Its amazing how alot of you have different ideas on what your god thinks and knows.
If you care to critically observe it closely, i'm sure you'll all acknowledge to an extent deep down in your heart that an obvious contradiction exists between freedom and an all knowing powerful entity who sets people's fate before hand.
What any christian proposes is that god knows ahead of time as to what you will do and be....let me emphasize ahead of time, that is, he knows your future, your impending fate, since the proposition they made of a god, as an all knowing deity who had already decided everyone's fate. You are therefore pre-judged before you were even born, the point that also implies every baby being born every second as you read this has already been given that sentencing, pre-birth. Some doomed to fail, hell has a spot with their name on it, to put it crudely.
How is it that freedom even has a room in it in your world of belief with that concept? The god you preach knows everything. Everything you do in your time, be it while you're thinking, sleeping or in the toilet...while you're making love to your wife. Can that much intrusion and invasion of one's privacy be even considered freedom? Sounds alot like "big brother in the sky is watching", a form of dictatorship, worrying and scary a thought if you ask anyone else who isn't a christian, but no no no...for the god you propose has a special privilege you have assigned into your life and wish it on everyone else.
How is it freedom when you're all "forced" in one way or another to believe that you must worship and love god for if you don't, a hell and unfavourable judgement awaits. I can imagine the fear within innocent minds of kids to accept this concept of "love"..... the "you must love me or else.." threat sure does strike fear in any 5 year old.
Suppose you say you still have freedom to choose in the hope that your impending fate might take a turn for the better.... say from a pre-judged murderer of the future as determined by god to a well-loved and respected teacher. By that as an example, that may just imply that you are greater than the god you worship. You know something that god doesn't because you're able to tilt the tables of your predetermined fate by god. I say this, because in this scenario....god got it wrong about you the first time.
I guess there are tons of ways you all might want to twist, turn and spin it all for god to your favour. Based on the example i gave in the last paragraph, you could say that god always knew you were going to change or that god made it in such a way that you will want to change. There are tons more ways to spin a good reason to make a good case for your all-knowing god belief and how good he is.
In any case, religious leaders do know how to put a good spin to a "failing" story to make all work out though the use of passages in a holy book. They're not the only ones doing it anyway, lawyers have been at spinning it in their own trade for a long time too.
Instead of having religious leaders telling you how it is from their "revelations through god". Why not apply some critical thinking and arguments on your own.... try asking people of all backgrounds and then analyse it all critically with good reason, coming up with your own conclusion and not just simply accept what you want or wish or coerced to hear.
Try that for a change.
P/S: Can you guys reply without quote minning anything from the bible and just chucking it in here. I'm sure you're all more than capable to hold your opinion than just cutting and pasting...