Do Wiccans really worship the devil?
2010-03-16 10:41:13 UTC
I went to my local library to find a book about Wicca and practising magic, etc. since I am currently studying the religion so I can become Wiccan. But the librarian seemed concerned and asked me if it was for a school project, and I made the mistake of telling her that I was interested in becoming a Wiccan.
She then went into a really lengthy lecture about how Wiccans worship the devil, and it's a dodgy religion, that has lots of deception hidden in it. I told her that I'd learnt it was about worshipping nature, and she said that that religion was called "New World" or something.
Is this true?
Twelve answers:
2010-03-16 10:44:50 UTC
How can you worship something that you don't believe exists?

Wiccans have NO concept equivalent to "Satan" or "the devil". That's a Christian thing. Wiccan theology has very little in common with Christian theology.

For accurate information on what Wiccans do (and more importantly, don't) believe, check out the Wicca 101 section at

The librarian should have minded her own business. Her statement about Wicca being 'deceptive' is especially cringe-worthy, considering the record Christianity has of members lying to achieve their own ends.

ETA: By the way, Wicca is not about "worshipping nature". We honor the Goddess and the God of our religion, Whose living body is the universe itself. So it's more accurate to say that we worship the Divine as manifest in nature.

ETA 2: Please stay far away from any books by Silver Ravenwolf. The woman tells outright lies about Wicca, employs some cultlike tactics, and has been caught falsifying her own lineage.
2010-03-18 08:52:00 UTC
Your librarian should have remained neutral on the subject as it's none of her business to inform you of HER belief of the religion. Would she have done the same with someone studying about Judiasm or Buddhism?

No, wiccans do not worship the devil, NOR do they worship nature. They revere nature and honor deities (gods). The idea of devil worship is to create fear in people about things that are new, and things they don't understand and choose not to properly research, rather they choose to remain ignorant and create their own reasons for things, and that reason is always because of the devil. This "New World Order" is just another fear tactic creation, seeing as the devil is no longer creating the fear they desire, so they're creating this "order" to make people afraid.

Don't worry about what some ignorant old biddy says at the library, as she really doesn't know what she's talking about (ironic considering she's a librarian). Continue your studies if you wish, you can't worship something you don't believe in.
Crystal clear
2010-03-16 12:05:06 UTC
I would say you have a lot more to learn about Wicca before proclaiming to be interested in becoming Wiccan.

"The Devil" is a Christian concept. Wiccans do not believe in such a being. One cannot worship something one does not believe in.

But, neither is Wicca about worshiping nature. Wiccans are polytheistic, meaning they believe in many gods and goddesses. However, most Wiccans honor a particular pantheon (gods from a particular culture like Egyptian, Greek, Celtic, etc.), and many Wiccans have a select few patron deities that they honor.

Wicca is a neo-pagan religion. It was developed in the late 1940's to early 1950's. While it is a "new age" religion, Wicca honors the gods of old and draws on some ancient pagan customs, beliefs and traditions.

Wiccans strive to live in harmony with nature and thus celebrate the seasons, we revere the creators through their creation, we pay respect to the natural life-sustaining elements (the same elements that sustain the lives of every living being regardless of their religion), and it tends to be these things that get many folks confused.

In any case, there are some from Christian religions that will claim anything that isn't their way is wrong and is "of the devil".

There is absolutely nothing wrong with learning about other religions. One can learn about other world religions without converting to them, so while you are simply searching and learning about various spiritual paths, there is no cause for concern, and it's nobody else's business except for your parents if you are living in their home.
2010-03-16 11:07:50 UTC
Well, did you settle down for a conversation and ask her opinion?

Or did you ask for help finding literature and she discouraged you and didn't help you and preached to you?

If it was the first, I wouldn't ask for her help on the matter. If it was the second, I'd report her to the library. What she did is called proselytizing (pushy, unwelcomed preaching outside of church). It is wrong for government employees to preach religion to the public when on the job or in the work place.

The "New World Order" thing is a modern concept in evangical Christianity. They believe everyone is conspiring against them and out to get them. It is basically mass paranoia. Some of these Christians are so scared, it's pretty sad. You have to really twist the Bible to even find support for it, but in recent decades this conspiracy theory has really taken off.

Actually, no, Wiccans don't worship the devil. We are not Christians, we don't believe in the devil.

We don't actually worship nature either; we revere nature. It is a gift, we are part of nature, we are grateful, we attune & commune with it. But we do believe in some kind of Higher Power/Creator.

Wicca is not dodgy or deceptive, though someone who has been taught the boogie-man is around every corner thinks everything different from their beliefs is dodgy and deceptive. I've had evangical Christians tell me to throw out my Nintendo because it was made by Satanists as a trap to lure me into the New World Order.

Here is a good website with a great recommended reading list:
2016-09-09 04:09:59 UTC
No Wiccan worships the satan. And relying to your view within the wiccan faith you'll be able to worship any god from any faith you wish. Or no less than that's what I understood from my study into wicca. The Devil popularized through christianity is extensively a take off of the god Pan.
Willow Raven
2010-03-16 13:32:39 UTC
No.. No.. & No !

lol that "New World" term.. I hear it from my collegue all the time.. who is Devote Catholic !!

he also believes wicca is Evil... he asked me what I thought about it one day ( he doesn't know im a wiccan) & i told him... in easy simple terms.. I would classify them as Nature Lovers.. lol

The "New World" term is used by .. people who think that "Demons and Devil Worshippers" will make the earth hell by spreading lies and working with the devil..or something like that (im assuming... what they may think btw. Not everyone thinks that about the ""New World"" .. )

Personally, i think wicca is wonderfull. Yes there are some people who practice "" Dark Magick""

or people who use it for their own benefit.. which goes against the Three Fold.

(actually I was just telling a fellow wiccan that their friend who did a magick spell.. should be aware of the consequences since they are performing Magick that goes against anothers will ! )
There is an issue on how you practise because if you are not carefull... on how you word yourself, or the intentions of what you want to do.. It may come back to you Three Fold.

White magick can easily turn dark depending on one's intentions.

If your interested, read more about it and you will learn so much

*Btw, if you live in the northern hemisphere... Ostara is next Week =D


Blessed Be.
2010-03-16 10:55:06 UTC
Your librarian is not only a nosy religious jerk, she's a misinformed one (all too frequent, sadly.) Even if Wiccans did worship the devil (they don't), she had no business preaching to you regarding it, especially while on duty. If it happens again, tell her in no uncertain terms your religious plans are none of her business and to leave you alone - period. Her job is to help you find books, not her view of salvation.
Ashley M
2010-03-16 10:46:35 UTC
wiccans dont even believe in the devil. the devil is an entirely christian concept that was made up to scare people away from pagan religions.

the librarian was wrong. not only was she wrong about what she told you, she was wrong about saying it in the first place. its her job to help you find books, not steer you away from learning what you want to.
2010-03-16 10:42:53 UTC
No. The devil is a Christian concept that can only be worshiped by Christians. Pagans do not believe in the Bible, the Christian mythology, and therefore do not believe in the devil, and therefore cannot worship said devil.
2010-03-16 10:47:46 UTC
No. We don't. Our theology has NOTHING to do with the Christian mythos. The librarian doesn't know anything. Keep studying Wicca if you want.

Btw, a good author to read for beginners is Scott Cunningham; so if you're able to get your hands on one of his books, do so.
2010-03-17 06:16:59 UTC
no that's completely false.wiccans do not even believe in the devil
2010-03-16 10:46:27 UTC
They worship nature. Some Christians would argue that by default they worship the devil. However their official stance is that they follow the laws of nature.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.