I would say you have a lot more to learn about Wicca before proclaiming to be interested in becoming Wiccan.
"The Devil" is a Christian concept. Wiccans do not believe in such a being. One cannot worship something one does not believe in.
But, neither is Wicca about worshiping nature. Wiccans are polytheistic, meaning they believe in many gods and goddesses. However, most Wiccans honor a particular pantheon (gods from a particular culture like Egyptian, Greek, Celtic, etc.), and many Wiccans have a select few patron deities that they honor.
Wicca is a neo-pagan religion. It was developed in the late 1940's to early 1950's. While it is a "new age" religion, Wicca honors the gods of old and draws on some ancient pagan customs, beliefs and traditions.
Wiccans strive to live in harmony with nature and thus celebrate the seasons, we revere the creators through their creation, we pay respect to the natural life-sustaining elements (the same elements that sustain the lives of every living being regardless of their religion), and it tends to be these things that get many folks confused.
In any case, there are some from Christian religions that will claim anything that isn't their way is wrong and is "of the devil".
There is absolutely nothing wrong with learning about other religions. One can learn about other world religions without converting to them, so while you are simply searching and learning about various spiritual paths, there is no cause for concern, and it's nobody else's business except for your parents if you are living in their home.