that would make you a participant in the holiday. Still, be reasonable when it comes to matters that do not amount to actual celebration. Of course, you should always act in a way that will leave you with a good conscience.—1 Timothy 1:18, 19.

17 What can you do so that your children do not feel deprived because of not celebrating unscriptural holidays? Much depends on what you do at other times of the year. Some parents set aside times to give presents to their children. One of the best gifts you can give your children is your time and loving attention.


18 To please God, you must reject false worship and take a stand for true worship. What does this include? The Bible states: “Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:24, 25) Christian meetings are happy occasions
2008-09-26 08:59:58 UTC
Don't believe in nonsense talk. You got a life to live. Live it to the fullest with love, peace, and joy. That will get you into God's kingdom.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.