2013-06-21 15:08:51 UTC
And more important than this, there is no way for one to know or find God... Sure through prayer one may reach a state of happiness and well-being which could be described as God's presence, but that doesn't automatically mean one found God. The monotheistic religions offer no way for one to REALLY find God. To meet God, to talk with him face to face. They offer no way to have a vision of God. All they do is tell one to have faith in a book or in God. Sure they tell you to pray, but when you do, then God still doesn't answer. If God really exists and cares about us, then why does he keep hiding and refuses to show himself to us when we seek him and try to meet him? If God truly exists, why don't these monotheistic religions provide us with a way to MEET God in THIS life time? Why don't they provide us with a way to remember our spiritual past before being born in this life? What is this all about? Furthermore, there are a lot of other discrepancies... let's say I have someone who hurt me, how is it that God can choose to forgive and NOT punish that person if they ask for his forgiveness? Shouldn't God first of all ask me if I forgive that person and wether or not I want him to be punished for his wrongdoing? How is it that someone can do so much evil to others, and in the end get away with it by being forgiven? Why is it that God doesn't make one always pay "an eye for an eye"? In my opinion forgiveness doesn't make sense. One should be responsible enough to pay for the wrongdoing one has done. How would you feel if someone killed your family, and when you die and go to Heaven you find out that that person who killed your family asked for forgiveness and God forgave him? How would you feel that he escaped all the suffering you had to go through? So how do monotheistic religions make sense? And how is one supposed to find God? I cannot believe any of these religions unless I'm given a clear way to have a vision of God in which I personally can talk to God and see that He is real and not a figment of imagination. I want a way which I can practice which assures me that I can reach God. Is there such a way?