What must one do to find God?
2013-06-21 15:08:51 UTC
I talk with many people from the monotheistic religions (mainly Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and also with people from the other religions, such as Hinduism, Daoism, Buddhism. I have also read extensively on mystics and mystical experience. I've looked at the atheist's perspective. I've spent around 5 years doing all this research and reading through all kinds of materials. This question is mainly addressed to believers in monotheistic religions, but others can answer as well with their own (or their religion's) point of view. Basically when I look at the approach of the other non-monotheistic religions, they offer a clear method for reaching liberation, nirvana, moksha, tao or however else they each call it. This method (mainly meditation) depends on one's own efforts... The more effort they put, the more they can develop themselves and approach the stage where the ego dissolves and one becomes aware of their true nature. Furthermore, they take such a long perspective on things, allowing for reincarnation and multiple lives as a possibility. The world under this description seems to make sense! The whole responsibility is on you and no one else. There is no evil apart from you, and no good apart from you. You alone are responsible for what you do, you alone are your savior. There is no one out there except you to save you. There is no salvation but within! However, then the monotheistic religions talk about a God who is separate from creation, and a self (each person) who is only part of God's creation. And yet there is no way for people to experience this self that they call soul. A way for such an experience is NOT provided. Yet the other religions, through meditation, offer a way for one to experience the reality that they talk about. I looked at "myself" or what I can call myself, and I notice very much that it's very hard for me to find something I can call "self". All that I can call "self" at this moment in time is my memories. My thoughts aren't mine. I get many thoughts in my head that I don't want to get. It's clear for me that I am not doing my thinking. It just happens by itself. I can either choose to follow them, or not follow them. The monotheistic religions also talk about a devil, someone who purposefully rebels against God, and tempts others to rebel against God. And yet God allows this devil to exist and His Creation to pass through so much suffering. And for what? What's the point of all this? If one is to suffer for doing what they want to do instead of what God wants, then why have free will?

And more important than this, there is no way for one to know or find God... Sure through prayer one may reach a state of happiness and well-being which could be described as God's presence, but that doesn't automatically mean one found God. The monotheistic religions offer no way for one to REALLY find God. To meet God, to talk with him face to face. They offer no way to have a vision of God. All they do is tell one to have faith in a book or in God. Sure they tell you to pray, but when you do, then God still doesn't answer. If God really exists and cares about us, then why does he keep hiding and refuses to show himself to us when we seek him and try to meet him? If God truly exists, why don't these monotheistic religions provide us with a way to MEET God in THIS life time? Why don't they provide us with a way to remember our spiritual past before being born in this life? What is this all about? Furthermore, there are a lot of other discrepancies... let's say I have someone who hurt me, how is it that God can choose to forgive and NOT punish that person if they ask for his forgiveness? Shouldn't God first of all ask me if I forgive that person and wether or not I want him to be punished for his wrongdoing? How is it that someone can do so much evil to others, and in the end get away with it by being forgiven? Why is it that God doesn't make one always pay "an eye for an eye"? In my opinion forgiveness doesn't make sense. One should be responsible enough to pay for the wrongdoing one has done. How would you feel if someone killed your family, and when you die and go to Heaven you find out that that person who killed your family asked for forgiveness and God forgave him? How would you feel that he escaped all the suffering you had to go through? So how do monotheistic religions make sense? And how is one supposed to find God? I cannot believe any of these religions unless I'm given a clear way to have a vision of God in which I personally can talk to God and see that He is real and not a figment of imagination. I want a way which I can practice which assures me that I can reach God. Is there such a way?
Eighteen answers:
2013-06-21 15:11:53 UTC
Look in the mirror.
2013-06-21 15:26:52 UTC
Most religions focus on a God with form, rather than without form, because it's almost impossible for people to have love and devotion for a "force." We are human, and we have to picture the Divine as a person. Some will picture a goddess, others a god.

The process of finding God really takes two things: a purified heart and a burning desire to find God, to be in His company.

There is the old Hindu story of the children playing in the living room, while the mother is in the kitchen.

While the children are absorbed in their play, the mother works in the kitchen; she's there, but the children pay her no mind.

One is building a town with blocks and toy cars, another is playing with a doll, dressing and feeding her, another has a toy airplane. All they see, or care about, is the play.

But let one child throw down her toys and run through the house calling for her mother, and the mother immediately puts down her pots and pans and rushes to her.

This is like God. If you are completely worldly, absorbed in all the cares of your constructed life, you will not see God. You have to run crying for His company, and then He meets you halfway and you have found Him.
Hans-Wolfgang R
2013-06-23 17:23:23 UTC
Now the scientists say the world, the universe is expanding. The simple reason is that God is escaping, so with him of course the world goes on expanding; the boundary goes on expanding with tremendous speed. Do you know at what speed he is escaping from you? One hundred and eighty-six thousand miles per second! That is the speed at which the universe is expanding; that must be the speed of his escape. And I don't think you will be able to catch him; it seems impossible to make spaceships which can go at that speed, because that is the speed of light and anything moving at that speed will immediately become light. So if you are moving with that speed, the plane and the passengers and the pilot, all will disappear; they will become simply pure light. With that speed everything will melt and become light. Unless you can find some way not to follow him but to try to find him from the other side....

And I think that is the way to find God Don't try to reach God, don't run after him, simply stand silently. That is the other way, the other way round -- because how long can he escape for? If the universe is also round, finally he will come back to where you are standing -- and there is the possibility of meeting.

But why seek at all for God?

If you seek God you will never find her because she is eternally hidden in the seeker.

Life is without purpose -- life is its own purpose, therefore he who lives without purpose truly lives.

Live! Isn't living itself enough? The desire to have more than just life is a result of not properly living -- and that is why the fear of death grips the human mind, for what is death to one who is really alive!

Where living is intense and total there is no time to fear death -- and there is no time for death, either.

Do not think in the language of purpose -- that language is diseased in itself.

The sky exists without purpose.

God is without purpose, flowers bloom without purpose and stars shine without purpose --

what has happened to you that you cannot live without purpose!

Because you can think you get into trouble.

A little thinking always leads to trouble.

If you must think, think completely, utterly!

Then the mind whirls so fast with thoughts that freedom from thoughts is attained.

Then you begin to live.
2013-06-22 02:17:27 UTC
"Tat tvam asi" - You are That (Chandogya Upanishad 6.8.7).

You are trying to seek someone who is within you. Try not to look externally for some entity who can perform miracles, but try to look within you for your soul. This is the part of God that exists in you. I am not an expert and neither have I found what I am saying here. These are just "textual knowledge". It is said that one should try to meditate with the aim of focusing on the soul and one can do this by clearing ones mind of ALL the thoughts. It's not so easy and could takes years of practice. This is not the only way. There are different ways to attain Moksha: Karma Yoga(performing ones work without attachment to results), Bhakti Yoga(total devotion), Jnana Yoga(self realization), Raja yoga(meditation). For more details on these paths refer the following paper and see which path works best for you:
2013-06-21 15:31:48 UTC
You don't need to reach God. God is reaching towards you. The fact that you want to find a way to know God means you are responding to His call. It's good that you did much research, but this is all head knowledge. Now, you need to involve your heart. If you truly seek God with all your heart, you will find Him. (You were seeking answers before, now you have to seek God Himself).

You asked a lot of very good, deep questions, and it is more than what I can type here, so I recommend you a website that will give thorough answers that Biblically based and referenced. There you can search your questions. If you can't find your exact question, you can email them or you search up the theme such as "forgiveness" or "suffering".

Try praying this, "God, I don't know if You are even there, but if You are, I want to know You. I want to know who You are, I want to find You, I want to experience Your presence. There are so many people out there who claim to have seen and experienced you, and so help my unbelief, show me that You are real. Right now, I have so many unanswered questions, but I ask that You provide an answer and I trust that, in time, You will. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen."

^It doesn't have to be word for word, it just has to be sincere and come from your heart.

And if it helps, you can search up testimonies for Christ on Youtube or Google "I Am Second." The website has many testimonies from people coming from all different backgrounds and struggles. You can read or hear about other's experience and life-changing stories. (They always bring me to tears.)

God bless you on your journey to finding Him. I promise you that it will be worth it. It's the reason people who have lost their families and everything they own can still find joy in their hearts and praise God.

I'll be praying for you! :)
2013-06-21 16:23:41 UTC
The reason you haven't found God is because there is no God. God is a character depicted as a omnipotent, all powerful being that created everything because science back then was very primitive and so, they created this character to explain certain/all events.

You can choose to believe in him, but he won't be there.
2013-06-22 09:07:38 UTC
Very good but no excuse. KEEP looling ask God in Jesus name ,belive me I was a lot like you but my eyes have been opened ..Read the book 66 love letters, they are from him ,also yotube the truth about Fallen Angels and the new wourld order, also youtube. " The Book Of Enoch 'our gov took out of the bible
2013-06-21 15:24:23 UTC
Your question is lengthy and difficult to address. You say a person is responsible for ones self. I bet to differ. It is this responsible of ones self that often gets us in trouble. Just like ants or honey bees we need to get out of this self mode and get into help mode. We need to work together to help those that have gotten themselves into trouble. We need to throw out the fact you got yourself into it whatever it may be get yourself out.

Take for example 3 women in Cleveland, Oh that had been kidnapped and held prisoner. One woman made an effort to escape but needed help. A man passing by heard her crying out for help and rescued her and as a result the others were freed. This is an extreme bondage case. But there are other cases which people are in bondage to additions where we can help.

God is there guiding us to do the things we need to do to survive. If you want to find God, find him through helping others then you will see how he works.
2013-06-21 15:23:37 UTC
Many people like yourself want this question answered. Looking at the creation around us gives us a glimpse about who God is. I've found the answer in many publications from and from studying the bible. Please use this source in the first chapter of the book, What Does The Bible Really teach? from this site:

I'd love your feedback.
2013-06-21 15:18:31 UTC
This is the only way.

Prayer for Salvation

Prayer for Salvation: Jesus Christ is the Son of God. If we have invited Jesus to come and live within us and be the Lord of our lives then our inheritance in the future kingdom is assured.

God's word says in John 14:6, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

In order to invite Jesus to be your Savior and Lord, you must believe in you heart that He is the Son of God, believe that He died upon the cross of Calvary as an atonement for your wrong doings, and believe that He arose from death and the grave. We must confess and repent of our sins and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. If you have never done this then stop right now and pray this prayer.

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus repenting and asking forgiveness of all my sins. Your Word says, "whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be saved" (Acts 2:21). I am calling on You. I pray and ask Jesus to come into my heart and be Lord over my life according to Romans 10:9-10. "If thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God has raised Him from the dead thou shalt be saved" I do that now. I confess that Jesus is Lord, and I believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. I am a Christian ..a child of Almighty God! I am saved!

You are now an heir to the Kingdom of God! Your future is assured. I want to encourage you to find a church in your local area to attend. Tell someone that you have just received Jesus as your Lord. Than start digging into God's Word.

"I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day" (2 Timothy 1:12
2013-06-24 20:57:58 UTC
Assalamualeikum Bro,

FIRSTLY, all major Religions Vedic, Judaism, Christianity, Islam as understood today originated with same God, Allah (yes Allah, and mentioned by same name AND other names in ALL these books) sending messengers(Moses, Jesus, Mohammad, Abraham, Noah, Jacob, Joseph etc.) and holy textbooks for people and were completely true at their time as long as their books did not change and teachings did not get lost.

However, today ALL books have changed and teachings lost for all except that given to LAST messenger Mohammad(pbuh) that is Quran, the final revelation book of Islam.(I c you of scientifically and logically enquiring which is Good so I welcome you to unbiasedly and honestly verify this for yourself !).

Its really this straightforward.. we don't c God as this life is TEST of our conduct and we are here to live righteously with help of guidance to mankind from time to time from Allah through his messengers carrying clear proofs(yes, clear proofs were given to all messengers in form of holy books containing scientific and logical facts proving its divinity as well as very well known special powers given to messengers). but we will c HIM on day of Judgement but then things will b decided by then who goes to hell and who to heaven. Also Allah is not unjust, a person who hurts other will not be forgiven unless forgiven by the one hurt. He has 99 names or attributes which include and do not do injustice to the other attribute like He is Allah, or say the Forgiver, or the Sustainer or the Merciful or the Judge or the Giver or the Witness etc.(He is ONE but has many names).

Man is given free will but alongside with Guidance also.. so why not use our freewill to follow righteous way and save from punishment and secure place in heaven instead of complaining of freewill as unwanted gift? Is it not like having legs and regret having them for fear of stamping on something or kicking someone or losing them or like having best evolved brains but regretting not being like an unintelligent animal?

Also, man cannot blame the evil(shaitan) for his actions as being given proper judgement of right and wrong and guidance, man is free to follow any way but responsible himself for his own actions.

For scientific facts:

Comparing Islam with Vedic religion( I suppose u born with vedic roots thats why :)) vedic scriptures ALSO preach ONE GOD and NOBODY sees them AND they have NARK and SWARG (like all monotheistic religions -- but sadly what people have eventually come to practice is altogether different thing). So it is beguiling to suppose that they preach "There is no one out there except you to save you".

In order to hint towards their same common message and divinity and the truth of Islam:

"Na tasya pratima asti"

"There is no image/likeness of Him."

[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:19]

"Na samdrse tisthati rupam asya, na caksusa pasyati kas canainam."

"His form is not to be seen; no one sees Him with the eye."

[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:20]

"na tasya pratima asti

"There is no image of Him."

[Yajurveda 32:3]

"shudhama poapvidham"

"He is bodyless and pure."

[Yajurveda 40:8]

"Andhatama pravishanti ye asambhuti mupaste"

"They enter darkness, those who worship the natural elements" (Air, Water, Fire, etc.).

"They sink deeper in darkness, those who worship sambhuti."

[Yajurveda 40:9]

Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc.

"Sages (learned Priests) call one God by many names."

[Rigveda 1:164:46]

"Ekam evadvitiyam"

"He is One only without a second."

[Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1]

"Na casya kascij janita na cadhipah."

"Of Him there are neither parents nor lord."

[Svetasvatara Upanishad 6:9]

"Na tasya pratima asti"

"There is no likeness of Him."

[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:19]

Surah Ikhlas (surah 112 of Quran) defining God:

Say, "He is Allah , [who is] One,

Allah , the Eternal Refuge.

He neither begets nor is born,

Nor is there to Him any equivalent."

2013-06-21 15:21:35 UTC
when anyone come to God through faith in Jesus they will be made alive together with Christ alive spiritually this is what salvation is all about. and Jesus is our Priests forever.
2013-06-21 15:14:12 UTC
Good question, let me know when you figure it out ;)
2013-06-21 15:12:11 UTC
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." -Matthew 7:7

"Whoever comes to me I will never drive away." -John 6:37
2013-06-21 15:13:45 UTC
Seek and ye shall find.
2013-06-21 15:13:19 UTC
You MUST WANT to believe...actually knowing anything is MOOT!
Entirely of This World
2013-06-21 15:09:47 UTC
Start with a lobotomy, though intense indoctrination from childhood is often sufficient.
2013-06-21 15:10:30 UTC
Did you check behind the couch?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.