You haven't the foggiest notion of what hell is about. Let me clue you in.
First, the Bible says that ALL good things come from God.
Second, hell is the total, final, and absolute absence of God's Presence.
Therefore hell is the absence of anything good. If you think it's good, it won't be there.
Here are a few things I consider good that won't be in hell, and I'm sure you can add to the list.
- Light is good. Jesus said that hell is "outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth." There will be absolutely no light in hell!
- Friends, family and loved ones are good to have around, you will be in complete solitary confinement with NO body there to be with you.
- Love is good - there will be no love in hell.
- Freedom is good, and so is freedom from pain. They won't be there.
The one that always comes to MY mind is a little thing I like to call "hope"! Hope is VERY good in a bad place. Guess what ... ! Can you even imagine living for all eternity with absolutely no hope?
Well, God does NOT want this for you, so He provided a way of escape and freedom. Jesus said "Who ever commits sin is a slave to sin; but whom the Son sets free shall truly be free indeed."
He said He doesn't want ANY to go to hell, but that ALL should perish. He even cried out, "Please choose Life, that you may live!" (Jesus said "I am Life!")
It takes a unanimous decision for a person to get into heaven. God has already voted for you for heaven, He has provided a way for you to get there, and all the angels rejoice when even one soul is saved.
No the deciding vote is yours. You can choose to follow Jesus to heaven, or you can choose to follow your sins to hell. I know you don't specifically choose hell, but you DO choose that path.
There are two paths, and like I said, you get to choose to be on the path following Jesus, or you get to choose to be on the path of sin. But like any hiker will tell you, you can choose the path, but you have no control over the destination of that path!
Choose Life; choose Jesus ... or choose sin, and hell. YOUR choice, and nobody else's. YOU are responsible, and you have no one to blame but yourself if you reject His offer to rescue you from your sins, from the power Sin has over you, and from the eternal destiny of sin!