It seems ironic that anti-Witnesses continue their dishonest slander that Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians. Aside from the bible and current placement/study copies, the Witnesses' most popular books are:
"Learn from the Great Teacher [Jesus]"
"The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived [Jesus]"
Now, "Come Be My Follower" (released at district conventions of Jehovah's Witnesses, Summer 2007) is intended to broaden, deepen, and strengthen a Christian's personal relationship with Christ, and to renew the Christian's resolve to imitate Christ's qualities and personality. Those who are familiar with Jehovah's Witness literature have compared this new publication with the book "Draw Close to Jehovah" (which focused attention on the qualities and personality of God the Father), but with this new book focusing instead on Jesus (the Son).
Generally, Jehovah's Witnesses do not feature a publication in the ministry until it has been released for many months or a year, perhaps by Spring/Summer 2008. The publication will be available in limited quantities for the duration of 2007, and must be requested through local congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses.
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