A chance to better understand Muslims?
2006-10-20 06:59:26 UTC
Okay, I’m tired oh the stereotypes on Islam. I am hoping that a good member of the Muslim community might explain what there religion is really about, rather then what extremists shout on T.V.

P.S. No one say anything rude, every religion has its nut jobs who make us all look like fools.
21 answers:
2006-10-20 07:06:58 UTC, If yyou want to learn about my religion any questions any time are welcomed :)

Peace be upon you :)
2006-10-20 08:26:47 UTC
First of all we believe that there is only one God. We call him Allah. We believe that Muhammed (pbuh) was the messenger of God, the final messenger. He was a Prophet, one of a line of Prophets that include Abraham(pbuh), Moses(pbuh), Noah(pbuh) and Jesus (pbuh). (The pbuh means Peace Be Upon Him and it put there as a sign of respect. ). Our religion teaches us to respect Christians and Jews as the "People of the book" We believe in the Koran which confirms what was revealed to earlier messengers of Allah. (Like the Bible and the Torah). The difference is that the Koran still exists today in its origional form, it has been translated but the origional form still exists. It was written in Arabic and a scholar can go back and compare any translation to the origional and make sure that this is a correct intrepretation. The Bible had mankind deciding what part to be included and excluded, the dead sea scrolls were possibly part at some time, the Agnostic Bible also. It has been revised and there have been several versions. The Koran is an amazing book, it is not a book of history or of revelations like the Bible, it is more a guide book for us on how to live our daily lives. It tells us of things that were not known at that time like how a baby is formed in the womb, or how the mountains act as a stabilizing force on the surface of the earth. Things that we not accept as fact but that were not known at the time of the Prophet. It is a book that we can use in our everyday lives. I cannot explain it all in this space but there are several good websites that I have listed, please go to them and you can see what I mean. Dont let a bunch of extremists decide for you about Islam, read the Koran, read the site and make up your own mind.
2006-10-20 07:23:35 UTC
That's very nice of you. Most of us are not nut jobs ;-)

The very word "Islam" means peace and submission - to God. The same God that Jews and Christians worship, NO MATTER WHAT YOU READ ELSEWHERE. There is nothing paganistic about it. Quite a simple concept - there is NO god but THE God (Allah = the Arabic word for God). He has no compeers, no family, no equals, no sons or daughters. To suggest such is to blaspheme Him.

There have been many great prophets over time, trying to teach God's words. Including Abraham, Moses, Jesus (yes, him too!), and Muhammad. Each time people began to follow the words but then strayed again. Muhammad was the world's last chance, God said after this no more prophets. If we haven't gotten a clue by now, then too bad.

Muslims greatly revere Jesus and his virgin mother Mary. Abraham and Moses are also very important. All of these people are in the Quran.

True Islam condemns all acts of violence, killing, and suicide. Those who are doing such, especially in the name of Islam, are uneducated nut jobs. The rest of us Muslims are SOOO embarrassed that this is happening.

I hope this information has helped you a bit. Check this site too:

Salams (peace) to you.
2006-10-20 07:15:53 UTC
Islam is about love and peace, and learning to live with others...

Islam mainly is based on five pillars:

1) Testifying that there is no God but Allah (there's only one God to worship) and that Mohamme (PBUH) is the Prophet of Allah (but not the only one)

2) Praying (five times a day in set times and set number of prayers)

3) Fasting in the Holy Month of Ramadan

4) Giving Money to the poor (2.5 of what you own once a year)

5) Going to Makkah for Hajj (pilgrimage; but only those who can afford it MUST go)

This was just a quick glance on the 5 Pillars of Islam. I advice you to check out the websites in the other posts...Thnk u
auld mom
2006-10-20 07:04:04 UTC
There are plenty of websites that can give you a broad understanding of what Islam and being a Muslim is all about. There are also English translations of the Quaran out there.

I too am sick of the nut jobs. They seem to get the most press time.
2006-10-20 07:33:32 UTC
5 pillars of faith

1) testimony that there is no God but God (ALLAH) and that Muhammad(pbuh*) is the messenger of God

2) Prayer 5 times daily

3) Chartiy by feeding the poor and providing upkeep for places of prayer (ZAKAH)=money

4) Fasting during daylight hours for one month by not eating pork, drinking acohol and other types of foods, and by not eating, drinking, or smoking during daylight hours for one month(the muslim month of Ramadan)

5) Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in each muslim's life

Islam promotes peace. Murder in any form is prohibited in Islam. Terrorists are going against Islam and ALLAH. Abortion is of course murder. War is not permitted at all unless the threat of the Islamic state or the people are at risk of being hurt. Women, elderly, and children are not to be killed in war. Men can have 4 wives as long as they can treat them justly and fairly. If not then they should just take one wife. The reason for this is to provide the women with a sense of security and protection as well as some cases women outnumber men. Honor killings and other horrific acts are forbidden in Islam. When praying a Muslim prayers in the direction of the Qiblah in Mecca. When prayer is performed all work stops so that every muslim who is able can get to a mosque. Women are required to wear a veil in public. They may not recieve or entertain men in their home without the husband or father's knowledge. Every muslim is required and strongly encouraged to get an education. Women can ask a man for protection on the streets from a man if they choose to do so to protect themselves from being harmed. Both men and women can own property and women can work if they want too. However they do not have to take part in any finanacial obligations at all. A woman keeps all her property when she marries and if she works she has the right to keep and spend her money how she likes. A woman can not leave the house without the permission of her husband or father and if she does she needs to be in the company of a male realitive. Parents are taken care of by their children when they reach old age. Hope this helps.
2006-10-20 07:06:48 UTC
In theory Islam is a religion espousing Peace. However, the recent conduct of some of its followers undermines this theory. Unfortunately, the sane voice of the maturer elements is eclipsed by these Jehadi Extremists, who R fast emerging as the official image of Islam.What a pity !
2006-10-20 07:25:44 UTC
U asked a very broad question here...! it's good that you are asking though and not taking only all the biased tv stuff that are supposed to "teach" you anything about religions..

Islam first of all is about believing in ONE GOD, not two or three or anything else. He only has the right to be worshipped and has no equal. He is not human, he was not born nor does he have human qualities. He has knowledge over all things and power of all that he has created and he created everything in this world.

The most important thing in islam is that YOU and GOD have a very special relationship, not through somebody else like a priest or things like that. When muslims pray, 5 times a day, they are "live" with God, and ask for forgiveness and guidance in their lives.

All the prophets, from Abraham to Mohammed (peace be upon them)including Jesus, Moses and more, are all true prophets of islam and were sent with a message from God. The last message and "closure" was revealed to Mohammed (peace be upon him), what we know now as the Qur'an. This Qur'an has NOT changed from the time of its revealing.

With the Qur'an it is important to have great knowledge of the Sunnah, which is the sayings, and habits of the last Prophet (pbuh) what muslims have to follow, both of them not only one..! Now there are extremists that tend to follow one but not the other and taking verses out of context, without following special guidelines specifically set of humans like us, and so do things in the name of God and of course it all looks like Islam is only about killing others.

The Qur'an is like a encyclopedia in a way. It has guidelines for everything in your life, from marriage, to economics, childrearing, astronomy, psychology and great scientifical facts that have only been discovered in the last century.

There are so many things to say about the muslim religion, I mean it s not like its principles are different from others, like being a good person and doing good deeds and such, the basic things u know..!

The most important thing is that there are 5 pillars:

1. Believing in ONE God and that his last prophet is Mohammed (pbuh).

2. Praying 5 times a day.

3. Giving a portion of your earning to the needy and poor.

4. Fasting during the month of Ramdan.

5. Going to Pilgrimage.

All those things muslims do is to remind themselves that they are only here for worshipping Him and live this life with love and fear for Him because he has promised to the good-doers a reward so great it's inimaginable in the hereafter. In this life we are only on a journey to paradise.
2006-10-20 07:04:23 UTC
I agree with what you're saying, I'm Catholic but wasn't proud of this when the IRA were bombing hell out of the UK.

I know many many Muslims living in the UK, I'm yet to meet one who agrees with what's gone on, it's a minority, a very small one at that.

Judith r, you obviously don't know what you're talking about, in Afghanistan it's The Taliban who are causing the trouble and have been killing the Hazara 'Muslims' of Afghanistan for over 100 years, The Taliban are a bunch of extremists who DON'T follow the Qu'ran.
2006-10-20 07:25:05 UTC
There are no real "stereotypes" about islam. Muslims are behaving badly all over the world and people are noticing that the root of this behavior is their religion. Put another way, nobody really cares about islam one way or the other, outside of that bad (actually, evil is more to the point) behavior. They are hardly a minority nor do they have a history, past or present, of being stigmitized.

If you really want to understand muslims, study islam and study the life of muhammad. Islam is very clear about what it demands from its subjects. I say subjects because islam is much more focussed on being a fascist political idealogy that siezes power than it is on being a religion. Also, it is not optional. People who disagree are executed. Lots and lots and lots of people I might add. One does not choose to worship islam. One submits to islam...or else. That is the way it has been from the very beginning and that is the way it is now.

If you want the skinny on islam, read this book:

Note that this book relies ONLY on primary sources that are indisputable from within islam. In other words, this is not Spencer's opinion. These things are considered fact in Islam. Further, people are not allowed to dispute this under penalty of death. In other words, no muslim dares disagree with Spencer's sources unless he is engaging in deception as part of jihad. This is what is going on, btw, when you hear muslims talking about islam as a religion of peace (what they mean is the peace that will come when war is used to kill or enslave everyone who is not muslim). They are engaging in intentional deception as part of jihad. Note that jihad is not optional for muslims. There may be some muslims that claim jihad is an internal struggle. But almost all of them are engaging in deception as part of jihad. At most, a handful of them actually believe it. Note the FBI investigation of moques in the US. They found that 80% of them were "radicalized". How naive. Thise mosques are not radicalized. They represent the standard in islam. It's the 20% that don't wish to engage in violent overthrow of our government and the killing or forcible conversion of all non-muslims, who are "radical".
2006-10-20 07:03:11 UTC
I'm not Muslim.

I know almost nothing about it.

However, I have VERY strong feelings that if a few members of ANY community or religeon do something evil, it is really wrong to blame everyone who shates that religeon. Like blaming all Catholics for the pedophile preists or something like that. Or like blaming all Germans for the Nazis.
2016-10-02 16:04:58 UTC
Um, i think of greater Christians have that concern, they have a tendency to be appropriate wing and picture the Qua-ran justifies the killing of infidels. completely ignoring that their own bible does to. maximum atheist tend to be liberal and comprehend that no longer all Muslim pass around blowing issues up. rather, very few do. with regard to an identical share of abortionist terrorists.
2006-10-20 07:00:56 UTC
Some religions have more nut jobs than others.

What makes you believe that what people shout on TV is not true? Maybe the reason that we see few reasonable views of Islam is that few followers hold these beliefs.
2006-10-20 07:02:55 UTC

Its really good to see that someone is really keen to know about Islam .. I dont know if I can really answer all you questions in this post but to begin with can I ask you to read through the blog and we will really be able to have a much better discussion ...


silent rain
2006-10-20 08:00:46 UTC
islam is a vt religion ait can not be explained in few lines... well an overview is that first of all muslims believe in the sovegnity ao allah, the oneness of god and the y believe that mohammad (pbuh) is the messenger from god ,who taught us how to deal with the matters in our daily lives

there are five main pillars of islam

1--tauheed(oneness of allah)

2- namaz(saying thanks to allah 5 times a day)

3- rooza(fasting in the month of ramzan to experience the feeling of the people who can't afford thier meals in that way u become helpful to those people

4- zakat (giving some amount of your earning to poor people)

5- haj (to go to khanna kabba at least once in ur life ,its a way of saying thanks to allah)
2006-10-20 07:03:39 UTC
If you want to know what Islam is all about, check out the news about Afghanistan and Darfur, and other areas where muslims are taking over.
2006-10-20 07:17:18 UTC

Very interesting and eye-opening.

Before you expose yourself to the deceptions of islam, read their "holy" books to see what their truth is.
2006-10-21 11:02:55 UTC
check this site hope it help you for understanding Islam

from this site you can download educational material for understanding Islam
2006-10-20 07:02:31 UTC
try that site
2006-10-20 07:16:11 UTC
All religion teaches you to be kind with another soul, The different each religion has certain and separate cultural values and language explanations.


The first thing that one should know and clearly understand about Islam is what the word "Islam" itself means. The religion of Islam is not named after a person as in the case of Christianity which was named after Jesus Christ, Buddhism after Gotama Buddha, Confucianism after Confucius, and Marxism after Karl Marx. Nor was it named after a tribe like Judaism after the tribe of Judah and Hinduism after the Hindus. Islam is the true religion of "Allah" and as such, its name represents the central principle of Allah's "God's" religion; the total submission to the will of Allah "God". The Arabic word "Islam" means the submission or surrender of one's will to the only true god worthy of worship "Allah" and anyone who does so is termed a "Muslim", The word also implies "peace" which is the natural consequence of total submission to the will of Allah. Hence, it was not a new religion brought by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) I in Arabia in the seventh century, but only the true religion of Allah re-expressed in its final form.

Islam is the religion which was given to Adam, the first man and the first prophet of Allah, and it was the religion of all the prophets sent by Allah to mankind. The name of God's religion lslam was not decided upon by later generations of man. It was chosen by Allah Himself and clearly mentioned in His final revelation to man. In the final book of divine revelation, the Qur'aan, Allah states the following:

"This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion". (Soorah Al-Maa'idah 5:3)

"If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah (God) never will It be accepted of Him" (Soorah Aal'imraan 3:85)

"Abraham was not a Jew nor Christian; but an upright Muslim." (Soorah Aal'imraan 3:67)

Nowhere in the Bible will you find Allah saying to Prophet Moses' people or their descendants that their religion is Judaism, nor to the followers of Christ that their religion is Christianity. In fact, Christ was not even his name, nor was it Jesus! The name "Christ" comes from the Greek word Christos which means the annointed. That is, Christ is a Greek translation of the Hebrew title "Messiah". The name "Jesus" on the other hand, is a latinized version of the Hebrew name Esau.

For simplicity's sake, I will however continue to refer to Prophet Esau (PBUH) as Jesus. As for his religion, it was what he called his followers to. Like the prophets before him, he called the people to surrender their will to the will of Allah; (which is Islam) and he warned them to stay away from the false gods of human imagination.

According to the New Testament, he taught his followers to pray as follows: "Yours will be done on earth as it is in Heaven".


Since the total submission of one's will to Allah represents the essence of worship, the basic message of Allah's divine religion, Islam is the worship of Allah alone and the avoidance of worship directed to any person, place or thing other than Allah.Since everything other than Allah, the Creator of all things, is Allah's creation; it may be said that Islam, in essence calls man away from the worship of creation and invites him to worship only its Creator. He is the only one deserving man's worship as it is only by His will that prayers are answered. If man prays to a tree and his prayers are answered, it was not the tree which answered his prayers but Allah who allowed the circumstances prayed for to take place. One might say, "That is obvious," however, to tree-worshippers it might not be. Similarly, prayers to Jesus, Buddha, or Krishna, to Saint Christopher, or Saint Jude or even to Muhammad, are not answered by them but are answered by Allah. Jesus did nottell his followers to worship him but to worship Allah. As the Qur'aan states:

"And behold Allah will say: "O Jesus the son of Mary Did you say to men, Worship me and my mother as gods besides Allah He will say-"Glory to you I could never say what I had no right (to say')" (Soorah Al-Maa'idah- 5:116)

Nor did he worship himself when he worshipped but rather he worshipped Allah. This basic principle is enshrined in the opening chapter of the Qur'aan, known as Soorah Al-Faatihah, verse 4:

"You alone do we worship and from you alone do we seek help".

Elsewhere, in the final book of revelation, the Qur'aan, Allah also said:

"And your Lord says:"Call on Me and I will answer your(prayer)."(Soorsh Mu'min 40:60)

it is worth noting that the basic message of Islam is that Allah and His creation are distinctly different entities. Neither is Allah His creation or a part of it, nor is His creation Him or a part of Him.

This might seem obvious, but, man's worship of creation instead of the Creator is to a large degree based on ignorance of this concept. It is the belief that the essence of Allah is everywhere in His creation or that His divine being is or was present in some aspects of His creation, which has provided justification for the worship of creation though such worship maybecalled the worship of Allah through his creation. How ever, the message of Islam as brought by the prophets of Allah is to worship only Allah and to avoid the worship of his creation either directly or indirectly. In the Our'aan Allah clearlystates:

"For We assuredly sent amongst every people a prophet,(with the command) worship meand avoid false gods " (Soorsh Al-Nahl 16:36)

When the idol worshipper is questioned as to why he or she bows down to idols created by men, the invariable reply is that they are not actually worshipping the stone image, but Allah who is present within it. They claim that the stone idol is only a focal point for Allah's essence and is not in itself Allah! One who has accepted the concept of the presence of God's being within His creation in any way will be obliged to accept this argument of idolatry. Whereas, one who understands the basic message of Islam and its implications would never concede to idolatry no matter how it is rationalized. Those who have claimed divinity for themselves down through the ages have often based their claims on the mistaken belief that Allah is present in man. They merely had to assert that although Allah according to their false beliefs, is in all of us, He is more present in them than in the rest of us. Hence, they claim, we should submit our will to them and worship them as they are either God in person or God concentrated within the person.

Similarly, those who have asserted the godhood of others after their passing have found fertile ground among those who accept the false belief of God's presence in man. One who has grasped the basic message of Islam and its implications could never agree to worship another human being under any circumstances. God's religion in essence is a clear call to the worship of the Creator and the rejection of creation-worship in any form. This is the meaning of the motto of Islam:

"Laa Elaaha lllallaah" (There is no god but Allah)

Its repetition automatically brings one within the fold of Islam and sincere belief in it guarantees one Paradise.

Thus, the final Prophet of Islam is reported to have said, "Any one who says: There is no god but Allah and dies holding that (belief) will enter paradise".(Reported by Abu Dharr and collected by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim).

It consists in the submission to Allah as one God, yielding to Him by obeying His commandments, and the denial of polytheism and polytheists.

Islam is the way of life for those who believe in God and want to live a life in worship and obedience to none but God. The reward is forgiveness from God and an everlasting life in the Heaven.

All messengers sent by God invited humanity for worship and obedience of God and God alone. They asked their people to follow their teachings as given by God. This in essence forms the broad, timeless definition of Islam. According to this basis, every Prophet including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus (peace be on them all) were Muslims. In the chain of Prophets starting with the first human being Adam, Muhammad (peace be on him), a descendant of Abraham, is the last messenger from God till the Day of Resurrection.

The Islam that was revealed to Muhammad (PBUH), is the continuation and culmination of all the preceding revealed religions and hence it is for all times and all peoples. This status of Islam is sustained by glaring facts. Firstly, there is no other revealed book extant in the same form and content as it was revealed. Secondly, no other revealed religion has any convincing claim to provide guidance in all walks of human life for all times. But Islam addresses humanity at large and offers basic guidance regarding all human problems. Moreover, it has withstood the test of fourteen hundred years and has all the potentialities of establishing an ideal society as it did under the leadership of the last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

"Establish regular prayer, enjoin what is just, and forbid what is wrong; and bear patiently whatever may befall you; for this is true constancy. And do not swell your cheek (with pride) at men, nor walk in insolence on the earth, for God does not love any man proud and boastful. And be moderate in your pace and lower your voice; for the harshest of sounds, indeed, is the braying of the donkey." (The Holy Quran, 31:18-19)


The name of this religion is Islam, the root of which is Silm and Salam which means peace. Salam may also mean greeting one another with peace. One of the beautiful names of God is that He is the Peace. It means more than that: submission to the One God, and to live in peace with the Creator, within one's self, with other people and with the environment. Thus, Islam is a total system of living. A Muslim is supposed to live in peace and harmony with all these segments; hence, a Muslim is any person anywhere in the world whose obedience, allegiance, and loyalty are to God, the Lord of the Universe.


The followers of Islam are called Muslims. Muslims are not to be confused with Arabs. Muslims may be Arabs, Turks, Persians, Indians, Pakistanis, Malaysians, Indonesians, Europeans, Africans, Americans, Chinese, or other nationalities. An Arab could be a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew or an atheist. Any person who adopts the Arabic language is called an Arab. However, the language of the Qur'an (the Holy Book of Islam) is Arabic. Muslims all over the world try to learn Arabic so that they may be able to read the Qur'an and understand its meaning. They pray in the language of the Qur'an, namely Arabic. Supplications to God could be in any language. While there are one billion Muslims in the world there are about 200 million Arabs. Among them, approximately ten percent are not Muslims. Thus Arab Muslims constitute only about twenty percent of the Muslim population of the world.


Allah is the name of the One and Only God. Allah has ninety-nine beautiful names, such as: The Gracious, The Merciful, The Beneficent, The Creator, The All-Knowing, The All-Wise, The Lord of the Universe, The First, The Last, and others. He is the Creator of all human beings. He is the God for the Christians, the Jews, the Muslims, the Buddhists, the Hindus, the atheists, and others. Muslims worship God whose name is Allah. They put their trust in Him and they seek His help and His guidance.


Muhammad was chosen by God to deliver His Message of Peace, namely Islam. He was born in 570 C.E. (Common Era) in Makkah, Arabia. He was entrusted with the Message of Islam when he was at the age of forty years. The revelation that he received is called the Qur'an, while the message is called Islam. Muhammad is the very last Prophet of God to mankind. He is the final Messenger of God. His message was and is still to the Christians, the Jews and the rest of mankind. He was sent to those religious people to inform them about the true mission of Jesus, Moses, Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham. Muhammad is considered to be the summation and the culmination of all the prophets and messengers that came before him. He purified the previous messages from adulteration and completed the Message of God for all humanity. He was entrusted with the power of explaining, interpreting and living the teaching of the Qur'an.


The legal sources of Islam are the Qur'an and the Hadith. The Qur'an is the exact word of God; its authenticity, originality and totality are intact. The Hadith is the report of the sayings, deeds and approvals of the Prophet Muhammad. The Prophet's sayings and deeds are called Sunnah. The Seerah is the writings of followers of Muhammad about the life of the Prophet. Hence, it is the life history of the Prophet Muhammad which provides examples of daily living for Muslims.

G.R. Miller is a mathematician and a theologian. He was active in Christian missionary work at a particular point of his life but he soon began to discover many inconsistencies in the Bible. In 1978, he happened to read the Qur'an expecting that it, too, would contain a mixture of truth and falsehood.

He discovered to his amazement that the message of the Qur'an was precisely the same as the essence of truth that he had distilled from the Bible. He became a Muslim and since then has been active in giving public presentations on Islam including radio and television appearances. He is also the author of several articles and publications about Islam.

The first thing that one should know and clearly understand about Islam is what the word "Islam" itself means. The religion of Islam is not named after a person as in the case of Christianity which was named after Jesus Christ, Buddhism after Gotama Buddha, Confucianism after Confucius, and Marxism after Karl Marx. Nor was it named after a tribe like Judaism after the tribe of Judah and Hinduism after the Hindus. Islam is the true religion of "Allah" and as such, its name represents the central principle of Allah's "God's" religion; the total submission to the will of Allah "God". The Arabic word "Islam" means the submission or surrender of one's will to the only true god worthy of worship "Allah" and anyone who does so is termed a "Muslim", The word also implies "peace" which is the natural consequence of total submission to the will of Allah. Hence, it was not a new religion brought by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) I in Arabia in the seventh century, but only the true religion of Allah re-expressed in its final form.

Islam is the religion which was given to Adam, the first man and the first prophet of Allah, and it was the religion of all the prophets sent by Allah to mankind. The name of God's religion lslam was not decided upon by later generations of man. It was chosen by Allah Himself and clearly mentioned in His final revelation to man. In the final book of divine revelation, the Qur'aan, Allah states the following:

"This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion". (Soorah Al-Maa'idah 5:3)

"If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah (God) never will It be accepted of Him" (Soorah Aal'imraan 3:85)

"Abraham was not a Jew nor Christian; but an upright Muslim." (Soorah Aal'imraan 3:67)

Nowhere in the Bible will you find Allah saying to Prophet Moses' people or their descendants that their religion is Judaism, nor to the followers of Christ that their religion is Christianity. In fact, Christ was not even his name, nor was it Jesus! The name "Christ" comes from the Greek word Christos which means the annointed. That is, Christ is a Greek translation of the Hebrew title "Messiah". The name "Jesus" on the other hand, is a latinized version of the Hebrew name Esau.

For simplicity's sake, I will however continue to refer to Prophet Esau (PBUH) as Jesus. As for his religion, it was what he called his followers to. Like the prophets before him, he called the people to surrender their will to the will of Allah; (which is Islam) and he warned them to stay away from the false gods of human imagination.

According to the New Testament, he taught his followers to pray as follows: "Yours will be done on earth as it is in Heaven".
2006-10-20 07:05:20 UTC
to understand muslim well you have to know that muslims are 1.5 billion so dont judge them by what 1000 intolerant ones did

No compulsion in religion

Quran (2:256)

This article has two sections. The first is a brief explanation of Quranic verses that are often mistaken as instructions to persecute Non-Muslims. The second section features verses from the Quran and Hadith that vehemently insist on religious tolerance and the idea of "no compulsion in religion." God willing, Non-Muslims as well as our Muslim brothers and sisters who resort to violence, will take these verses into consideration.

Section I

Anti-Islamic people often use the following verses to justify the stereotype that Islam is a religion of violence and intolerance, which was spread by the sword. The explanations here were aided by Abdullah Yusuf Ali's commentary on the Holy Quran.

Sura 8.12 "Remember thy lord has inspired the angels with the message. Give firmness to the believers and instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. Smite them above their necks and smite the fingertips of them."

Sura 9.5 "When the sacred months have passed, kill the idolaters whereever you find them."

Sura 47.4 "When you encounter the unbelievers, Strike off their heads. Untill you have made a wide slaughter among them tie up the remaining captives."

Sura 8 is about a BATTLE - the Battle of Badr - not just some daily affair. A battles take two side to occur. Are you under the impression that while these 'horrid' Muslims were fighting, the enemies were simply standing there like good little peaceful men?

Sura 47 was revealed during the first year of Hijrah when the Muslims were under *threat of extinction* by invasion from Makkah.

Sura 9 is interesting. Non-Muslims almost invariably quote verse 5 but leave out verse 4 and 6. Why? Because verse 4 says, "But the treatires are not dissolved with those Pagans with whom you have entered into alliance and who have you subsequently failed you in aught, nor aided anyone against you. So fulfill your engagements with them to the end of their term: for God Loves the righteous."

And verse 6 says, "If one among the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him so that he may hear the Word of God; and then escort him to where he can be secure."

So basically what has been done above is:

1. The background to each sura was shown. One cannot take a verse revealed for a battle and insist it is if for the daily affairs of Muslims.

2. It was shown how Non-muslims who wish to attack Islam, conveniently leave out verses before and after their quoted verse. Above, I have shown only one of the many examples.

Section II

This long list of verses from the Holy Quran and the Traditions of Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him) show that Islam at it's core and at its source is a religion of peace. Terrorists who persecute innocent people because of their faith are not welcome - their use of Islam as a scapegoat, does not make Islam what they portray it to be.

2:256 There is no compulsion in religion, for the right way is clearly from the wrong way. Whoever therefore rejects the forces of evil and believes in God, he has taken hold of a support most unfailing, which shall never give way, for God is All Hearing and Knowing.

16:82 But if they turn away from you, (O Prophet remember that) your only duty is a clear delivery of the Message (entrusted to you).

6:107 Yet if God had so willed, they would not have ascribed Divinity to aught besides him; hence, We have not made you their keeper, nor are you (of your own choice) a guardian over them.

4:79, 80 (Say to everyone of them,) 'Whatever good betides you is from God and whatever evil betides you is from your own self and that We have (O Prophet) sent you to mankind only as a messenger and all sufficing is God as witness. Whoso obeys the Messenger, he indeed obeys God. And for those who turn away, We have not sent you as a keeper."

11:28 (Noah to his people) He (Noah) said "O my people! think over it! If 1 act upon a clear direction from my Lord who has bestowed on me from Himself the Merciful talent of seeing the right way, a way which you cannot see for yourself, does it follow that we can force you to take the right path when you definitely decline to take it?

17:53, 54 And tell my servants that they should speak in a most kindly manner (unto those who do not share their beliefs). Verily, Satan is always ready to stir up discord between men; for verily; Satan is mans foe .... Hence, We have not sent you (Unto men O Prophet) with power to determine their Faith.

21:107 to 109 (O Prophet?) 'We have not sent you except to be a mercy to all mankind:" Declare, "Verily, what is revealed to me is this, your God is the only One God, so is it not up to you to bow down to Him?' But if they turn away then say, "I have delivered the Truth in a manner clear to one and all, and I know not whether the promised hour (of Judgment) is near or far."

22:67 To every people have We appointed ceremonial rites (of prayer) which they observe; therefore, let them not wrangle over this matter with you, but bid them to turn to your Lord (since that is the main objective of religion). You indeed are rightly guided. But if they still dispute you in this matter, (then say,) `God best knows (the value of) what you do."

88:21, 22; also see 24:54 And so, (O Prophet!) exhort them your task is only to exhort; you cannot compel them to believe.

48:28 He it is Who has sent forth His Messenger with the (task of spreading) Guidance and the Religion of Truth, to the end that tie make it prevail over every (false) religion, and none can bear witness to the Truth as God does.

36:16, 17 (Three Messengers to their people) Said (the Messengers), "Our Sustainer knows that we have indeed been sent unto you, but we are not bound to more than clearly deliver the Message entrusted to us.'

39:41 Assuredly, We have sent down the Book to you in right form for the good of man. Whoso guided himself by it does so to his own advantage, and whoso turns away from it does so at his own loss. You certainly are not their keeper.

42:6, 48 And whoso takes for patrons others besides God, over them does God keep a watch. Mark, you are not a keeper over them. But if they turn aside from you (do not get disheartened), for We have not sent you to be a keeper over them; your task is but to preach ....

64:12 Obey God then and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away (no blame shall attach to our Messenger), for the duty of Our Messenger is just to deliver the message.

67:25, 26 And they ask, "When shall the promise be fulfilled if you speak the Truth?" Say, "The knowledge of it is verily with God alone, and verily I am but a plain warner."

60:8 Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.

60:9 Allah only forbids you, with regard to those who fight you for (your) Faith, and drive you out of your homes, and support (others) in driving you out, from turning to them (for friendship and protection). It is such as turn to them (in these circumstances), that do wrong.

The teachings of the Prophet on how you and I should treat our Non-Muslim friends and neighbours on a day to day basis as well as how to government should treat a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state.

"He who believes in God and the Last Day should honour his guest, should not harm his neighbour, should speak good or keep quiet." (Bukhari, Muslim)

"Whoever hurts a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state hurts me, and he who hurts me annoys God." (Bukhari)

"He who hurts a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state, I am his adversary, and I shall be his adversary on the Day of a Judgement." (Bukhari)

"Beware on the Day of Judgement; I shall mysefl be complainant against him who wrongs a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state or lays on him a responsibility greater than he can bear or deprives him of anything that belongs to him." (Al-Mawardi)

"Anyone who kills a Non-Muslim who had become our ally will not smell the fragrance of Paradise." (Bukhari)

Rights Of Citizens In An Islamic State

We turn now specifically to the question of the rights of citizen in an Islamic state. At these rights are more extensive than the general human right which have been described earlier, they need separate treatment.

1. The Security Of Life And Property

2. The Protection Of Honour

3. The Sanctity And Security Of Private Life

4. The Security Of Personal Freedom

5. The Right To Protest Against Tyranny

6. Freedom Of Expression

7. Freedom Of Association

8. Freedom Of Conscience and Conviction

9. Protection of Religious Sentiments

10. Protection From Arbitrary Imprisonment

11. The Right to The Basic Necessities Of Life

12. Equality Before the Law

13. Rulers Are Not Above The Law

14. The Right to Avoid Sin

15. The Right To Participate In The Affairs Of State

To know about these points in details please visit:

War ethics in Islam

First of all, war is decreed in Islam in self defense. This indicates that aim behind war is to ward off aggression not to impose Islam as a religion. Referring to this, Allah Almighty says: To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight), because they are wronged; and verily God is most powerful for their aid. (Al-Hajj:39)

Turning to the main topic of the question concerning war ethics in Islam, we would like to develop the whole issue while dealing with the following main points:

1-Personal Behavior of the Troops

2-Whom to Fight

3-The Prophet's instructions to Commanding Chiefs

4-Abu-Bakr's instructions to Usama's Campaign on Syria

5-Abu-Bakr's Instructions to Yazid ibn-Abi Sufian

6-Maintaining Justice and Avoidance of Blind Retaliation

7-Medical and Nursing Services

8-Prisoners of War

9-The Fate of War Prisoners


11-International Law

12-Respect of Treaties and Agreements

To know more about the previous points in details, please visit:

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.