I will simply state part of what I know.
maybe this will encourage some studying.
For someone to prove me right or wrong will require research on their part. Get your Bibles and research materials ready....
All races were created on the 6th day accept for 1... Caucasian
(that is not a racial remark in any form, GOD made us all and he was pleased with what He created)
The 10 tribes of Israel that were scattered (most going north) traveled over the Caucasus Mountains - that is why they are called Caucasians.
Some settled in what we now call Europe, Asia, Russia.... and Later settling in what is now Canada and the Americas.
GOD did not rest the entire 7th day. Yes, He worked on the morning of the 7th. "...on the seventh day God ended his work..."
Cain and Abel were twins in the sense that they had the same mother and were born at the same time frame.... But Cain's father was Satan.
Cain, after being driven out from the presence of the LORD, cain settled in the land of Nod and took a wife... also proving that other races were on the earth. This could possibly be the first interracial marriage.
There is no such thing as the "rapture".
When you die, you do not wait in a hole in the ground until the LORD returns... to be absent from the flesh, is to be present with the LORD.
This teaching began to spread in 1830 from Margaret MacDonald. GOD did not wait about 1800 years to tell us this.
HOWEVER, GOD did say 2 very important things that concern this teaching... "behold I have foretold you all things"....
Ezekiel 13: 17 - 23 GOD told Ezekiel something that most people don't understand because MOST (false) PREACHERS and RELIGIONS don't teach - they skip over - the fact that GOD saw that someone would try to teach this crap....
GOD SAID: (and I'm paraphrasing to help you understand)
17- 23: Ezekiel, prophesy against the daughters of thy people for they prophesy from their hearts... (they didn't teach the word of GOD they taught their own collective ideas - a false religion)
God is saying that these women are trying (through their teaching) to cover His outstretched saving arms... teaching His children to fly to save their souls. GOD said... "wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go..." "...Because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad; and strengthed the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, by promising him life..."
GOD said Learn the parable of the Fig Tree and He meant it !
We are in the generation of the Fig Tree..... Starting as of 1948 when both the good and bad "figs" (people of Israel) became a nation once again. Israel hasn't been a nation since GOD scattered it. Up until this time the land has been controled by many nations.
GOD said that this generation SHALL NOT PASS until all prophesy is FULFILLED ! We are in those final days. My dear family, I hope you are paying attention.
Satan returns first, pretending to be Christ....
Peacefully and prosperously.... knowing that we as the human race have never seen nor experienced a "supernatural" being before....
many people will think that he is Jesus. The people that claim to be the ones "taken from the feilds" or "raptured" will be the greatest followers of Satan. They are just too blind to see him for who he is.
Your family member that "deliver" you unto "death" are these very people. REMEMBER - One of the many names of Satan, is death.
You will delivered up before him as a witness, If you are one of the Elect. The Elect, through the spirit and words of our Almighty GOD, will speak against Satan in a tongue that will be understood by all people of the earth AND they will begin to doubt that he is The Christ.
He will be trying to perform miracles so great that GOD said for the Elect's sake, He would shorten this time frame from 7 years down to 5 months, because He thought that it was too much to bear with such an outpouring of lies. Which is the last flood - the flood of lies. The last famine - the famine of not hearing the true Word of GOD taught as it should be in it's pureity. (the bread of life) not a famine for bread...
The Two Witnesses (believed to be perhaps Moses and Elijah) will also stand and witness against Satan... and will be killed in the streets by Satan. Many will praise him even more for the manner in which he kills them....