Does the fact that most theists (specifically, Christians) get this simple question wrong explain why they are wrong about atheists?
2016-08-21 06:48:44 UTC

Atheist Means:

A) A person who believes God does not exist.

B) A person lacking the belief in any god.
25 answers:
2016-08-21 06:55:08 UTC
Wikipedia is kind of vague on it. It says

"Atheism is, in the broadest sense, the absence of belief in the existence of deities.[1][2][3][4] Less broadly, atheism is the rejection of belief that any deities exist.[5][6] In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities."

So that seems to cover a lot of ground.

For my part, I simply don't believe in any gods because I see no reason to and because I am not convinced by the claims made for them. If other people need to fight over semantics to decide what that position is called, that's up to them.
Black Happy Woman
2016-08-21 09:58:38 UTC
You and Jea are wrong and even the word shows it a-theism A- is the greek alpha privative and means 'not' and theism is the historical position most strongly associated with Aristotle and Plato that says two things 1) Reason can deliver a verdict on wheither there is a God and 2) It shows by several arguments from necessary first principles that there is.
2016-08-21 06:55:01 UTC
Well to be fair while I'm B some atheists are A, which can cause confusion.

I'm guessing a person who assumes its always A though probably hasn't looked into the whole so-called strong vs weak atheism.

I'd say the bigger issue are people who decide its either A or B AND a bunch of unrelated extra things like saying it has something to do with a given idea about the origins of life or the universe. when it by default does not.
2016-08-21 07:08:32 UTC
Atheists have made a choice to not believe in God. In the Word of God, God says that they are without excuse not to believe in Him. God says that even the heavens declare His glory. In Revelation God says he wants us either cold or hot, but not lukewarm for Him. The atheists are cold, therefore God has no problem how to judge them. The mature Christian is hot and working to spread the gospel. And the lukewarm is the double minded person who just can't decide whether to believe God or believe man. One day they call themselves a Christian and the next day they act like the devil.
2016-08-21 07:28:20 UTC
A. 'a' is a Greek prefix meaning 'without' and 'theist' comes from the Greek word 'theos' meaning God.
2016-08-21 07:20:29 UTC
The reason is simple. 'Atheists' could have chosen a self-identifier from any language during any era of human history, including coining their own brand new term. Instead they chose a term directly derived from Biblical Greek koine in the holy New Testament, which already had a longstanding traditional and perennial definition. Now they seem puzzled as to why 'Christians' continue to embrace that perennial definition over their brand new one.

The Greek word 'atheos' appears first in this scripture:

'...remember that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.' (Ephesians 2:12).

The phrase translated 'without God in the world' includes this term.

An 'atheist' by its perennial definition is someone who is separated from Christ, excluded from His holy congregation, a 'foreigner' rather than a divine citizen because of their decision not to agree to the terms of the holy Covenant, existing without any hope of deliverance from judgment because they have abandoned God.

This is why Christians assert the term 'secularist' in place of an ongoing misuse and plagiarism of the term 'atheos.' We will never accept any assertion that God does not exist from ANY perception because of its abject absurdity. We do not even believe that it is truly possible for any person not to believe in God or gods, since the perennial definition for both God and gods also makes this impossible. Changing the definitions doesn't actually change anything at all.

The perennial definition of both God and 'gods,' ('elohim'), is a source of inspiration that affects human behavior even when they are not consciously aware of this influence. A 'deity' is any such source of influence which we elevate to the point where this influence is permitted to begin to take human life or the vital treasure which sustains a human life. When we decide not to pay this price, we can choose to switch our allegiances to a new source of inspiration and experience its influence instead. That is called 'repentance.' If we choose instead to pay the price, this is called 'worship.'

The God of the Bible is included as one of the well recognized and perennial sources of human inspiration. The modern assertion that these influences do not exist is laughable, especially considering that the 'atheists' making the claim are currently worshipping a 'spider' elohim with more passion than any worshippers in human history, (building 'world wide webs,' 'social networks,' a global infrastructure of interconnected energized lines and fine threads pulsing with intoxicating images, sounds, simulated realities, [even measured in 'bytes'], and all vigorously defended using 'public spin,' which includes the brand new definition of 'atheos').

'Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.' (Romans 1:22-25).
2016-08-21 07:56:45 UTC
B. Atheists don't "believe" in anything.
2016-08-21 07:01:44 UTC
In this case If someone were to ask me:

"Do you believe in God?"

then I ll reply,

"What is a god?"

"A supernatural entity with power to do anything"

"Ohhhhh, you mean Q?"........
2016-08-21 06:57:10 UTC
Funny, agnostics "lack belief in God" yet most agnostics I know reject the label of atheism. So the meaning of the word atheism is in popular contention.

When antitheist evangelists think "atheism" they think of rocks, lichen, newborns, agnostics, and antitheists like themselves. When most everyone else thinks "atheism" they think of people who believe, as so many antitheists here declare, that "no gods exist".
2016-08-21 07:05:25 UTC
The Talking Snake suck ***
2016-11-11 13:59:48 UTC
wrongy or writy who carty
2016-08-21 06:59:30 UTC
An atheist believes God does not exist. It is a positive conviction that influences thinking and behavior. If a person merely "lacks a belief," he could be a baby, unconscious, or brain-damaged, which doesn't make him an atheist.
2016-08-21 06:55:09 UTC
Theists are not merely biased, bias is the entire basis of their belief system. They know they are right, just because.

They feel perfectly justified in telling you what it is that you think, and if you disagree, you are wrong. Because they say so and they know what you are thinking even when you do not.
2016-08-21 06:51:46 UTC
According to the dictionary, it's A.

LMAO at people who want to thumbs-down the actual dictionary definition. Talk about atheist delusion.

"LMAO at you claiming there is an "atheist delusion"."

- Right, cuz pretending the actual dictionary definition is wrong solely because you don't like it is not delusional behavior at all. Totally. Good job.

"Why did you use Merriam Webster and not the Oxford dictionary?"

- Probably because Oxford is built around British English while Merriam-Webster is built around American English.
2016-08-21 06:54:22 UTC
They give it a lot more definitions than that.

I am convinced that theists aren't even interested in what any word means. they just make new definitions for words they don't like.

Atheist is a great example. Other than lack of belief/disbelief, they add all sorts of other "qualities" to in in fine straw man fashion, just so they can then call it down for being what they falsely claim it is.

There are few demographics as dishonest as theists.
2016-08-21 06:56:25 UTC
I lack belief in any of the 3000 or so deities.
2016-08-21 06:55:16 UTC
Wrongy or writy who carty
2016-08-21 06:56:00 UTC
Actually, both A & B say the same thing if you get right down to the nuts and bolts of it.
2016-08-21 06:58:01 UTC
Strong atheists deny the existence of god. Your question lacks specifics
2016-11-04 01:22:38 UTC
the talking snake suck ***
Dennis Sagt
2016-08-21 06:50:55 UTC
The answer is A.
Matthew T
2016-08-21 06:57:48 UTC
Atheists don't want God in their lives so they assume as true without proof (i.e. believe) that God does not exist.
2016-08-21 06:50:31 UTC
Many Christians here seem to believe:

C) A person who hates 'god'.
2016-08-21 06:51:01 UTC
I hear some claim both.. why should I believe anything an atheist says when you all can't even agree what you believe ?? Lol
2016-08-21 06:54:16 UTC
Atheism: "There is no God and I hate Him."

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.