I want to become straight, will prayers help?
2009-05-04 19:16:39 UTC
I'm tired of bigotry and discrimination. Tried of being called names, tired of the weird looks people give me all the time. I just want to fit in. I don't wanna fight for this anymore. I really want to be accepted by everybody around me and have a meaningful life full of love. Any help where to start, please? Will prayers help? Should I talk to a priest? What books do you recommend? please help.
56 answers:
☼ GƖơώ ✞ Ѡɪηǥs ☼
2009-05-04 19:29:45 UTC
Just give it to God sweetheart. Give it all to God.

Please do not worry about others and 'fitting in'.

You already do with God. The rest will come later.

Yes prayers always help. Just find a quiet place where you can be alone for a while. Talk to the Lord. Let Him know how you feel. Let it all out.

He already knows, but He wants to hear it from you. He will be your very best friend, forever.

He loves you so very much and He wants to give you all you are asking for and so much more.

Do you go to church? Do you have any friends that go, that would let you come along one Sunday morning?

The best book I could recommend is the Bible.

The Lord will guide you to the page and the exact scripture He wants you to read. He will help you to understand what you read too.

I will pray, lift you up to the Lord and ask Him to fill your heart, your life, your mind and your whole body, with His awesome love!
2009-05-04 19:49:20 UTC
Yes prayer will work!! And if love and acceptance is what your looking for God has plenty of it! First you need to ask the Lord for forgiveness of your sins! Tell the Lord the you realized that you were living in sin and you want to change! Pour out your heart to him be sincere about it. I would suggest that you see a minister are priest any spiritual leader. Go to a Church any church they will be glad to help you! I recommend you start at the foundation, The Holy Bible! Read the book of Romans Chapter 10 verse 9. "That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and Believe in your heart that God has raised from the dead you will be saved". And if u believe that God will forgive you for everything and he will change those sinful thoughts you have. And you will never be the same again!! Trust me i know I've been there you feel all along with nowhere to turn! But i found Jesus an since that day I haven't been the same!! I'll be praying for you!! Please stay in contact
2009-05-05 04:56:17 UTC
You have taken an important step on a difficult but courageous journey.

Homosexuality is a sin, and one of the most important steps (and often ignored) of receiving salvation is repentance.

I would suggest that if you are trying to change because you want to fit in or because you dislike the way you are treated, your motives hint that you still need to do some soul searching and prayer is definitely the key to that. You should repent of homosexuality because it is a sin, not because people treat you one way or another. You should renounce it because you want to please God.

That being said, I applaud your effort. We all have obstacles that the world puts in our paths. Some of us have risen to meet and conquer those demons that assail us. Some of us are still struggling every day. You have won a major battle. Prayer will give you the support you need to win the war.

Speaking with a priest will help. But speaking to God is the best thing you can do. If you earnestly call upon His name, He will respond.
2009-05-04 20:00:17 UTC
You know, I grew up most of my teenage years in filthy lifestyle.. homosexuality. I too wondered the same as you. I asked the same questions.

Prayers work, but who would you pray to? Buddha? Allah? Zeus? Some other false god? No! There is only one God, and he is the one who created the heavens and earth (Colossians 1:13-17; John 1:1-4, 14; Isaiah 44:6; Isaiah 45:18). He manifested in the flesh, and came to earth (1 Timothy 3:16). Do you know who I'm talking about? Atheists say he doesn't exist, or call him a "wizard." Muslims think he's nothing more than a prophet. Jehovah Witnesses say he's just some mere "creature," or claim he's Michael, the Arch Angel. Others are just completely blind to who he is. Do you know who I'm talking about?

..I'm talking about the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end (Revelation 1:8), I'm talking about The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). I'm talking about the one that died for you. The one that died in your place for the crimes you have committed (Romans 5:6-8; Romans 5:9-11; Romans 6:23; Romans 5:6). I'm talking about Jesus Christ, the image of the living God!

1 John 3:16, Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

You ask, "Should I talk to a priest?" Talk to God! There's no better book I could recommend that you start with other than the Holy Bible!
2009-05-04 19:35:51 UTC
I don't have a real answer to your specific question, but I do know that the scriptures say that what you are is wrong. I neither agree or disagree. you are who you are, maybe you should consult someone wise about it, but if you do, please avoid someone that will try and change you completely and dramatically. You need to find yourself on your own. Don't let someone else change you. I myself don't understand homosexuality, but I don't think the world should judge you for something that you can't help being. What you are isn't something that changes over night, and you shouldn't expect it to. Maybe religion is the only way out, but I honestly don't know. I'm L.D.S., (mormon) and I completely believe in my religion, so just going to some priest and asking him to help you probably won't work. If you are going to seek counsel from a church leader like that I think you should actually believe in what they preach and believe in. Fitting in isn't what life is about, and you shouldn't be treated the way you are. I don't know what else to tell you other than the bit about religion. I'm sorry is that offends you at all. I will keep you in my own prayers and I hope that you find yourself and the truth.
Judie(((ST JUDE KIDS)))
2009-05-04 19:42:32 UTC
Prayer will help and also I think therapy may help.I know several people who are now straight and God loving people,some say you can't change but I believe if you want it bad enough and really work at it that it can happen.Just pray and don't stop praying read the Bible,see a priest if you think that will help,do whatever you think might help.I will say a prayer for you and I hope and pray that this really comes true for you.
2009-05-04 20:16:45 UTC
I know a number of people personally who have chosen to live a life of celibacy because they know the love of Jesus is more precious than anything else this life has to offer. Some people have left a life of anonymous sex and gotten married. All of us struggle with chains of sin and addiction. It all melts away in the presence of God. The struggle against sin is a difficult path, but worth it.

First, you have to realize that you are forgiven and accepted by God right where you are. In the parable of the pharisee and the publican, the publican went away justified. You won't feel it though, most likely, until you have some freedom from lust. You have to go cold turkey on lust - no masturbation, pornography, anonymous sex, etc. Although it isn't specifically a Christian group, some people have found help with lust from a support group such as .

The Bible says, "Confess [your] faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Other than God, you need to find someone in the flesh on earth to confide in. It can be a priest or a person who shines with the love of Christ. If you feel uncomfortable after confessing sins, you may have talked to the wrong person. Truly godly people will give you a feeling of peace. I was really burned by confessing my sins to someone at a church I was going to. Most Christians are very religious and a bit short on love.

God has granted me a lot of deliverance from sins. Fasting was one method that got me started. I have done two 40-day water-only fasts and numerous shorter fasts. For me personally, I was at least able stop committing the sins that caused me the most guilt and shame for the period of the fasts. These periods allowed me to dedicate my time to seeking out God, and hear from him. Soon after the fasts were over I returned to my old behaviors, but as I look back at my life, the contact I had with God during those periods was not wasted.

Eventually God will give you freedom if you do not give up. I have learned various tricks over the years to help me with sin. I thank God for every temptation, for instance, because it reminds me that I need him to have strength over sin.

You sound concerned what people think. That attitude is what can turn people into religious sorts. It is not good enough to fool people and look clean on the outside. You have to develop a God attitude to become really clean. God sees all and only God has the power to free you.

I would recomend _The Practice of the Presence of God_ to anyone. The practice of constant prayer helps.
2009-05-04 19:27:16 UTC
You should not be tired of the discrimination and bigotry as you claim, that should not bother you but your conscience should bother you that you commit these acts of homosexuality for this is wrong in God's eyes. People don't matter; it's GOD that matters and his standards.

Yes, through prayer and proper HEART DESIRE you can beat this, just like I (and many in this earth) have beat many sinful practices and habits --- you just have to want to. People are not your problem; it is God that you heed to. Who cares what people say?

Here is a great scripture for you to meditate on.

James 1: 12 - 15

Happy is the man that keeps on enduring trial, because on becoming approved he will receive the crown of life, which GOD promised to those who continue loving him. When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone. But each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin; in turn, sin, when it has been accomplished, brings forth death.

It's all up to you and is about choices in the end.. no matter how many excuses are made. It comes down to FREE WILL.

Good luck and God Bless.
Anaiah C
2009-05-04 19:30:55 UTC
yes, of course prayers will help, but you have to let them help too. it will be easier if you don't hang out around people who encourage homosexuality or exhibit homosexual behaviors. people can change. people can become straight. my pastor became straight, and many others have too. through my sin, i knew i had the potential to become homosexual, or at least bisexual, but i didn't let it get to that point. i kept trying to turn from my sin. the more you give in to a desire, the harder it will be to get over it. i don't know of any books specifically. i mean, the bible is a helpful spiritual guide, but it's hard to read it on your own if you don't have a starting point.

you should become a christian. as a christian, God will be faithful to you. he will lead you to where you need to be. it doesn't mean you are going to perfect, but when you do sin, you will instead repent of it, and keep trying to become a better person. do not dwell on the past. we've all made mistakes. but, now, it's about your future. you don't have to remain in darkness. you are able to choose. it will be hard. try to get some support from people in the community, especially friends and family if you can. it's so hard to change on your own, i know from experience. but you can do it, i believe in you. And God believes in you too.

i will pray for you. i hope i was able to help at least a little bit. i'm about to start college in the fall, where i'll be beginning a four year psychology degree. this is all i can do for you now, but i hope i can help people just like you so much more and better when i am out of college.

God bless you =).
Witch, please!
2009-05-04 19:27:30 UTC
i think you're seeing this too much from a point of view form outside of yourself. think of it form within yourself. i'm a gay woman. i used to think of what others thought and could hardly stand it. but lately i've pondered how being a woman and romancing a woman just feels so right. its a beautiful thing. and actually being gay , as i figure it, is a way luckier lot in life than being straight. after all men and women can never understand each other. but us gay folks have got the inside scoop on how our partners mind works!

i recommend homoerotic books... i don't mean porn... i mean like how anne rice always has the guy vampires in love with the other guy vampires ya know? you gotta see how its a beautiful thing. then bigotry and discrimination will be nothing more than simply unfortunate in their ignorance!
2009-05-04 19:34:04 UTC
Just to let you in on a secret, u r never going to be accepted by everyone.. there are always haters out there. I think you should b str8 so you can go to heaven, and yes prayer helps. : )

i like girls...I like them a lot...mostly sexually, obviously but when it comes down to it I don't like them enuf to go to hell for at all! So i prayed and asked God to put his will in me, and he has. Contact me on myspace, there are some questions that I have for you so I can help you, Id also like to pray for you too! : )

You will be fine! Please dont listen to these Atheist, they know not what they do or say, if they do..they have a dark future ahead of them!
2009-05-04 19:41:02 UTC
First of all I would warn you that there is much dysfunction and abuse in the church. "Religion" will not help you at all. But you do need to find what is core to all humans: love and acceptance and peace. This isn't found within walls with a steeple, but they are found in the One who created you and loves you so very much. Pray for guidance on this however. Sometimes it can be very helpful to go to a church that has people who can encourage you there. But remember it is just a building.

You shouldn't concern yourself for now about your lifestyle. I do not mean by this that it is not wrong. It is. But just come as you are. Recognize that you, LIKE EVERY HUMAN on this planet, have been separated from your Creator due to sin. Acknowledge this to Him, and then accept the truth that He loved you enough to go through agonizing pain just for you. Ask Him to take your messed up life and broken heart. He will fill your heart with His love. In time He will show you which ways to go. Listen to His voice. He won't lead you wrong. But He will not condemn you or allow you to be shamed til ages everlasting (its a promise in his word).

And for some advise on your lifestyle. Stop striving so hard to understand yourself or striving to change yourself. God does not expect you to do this, for you can't. Have you ever noticed that the more you try NOT to do something, the more powerful it becomes and harder to stop. Jesus accepts you and loves you. Accept yourself and His love. He will show you who you TRULY are, and HE will do the work in you.

And one closing thought. I think young people today are so often confused about their identity. I could be wrong. But when I was young I had a best friend who I loved more than any other person on this earth. I remember a night we had a sleep over. We held each other and cryed and told each other how much we loved each other. Our hearts ached with our deep love. It was not sexual, but powerful. Well, if I was growing up in this day and age, I am certain that I would have been told I was bi. How many people have just loved deeply and been led down a wrong road because of it. Plus sometimes people just haven't felt safe with the opposite sex. This does not mean they need to fulfill their natural need for love in the same sex. It means they need their heart healed and filled with the only Love that will truly satisfy.

I pray you will find a true, healing relationship with your Creator and your Savior. He says to you, "My child, come to me. You are weary and heavily burdened. In ME you will find rest. Come."
2009-05-04 19:23:00 UTC
Prayers wont help most likely, an age will be nice to know here. Once out of High school who you know, who hangs out with you, peers become much more accepting because u arent forced to be around people you dont like except at work.....stop trying to change yourself when there is really nothing wrong.
2009-05-04 19:25:02 UTC
names are easy to endure, even today i saw i was called the devil of all lies or something like that

being Gay is a deception, get over it and many Former Gay people have learned it is better to Obey than to choose a wrong lifestyle. if they are sincere about repentance, they usually find the truth that life can be different.

i remember my first prayers with God were arguing about not being able to have sex.

Remember, fornication and adultery is just as wrong. so will the judgment of God fall upon all who are disobedient not just Gay people.
steve c
2009-05-04 19:27:09 UTC
I'm straight but have some gay friends. What kind of person are you? Are you extremely flamboyant, how do you treat other people.Maybe you should look inside first and not worry so much about the jerks that are harassing you. I don't know anybody that is accepted by everyone.
2009-05-04 19:23:13 UTC
Christianity denounces homosexual behavior, not the individual itself. However, even in denouncing homosexual behavior, God calls for empathy and compassion from His followers. We should always uphold human dignity.

As for you changing, there's a possibility that God will change your orientation, if you pray and stay celibate for a while. The other option is to stay celibate your whole life and follow God in Truth and in Spirit. I understand this is a difficult journey for you, but God is with you.

-Till Christ Returns

God Bless
Scourgio Valenciazione
2009-05-04 19:28:39 UTC
God is useless and his priests will only make you hate yourself. There is no place to start and no place to finish. You are gay, and nothing, including you, can change that.

No one will be accepted by everybody.What you need is a circle of supportive GLBT friends.
2009-05-04 19:23:16 UTC
You know what... I dont think you should change yourself for anyone. I know its hard to be surrounded by people and a world that dont "agree" with your lifestyle... But who are they to judge anyone. They are far from perfect and Im sure they do alot of things that ppl dont like. Stay who you are and never let anyone degrade you or bring you down. You are beautiful the way you are.
Michael B - Prop. 8 Repealed!
2009-05-04 19:22:26 UTC
Prayers will help! They will help God to send the Holy Spirit to guide you to an understanding that you are the way God wants you to be.

If you think heterosexuality is the key to happiness, ask the 50% who divorce each year or the children who have been drowned, murdered and abused by their mothers and fathers. We all have our cross to bear and being gay is as good and as bad as the heterosexual lifestyle.

"Ex-gay" groups are a scam and a way for large, pro-homophobia advocacy groups and churches to make money off the misery of God's gay children. Before you get recruited into one of these scams, please check out God bless you!
2009-05-04 22:10:32 UTC
When you are in your true self, you are in the right position to have a sound relationship with anyone from human beings to animals.

Then you don’t have to do anything to love anyone because then love emanates from you, love oozes out from you.
Connor W
2009-05-04 19:23:36 UTC
prayers probably wont help, you can't change who you are. If you can't find acceptance, where you are then find new friends. Trying to change yourself because of others hateful opinions, is cowardly, unless you are seriously being threatened with violence, then don't try to change yourself
2009-05-04 19:26:31 UTC
I spent the first 46 years of my life, trying to "fit in", doing all that's "required" of "normal heterosexual" females. Marriage, kids... My child was the only thing that was worth the aggravation of trying to "fit" in. Be whoever it is you are. Fitting in, isn't worth it. Not by a long shot.
Just Me
2009-05-04 19:24:12 UTC
Just like any sin..... lying, stealing, blaspheming, etc.

If you wanna stop sinning.

Then just STOP.

Call on God.

Humble yourself to...

REPENT (Meaning: Turn-away from your sin, not just be sorry for it)


TRUST (Meaning: Have faith in JESUS as you would in a parachute jumping out of a plane to save you. Nothing else is more important & nothing else can save you like He can.)

He will give you a new heart with new desires. You will start hating the sin you once loved & loving the good things that are holy that you once hated. You will become born-again!
2009-05-04 19:22:31 UTC
if you believe in god, dont pray for him to change you, pray for him to help you accept who you are. obviously he made you that way for a reason, and in the end youll be a better person because of it.
Native Witch
2009-05-04 19:23:24 UTC
It's hard to change something like that. If you try to hide it and become something that you are not, you will never be happy. If you choose to pray for this, don't pray to change, but pray that others will accept you for you and not what they want you to be.
2009-05-04 19:42:31 UTC
you should pray and talk to a priest. and make sure you have friends,family, or someone you trust to help you through this process.
2009-05-04 19:24:50 UTC
wow. sounds like u need to move to a gay friendly town...where i live it's half rednecks and half gay and yet everyone gets along just fine. as far as praying, you wouldn't really want to pray to my opinion, you would want to pray that God help you to be whatever he /she means for you to be, and not put that judgement in human hands.
2009-05-04 19:21:03 UTC
Prayers won't help, nor will talking to a priest. It's just how you are.
Max E Pad
2009-05-04 19:24:47 UTC
I know this isnt wat u want, but im sure your a beautiful person the way you are. people who hate gays are ignorant fools. you shoulnt change yourself just cause of other peoples opininion.I used to not fit in in different ways, then learned it was just stupid groups who hated me, and many loved me for who i was.
2009-05-04 19:22:11 UTC
you shouldn't have to change who you are to suit the needs of a group of superficial and prejudice beings. if they can't accept you for who you are then you don't need them anyway. converting will not change their views of you, nor will it change you. you can only pretend for so long.
2009-05-04 19:25:44 UTC
you are who you are. All the self-convincing in the world isn't going to change that. Embrace who you are, don't try to change it and wish it differently.
2009-05-04 19:22:08 UTC
Maybe it's not the religion for you...perhaps something more accepting would be in order.
2009-05-04 19:21:40 UTC
I know someone who was changed, because her being gay was just the devil having a foothold in her life. It took alot of prayer for the devil to shake the foot hold. Yes prayer and support does work.
2009-05-04 19:23:29 UTC
Seek counselling and practice abstinence. What is impossible for men is possible with God. Some of us were meant to be abstinent.
Mr Redic
2009-05-04 19:20:27 UTC
So you're just going to give up so easily?

All you can do is change your actions, but not your sexuality. If you want to live a lie go ahead, but you won't be happy.

Prayers will never change who you truly are inside. I've been prayed for by all the people in the old church I used to go to a year ago, hasn't changed me.

Keep your chin up. Don't pay any attention to the bullies, all they want is attention.

*big virtual hug* =)
2009-05-04 19:22:02 UTC
Idk what priests might tell you but i know pastors will help you get some counselings and talk to you about man+woman marriages and loves, etc. And prayer definitely helps. However, you must pray earnestly and in Jesus' name.
The other side
2009-05-04 19:21:48 UTC
I say you think and ask God help with pure intentions...

go as a preist :) sure! talk to your parents possibly?
2009-05-04 19:20:49 UTC
many people are going to say be youself love who you want but, i say GOOD FOR YOU - stright ! is the way to go. but sorry i dont know how you start watch girls if your a guy
2009-05-04 19:20:44 UTC
You are who you are, you could not become strait, just as I can't become a chair
2009-05-04 19:24:28 UTC
so you think you will be happy being what others want you to be....thats dumb
2009-05-04 19:21:41 UTC
pray for Jesus to come into your life,you don't have to be torminted by satanic people anymore.Christians are clean and they know how to Converse with intelligence.The girls have class and are better looking to.
2009-05-04 19:20:30 UTC
If you try to become straight, you're going to lead a deceitful life. Embrace your sexual preference, and date men. There are straight people (like me) who don't give a damn who you are attracted. Everyone else are unenlightened.
2009-05-04 19:21:06 UTC
2009-05-04 19:20:34 UTC
Prayers always help

you can pray whenever/wherever you want when you want to talk to god

Becoming straight is your choice and you just need to be honest with yourself, good luck
2009-05-04 19:19:41 UTC
i dont think giving up or giving in is the answer and im not the biggest proponent of alternate gender lifestyles and i still think that .. stand up for who you are (((hugs)))..
2009-05-04 19:24:17 UTC

Gays are excepted in society so you are obviously a troll, leave us alone.
2009-05-04 19:20:47 UTC
Prayers should help.
Rokky B
2009-05-04 19:20:31 UTC
never deny who you are. nothing will help you need to step up
2009-05-04 19:19:45 UTC
Love your self. That will help you.
2009-05-04 19:20:21 UTC
Coach Pete
2009-05-04 19:20:43 UTC
fake question!
2009-05-04 19:19:40 UTC
2009-05-04 19:19:29 UTC
There is no god or heaven or hell.

All gods are imaginary. See

Read the book "the god delusion" by Richard Dawkins
2009-05-04 19:19:28 UTC
Yes, prayer will help
2009-05-04 19:19:26 UTC
changing who you are just to fit in is really just pathetic
2009-05-04 19:20:14 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.