Few quickies for any athiests?
2008-03-26 02:23:57 UTC
How did the universe originate?
How did life originate?
Was/is there a cause for people?
36 answers:
Little Paul
2008-03-26 02:28:31 UTC
Atheists answer questions for Christians, so I'll pull the reverse here! :)

The universe and the origin of life was one monumental coincidental cock-up. (There is overwhelming scientific evidence for this.)

The cause for people is to be half-decent (relatively speaking) and fight to the death until you rot.

[Edit: regarding some of the atheist answers you got: one of the atheist delusions is that if science can explain something, this is evidence against God. Quite the contrary, it's evidence that God's creation is explainable, and science is one window into his beautiful creation:

tabby j
2008-03-26 03:19:02 UTC
My life was going to be in science, our family has inventors, etc. but that has changed, with knew knowledge.

Can this knowledge help? We are 3% different in our DNA than any other creature or plant on the planet, the plant and animals come from the same mold, we mathematically don't add up, so scientists, started calling this the "intelligent design theory". Can you point out any in-progress evolvements, and don't say the duck billed platypus?

Many cultures believe that the universe came into existence by a sound or vibration, and we all should know about "string theory", and if you consider that "if" you'd believed in a Creator, you'd have to realize that the Creator, being spirit, has a whole set of different values, energies, powers, that just by thinking the universe into existence, you'd have no way of proving it, the whole universe could all be just a single thought, and there's many other thoughts, so how's that for making all of us really, really small, and insignificant.

People are here to make a choice, to finish the test of life, to prove out; were not just monkeys, this is the fall of the angelic beings, who made the wrong choice, and we are to be over them, how else can you find faithful and true judges, without testing them if they have free will, we do it on Earth with human judges, and look how messed up our judicial system is, if only they could be tested to death, then when they hold to what is true, and are brought to life again, then they would perfect in their judgments, and justice would work, cause even the cops would be arrested, for speeding.
2008-03-26 02:32:41 UTC
Inflationary Universe for creation. Has all the great taste of the Big Bang without worries about the second law of thermodynamics. Keep up with the research ;)

Life: No idea. Tend to go with the current theories about gradual linkages of amino acid chains, or proteins, or whatever the hell it was. I'm less up on biology than physics. One of those I don't really worry about, given the weak anthropic principle: If it hadn't happened, we wouldn't be asking.

People: No cause, just the end-product of several billion years of evolution. But so is the cockroach. We're only different in that we have more self-awareness than we know what to do with.
reporters should die
2008-03-26 02:32:16 UTC
THIS universe originated with the Big Bang.Whatever details need to be worked out doesn't alter the undeniable truth that all galaxies are speeding away,the further,the faster,therefore,at one point in the past,all were together.

Several theories.My particular favorite is a version of panspermia,where biological material was deposited via comet

The only "cause"for people would have been climate change in half of Africa,turning forest into savanna,and putting selective pressure for an upright species to evolve

YOU misunderstand.The "LAWS" of the universe came about AFTER the big bang,so,please quit using "laws"inappropriately
2008-03-26 02:27:27 UTC
These are science questions. They have nothing to do with religion or atheism.

1. The big bang. Look it up.

2. Abiogenesis. Look it up.

3. That's an easy one. Homo Sapiens evolved from earlier hominids.


Ah, the lack of scientific knowledge that is the hallmark of an american education.

Claim CF101:

The first law of thermodynamics says matter/energy cannot come from nothing. Therefore, the universe itself could not have formed naturally.


1. Formation of the universe from nothing need not violate conservation of energy. The gravitational potential energy of a gravitational field is a negative energy. When all the gravitational potential energy is added to all the other energy in the universe, it might sum to zero (Guth 1997, 9-12,271-276; Tryon 1973).


1. Guth, Alan H., 1997. (see below)

2. Tryon, Edward P., 1973. Is the universe a vacuum fluctuation? Nature 246: 396-397.

Further Reading:

Guth, Alan H., 1997. The Inflationary Universe. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.


You seem to have a grasp of science consistent with the level of education offered in the worst U.S. states; I trust in the case of your country, it's the exception rather than the norm.
2008-03-26 02:38:57 UTC
We do not know how the universe originated. There are a handful of fairly convincing scientific theories - of which the big bang seems the best.

Then there are the people who think:

"Big Monkey uppum tree. Him make um Big Everything"

(We call such people 'Australians').

We do not know the origins of life, though again there are good and bad (testable) theories of abiogenesis.

(And again there are Australians: "Big Monkey!! Um Big Monkey do um!!!")

Nobody has ever found a 'cause' for people. In fact the notion of there being a 'cause' for people, or gravity, or the colour red, or root 2 being an irrational - is a pretty flakey idea.

(That Australian Monkey gets so angry!!!)
2008-03-26 02:41:06 UTC
1. You are assuming origination. It may be eternally cyclical, that does not break any laws.

2. Amino acids, electrical storms blah blah blah

3. No we are random conglomerations of matter.

I'm not an atheist but i answered your question anyway. What's your point? They are just atheist answers (well the last is a bit more existentialist, it's not really an atheist question is it ), I'm sure you knew before u asked, why bother?

Sorry, you're australian, i mistook you for an american asking rhetorical questions. I agree that atheism is just as much a faith as christianity or any other religion.
Zen Pirate
2008-03-26 02:32:01 UTC
We have a theory that is currently supported that explains up to within the first seconds of the universe and has no supernatural components. There is zero proof it was a supernatural deity, saying it was is making up an answer where you don't know without supporting evidence.

People got here via evolution. One of the best supported scientific theories of all time.
2008-03-26 02:36:21 UTC
- This universe originated with the big bang.

- Life on earth originated several billions years ago as a result of the constant re-shuffling of the basic components of it (Carbon, Hydrogen, and so on) until we hit the jackpot.

- A "cause"? Well, this is a deterministic universe. But no plan or intent.
Soulless - The Anti-Cat
2008-03-26 02:36:16 UTC
How do you possibly come to the conclusion that the Big Bang contravenes the First Law of Thermodynamics?
2008-03-26 02:37:35 UTC
1. the current theory is big bang but information is always being superceded so - who knows?

2. Pass -

3. Do you mean a reason to exist again who knows I think we all make up our own cause.

I would like the human cause to be one of learning how to live peaceably with each other with respect for difference- physical and psychological.To live by co-operation and mutual aid - allowing everyone to become the best they can be without bullying them into lower status. I would like our aim to be to become civilized and maybe after that learn how to love. Respect for others beliefs which means keeping your own to yourself unless asked for.

Star trek - shows it well.
2008-03-26 02:46:45 UTC
1- I think the big bang as the Quran confirm this theory in the following verse:

"Do those who are disbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were sewn together and then We unstitched them and that We made from water every living thing? So will they not have faith? (Surat al-Anbiya': 30) "

but it didn't come from nothing,ALAH (swt) created the material for the big bang.

2-life originated when ALAH swt created it,and if u look at the verse above,it explains that water is the source for every living creature as i understand it.

3- the cause for ppl is to worship ALAH swt while not seeing HIM (swt)(and this is the ultimate faith),using only the gift ALAH gave us ,which is the brain to know ALAH through HIS signs & messages(i.e.Quran,Bible & Torah),and do good in their lifes toward themselves & others ,and to fight devil(satan) whos ultimate goal is to take u away from the straight path of ALAH .

Thats what i think and in the end,ALAH knows better.

Thank u

2008-03-26 02:35:48 UTC

Here's the thing, I assume you're a christ-stain, based on your utter lack of grammatical ability AND your poor understanding of even the most basic of physical concepts.

I'm right, aren't I? You ARE a christ-stain? So, even if I did bother to answer, you lack the cognitive ability to understand it, what's my motivation to even try?

ASK THIS IN ******* SCIENCE, I'm an ATHEIST, not a god damn cosmologist... GET IT?

And FYI (and I KNOW I'm wasting my time pointing this out), big bang doesn't break thermodynamics, whereas creation DOES. If you had even the slightest understanding of the issues, instead of mindlessly parroting some creationist website... you'd KNOW that.

Go play in traffic.
2008-03-26 02:29:29 UTC
There is strong evidence of evolution and hrs of video program to help you understand this both on discovery and Nat geo

It is only tough for people who cannot remember hard chemical names, biolgical yada vada and not courageous enough to think independently.

i am an atheist since last 10 years or so and I feel extremely enlightened as I have a sense of fulfilment
2008-03-26 02:40:52 UTC
God pushed the Big red button and Boom the Big Bang .

The Bible says he created , and now science tells us how!
Hunny Bunny
2008-03-26 02:43:12 UTC
Hey, all I know is that it wasn't a supernatural being that created planet earth. The rest I leave for science to piece together.
2008-03-26 02:34:50 UTC
who knows... but if ya really think it was some couple named adam and eve.... and life sucks cause someone ate a fruit...... that's like a child believing in santa clause or the tooth fairy.....

heck,, the christian denominations argue about who is right and who isnt....

and no,, things do not happen for a reason... stuff just happens and then there is a cause and affect reaction..
2008-03-26 02:29:09 UTC
1. Flying Spaghetti Monster.

2. Flying Spaghetti Monster.

3. Flying Spaghetti Monster.

I thought of answering Big Bang, abiogenesis and evolution, but it's clear to me that the asker doesn't have enough science understanding, so it would be futile.
dave a
2008-03-26 02:30:01 UTC
1. The Big Bang theory.

2. Evolution.

3. On an indefinite time span... nope.
2008-03-26 02:30:57 UTC
I'm not an atheist.

I also don't know the answers to those questions.

Know something else I'm not? A scientist.

You're asking in the wrong section.
2008-03-26 02:31:19 UTC
No one really knows

No one really knows

We are simply one aspect of the diversity of life, nothing more.

I know you don't agree with that because you're told not to but, hey, you asked.
Vijay D
2008-03-26 02:58:16 UTC
I am tired of writing the same stuff again and again, but that is not my worry. I am concerned that you people are not pondering over my comments in all seriousness.
2008-03-26 02:32:44 UTC
1) Dont know

2) Dont know

3) More information needed

Im no scientist so sorry I could not help

hey chook, im in Australia also. west
2008-03-26 02:42:27 UTC
i can tell from the jargon youve been hanging out at too many fundimentalist websites

to learn about science, dont go to RELIGIOUS PEOPLE... go to SCIENCE PEOPLE ... better yet, go to any university library
2008-03-26 02:33:17 UTC
the reason why ppl are atheists is mostly because to admit there is a god they would have to admit they are a sinner bound for hell so they dont believe and expect god to not know what they are really thinking
2008-03-26 03:00:32 UTC
1 big bang

2 don't know, still waiting to find out

3 to ask questions on yahoo
2008-03-26 02:27:05 UTC
Sry I'm agnostic but at least I try to think for myself
De Rerum Natura
2008-03-26 02:27:20 UTC
big bang.



edit: false. the first law allows energy to convert from one type to another as long as the total for a closed system remains fixed. the total energy of the universe appears to be zero. cosmologist stephen hawking writes in his , "a brief history of time, "in the case of a universe that is approximately uniform in space, one can show that the negative gravitational energy exactly cancels the positive energy represented by the matter." so the total energy of the universe is zero. specifically, within small measurement errors, the mean energy density of the universe is exactly what it should be

for a universe that appeared from an initial state of zero energy, within a small quantum uncertainty. a close balance between positive and negative energy is predicted by the modern extension of the big bang theory called the inflationary big bang, according to which the universe underwent a period of rapid, exponential inflation during a tiny fraction of its first second. the inflationary theory has recently undergone a number of stringent observational tests that would have been sufficient to prove it false. so far, it has successfully passed all these tests. in short, the existence of matter and energy in the universe did not require the violation of energy conservation at the assumed creation. in fact, the data strongly support the hypothesis that no such miracle occurred. if we regard such a miracle as predicted by the creator hypothesis, then that prediction is not confirmed.

physicist anthony aguire has independently examined the

universes that result when six cosmological parameters are simultaneously varied by orders of magnitude, and found he could construct cosmologies in which "stars, planets, and intelligent life can plausibly arise. physicist craig hogan has done another independent analysis that leads to similar conclusions. and, theoretical physicists at Kyoto University in Japan have shown that heavy elements needed for life will be present in even the earliest stars independent of what the exact parameters for star formation may have been. furthermore, in a recent paper, roni harnik, graham kribs, and gilad perez have constructed a universe without any weak nuclear interactions. they find that this universe undergoes big bang nucleosynthesis, matter domination, structure formation, and star formation. stars burn for billions of years, synthesizing elements up to iron and undergoing supernova explosions, dispersing heavy elements into the interstellar medium. chemistry and nuclear physics are essentially unchanged.

this shows that, rather than there being some overarching higher power that is guiding the laws of physics so that the big bang could happen or any other natural process we see in the universel, the universe we see could have been very much as it is today if several of the forces were varied and indeed, as the one study shows, one of those forces were left out of the equation entirely.

the process of abiogenesis is approximately along these lines: simple chemicals>polymers>replicating polymers>hypercycle>protobiont>bacteria. even this is oversimplified for the sake of brevity (especially in the hypercycle/protobiont stage). this is a process of simple chemical reactions that can be replicated in the lab under the right circumstances.

here's where it gets a little harder to understand. RNA ribozymes are self replicating along with several self replicating polymers these molecules, though not strictly speaking alive, actually are able to replicate themselves. of course, RNA and SR polymers are not DNA but:

"Perhaps lipid synthesis, in a precursor form of modern synthesis, could have made the system more independent, the RNA system could have, step by step, "invented" protein synthesis – as mentioned, the modern ribosomes still contain ribozymes (catalytic RNA) that catalyze the formation of peptide bonds which eventually result in proteins – and so on. Finally, complex metabolism could have been achieved and the transition to the modern DNA/(RNA)/protein world. The dualism DNA/protein of course is a source of complexity in itself, one that is lacking in an RNA-only organism.

What about the difficult issue of a genome which holds all genes together? It might have been that in the first primitive cells RNAs were ligated "by accident" step by step, one by one, into forming a genome precursor and that each such step conferred an advantage in natural selection over competitor cells, since genes would not have been lost anymore during cell division, and replication would have been synchronized. Over time, an entire small genome potentially could have organized itself in this manner, until mechanisms for internal expansion, like they are found in modern genomes, could have taken over, e.g. gene duplication and variation of the duplicated gene. Going further, an RNA genome could have been replaced, bit by bit, with a DNA genome."

this is a perfectly naturalistic description of how the simplest of chemicals could have, step by step, formed into DNA and given rise to life. if anyone doubts that DNA can then take care of itself and be "alive" i'd urge you to check out the article in business week i've linked below and have your eyes opened

a short excerpt follows:

Wimmer's experiment was conceptually simple, if technically difficult. His team began with the known genetic sequence of the polio virus, whose code Wimmer read more than two decades ago. Then, with funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the scientists synthesized bits of DNA and strung them together into a chain roughly 7,400 molecules long, making a DNA copy of the polio virus' genes. Next, they used a natural enzyme to copy the DNA into RNA--the genetic material used by the virus nature created. Finally, they stuck the RNA into a special sauce filled with chemicals and bits of cellular machinery, such as protein factories called ribosomes. Almost magically, the RNA copied itself and began to make the proteins and other components of the real virus. The result: complete viruses that are just as infectious as their natural counterparts.

end excerpt.

there just isn't any reason to include a god or gods in the process of how life arose on this planet. all of it can be explained completely naturalistically. we may not know exactly how it happened but we're close and there are a few good theories already.
2008-03-26 02:28:09 UTC
lol athiests usually ask christians "what if there is no god?".... why is it that they never ask themselves "What if there IS?!?"

and its called the big bang theory...... THEORY!!!... look up the definition for theory. you want someone to prove the bible is real... i want someone to prove the big bang THEORY is real. if it were .. it would be the BIG BANG FACT!
Flying Spaghetti Monster
2008-03-26 02:28:20 UTC
*sigh* you would never understand if I explained exactly what happened

I gave you noodles! isn't this enough?!
2008-03-26 02:34:43 UTC
You can't even spell.
2008-03-26 02:28:34 UTC
big bang~!

carbon molecule arrangement... aka DNA~!

Jamus, AM Cookie Fundie
2008-03-26 02:27:52 UTC
I dunno

I dunno

There musta been as we are here.

You seem confused.

Hopes this helps...
What? Me Worry?
2008-03-26 02:53:10 UTC
I don't know.

I don't know.

Not to my knowledge.
2008-03-26 02:28:16 UTC
1) i dont know

2) i don't know

3) nope
2008-03-26 02:27:06 UTC
I am your Father...

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