Do you think "Allah" should be used only by Muslims?
Yahoo! editor
2010-01-03 18:07:11 UTC
Last week, the High Court allowed a Catholic paper to use "Allah” as a translation for "God," but the national fatwa council says this should only be used by Muslims in Malaysia. What do you think?
78 answers:
2010-01-04 07:19:22 UTC
First off i will start the kalimah "Lā ilāha illā-llāh, Muḥammadu-rasūlu-llāh" meaning That there is no God to be worshiped except Allah (the one God) and that Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) is His Messenger.

Why did i point out the verse above. God or in malay,Tuhan is often interpreted by most religions as a being that controls the universe and has a VISIBLE FEATURE/REPRESENTATION like a statue of Shiva or Jesus.

As for Allah swt, we have no visual representations and as so we will refer to God in our Prayers as only Allah swt. Whether in arabic, english, tamil , malay or mandarin, we Muslims will only refer god to only Allah swt. The name will remains regardless of any language the muslim is from.

But for the Catholic Paper, it seems that they want to use Allah swt in their Malay bible translation which i find it confusing. As we all know the name Allah originated in Arabic and they should have use Tuhan instead. Hence, if they want to use the word "Allah" they should publish the bible in Arabic instead ,follow the way the Arab Christians do.

Forgive me for saying this, but i found it confusing for 'God or Father' in the Catholic/Christians vocabulary to have many different names for different language. To us muslims, no matter from which race and language we come from, only Allah swt will be mentioned in our prayers. Peace...
2010-01-03 18:14:13 UTC
It's just a translation of a name. If a text is in Arabic, then Allah is the apropriate translation.

I don't know much about the Malaysian legal system, but I'm guessing that the High Court would have more jurisdiction over non-Muslims than the national fatwa council.
2010-01-04 05:23:44 UTC
IMHO: [As far as translation goes...]

Islam and Christianity (Including Roman Catholicism) originated from the Middle East. Christianity predates Islam - this cannot be denied. Arabs have used "Allah" for "The One" for the Christian God [There is no other god]. Not surprisingly, when Islam was introduced, "Allah" was also used. It was more of the language & vocabulary of the Arabs, rather than a religious term.

In Malaysia, "Allah" has always been associated with Islam. When you hear the term "Allah" you automatically associate it with Islam. The Moslems in Malaysia have not thought it fit the translate the term to the local term for God, which is "Tuhan". The RC church claims that "Allah" has always been used - this is not quite correct. In fact, "Tuhun" had been used. It can be found in the old translations of the bible into Indonesian and also can be found in old Indonesian translations of English hymns. The use of "Allah" in Christian church services may have started about 20 years ago, perhaps when the then Government of Malaysia issued a long forgotten "decree" for the Churches to use "Allah" instead of "Tuhan", [maybe to confuse the natives and stop or curtail the spread of christianity to the natives.] and the RC church must have forgotten about this. The way I see it, instead of the natives not being confused by the term as claimed by the RC Church, I say that the natives would be confused. I certainly would be. [ they would have heard about "Allah" via the radio...and associated it with Islam.], and so, I think it would have been more logical for the RC Church to use "Tuhan", so that the natives can distinguish between Islam [Allah] and Christianity [God].

With the court ruling allowing the RC Church to use the term "Allah" it is welcoming news. The country's constitution has been safeguarded. However, the RC Church should think twice about it. You may be allowed to use it, but that does not mean you have to. Do you really, really think that using "Allah" [Arabic] is more appropriate or better than a local translation - "Tuhan" ? Would the natives of Sabah and Sarawak, or non-native locals Bahasa Malaysia speaking better understand the Christian religion if "Tuhan" is used to distinguish it from Islam ?

To the RC church: You now have won the right to use the word "Allah".. Now, eat humble pie [is this not a teaching of the RC Church - if you are slapped, the the face... ?] and use the more appropriate translation word "Tuhan" for "God".
2010-01-03 22:00:57 UTC
Allah should only be used by Muslims. Why only now that the Catholic paper start to use the word Allah in its publication, when all this while before this, 400+ years after the death of Prophet Mohammad the holy Koran has already been around and further more Malaysia had already achieved independence since 1957? There must be something fishy about this.
2010-01-03 19:30:02 UTC
In Malaysia, there is another word for God in Malay: TUHAN. The reason the Muslims are angry is because the Catholic newspaper insisted on using the word Allah in referring to the One God while they can always use the word TUHAN. However the Christians argued that word Tuhan had been used in when referring to Jesus Christ: eg: Our Lord, Jesus is translated into Tuhan Kami Jesus, with TUHAN translate to the word LORD. Therefore, they do not have a word to refer to GOD, so they seek to use the word Allah. A very fundamental problem really, but muslims fear that the high court ruling will set a predecence for people of other religions in malaysia (such as Buddhist and Hindu) will start calling their deitys Allah (can u imagine calling Buddha Allah) whereas they had always been using the word TUHAN. Hindu and Buddhist r not part of the Abrahamic Religion mind you. Therefore, many muslims feels it is sheer provocation by some quarters to cause disharmony among Malaysians.
2010-01-04 08:58:56 UTC
I understand that this Catholic newspaper has a Bahasa Malaysia (Malay language) section for the benefit of the Christian bumiputras (indigenous natives) of Sabah & Sarawak (the two Malaysian states in Borneo) who are mostly familiar with this language, and thus, uses this word in its translation from the English texts in the Holy Bible.

I think the Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, being the caretaker of Bahasa Malaysia in the country, should try and help find a way to help this Catholic newspaper translate in a way that is acceptable to all parties.

The Holy Quran is in Arabic and has always been since the founding of Islam, and therefore, it is understandable if the word 'Allah' is held sacred by Muslim Arabs & non-Arabs alike. The use of this word by Christian Arabs is also understandable since Arabic is obviously their mother tongue, but by Christian non-Arabs? Maybe it's because Bahasa Malaysia also contains words borrowed from other languages including Arabic like 'salam' and 'musykil'.

I'm sure the Roman Catholic Church in Malaysia already knows very well that the Holy Bible has been translated in many languages over the ages. Since Catholic Church uses Latin in its prayers, the Latin word for God 'Dei' could be used, but it's too (classically) European.

Didn't Jesus Christ preach in Aramaic? Why not try using the Aramaic word for God 'Elah'?
Clement Martin
2010-01-03 22:31:29 UTC
The word Allah is Arabic word.

Let me start of by explaining, why Muslims use only the word Allah to address the creator of the universe?

Simply because Qur'an is in Arabic language n Muslims worship, pray, their daily 5 times worship in Arabic language. Even the call to prayer 5 times a day done through loud speaker is also in Arabic language.

In my view, it's NOT wrong for Christians to use the word Allah if the Herald magazine was written in Arabic language. To my understanding the Bible produced in Arabic language use the word Allah, which make sense.

To me the word Allah is only a vocabulary used to indentify the creator, n literary Allah don't belong to the Muslim or to the Christian. As i was watching Muslims protesting on the said subject shown on tv3 8pm news on Saturday 2/1/10, it looked like that they are God's only representatives on Earth; in effect, they are God's arms and legs. They feel a need to be God's defenders.

To me, anybody can use the word Allah n there should b no restrictions because it's only a language to identify the creator. But again if Herald magazine wants to use the word Allah than it's contradicting with their belief system of trinity. Probably they don't understand what Allah means n look at it POSITIVELY, they r accepting Allah meaning trinity don't exist.


* we don't own Allah but Allah own us

* God in Malay is Tuhan, in Arabic is Illah

* Arabians who r Christian use the word Allah in their Bible

* Many feel that they are God's only representatives on Earth; in effect, they are God's arms and legs. They feel a need to be God's defenders.

* Religious beliefs are largely based on faith rather than reason. This means that conflicts among religions cannot be easily settled through dialogue. Disagreements can often escalate.

* Allah is 4 all, Islam is a way of life n not a label

* Muslims r wrong to protest

Lastly, why would Herald need to use the word Allah since they are not publishing in Arabic language unless they have some other hidden agenda....
netbook (suspended)
2010-01-07 13:18:11 UTC
Under intellectual property law in many common law countries, words may be trademarked to prevent competitors from using the same word for a brand or a product. Certain words cannot be trademarked because the words are in common usage - eg. . Where a common word is trademarked, often a particular font and stylization of that word together with a logo is required and it is the set of features that is protected rather than just the word itself - eg. Apple Computers, the letters IBM.

Allah, of course, is not a word that is trademarked. However "Allah" has become associated with the god referred to by Muslims or the Muslim god due to it's extensive usage by Muslims in English speaking countries and also by implication by the extensive usage of God by Christians in English speaking countries. Therefore, when a person refers to Allah in an English speaking country, one may be confused between whether one is talking about the Muslim god or the Christian god.

A similar example of something like this happening is with French Champagne and Wines. Just as the word "Allah" had become synonomous with the Muslim god, the word Champagne had become synonomous with bubbly sparkling white wine and other words such as Bordeaux had also become synonymous with particulars types and styles of wine made from certain grapes such that wine makers from other countries started calling their wines those names. However such synomomity and common usage was not enough to prevent French wine makers from claiming exclusive use to such words as "Champagne" and "Bordeaux" as descriptions for wine. They were able to claim exclusive usage because "Champagne" and "Bordeaux" refer to the wine regions where those wines are produced and it was deceptive to for other wines to be called these words when they were not produced in these regions. In law, this deceptive conduct is known as "passing off" where one tries to pass off one product as another.

In respect of the usage of the word "Allah" in the Catholic paper, did this constitute passing off? If the paper was written in English and used the Arabic term Allah one would think so. But the real question is are the two gods different? The answer is both the Muslim god and the Christian god are referring to the same Abrahamic god. Whilst Muslims, Christians and Jews have different religious practices and beliefs, the God of the Bible is the same God of the Quran and the Jewish Torah. Therefore as the God is the same, there is no passing off of a Christian god as a Muslim god . Therefore, one can view that the High Court decision was correct.

However, the Christian God, is somewhat different to the Muslim God, as the Christian God also embodies Jesus as God through the concept of the holy trinity whereas the Muslim God does not. Therefore it could be argued that the Christian God is not the same as the Muslim God.

One then must look at the origins of the text and we find that indeed the texts are referring to the same God. No where in the original texts is there a reference to the holy trinity and the concept of the holy trinity can be considered as a more modern interpretive development by the Christian Church. Christians consider Jesus as another form of God whereas Muslims do not.

Whilst there is argument amongst some that the Muslim god is not the same as the Christian god, there is not enough distinction in the original texts to say that the two are different deities rather than being two different interpretations of the same deity. Therefore there is no passing off of one god as another.
Zul c
2010-01-04 01:53:53 UTC
What is the reason for Catholic to used "Allah" as a translation for "God"? This name "Allah" not used by Muslims in Malaysia only but the entire world was used this name "ALLAH" as a creator. If still used the same name it will make a confucious to a children.
2010-01-03 22:43:25 UTC
The word Allah has been used by many, way before Prophet Mohammed's time. I think Malaysian Muslims should learn to be secure about themselves and their religion. All these protests only serve to show their insecurity. One thing which came out from this ruling also show the pysche of Malaysia Malays . that other than themselves, the rest are all migrants and should be grateful they "allow" the migrants to stay. But when these Malaysian Malays go overseas, they protest on a lot of things and insist other countries accept the Malays' culture and Muslims practices

Muslims, please be level minded
2010-01-03 20:47:44 UTC
In my opinion, yes it should be only used by the Muslims.

Yes, Allah is a name referred to as God in Arabic, and although Christians Arabs use them as well.. here in Malaysia other religions should respect Islam. Like some people here said, they can easily use God or TUHAN instead of using Allah. Why must they create such chaos?

Muslims in Malaysia respects other religions in this country, hell we even open our arms and let people of different races and religions to live with us under the same roof. Why must other religion defamed Islam this way? You are living in Malaysia therefore why can't u follow Muslim Malaysian's rules? This country is run by an Islamic government. If you are not happy then why don't u go and stay in countries such as Italy that is run by the Catholic Church? If you don't feel welcome here, u certainly are NOT. Muslims give you the freedom of living in this country, and yet you returned us the favor by defaming our God?
james o
2010-01-03 18:17:18 UTC
It does not matter what I think,or what the fatwa writers of whatever country think.

You see, the word Allah has been routinely used by Palestinian Christians as their word for God since forever.

Why, you might ask? Well, you see, the Arabic word Allah is not a name; it is the Arabic word for God. It is a direct cognate with the Hebrew word Eloh. We usually see this word as Elohim because it is almost always rendered in its plural form in Hebrew, and with that particular class of Hebrew noun, you get the plural form by adding -im to the end of the word.

So there's nothing special or Islamic about the word Allah; it's just the Arabic word for God. In French, the word is Dieu; in German, it's Gott; in Russian, it's Bog. In Arabic, it's Allah.

Hope that helps.
2010-01-04 09:05:39 UTC
The Herald only needs to respect the National Fatwa Council, nothing will be amiss. This is not an Arab nation and here we have our sensitivities, don't be hard-headed what is it u want to win. We can debate this until the cows come home but no solution will surface by itself. So we Muslims implore u to "hormat-menghormati" between ourselves and don't just brush aside the NFC. And we don't believe u r sincere in your insistence.
2010-01-04 02:59:24 UTC
Allah is a word for God in arabic. Islam teaching in Malaysia, during the pray, Quran reading are in arabic so hence the word Allah is often used as to refer God. The bible in middle eastern countries used 'Allah' as to refer 'God' as their teaching in those countries are in arabic language. Why the Catholics in Malaysia wanted to justify the word 'Allah' the arabic words for 'God' in Catholic teaching while the rest of the text is in english? Its entirely depends on the intention, and I think this intention is malicious and is done on purpose to create chaos! This is not right and its a hidden agenda. Very smelly intentions and this is evil!
2010-01-11 00:19:27 UTC
Prior to that I met an Islamic girl at a fast food restaurant and we somehow got into a conversation about calling God, "Allah." I have no reason to doubt her, but I can't attest for sure that what she told me is true. She said that the name Allah was chosen to refer to God simply because it sounds nice. Sounds credible and reasonable enough to me. In that case why not let anyone who worships the same one God call him Allah? What name can humans really give to God anyways? At least they are not doing what the so-called Jehovah's Witnesses do. They use "Jehovah," as though they had some special mandate to use it by God himself. Uh huh. And the fact is that Jehovah is a corruption of Yahweh. The error in spelling and pronunciation occurred in translation from older texts. I think it is an insult to God. Similarly, when a person says "Oh, my gosh" that is a corruption of Oh, my God. It is common sense evidence -- in my opinion -- that Jehovah's Witnesses haven't got a clue what they are doing.
2010-01-05 21:46:05 UTC
Jews, Christians, and Muslims all worship the one true God of Abraham.

"Allah" is just the word "God" in Arabic.

The language does not matter:

• Allah in Arabic

• God in English

• Dieu in French

• Theos in Greek

• Dei in Latin

• Dios in Spanish

Remember God (or Allah) is a title or role and not God's name which is an entirely different discussion.

With love in Christ.
2010-01-03 22:34:38 UTC
The judge has erred in his judgement. If anyone is to pass judgement in such an sensitive issue, it sud be someone at least with some basic knowledge abt Islam and its tenets.

God can be made into Gods, Godfather, Godmother, Godess n so on.

God of the Bible is 'Three'

Allah is the Proper name of the Only God.

" Allah is He besides Who there is no other God; the Eternal, the Absolute. Neither sleep nor slumber seizes Him. To Him belongs all that exists in the Earth and Heavens.Who is there that can intercede in His presence, except as He permits. His vision encompass all knowledge, but no vision can encompass His knowledge, but as He wills.His Throne does extend over the Heavens and the Earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them, for He is Most High and Supreme (in Glory). [Ayat Kursi}

"Say; He is Allah, the One and Only.

He is Eternal and Absolute,

He begets not ; nor is He begotten,

And there is none like unto Him." (Ayat Iklas)

The specialty of this Arabic word Allah for God is so unique, that it cannot be manipulated, like 'Trinity', Gods,Godess, Godfather, Godmother or whatever.

Since Biblical God impregnates woman,(meaning having sexual instinct,) and since he is really merciless that he has to kill himself or kill his son to forgive people, than he is not Allah.

So the name Allah should be only used by Muslims.

No doubt Muslims believe in the Gospel as part of Faith.

The Christians sud ask themselves these questions b4 they even think of claiming the right to use the term 'Allah'

How many sects do u hve in Christianity?

How many versions of the Bible do u have?

Which one is the right version?

What happened to the Gospel of Jesus?

If you are truthful n sincere in your claim, then produce the Gospel of Jesus.
Kawan 1
2010-01-04 14:33:30 UTC
The national fatwa council is more competent to rule on muslim religious matters than a secular court.

If the catholics are to issue their publications in arabic then by all means use 'Allah', but if they are printing in bahasa melayu then the appropriate word should be 'Tuhan'.

I hope im wrong, but their intention is mischief making, in my humble opinion.

@ KEN,

In my whole life ive never experienced such moronic ignorance as displayed by your idiotic posting. Please read Matthew 26:39, where it says, 'Jesus fell on his face and prayed'.

If you dont have any self respect, please show a little consideration for others.
2010-01-03 21:13:09 UTC
Yes!!!!! It is the highest priority to use the term only for Muslims. If non-muslims also want to use the term, how you are going to differentiate the Muslim's God and the non-muslims God? Allah is not only 'a term' just like those stupid opinions. This is not about languages used by whatsoever races or places. This is about the believe, confidence and justification or what we call as 'akidah' in Islam. You want to use Allah, then convert to Islam. That is the clearest way to solve the conflict. If you want to stay in your religion, use your own term for God. Allahhu Akbar!
2016-11-03 05:26:54 UTC
Muslim ability guy or woman who submits to God and concerning a toddler they are born in submission. the only time somebody is a convert is that in the event that they have been at one time Christian or of yet another faith and then they embraced Islam. I dont truly comprehend the word revert different than it sounds like that is somebody who left Islam, possibly having disbelieved as quickly as they reported they believed and then got here returned to coach Islam yet i'm not sure. the two way those are in simple terms words and are in many situations used just to assert that the guy became into no longer born right into a Muslim kinfolk or grew up under Islam so which you're able to truly no longer placed lots value of those form of issues.
2010-01-03 21:04:57 UTC
Islam teaches us to respect each other. To answer this question, first you should have knowledge on Malaysia religious situation.The point is what differ muslims with christians?Both come from the same source. Muslims also believe in Jesus(Nabi Isa) but Muslims believe that JESUS IS NOT AND NEVER BE SON OF GOD!Muslims full believe IN ALLAH AS THE ALMIGHTY GOD!

WHy is it actually HERALD want to use ALLAH in their publications?To pull muslims to CHRISTIANS?
2010-01-10 22:19:03 UTC
i rather used (1:1) in quran.. n 'bismillah' itself as my point... allah is the god of universe, why shud we said, ur god is trinity, jesus n bla bla bla... and 'bismillahi Rahman ni Rahim', what is the point for having 2 words in the same meaning? the translation of Rahman n Rahim is same (Love n Merciful), but those terms signal - Allah is the the god of universe... in Syahadah, what is the meaning of Syahadah? same point - There is no God but Allah... Allah is the God of Universe...

for me, as a muslim, i believe that Allah is Universe's God... point of arguing is useless... because, those how r trying to say - Allah is ONLY belong to Muslim, not to other religion, may lead to apostacy... this ignorance's claim has lead thousands of muslims in malaysia to a wrong path... why did i said that? because contradict to (1:1) Al-Fatihah... u guys shud look outside the jar... they are creating propaganda, not to have the right of using 'ALLAH' in their publications - because they know that, malaysian muslim will totaly all out because of it..., but, the only thing why they make the claimed, was because to make u guys claim the un-supposedly right thing to be spoken...

the quoestion is, did u guys (muslim) agrees that ALLAH is only god for muslim? if you don't agree, why did u guys against it? afraid from deviation n 'others' propaganda? why u afraid? there is nothiing to be afraid of if u guys know how to act n react... the manipulation, propaganda n misled teachings were just an excuse... n excuse is for weaker... think wise, act wise n be wise...

The Racist Sentiment has been played by the government... trying to show, a non-wearing-jilbab- wife's husband is taking the role as a Malaysian Muslim Hero... ask wife to wear tudung first, then u can talk about islam... hahaha... don't fall into the trap...
2010-01-04 09:17:58 UTC
Allah is the Arabic word for God so why should any person Arabic speaking or othewise not be allowed to use that word if they are not Muslim. The Coptic Christians in Egypt for example use the word Allah. I am sure that many people use that word simply because they speak Arabic, so why should they be told they can no longer use it?
2010-01-04 01:35:51 UTC
The answer for not using Allah as God because their majority are muslim,show how belief distract harmony between other races.Intolerance!God/Allah above common sense are doom to disaster!

How ungrateful to chase different race or religion to other country because he use Allah,what there are preaching but in practice was totally different.....Beware my fellow human
2010-01-04 00:18:31 UTC
Islams coming 500 years after Cristian. But name of god, "Allah" was call after Prophet Muhammad introduce to our people starting for the Arabic people to introduce the lesson and teaching the Islam. we using the name of Allah since 1500 years ago but why should now u want to use that? in Islam, we believe of syahadah, no god except Allah and Muhammad is god messenger. In Malaysia, this is Islamic country, majority of population are Muslim. Please don't make that sensitivity crush the Malaysian peaceful.
2010-01-04 05:17:58 UTC
If Allah is God in arabic, then why just use "Tuhan" a term in malaysian to mean God.. simple answer coz all the statment wanna writen in malay..not in arabic.. and the term Allah had been use buy all muslim in the world, in what ever language, as a muslim, they use ALLAH... no other term..
ronny c
2010-01-04 00:21:33 UTC
Allah is not God if you bloody nuissance think it's a direct translation from Arabic. Go and learn more. Arabic word of God is Ar-rab and my God is Rabbi. There's SOMEONE talking nonsense, I think he's a stupid ignorant who burns papers for his dead parent and increase the air pollution and pray to his ancestors with dirty **** and *** because they never knew how to clean their *** properly after they **** off because his religion never taught them so. Pity them... the only way to stop all this nonsense is to kill the strayers because they are too noisy and not thankful for living in Malaysia. If you want to do whatever you like, please go to America... free country, you can have sex with animal..... yeahhhh....
2010-01-03 19:34:54 UTC
Why would Malaysian Catholic wanna use Allah now. If it just in term of God, why don't just use "Tuhan" (God in Malaysian language) or "God" in English language. Why would they bother to use an arabic language. Futhermore, Allah is used in Al-Quran and it is a Proper Noun for muslim.
gossamer presents... Sarah!
2010-01-03 18:13:37 UTC
I've heard that Christians in the Middle East refer to God as "Allah" because Allah is the only way to say the word "God" in arabic. "God" is an English word, you know. "Allah" is actually an arabic word that means God. Many people misunderstand that.
orchid lah!
2010-01-04 05:43:27 UTC
Funny, because the 1st word in the Johor's state Song is "Allah peliharakan Sultan...." and we used to sing it almost everyday in school. In fact,all races and religions singing that song with that word. Why suddenly it become an issue? It has never been an issue...or...if Herald can't used it anymore..should Johor State bans non muslim to sing the state's song too?
Captain Klepto
2010-01-03 18:11:29 UTC
Arabic Christians call God Allah, it's a word after all.
2010-01-04 08:29:39 UTC
I don't see any problem using the word "Allah". There are huge number of people critic and humiliate Christian but we don't give **** to them. Such a wasting time. This problem really humiliate the Malaysian. I think there are other better and useful topic to discuss. Hope they realise soon. Amen.
2010-01-04 05:47:23 UTC
The Catholic want to translate word God to Allah for translation English to Malay whereas in Malay god is "Tuhan". If the Catholic want to translate English to Malay, they should use Malay words not Arabic words.
D700 dug
2010-01-03 18:11:34 UTC
So how would non muslims refer to the muslim concept of a god ?

The deity formally known as Allah ?
2010-01-11 05:19:26 UTC
yeah Allah should only be used by Muslims.coz The concept of one God is in Christianity and Islam.when it comes to Christians they have two concepts in bible.God and son of God.but in Islam there is only one concept Allah(the almighty).now the question arises in Christianity that who is Allah?God or son of God?its better that Christians spell God to Allah.Arabic word Allah refers to one and only one.the creator.the it really suites to Islam only. Allah means that one who has no children,no partner and was not born to anyone.but Jesus(p.b.u.h) was born to the word ALLAH suites for MUSLIMS.
2010-01-04 04:45:02 UTC
Hello, you catholic who lives n works in Malaysia, same to those who gave comment towards using "ALLAH". U all not lives in Arab, middle east or Palestine's. So use Malaysian Language to refer your god name, as "TUHAN" and Not "ALLAH". Why so stu???. Why your christian brothers n sisters in europe , australia, UK and USA not using the word that U malaysia catholic intend to use, why, why, why????????.

Are you people try to challenge or provoke our muslim faith?
2010-01-04 02:53:41 UTC
Allah (Arabic: الله‎, Allāh, Turkish: Allah, is the standard Arabic word for God While the term is known in the West for its use by Muslims as a reference to God, it is used by Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, in reference to "God". The term was also used by pagan Meccans as a reference to the creator-god, possibly the supreme deity in pre-Islamic Arabia.Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, use the word "Allah" to mean "God".

The Christian Arabs of today have no other word for 'God' than 'Allah'. (Even the Arabic-descended Maltese language of Malta, whose population is almost entirely Roman Catholic, uses Alla for 'God'.) Arab Christians for example use terms Allāh al-ʼab (الله الأب) meaning God the father, Allāh al-ibn (الله الابن) mean God the son, and Allāh al-rūḥ al-quds (الله الروح القدس) meaning God the Holy Spirit.
2010-01-03 19:34:45 UTC
"Allah" should be used by muslims and non- muslims alike.

Kita doakan "Ya Allah, Tuhanku, kita menyembahmu" semasa di gereja di kota kinabalu dan di miri sarawak. Apa salahnya?

The book that also uses "Allah" is my Al- Kitab , the book we call the bible that describes the Kristian teachings/ living in Bahasa Malaysia.

Kepada ramai yang belum pernah pergi ke sabah dan sarawak, silakan jauhkan pandangan mu dan luaskan perfahamanmu. Sedangkan orang muslim di sabah, sarawak tidak pernah menyoalkan isu ini, kenapa orang muslim di semenanjung begitu gagah berbuat demikian?
2010-01-03 21:06:46 UTC
Allah can be use by muslim only no matter their race or language in Malaysia. Accept it or leave the country.
2010-01-04 01:16:29 UTC

Just to put thing straight, moslem do not raise or point their butt when praying. They humble themselves by putting the core of human intelligence, the brain/head which human often pride of, as low as to the ground to signify how insignificant they are to The Maker. It is the greatest presentation of humility, & i believe every religion has its own ways that should be respected, widenly viewed, maturely understood & comprehend, which what i expect around here.
God of the Hipsters
2010-01-03 18:11:51 UTC
Allah is Arabic for God... Anyone who speaks Arabic would say Allah.
2010-01-04 09:49:30 UTC
In Bahasa Malaysia " Tuhan", In English " God ", In Tamil "Kadavul ", In Arabic "Allah" , all is same meaning so what is the big problem , we all one Malaysian ma.
2010-01-03 19:00:37 UTC
C'mmon!.. If so much fuss over a word, just disallow the Catholic use the word "Allah" and the Muslim cannot use the word "God" either. Problem solved.
2010-01-08 14:57:38 UTC
In that case, all muslims who emigrated to another countries should use word for allah in THEIR language and nothing else
2010-01-08 10:41:23 UTC
Yes. Should only b used by Muslims.
2010-01-03 18:13:52 UTC
If Allah only can use by muslims than they should not touch the word of God in Torah and Bible.
Bob R
2010-01-04 18:02:41 UTC
Well,Malaysia is a Islamic state,should abide the state legislative and theirs' directive.Obligation to be follow.And why sudden,the"Catholic Herald need to use "Allah" as a translation for God.This rules and regulation had been table for many,many years ago.For instances,to recap some good reference,such as a book writer,Salman Rushdie,"Satanic Verses",which give an international eye opener.Imam Ayatollah Khomeini gave an death sentence to him, caught "alive or die".Sadly,the MI5 and Scotlandyard had involved in this scam.

There are few concrete evidence such as :-

1.Say "See ye?If(this teaching) be from Allah, and ye reject it and a witness from among the Children of Israel testifies to its similarity (with earlier scripture) and has believed while ye are arrogant, (how unjust ye are!) Truly, Allah guides not a people unjust. (Surah 'Ahqaaf (46:10))

2.The seperation process resulted in the formation of multiple worlds, a notion which crops up a dozen of times in the Qur'an,once it has formed the first verse in the : "Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!" (Surah Al Fatiha (1:1))

3.The fact that we today possess the mummy of this Pharoah, which to be exact, was discovered in 1898, is one of paramount importance.The Bible records that it was engulfed in the sea, but does not give any details so as to what subsequently became of the body.The Qur'an, in the Surah Yunus, notes that the body of the Pharoah, who was to be damned, would saved from waters."This day shall We save thee in thy body,that thou mayest be a Sign to those who come after thee!But verily, many among mankind are heedless of Our Signs!" (Surah Yunus (10:92))

4.The most amazing thing about his selection is that he has put our Nabee-e Kareem, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as No.1, the first of his "100!". Thus confirming, unknowingly,Allah Own testimony in his Final Revelation to the World: "Most certainly,you have in the messenger of Allah an excellent pattern (of Behaviour) who hopes in Allah and Final day and who remember Allah much!" (Surah "Ahzaab 33:21)

Jules Massermann says that"Leaders must fulfil three function:-"

1."The Leader must provide for the well-being of the lead..."

2."The Leader or would be leader must provide a social organization in which people feel relatively secure..."

3."That this Leader must provide his people with one set of beliefs...".

TIME, JULY 15, 1974.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali say:-

There's still with us much sorrow and sin,

Injustice,opression,wrong and hate,

Still does arrogance deaden Conscience,

Rob struggling souls of e'en the crumbs,

Of pity, and make, of loathsome flesh

And crumbling dust,fair -seeming Idols

for worship.Still does Ignorance blow

A mighty Horn and try to shame

True Wisdom.still do men drive Slaves,...

Protesting smoothly the end of Slavery!

Still does Greed devour the substance

Of helpless ones within her power.

Nay,more,...the fine Individual Voice

Is smothered in the raucous din

Of groups and Crowds that madlu shout

What they call Slogans New,...

Old Falsehoods long discredited...

The National Fatwa Council says this SHOULD ONLY BE USED BY MUSLIMS IN MALAYSIA,IT IS TRUE STATEMENT.As abovementioned scholar from differents school of thoughts and ideologies had agreed upon the rights and legislative of the Muslims.
2010-01-03 23:42:22 UTC
Malaysian Islam make big deal out of everything that they think it might be sensitive, where else other muslim country can freely accept other religion using the term 'Allah', yet you say that M'sian Muslim respect other religion?? what a loser! ill say it again, you guys make a big deal out of EVERYTHING.
bring it on
2010-01-10 05:12:49 UTC
its ok to use it since it stands for god but think arabs should use it more because they know what it means but anybody can use the word allah if they like it
2010-01-08 07:15:36 UTC
Allah is a moon god.Anyone worshiping this god should be called a moonie.
2010-01-03 19:14:17 UTC
YES,because there no other book stated Allah except Al Quran.Allah refer to Almighty Allah swt in Quran .
2010-01-03 18:14:07 UTC
But allah is arabic for god... should they have to learn another language just to say god?
2010-01-04 01:10:30 UTC

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This article is about the Arabic word "Allah". For the Islamic conception of God, see God in Islam.

For other uses, see Allah (disambiguation).

This article contains Arabic text, written from right to left in a cursive style with some letters joined. Without proper rendering support, you may see unjoined Arabic letters written left-to-right instead of right-to-left or other symbols instead of Arabic script.

Name of Allāh written in Arabic calligraphy by 17th century Ottoman artist Hâfız OsmanAllah (Arabic: الله‎, Allāh, Turkish: Allah, IPA: [ʔalˤːɑːh] ( listen)) is the standard Arabic word for God.[1] While the term is best known in the West for its use by Muslims as a reference to God, it is used by Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, in reference to "God".[1][2][3] The term was also used by pagan Meccans as a reference to the creator-god, possibly the supreme deity in pre-Islamic Arabia.[4]

The concepts associated with the term Allah (as a deity) differ among the traditions. In pre-Islamic Arabia amongst pagan Arabs, Allah was not considered the sole divinity, having associates and companions, sons and daughters - a concept which Islam thoroughly and resolutely abrogated. In Islam, the name Allah is the supreme and all-comprehensive divine name. All other divine names are believed to refer back to Allah.[5] Allah is unique, the only Deity, creator of the universe and omnipotent.[1][2] Arab Christians today use terms such as Allāh al-ʼAb ( الله الأب, "God the Father") to distinguish their usage from Muslim usage.[6] There are both similarities and differences between the concept of God as portrayed in the Qur'an and the Hebrew Bible.[7]

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1. orang kristian arab menggunakan Allah al-Ab untuk membezakan konsep tuhan dengan Islam. meraka cuba membezakan tetapi kenapa di Malaysia cuba menyamakan?

2. orang kristian arab menggunakan Allah kerana bahasa mereka adalah Arab. Sedangkan bible di Malaysia bukan bahasa Arab dan hampir semua pun penganut kristian di Malaysia bukan orang Arab.

3. Sedangkan orang Islam diseluruh dunia khususnya Malaysia menggunakan al-quran yang ditulis dan dipelajari dalam bahasa Arab, maka memang jelas penggunaan nama ALLAH dalam Islam di seluruh dunia khususnya di Malaysia.

4. Kesimpulannya..Apakah ada agenda tersembunyi? pendapat peribadi saya, Islam dan melayu cuba ditarik keistimewaannya sedikit demi sedikit dari perlembagaan Malaysia.
2010-01-04 01:03:02 UTC
Allah is only for others religion;Hindu they have their own God such like Saraswathy and etc..Buddha with their own God name.why must used Allah in other religion?only Muslims and Islam can used Allah.
2010-01-06 22:59:31 UTC
[Say: "Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. ]

In Arabic, Allah means literally the one God.
2010-01-05 23:53:55 UTC
High Court order is correct.
2010-01-03 18:21:16 UTC
well if you are speaking Arabic and want to say the word "god" you're going to have to say "allah"
2010-01-03 23:42:38 UTC
Dalam Bible perkataan 'LORD' digunakan, maka dalam bahasa Melayu sepatutnya 'TUAN'. Jadi perkataan TUHAN tidak sama dengan TUAN. Jadi mereka tidak boleh samakan ertikan perkataan LORD dan GOD. Perkataan LORD JESUS bersesuaian ditafsir sebagai TUAN JESUS.
Azrin Aziz
2010-01-04 05:27:35 UTC
Actually if the Herald is published in Arabic, i don't mind if they use 'Allah' but other than arabic... I don't know... Something fishy...
2010-01-03 18:14:04 UTC
I think that's a load of crap because Allah means father in whatever language it's in. so catholics who speak that language have to call their parents by a different word.
Salem Rox My Sox!
2010-01-03 18:14:45 UTC
NO. It can and should be used by anybody.

Allah is the word for God in Arabic. But if other religions want to use it, go ahead. It is a more precise term. I wouldn't mind at all.
uncle Q
2010-01-03 21:54:55 UTC
yes~ it already written in Al-Quran, even we speak in different language but Muslim believe in Allah which refer to Muslim God...the question here why? why other religion use word `Allah` to refer their God... every religion have guide(holy book)...Muslim refer to Al-Quran, christian is Bible..... so use it to find your God name..
2010-01-04 06:58:40 UTC
Kenape nk kene gune bahase arab..??

Kenape x gune bahasa malaysia iaitu bahasa melayu,tuhan..??

Bahase arab dipilih iaitu bahase al-Quran..

Bible bukan gune bahase arab..!!

Ni smua salah satu cara untuk pesongkan umat Islam senyap2..
Dave Rogers
2010-01-03 18:12:59 UTC
I think the editor of the catholic paper better get some body guards.
Muhammad Ridzwan
2010-01-04 01:50:33 UTC
Doesn't matter to me. since The origin of Christian is also from ALLAH.

It's just that we don't agree about OUr last Prophet is MUHAMMAD.

It doesn't matter who use the word as they really mean it.
2010-01-04 04:24:57 UTC
law is above all man...

its seems like a joke...

how can a word belong to a religion or country...
2010-01-04 00:01:09 UTC
2010-01-03 19:35:57 UTC
Yes, "Allah" is main for muslim majority of Malaysian is Muslim.
2010-01-09 19:30:09 UTC
i believe yes if it is the same god..if not the same god then no..
2010-01-03 21:59:28 UTC
NO..NO..NO.. arab peoples used this word freely by all religions...
2010-01-03 18:11:38 UTC
I think it would be better if no one knew the term.
2010-01-04 09:58:18 UTC
No....problem! go ahead.
pencinta damai
2010-01-04 05:12:34 UTC
2010-01-11 06:58:50 UTC
i cant c y not
Khalil Ullah
2010-01-09 00:59:11 UTC
The Arabic word Allah comes from al-ilah meaning "the God." It has the same meaning as Alah or Alaha in Aramaic. Christians had used the word Allah before the time of Muhammad when they worshipped in Arabic and Alah in Aramaic as Jesus is Allah. Thus, the word Allah should be used by Christian as well when referring to the Creator.

“Say, ‘We believe in the revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; Our Allah and your Allah is one; and it is to Him we bow’” (Quran 29:46). “No change can there be in the words of Allah” (Quran 10:64). “We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption)” (Quran 15:9). Thus, in the Quran, Allah proclaimed Himself as the God of the Bible. Allah proclaimed the Bible as His revelation. In the Quran, Allah always, without exception, confirms the Bible as His revelation, unalterable, and protected by Allah Himself. Only kafir would deny it. As the Book of Allah, it is only reasonable that the Bible uses the word Allah.

Aramaic Syrian Christians at the time of Muhammad called Jesus as Rahmana in their invocation “Bismilalaha Rahmana Rhima” that became the “Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim” meaning “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful” that starts every chapter of the Quran except the jihad chapter 9. Such Aramaic invocation predated Islam itself. FYI: according to the Bible we are saved by Grace through Jesus, not by our own works but as a gift. Then, we are transformed by Mercy through the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:4-8, Eph 2:7-8). Truth and Grace came through Jesus (John 1:17). He is the Grace of Allah. Quran 19:87, 17:110 25:59-60, 43:45, 20:108-109, 19:18-21 proclaim that the only intercession is through Ar-Rahman just as Jesus is the only Intercessor according to the Bible. Thus, we can say “In the name of God the Father, the Most Gracious Son, the Most Merciful Holy Spirit.”

But does the Quran proclaim Jesus as Allah?

1) According to the Quran, Jesus is more than a prophet: Quran 4:171 says, “Christ Jesus the son of Mary was an apostle of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His apostles. Say not ‘Trinity’ desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah. Thus, Allah, His Word Jesus, and His Spirit are one. The Trinity in the Quran refers to Allah, His Word, and Mary (Quran 5:117), and thus is false, but who would argue with Allah that Allah, His Word, and His Spirit are one?

2) “If thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the Book from before thee” (Quran 10:94). Thus if we submit to Allah, we must use the Bible to clarify the Quran instead of using false books or false teachings of men who reject Allah’s words. To be a Muslim, we need to read the Bible no matter what obstacles Allah enemies put in front of us. I would recommend NKJV (New King James translation) of the Bible.

3) Jesus said, “the LORD our God , the LORD is one” (Mark 12:29, NKJV). The Hebrew word for LORD (TUHAN in Malaysia in capital letters is YHVH (vs. Lord (Tuhan) meaning Master). Hebrew Alphabet Charts in the internet such as at translate the tetragram YHVH as “Hand Revealed Nail Revealed”; i.e. Jesus. The Old Testament Malachi 3:17 proclaims that we are saved by fearing Him and meditating on His name, which is YHVH. Thus, in both the Old and New Testaments we are saved through Jesus, known as YHVH.

4) John 1:1-4, 14, NKJV proclaims, “In the beginning was the Word (Jesus), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. … And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (comment added in parenthesis). Thus, Jesus was the Word of Allah who came to earth. He is the creative power of God and through Him God created all things including His own body upon coming to the earth. To say that Allah who created the heavens and the earth, animals and mankind, has no power to come down in the flesh is kafir, disbelieving in the power of Allah.

Genesis 1:1 proclaims, “In the beginning God AT created the heavens and the earth.” The two letter Hebrew word AT was not translated nor put into English Bible. Alef is letter number 1 (first) and Taf is letter number 22 (last) in the 22-letter Hebrew alphabet chart. Thus, the full translation should have been “In the beginning God AlphaOmega created the heavens and the earth.” God AlphaOmega is Jesus (Rev 1:8).

5) The term Son of God often confuse people. The term the Son of New York does not mean you are the child of New York. The Bible and Quran agree that God did not marry Mary and had a child because the Word was in the beginning with God and He was God and God is one. As Jesus says, “Before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58). The Hebrew word for “I AM” is YHVH just as Allah revealed His name to Moses as “I AM WHO I AM” (Ex 3:14). In fact in Genesis 18, in Mamre, YHVH, later on known as Jesus, visited Abraham and promised him Isaac through Sarah, who was barren and past child bearing age.

The words Allah and God are titles, similar to the words the President or the Secretary, but Allah’s name is YHVH as Allah in the Quran proclaims Himself as the God of the Bible.

The Messiah/Christ is God in the Person. As Isaiah 9:6 says: He is “a child … Prince of Peace … Mighty God.” The term Son of God simply emphasizes the divine nature of the Messiah and the term Son of Man simply emphasizes the human nature of the Messiah.

God the Father, the Most Gracious Jesus, and the Most Merciful Holy Spirit is one and yet distinguishable. Just as you, your word and your spirit are logically one, God, His Word, and His Spirit are logically one.

The name of Muhammad's father was Abdullah meaning the Servant of Allah. Thus, the word Allah itself predated Islam.

The title Allah means God in countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia as they have assimilated this Arabic word into their own languages.

The Bible is the Book of Allah, sealed by Allah in the Quran and should continue to use the word Allah as the title for our Creator vs. the word Tuhan which is equivalent to Lord, and the word TUHAN which is equivalent to LORD in English. Christians had already used the word Allah in Arabic and Alah in Aramaic to refer to Jesus even before Muhammad was born.
2010-01-03 18:10:43 UTC
it dont matter
2010-01-03 18:12:11 UTC
2010-01-03 18:12:02 UTC
It doesn't really matter what I think.

People will do whatever they want, no matter wat I think.

Go in peace.

And, always remember: -- Jesus loves you!!


Uncle Floyd

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.