Astrology and Christianity? What'z Up Christians? Explain.?
2009-01-31 19:22:23 UTC
I have been studying the word of God and I happen to believe that astrology has some relevance to the Holy Scriptures and everyday people. I don't run to read the daily horoscopes in newspapers and magazines and i don't pick up my phone or cell to call soothsayers like "cleo". However i do believe that there is a element of truth in astrology. No one should use the sign they are born under as an excuse to say "that's just how i am." We all have a free will as humans and can change. My question is, what are the chances that the magi who used the star to find Jesus the Christ weren't astrologers and what are the chances that the 12 apostles don't represent the 12 zodiac signs? and what are the chances that Ezekiel (chapter 1)wasn't using the zodiac animals as a description of the creatures he saw in a vision? How much is the church not telling us because of fear that people will know the true truth? Can somebody, anybody intelligent explain? WHAT DO YOU KNOW?
Sixteen answers:
2009-01-31 19:25:10 UTC
Deuteronomy 18:9-12. <')))><
Jody A
2009-01-31 19:49:54 UTC
The Bible says that the stars are for "signs" such as the star over Bethlehem. It is possible that the 3 wisemen were students of astrology but I think the emphasis about stars is astronomy, not astology. Stars are for times and seasons and to mark the time of something to come. As for the constellations, I've read that they tell stories of the coming Messiah which is Christ. Also, if you look at the Jewish calendar such as the month of Elul which is signified 'the virgin', the "story" or meaning of the constellation gives meaning to the time that is celebrated in that month.

As for numbers, they, too, have a significance to dilineate meaning and symbolism. Not necessarily divination. The number 12 in particular means:

"perfection of government, or of governmental perfection. It is found as a multiple in all that has to do with rule. The sun which "rules" the day, and the moon and stars which "govern" the night, do so by their passage through the twelve signs of the Zodiac which completes the great circle of the heavens of 360 (12 x 30) degrees or divisions, and thus govern the year." -

As for the creatures in Ezekiel, I think they are again seen in Revelation. They are not the constellations, but represent the four faces of Christ. A man, an ox, a lion, and and eagle. He was born as a man, the ox is 'servant, the lion is "the lion of judah", and "eagle" as in to bear up on eagle's wings.
lantern swinger
2009-01-31 19:36:18 UTC
I don't claim to be overly intelligent. Although there may be SOME truth in astrology, it's not the whole truth. The stars were created for "signs and seasons", but I think it's obvious that the astrological "signs" are pagan. Perhaps I'm wrong on this. If so, this would just be another one of Satan's counterfeits.

The stars, i.m.o., represent spirit-filled believers, the moon represents Christ, and the sun represents the father. In this, the stars reveal the plan of salvation that God had in place from the foundation of the universe. This is a "sign" I believe is actually from God. I should be careful to state that this is only my belief.

It's very tempting for men to want to know the future. But this doesn't come from faith, it comes from fear of the unknown. Divination has been going on since the beginning of mankind. Saul went to a medium and died the next day. In the book of Acts, a woman who foretold the future was saved, and could no longer foretell the future. This should say something to us.

Act 16:16 And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying:

Act 16:17 The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which show unto us the way of salvation.

Act 16:18 And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour.

Act 16:19 And when her masters saw that the hope of their gains was gone, they caught Paul and Silas, and drew them into the marketplace unto the rulers,

Note: What she said was true, however her source of information was a spirit of divination that she was possessed with.
2009-01-31 19:38:55 UTC
I find the bible uses the number twelve a lot. I'm not too particular to numerology but i am quite particular of astrology. I don't run too the horoscopes in the newspaper or to text the stupid number, but I believe that astrology does affect people. Hey, God created the stars, why can't they affect someone at their birth?

twelve apostles, twelve tribes of israel, twelve signs of zodiac, there are more i am sure.

I as people about it all the time, and people almost ALWAYS fall into their sign. I know that I am an aquarius and I tend to act like that, i believe that signs affect the friendships and relationships with others.

The magi had to have been astrologers. They were persian, so why not?

I do disagree with your ezekiel chapter 1 thing, that is a reference to revelations, with four beasts that are the same description...

I believe that the tower of babel wasn't just to reach heaven itself but also to the heavens... to the stars...
2009-01-31 19:50:03 UTC
The element of truth in astrology is far beneath the element of truth in Christianity. The Bible gives numerous examples of this in the books of Isaiah and Daniel:

I would suppose that the wise men in the Bible were not astrologers at all. First of all the star concerning Jesus, was not a regular star. Could others see it also. Could not Herod's own astrologers note this star as well? Apparently not. Herod's men could not see it, but the Magi could. The star, just was not a regular star. The Magi followed the star as it moved and the star actually stood still when it reached Christ's location. What kind of a star was that? Not one that we see in the heavens obviously.

Then later the Magi are warned in a dream by God not to return to Herod. In other words God was directly communicating with these men. Who is to say that God did not communicate with them in a dream about the star and Christ's birth as well?
♥ Jenny ♥
2009-01-31 19:26:01 UTC
Astrology is the system of belief in which knowledge of the relative positions of celestial bodies is used to interpret and organize information about personality, human affairs, and other terrestrial matters.

Since earliest known records in about 2300 BC; astrology has played a role in the shaping of culture and politics throughout history. In fact, despite the modern conceit that we live in an "enlightened, scientific and literate society", nearly every major newspaper in the world contains an astrological horoscope section.

Unfortunately, Astrology is bullshit.

4300 years ago, when the ancient Babylonians invented the practices we now call astrology, they were earnestly trying to understand the world they inhabited. The Babylonians did not have anything resembling the scientific method of thought, but did the best they could.

Babylonian astrology was based on the "theory of divine governance". This theory encompassed the belief that events on earth, including famines, harvests, wars and treaties were the direct result of the will of a large number of gods. These gods were active and regular agents affecting earthly and human matters, unlike the distant or non-involved "God" that many modern Christians may recognize.

Starting from the Babylonian's observation that the fertility of the soil depends upon the sun and rain from the heavens; and that mischief and damage done by storms and floods were to be traced likewise to the heavens; the conclusion was made that the gods had their home in the heavens.

Observation of the night sky, coupled with the desire to predict important events such as storms, or crop failures led quite naturally to the early Babylonian astrology.

The Babylonians divided the night sky into small discreet regions, each the home of one of their gods. These regions, although renamed and reshaped since 2300 BC, are what we now call constellations. There are 88 constellations defined and recognized by the International Astronomical Union, these 88 regions of the sky encompass the entire sky visible from the surface of the Earth. This is obviously many more than the 12 commonly associated to zodiacal astrological star-signs familiar to every modern newspaper. To understand the significance of these 12 zodiacal constellations, its necessary to understand a little about the mechanics of our solar system.

the plane of the eclipticThere are nine Planets in our solar system, varying in distance from the sun, from the nearest, mercury, to the farthest, Pluto. (or Neptune, as Pluto has recently be reclassified, losing its planetary status) The planets in our solar system all orbit the sun in the same direction, and in the same plane. That is, all the planets follow orbital paths which are more-or-less in line with each other, defining a flat plane with the sun at its center. This is called the "plane of the ecliptic" because if three celestial bodies, such as the sun, the moon, and the earth briefly "line up" creating an eclipse, it is on this plane.

From the surface of the Earth, the plane of the ecliptic can be drawn across the sky as an imaginary line. Observations of the planets and the sun will always be along this imaginary line.

The constellations of the zodiac are defined as those which are bisected by the plane of the ecliptic. A person's "zodiacal sign" is the constellation in which the sun is found on the date of their birthday.

constellation of Ophiuchus The zodiacal constellations are:

1. Sagittarius

2. Capricorn

3. Aquarius

4. Pisces

5. Aries

6. Taurus

7. Gemini

8. Cancer

9. Leo

10. Virgo

11. Libra

12. Scorpio

13. Ophiuchus

Some people might be surprised to learn there are not twelve, but thirteen constellations in the zodiac. In the 2nd century AD a Greek astrologer and mathematician named Ptolemy published a set of astrological tables which omitted the thirteenth constellation, Ophiuchus. Ptolemy's 12-sign astrological table was based on the sun spending an equal amount of time in each constellation, corresponding to the 12 months of the calendar. He is known to have used the then-2400 year old Babylonian astronomical data. As a popularizer of horoscopic astrology, Ptolemy may have sacrificed accuracy for simplicity.

Whatever scientific merit there might have been in the still-developing field of astrology, Ptolemy's tables mark a point of divergence from the later science of astronomy which replaces it. Present day horoscopes published in newspapers still use the same tables.

If people still believed that events on Earth were controlled by supernatural beings living in the sky, modern horoscopic astrology would have a significant problem.

That Ptolemy's tables were based on second-millennium BCE Babylonian data brings up the issue of precession. The Earth, as most people know, not only orbits the sun once per year, it also rotates on its own axis once per day, similar to a spinning to
2009-01-31 19:34:17 UTC
I watched a documentary that told how the maggi were astrologers and they did read the stars to know there was a new ruler of the earth to be born. It was the convergence of three planets together in the sky. One going in fron of the other meant that one would take control over the earth. Each had meaning but I don't remember those. The three together would have been very bright and put forth streaks like the star of Bethleham. I don't know anything about the 12 signs of the zodiac representing the 12 apostles. I don't think it is up to the church to tell us everything. I think it is up to us to read the Bible and pray about it and recieve the knowledge from Gods guidance for ourselves. Church is good and has it's purpose. God wants us to gather and worship Him and have fellowship. But we have to study and pray.
2009-01-31 19:28:06 UTC
The bible says God is against astrology:

Isaiah 47:13-14 (NIV translation):

" All the counsel you have received has only worn you out! Let your astrologers come forward, those stargazers who make predictions month by month, let them save you from what is coming upon you. Surely they are like stubble; the fire will burn them up. They cannot even save themselves from the power of the flame. Here are no coals to warm anyone; here is no fire to sit by."

Deuteronomy 4:19 (NIV): And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars—all the heavenly array—do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the LORD your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven.

Leviticus 20:6 says God will separate himself from those who go after mediums and spiritists.

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 says that practicing witchcraft, sorcery, soothsaying, interpreting omens, making spells, and being a medium or spiritist, are all terrible sins to God.

Daniel 2:27-28 talks of how God kept King Nebuchadnezzar's dream and its interpretation secret from the astrologers, magicians or dream interpreters, and soothsayers. However, he revealed it to his prophet Daniel.

Acts 16:16-18 talks of a girl who was possessed by an evil spirit that enabled her to be a fortune teller. Paul commanded the evil spirit to come out of her in the name or authority of Jesus, and the spirit left her.
The Bible (gives Hope)
2009-01-31 19:29:40 UTC
Astrology is an abomination to God.

In the book of Isaiah Chapter 47, judgment is being pronounced on Babylon. Here is what Verse 13 says Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels: let now the astrologers, the star-gazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from the things that shall come upon thee. Here God is challenging astrologers and the like to save Babylon from judgment. He is mocking them
2009-01-31 19:34:12 UTC
Okay, before you had the cross, the fish was the symbol of christianity. Jesus was born in the age of Pisces, and I don't know if you're aware of this, but we are being ushered into the age of Aquarious. The cross itself is a representation of the sun, and Jesus has many similarities with ancient pagan deitys, such as Krishna. What is similar in all of these storys also is the virgin. This video is well worth checking out, but if you like living in the dark, I would not suggest it. I do not mean to offend, only perhaps illuminate.
robert p
2009-01-31 19:42:08 UTC
How did you tie 12 Apostles to 12 zodiac signs (except both have 12)?

2 Samuel 28:7-25

Leviticus 19:26

" 'Do not eat any meat with the blood still in it. " 'Do not practice divination or sorcery.

Leviticus 19:25-27 (in Context) Leviticus 19 (Whole Chapter)

Numbers 23:23

There is no sorcery against Jacob, no divination against Israel. It will now be said of Jacob and of Israel, 'See what God has done!'

Numbers 23:22-24 (in Context) Numbers 23 (Whole Chapter)

Numbers 24:1

Now when Balaam saw that it pleased the LORD to bless Israel, he did not resort to sorcery as at other times, but turned his face toward the desert.

Numbers 24:1-3 (in Context) Numbers 24 (Whole Chapter)

Deuteronomy 18:10

Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft,

Deuteronomy 18:9-11 (in Context) Deuteronomy 18 (Whole Chapter)

Deuteronomy 18:14

[ The Prophet ] The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, the LORD your God has not permitted you to do so.

Deuteronomy 18:13-15 (in Context) Deuteronomy 18 (Whole Chapter)

2 Kings 17:17

They sacrificed their sons and daughters in the fire. They practiced divination and sorcery and sold themselves to do evil in the eyes of the LORD, provoking him to anger.

2 Kings 17:16-18 (in Context) 2 Kings 17 (Whole Chapter)

2 Kings 21:6

He sacrificed his own son in the fire, practiced sorcery and divination, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the eyes of the LORD, provoking him to anger.

2 Kings 21:5-7 (in Context) 2 Kings 21 (Whole Chapter)

2 Chronicles 33:6

He sacrificed his sons in the fire in the Valley of Ben Hinnom, practiced sorcery, divination and witchcraft, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the eyes of the LORD, provoking him to anger.

2 Chronicles 33:5-7 (in Context) 2 Chronicles 33 (Whole Chapter)

Acts 8:9

[ Simon the Sorcerer ] Now for some time a man named Simon had practiced sorcery in the city and amazed all the people of Samaria. He boasted that he was someone great,

Acts 8:8-10 (in Context) Acts 8 (Whole Chapter)

Acts 19:19

A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas.

Acts 19:18-20 (in Context) Acts 19 (Whole Chapter)
Eye of Innocence
2009-01-31 19:29:30 UTC
We have been told to watch the skies for signs. It was a star that led to a manger 2000 years ago.

EDIT: To Jenny above, My DOB is 11/30 can you tell me more about Ophiuchus?
2009-01-31 23:26:48 UTC
I will simply state part of what I know.

maybe this will encourage some studying.

For someone to prove me right or wrong will require research on their part. Get your Bibles and research materials ready....

All races were created on the 6th day accept for 1... Caucasian

(that is not a racial remark in any form, GOD made us all and he was pleased with what He created)

The 10 tribes of Israel that were scattered (most going north) traveled over the Caucasus Mountains - that is why they are called Caucasians.

Some settled in what we now call Europe, Asia, Russia.... and Later settling in what is now Canada and the Americas.


GOD did not rest the entire 7th day. Yes, He worked on the morning of the 7th. "...on the seventh day God ended his work..."


Cain and Abel were twins in the sense that they had the same mother and were born at the same time frame.... But Cain's father was Satan.

Cain, after being driven out from the presence of the LORD, cain settled in the land of Nod and took a wife... also proving that other races were on the earth. This could possibly be the first interracial marriage.


There is no such thing as the "rapture".

When you die, you do not wait in a hole in the ground until the LORD returns... to be absent from the flesh, is to be present with the LORD.

This teaching began to spread in 1830 from Margaret MacDonald. GOD did not wait about 1800 years to tell us this.

HOWEVER, GOD did say 2 very important things that concern this teaching... "behold I have foretold you all things"....

Ezekiel 13: 17 - 23 GOD told Ezekiel something that most people don't understand because MOST (false) PREACHERS and RELIGIONS don't teach - they skip over - the fact that GOD saw that someone would try to teach this crap....

GOD SAID: (and I'm paraphrasing to help you understand)

17- 23: Ezekiel, prophesy against the daughters of thy people for they prophesy from their hearts... (they didn't teach the word of GOD they taught their own collective ideas - a false religion)

God is saying that these women are trying (through their teaching) to cover His outstretched saving arms... teaching His children to fly to save their souls. GOD said... "wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go..." "...Because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad; and strengthed the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, by promising him life..."


GOD said Learn the parable of the Fig Tree and He meant it !

We are in the generation of the Fig Tree..... Starting as of 1948 when both the good and bad "figs" (people of Israel) became a nation once again. Israel hasn't been a nation since GOD scattered it. Up until this time the land has been controled by many nations.

GOD said that this generation SHALL NOT PASS until all prophesy is FULFILLED ! We are in those final days. My dear family, I hope you are paying attention.


Satan returns first, pretending to be Christ....

Peacefully and prosperously.... knowing that we as the human race have never seen nor experienced a "supernatural" being before....

many people will think that he is Jesus. The people that claim to be the ones "taken from the feilds" or "raptured" will be the greatest followers of Satan. They are just too blind to see him for who he is.

Your family member that "deliver" you unto "death" are these very people. REMEMBER - One of the many names of Satan, is death.

You will delivered up before him as a witness, If you are one of the Elect. The Elect, through the spirit and words of our Almighty GOD, will speak against Satan in a tongue that will be understood by all people of the earth AND they will begin to doubt that he is The Christ.

He will be trying to perform miracles so great that GOD said for the Elect's sake, He would shorten this time frame from 7 years down to 5 months, because He thought that it was too much to bear with such an outpouring of lies. Which is the last flood - the flood of lies. The last famine - the famine of not hearing the true Word of GOD taught as it should be in it's pureity. (the bread of life) not a famine for bread...

The Two Witnesses (believed to be perhaps Moses and Elijah) will also stand and witness against Satan... and will be killed in the streets by Satan. Many will praise him even more for the manner in which he kills them....
2009-01-31 19:30:07 UTC
hey ya you know what?

my cousin is 9, and my brother is 11!

they must have caused 9-11!

it was written in the stars!

its called coincidence
2009-01-31 19:33:36 UTC
Bible states stay clear of divination and sorcery! Christians should not dabble in the occult!
sylvia c
2009-01-31 19:35:06 UTC
there is an astrologer, who writes in our paper, and birds attacked, her, and she spent time in the hospital, now why didnt she see that in the stars? I guess even the birds didnt like her predictions. ;-)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.