I have never heard of shadow people. My soul mate is a metaphysical researcher for the past 20 years. I would say it is because of this interest that we married. I also have experienced all that you have described over the past years. For instance, I have had one virus on my computer system for say twenty five years and have an elaborate fire wall system designed by a former hacker friend who has written for various PC publications but yesterday I said I believe I have a virus or Trojan on my system
. My friend said he had updated and thought perhaps I was paranoid. What symptoms did I have? I said I had absolutely none but just felt it. Yeah, he laughed too.
He ran a scan and it was found that I had a problem that was very serious which he took care of. He reiterated that sometimes I really freak him out. I believe this virus came from clicking links here so do not click links here . Some people are malicious and this particular problem steals banking passwords. I do not bank online and my keystrokes are encrypted but it was still on my system which I think is bad. You never know what is harmless on the internet.
I am trying to establish some credibility with you that I do understand. I had dreams which came to pass many times and the trick is to recall them , write them down and pray about them.
I have not dabbled in the occult. These experiences drove me to develop a rather logical , practical nature and to avoid unexplainable experiences.
This type of thing is passed down genetically . My father and grandmother also did this and none of them particularly liked doing it. It worsens if you pray or fast or spend time seeking God.
This may help . Pray over your home and if you are not the praying sort , decide between the two of you that your home is safe and protected from all harm and no intruders of any kind may enter.
You can anoint your doors and windows and address that nothing is allowed in your home that is not invited , mention the shadow things. This just means buy olive oil, pray that God will bless it and use it as a symbol of the Holy Spirit.
Wash your floors, with salt if you have hardwood in a minimal solution. Wash your bedding also . If you have carpet mix a small amount of salt in a spray bottle and do a spray.Pray over the salt and ask that it would purify your belongings. There is nothing magical in the salt . It is just a sign of a promise between God and you and there is a symbol of this in the Old Testament.
These actions reflect what God is doing and build your faith. Salt has been used in many purification rituals but for your purposes, it is symbolic that we are the salt God uses to savor the Earth and His hand of protection is upon us.
You may read scriptures of protection together like the Lord's Prayer .
I would not entertain any thought that you are in danger or unprotected from this moment on.
Many here will be praying for you , no doubt.
Do not watch scary movies if you are able to refrain from it. If your husband still has problems , he may require an anti anxiety medication due to post traumatic stress . Trauma opens us to the supernatural. He fought off intruders. That is pretty stress producing.
It is not mental illness or we would not be accurate in our dreams and visions.
You have gifts which are recorded in most traditions as being from God. If you are atheist, you may attribute this to some evolutionary leap or a gap in scientific understanding, thus far or mental illness.. Sometimes you may see movement from your peripheral vision. I would just pray. Sometimes they are angels and sometimes other things. Don't worry about this. You do not give them any attention except to show them the door. Do not give such things attention and they leave. Best of luck , blessings, on you and your home.