Christians, do you think it's important to exercise your sense of humor?
2008-02-02 16:55:59 UTC
Does God get mad if you were to make a joke about your religion?
Eighteen answers:
Karl P
2008-02-02 17:02:33 UTC
You darn tootin'!! :) This one loves laughter and the fact that I can laugh at myself and not be offended!! People out there need to unloosen their ties and pantyhose because laughter is the best medicine of all and yes, God does have a sense of humor!! (He made the platypus, didn't He??)
2008-02-03 01:22:01 UTC
Exercise my sense of humor? Heck, I've got that thing in training for the Boston Marathon!

As far as I can tell from 54 years of experience, God has a wonderful sense of humor. As long as the joke doesn't cross the line between clean fun and things that would be displeasing to Him, I don't think He minds a little humor about religion.

Case in point: a few years ago, everything that could have gone wrong in my life did just that. I was praying (read: arguing and complaining) about the whole sorry mess, and I ended by saying, "Lord, You never said that being a Christian would be easy, but then again, You never said that it was going to be this rough, either!"

You've heard of the still, small voice of God?

When I stopped griping long enough to take a breath, I swear I heard these words somewhere in my spirit: "Honey, the Crucifixion should've been your first clue!"

Like I said, He's definitely got a sense of humor.
2008-02-03 01:11:15 UTC
Humor can be "funny" or "ironic" or even "cruel" Think of ethnic "jokes" some are just makeing fun of a sterotype, others are blaently racist and mean. It's the same towards Christians (or pagans, wiccans, or other religions) it is really the sign of a small and insecure mind to make such "jokes". The sign of one that doesn't have either the intelligence or grace to speak hosestly and openly... it's another way of expressing vitrolic and pathalogical hate. Attacking the person is even a logical falicy with it's own name.

Having said that, it is always better to be light hearted have an active sense of humor...
2008-02-03 01:05:44 UTC
If we believe that God created the giraffe and the platypus, then we should also believe that he has a sense of humor! I can laugh at my religion in a good hearted nature and I don't get mad when people make negative jokes about my religion, although I do find it sad and often find myself asking a quick prayer of forgiveness for the joker.

Here is one of my favorite religious jokes...A new pastor was visiting in the homes of his parishioners. At one


> it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his

> repeated knocks at the door. Therefore, he took out a business card


> wrote 'Revelation 3:20' on the back of it and stuck it in the door.


> When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that


> card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message,


> 3:10.'


> Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in


> of laughter. Revelation 3:20 begins 'Behold, I stand at the door and

> knock.' Genesis 3:10 reads, 'I heard your voice in the garden and I


> afraid for I was naked.'


> Remember when the funniest jokes were the clean ones? They still are!

> 'A cheerful heart is good medicine' (Prov. 17:22)
2008-02-03 01:12:48 UTC
I am a Christian and I do not see a problem with a sense of humor as long as it is not used to hurt someone else. I even believe God has a sense of humor.

Look at the duck billed platypus, it is part duck, beaver, and otter. How funny is that!

It makes me think God just had some spare parts laying around and just put them together.

2008-02-03 01:02:36 UTC
It depends, I guess. If it's funny, I'll laugh at it. I bet your a Democrat, or at least your way of thinking is. Do you think this is funny?

Hillary went into a pet shop and found a beautiful, colorful parrot. `Does thisparrot talk?` she asked.

`Yes, he does,` the manager told her. `But why is this one only $50 and all the others are $500?` she asked. `Well, ma`am,` the manager told her, `Not everyone would want to own this parrot. He spent many years in a whorehouse, and his language is terrible.`

`Well, I want him,` she said. `Suit yourself,` the manager shrugged. When she got the parrot back to the White House, she uncovered his cage and admired the colorful bird. The parrot tilted his head to one side, looked Her straight in the eye, and said, `New house, new madam.` Hillary laughed.

Soon Chelsea and a friend came in and began admiring the bird. `New house, new whores,` the parrot observed. At first they were offended, but when Hilary explained about the bird`s history, they too, laughed at him.

A few minutes later, the president entered the living quarters. The parrot looked up from his feeder and said, `Hi, Bill.`
2008-02-03 20:27:01 UTC
Unfortunately, they are much to frightened about their perception of god to dare defy it by laughing at him.

On a deeper perspective, a joke is a ridiculization of something which infers there's a wiser and more practical way of doing things, and... well, if god is perfect, how can one pretend to know better?

And the problem here is the very limited perception many people have about a higher order of things.
2008-02-03 01:08:00 UTC
Sure, and I get to do it every day with my 3rd grade students.

You can't be a teacher and not have a sense of humor.

God won't get mad if I make a joke about my faith.

However, I become angry when someone ridicules me or God. There are some "jokes" that are in poor taste.
Anonymous Lutheran
2008-02-03 01:45:22 UTC
Jokes are fine. I am only offended when I get the impression that the joke was intended to offend--which is to say, when it seems like the person making the joke simply thinks it's funny to offend people.

As for whether Christians should exercise their sense of humor, see my avatar. =p
Hayley J - Tofu Chicken Lady
2008-02-03 02:11:31 UTC
I exercise my sense of humor quite frequently. I like to laugh - I think God has a sense of humor!

Green is My Favorite Color
2008-02-03 01:32:52 UTC
Humor is core.

Ya know, I don't think God takes himself too seriously. And there are things out there that remind me of that.

regards respects peace
2008-02-03 01:01:11 UTC
God has a very nice sense of humor and so do I. No, He is not mad.
2008-02-03 01:01:00 UTC
well, i don't know ..............and i would not make a joke because if i were to make a joke about u and u could get upset and u never know if god would feel the same way.

use your sence of humor on something else that has nothing to do with god.
2008-02-03 01:00:05 UTC
yeah I think it is important to have a sense of humor and to use it---if you don't use it you lose it and that's always tragic to see people where that has happened.
2008-02-03 08:21:28 UTC
Most of them can't recognize humor when it bites their a** .
2008-02-03 02:52:52 UTC
They had it surgically removed as part of the indoctrination process
John W
2008-02-04 06:53:41 UTC
God And Humor

Does God Laugh?. The answer is yes. He Laughs. But not as expected.

"But You, O Lord, shall laugh at them; You shall have all the nations in derision." Psalms 59:8

"The Lord laughs at him, for He sees that his day is coming." Psalms 37:13

"Darts are regarded as straw; He laughs at the threat of javelins." Job 41:29

God laughs at men because of the futility of their efforts. Yet, it is evident enough that there are things that the Lord finds funny.

Humor is very rare in the Bible. But not totally absent. The Bible writers were primarily Jews. They were overwhelmed by the magnificence of God that they could not associate God with humor. This reflected when they wrote the Bible. They consciously avoided any humor. Yet there are places when they knowingly or unknowingly allowed some humor to slip through.

My personal favorite of all the humor found in the Bible is found in one of the most popular portion of the Old Testament, The Elijah - Baal Showdown. The whole incident can be seen in I Kings 18:20-40. I would like to draw your attention to the 27th verse

"And so it was, at noon, that Elijah mocked them and said, "Cry aloud, for he is a god; either he is meditating, or he is busy or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is sleeping and must be awakened."

An impatient Elijah watched with a smile on his lips when the 450 men of Baal did all kinds of stupid things like jumping up and down around the alter to get Baal's attention. As this show continued on, the smile Elijah's lips became a snicker and finally at noon he started throwing comments at them. He was not afraid because he knew what was going to happen. We further see that God did not mind Elijah's jesting as He hears Elijah's plea and sends fire from heaven as His signature to everything that happened on that day. God does not mind jokes.

Another example of such mockery is found in Paul's writings. Paul is known to be an excellent debater. He knew that one of the techniques employed in debating is to mock the opponent. In the fifth chapter of Galatians he employs this technique when he tries to show the mistake of some men who advocated circumcision. He first explains that circumcision avails nothing. Then he goes ahead to take a direct hit at the people who advocated that theory. A hit literally under the belt.

"I wish those agitators would go so far as to castrate themselves!"Gal 5:12

Clearly, Paul does not think much about the "Salvation by Surgery" theory.

Most of the humor in the Bible are in the form of mockery. Most unfortunately, it is used negatively too. People of God have been mocked by onlookers. It is also recorded in the Bible. For example the disciples were mocked on the penticost day.

"Others mocking said,'They are full of new wine'" Acts 2:13

Even to this day, people who are willing to live for Christ will be mocked and ridiculed by the onlooking world. Even Jesus was mocked by the soldiers, pharisees and other onlookers before He was crucified. They were forgiven. But there is one incident where the punishment of mocking a man of God was instantly given. This incident can be found in 2 Kings 2:23. When Elisha was going to Bethel after he received the double portion of the spirit from Elijah, some youths came up to him and mocked him saying "Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!". They heard about Elijah, the way he went up. They were very sarcastic about that incident and did not hesitate to express their sarcasm. Moments later, two bears came out of the wood and mauled them. They learnt their lesson.

Despite everything, one man stands out in providing good humor in the Bible. And He happens to be the main character of the Book. Who else is it, but our Lord Jesus Christ? This will put to rest the no-nonsense notion of many people. Despite being heavily out numbered, Jesus made a laughing stock out of the pharisees. He regularly ridiculed them them by throwing comments at them like "they strain out a gnat and swallow a camel(Matt 23:24)" and "Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye(Matt 7:3)". It is interesting to read chapters like Matthew 23 where Jesus really chews out the pharisees. The attempts of the pharisees to trap Jesus and the response of Jesus are excellent example of the quality humor in the Bible.

There are many more examples in the Bible to prove that God has nothing against good humor. But we must be cautious in exercising our right. There are boundaries to everything. Even humor has a boundary in the Bible. Let us refrain from joking about God. He is not a person to be laughed at. Unfortunately this kind of humor is very popular these days. Another thing that we should keep in mind is what Paul advised to the people in Ephesians.

"Let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints; neither filthiness, not foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting."

Eph 5:3-4.

Let us use the gift of Humor in a good way. Let us enjoy it without exploiting our right to enjoy it. And let us thank God for this wonderful thing called humor.

God bless you.
2008-02-03 01:02:24 UTC
I think its importan that you attempt to ask better questions

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.