Can I change my religion from Hindu to Christian to save me and my family from the cruelties of Caste-ism?
2012-04-17 07:49:03 UTC
I belong to a poor scheduled caste family. I am also physically handicapped. I have completed Honours in English in 1992 and got the service of Assistant Teacher in Hetia High School on 14.06.1993 first. Then I joined as an Assistant Teacher in Garhbeta High School on 07.11.1997. I am a regular patient of Apollo Hospital, Chennai for treatment of my varicose of vein since 1999 and my patient Id No is AC01.0000664851. I have taken this heavy amount of Loan to complete my dwelling house. So I am solely responsible for this bankrupt situation. I had earned some money for my overtime duty in School upto July – 2011 but I myself met with a severe accident on 19th July – 2011. I had to suffer from Chicken Pox from 80.08.2011 to 26.08.2011 as per the B. M. O. H. Garhbeta Rural Hospital. My OPD Regn No 16312 dated – 08.08.2011. In this situation now I want a Loan-free peaceful life for the sake of my family and sons. I am a disciple of Ramkrishna Mission. As there are several castes in Hinduism and the upper castes hate the lower castes. I belong to MUCHI Caste for which I am insulted, ignored and dishonoured in many ways. I have scarified much time and labour for the sake of my present School. But I am not given proper position and honour. Instead my skill, efficiency and knowledge are ignored and dishonoured as I belong to lower caste. So I want to change my religion to Christianity where there is no Caste-ism and one loves to another and helps in distress.
24 answers:
2012-04-17 09:16:56 UTC
Your peoblem does not belong to any religion it simply belongs to our society. In many religions you cannot expect any change for centuries. You cant say anything against their religious practices using your wit. If you dare to do this you will face dire consequences. But Hinduism does not make a man blind you can expect and demand for changes in it. Even a non-Hindu who had made nude paintings of Hindu Gods and Goddesses was spared by you think it would have been the same if you had done similar act to any other religion. Moreover, you are a disciple of Ramakrikshna Mission. As far as I know Ramakrishna (being a Brahmin) did not believe in casteism and spread love and bhakti throughout the world. If still after diksha from RKM you think you are being cornered it means there will be no change even after changing your religion because you have to live with the same guys, you are not going to stay whole day with Christian fathers or Ramakrishna Mission monks. Considerable change in our system has already taken plac for which, being an SC, you are getting many kinds of benefits (like reservation quota in job and education etc and even early promotion) throughout your life which you and your children will perhaps not get if you change your religion. It seems you are from West Bengal. If yes then your problem must be 'groupism' and 'favouritism' not 'casteism' as far as I know. In WB some people make vicious groups and few who remain close to officers get all the benefits and silent workers like you suffers the most. Even during festivals you will be cornered and few talkative unscrupulous guys will remain in limelight !!
2016-02-22 00:48:22 UTC
Quite long ago the society was divided into four castes depending upon the nature of service they do so that they together make sure the smooth running of the social system. It was like the operational divisions of organizations. These four castes were the four functional pillars on which the society was standing. In the course of time the caste started to get determined by birth and later some of these sections started considering themselves superior to others. This finally led to the cruelty and inhuman behaviors of untouchability etc. There has been time and again cautions from Hindu scholars against these inhuman behaviors. Now this system is getting phased out and the Hindus should be soon out of the bad taste it left.
2014-08-29 13:51:30 UTC
Can u say why should you have to change.

Accept Him as a god & worship. Hindus welcomes any god in their religion. I do worship Jesus as a hindu god. I dont belive people who say Jesus is the only god. Bible says God is shapeless & formless then we can create any form of god & worship him. Jesus is also one among the form hence we worship him as a god without changing the religion.
2012-04-18 07:51:26 UTC
changing of religion wont change cast related problems.cast related problems.i am from upper class and i have faced the wrath of lower cast people lots of time even though i am very young what is there to say. people are filled with hatred for each other.but it doesn't means one has to give up. what you are saying is like taking a bandage for bone wont will be temporary but not a permanent solution since you are from lower cast if you feel you are being ill treated work hard.some day some thing good will turn out.don't give up hope.since ur in ramakrishan mission it is a good thing.there are cast related problems even in christianity.don't be misleaded.try for some higher post in different institutions if you want.hard work of honest people wont go unrewarded. thank you.
2012-04-17 23:01:47 UTC
Change.May Jesus bless you!
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2012-04-17 10:34:21 UTC
r u trolling?
2012-04-17 10:27:01 UTC
cast-ism is man made, don't care about what people say, don't change your religion for that, according to me person should respect the religion is which god has given birth to him
2012-04-17 08:03:53 UTC
Best of luck with your fairy tale.

Anyone and everyone knows now that the much maligned Caste System is a Myth that the Muslims [Turks, Moguls etc] created and that they British perpetuated for the sake of maligning the Brahmin Community who were the Freedom fighters who always opposed Tyranny and Foreign Rule.

Also, everyone knows that that the Indian Government has got a lot of facilities and Special Privileges for the Scheduled Castes, which you said you are from, which are, incidentally, denied to the Christians and the higher Caste Hindus. The Schedule of Castes and Tribes was created by the British to reward the Castes and Tribes that betrayed the Indians and worked for the British. The Indian Government perpetuated it to keep the Scheduled Castes and Tribes as their Vote Banks.

So, anyone who knows anything about India knows that if you convert to Christianity, you will automatically lose your Scheduled Caste status which means you pay for your own and children's education which those from the Scheduled Caste don't and get full marks to get a pass grade that Scheduled Caste and Tribe people don't need to get, and that you'll have to start paying for Medicine, full prices for all food etc which is now given to you at a subsidized rate, and that your facilities from the Bank will automatically revert to full rates and no exemptions that the Scheduled Castes and Tribes get heavy subsidies for and so much more.

So, do you expect us to believe that you would want to lose so much by converting to Christianity, where you get nothing?

Also, everyone knows of the stringent "discriminatory Practices Act" which lets the Scheduled Castes and Tribes to sue the pants off anyone who insults them etc.

Whom are you kidding?

2012-04-17 07:55:24 UTC
I would think Buddhism would be an easier transition
2012-04-17 07:51:47 UTC
I former Hindu, they want burn me when husband die in sati.
2012-04-17 07:50:40 UTC
You have to pay a fee. Which christian religion do you want to sign up for, and I'll tell you what the fee is. Also do you have any cute sisters?
2012-04-17 19:38:43 UTC
It is still better if you become non-religious.

Stop practicing all religions or Dump all of them.

All religions are useless.
2012-04-17 13:21:12 UTC
i think you should bargain with other religions also which are very much interested to take you with much more benefits and a ticket to heaven if you bring more people with you.
2012-04-17 13:01:49 UTC
My child there are 100 trolls like you trying to fool others.

If you convert you have to lose all your reservation benefits you people are getting by eating into higher castes' resources. Casteism in India is not hindu thing but Indian thingy and indian muslims and christians too follow casteism
2012-04-17 11:29:04 UTC
Hi. Friend . Insulting and irritating peoples every where in all religions . You know "that upper caste heavily suffered that lower caste relaxations in india . So any upper caste peoples do not change their religion .Religion is not shirt . Its a tradition , culture ,by birth . Why you think like that . Incase christian religion insulting you after are you change another religion . You know upper caste people facing lot of challenges without govt . Support . Yours skills and knowledge well nobody can't stop you . Be a hindu . Serve to hindu . Jai hind.
2012-04-17 11:26:26 UTC
You should convert yourself into jainism.
Proud Indian
2012-04-17 09:37:51 UTC
If you know that Christianity also has several castes in India and separate church for Scheduled Caste Christians. You would not be allowed to attend Church of other caste Christians. You will only go to the Chuch built for you people, by your people. You will have the stigma of your assigned caste in Christianity or Buddhism.

If your aim is only getting rid of the discrimination and lead a honorable life, then Islam is the only way, where you can stand shoulder to shoulder in any mosuqe for prayers along with wealthy, influential, poors and beggars, in one line. All are considered equal and this is the biggest demonstration of democracy and equality on the earth. There would not be a separate mosque for you, you would be treated as a human and respected as a human, unlike anywhere on this earth. Once you become a Muslims, all your friends and foes would be forced to respect you naturally, without any binding on them by law or any other fear. You can walk with your head held high. Everything would be for your own betterment.

Other problems of yours are financial and also the problems were your own creation, which would be tackled by you efficiently, with peace of mind.
2012-04-17 09:35:54 UTC
as a hindu i think your just a christian posing a hindu trying to make us all look like idiots so if you want i will give you a head start into that church by kicking you up the asssss!!!

p.s dont forget to worship a tree as in the new testament it does say jesus was hung from a tree and not nailed to a cross :)

have a great life and dont forget to cutt your penis on your way out hahaha get it? god i love being a hindu :)

by the way i started laughing when you said you was the lower poor caste... because thats a very nice clean white shirt you got on and wow you got glasses?

now im not sure if any of you bone heads have understood yet but a poor lower caste hindu can barely afford a washing machine let alone a nice clean shirt and a pair of glasses!

GOD I LOVE YOU lol your like the guy that tests out all the dummies and reals them in lmao you are great!!!!
2012-04-17 08:09:27 UTC
YES...That's what free will is about...

Jesus spoke the truth and had Jews change their ways and become Christians...
2012-04-17 07:59:34 UTC
talk to a Christian minister or priest they can instruct you in how to become Christian

It takes a long time to become a Christian you have to learn the bible and truely beleeve in God
2012-04-17 07:51:04 UTC
Religion has nothing to do with reality. Don't waste your time on mythology, work to better your situation. You're in control of your destiny, not your sham religion--sham in that you don't believe in either, only what they can do for or to you.
2012-04-17 07:50:26 UTC
Yes, you can be Christian but I am not sure you can save yourself and your family.

a wondering atheist/agnostic
2015-06-26 06:02:46 UTC
who told you in christianity there have no cast? if you think that you can change your religion, then of course you can change your cast. must change your cast. i belong from garhbeta thana.
2015-08-01 01:44:28 UTC
please change your religion from hindu to christian if u were hindu sc caste[ even i changed from hindu to christian i am a sc caste , after changing to christain iam happy because iam BC CASTE , iam very happy to be christain BC CASTE , iam escape from this waste hindu [ hindu people will see only caste ] great escape from this stupid , USELESS SC[DALIT CASTE], KNOW iam a super BC CASTE , PLEASE CHANGE we have to destory hindu people mercilessly..........

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.