Best of luck with your fairy tale.
Anyone and everyone knows now that the much maligned Caste System is a Myth that the Muslims [Turks, Moguls etc] created and that they British perpetuated for the sake of maligning the Brahmin Community who were the Freedom fighters who always opposed Tyranny and Foreign Rule.
Also, everyone knows that that the Indian Government has got a lot of facilities and Special Privileges for the Scheduled Castes, which you said you are from, which are, incidentally, denied to the Christians and the higher Caste Hindus. The Schedule of Castes and Tribes was created by the British to reward the Castes and Tribes that betrayed the Indians and worked for the British. The Indian Government perpetuated it to keep the Scheduled Castes and Tribes as their Vote Banks.
So, anyone who knows anything about India knows that if you convert to Christianity, you will automatically lose your Scheduled Caste status which means you pay for your own and children's education which those from the Scheduled Caste don't and get full marks to get a pass grade that Scheduled Caste and Tribe people don't need to get, and that you'll have to start paying for Medicine, full prices for all food etc which is now given to you at a subsidized rate, and that your facilities from the Bank will automatically revert to full rates and no exemptions that the Scheduled Castes and Tribes get heavy subsidies for and so much more.
So, do you expect us to believe that you would want to lose so much by converting to Christianity, where you get nothing?
Also, everyone knows of the stringent "discriminatory Practices Act" which lets the Scheduled Castes and Tribes to sue the pants off anyone who insults them etc.
Whom are you kidding?