Why are so many Christians opposed to science?
2014-10-07 10:53:06 UTC
I come from a very religious background and whenever I try and bring up evolution, different theories etc. with my youth group, people in church, my parents etc. they always find a way to write it off as "God did it" end of story. There are so many facts, theory's, etc. out there to discover and learn about, why are they so opposed to it? Just last night the trailer for the new Theory of Everything movie about Hawking came on and my mom went on a rant about athiesm polluting society.. I think Hawking is a brilliant man with many interesting ideas to consider.. I'm just confused on why Christians seem so put off and opposed to science?
Seventeen answers:
Brigalow Bloke
2014-10-07 23:32:10 UTC
The bases of all religions are mistaken ideas about how the world works. From one religion to another the ideas have one thing in common, the idea of gods. The rest of them are different, with tales of Noah, Krishna, Odin, Hercules or whatever ancient hero that got confused with gods, pulled off some literally impossible feat, or ascended into heaven, or was made a star, or a constellation.

The problem with Christianity is that the oldest ideas behind it are set out in Genesis and Exodus and these cannot be true if the Earth is 4.54 billion years old, humans have been here 1 or 2 million years and have a common ancestor with apes, if no evidence can be found of a global flood, if there is no evidence of tens of thousands of Hebrew "slaves" leaving Egypt in the past 4000 years and wandering for 40 years in the wilderness. That many people would leave unmistakable traces and the longer they were in one spot the more unmistakable the traces would be.

If Genesis cannot be true, then the story of Adam, Eve and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil cannot be true. If that is not true, then the "fall of man" is not true, then original sin does not exist and a major prop of Christian theology disappears, leaving conventional Christian theology in a messy heap.

There is almost no form of science that is not consistent in some way with the age of the Earth being billions of years or biological evolution. It is not possible to argue honestly that all science except "evolution" is good since for instance, the basic chemistry you learn in high school is consistent with molecular biology which has, over the past few decades given us incontrovertible evidence for biological evolution.

You can't have it both ways. Either science is not reliable and the products of science such as immunisation or plastics are some kind of random occurrence, or Genesis and Exodus, at the very least, are no better than ancient myths, no better than the myths of the doings of Athena or Odin.

There is no point in telling your parents this. I'm old enough to be your grandfather and I have a pretty good idea of how some people work.
2014-10-07 11:05:07 UTC
There are some interesting theories out there. My church actually has a biology professor who comes and teaches on the topic of Creation and at least one of the possible theories regarding how creation and Science could coincide. His view and many others in the church now is a young creationist view but there are also Old creationist theories to who would say something such as I don't see how "And God said let there be light" could be any different from a Big Bang. I don't personally believe that but there are theories out there that try and reconcile God's Word and science.
2014-10-07 11:02:27 UTC
Evolution has it merits but there is something it's missing. That being said all of my Christian friends believe evolution is true. Yeah, too bad you atheists have to "believe" something, I know how much you hate that word even if there's evidence behind it.

Only die hard Christians who haven't even read half the bible don't believe in things that are obvious.

Real Christians will see the that they compliment eachother.

After all, we are just a hologram, according to science that is. Sounds pretty rediculous doesn't it? With the holographic principle and many other scientifically accepted theories, we can see that it is just as crazy as religion but with some physical evidence to back it up.
2014-10-07 11:11:30 UTC
They're not. You're making that assumption because if the Christians are right then the Atheists are wrong. You put faith in certain theories that have never been proven to be true and this justifies your atheism. If any one does not blindly believe the entire theory like you do then you're faith is under attack and you accuse them of being anti-science. What if science was showing you a created universe but you don't want to acknowledge that?
2014-10-07 11:17:36 UTC
Not everyone needs to understand the foundations of biology or cosmology.

On the other hand, it's interesting and fun, and the main objection to others--especially other Christians--learning things they don't know seems to come from a subculture that believes in Christianity primarily as a system for keeping people in line.

This is, of course, a reversal of direction from Christ himself, who spent a lot of time criticizing leaders of first-century Judean religious institutions for that same sort of narrow-mindedness. Worse, I think it corrupts the basis of Christianity itself, in that it seeks to limit God by the ignorance of his followers. The primary assertion of Creationism is that God is incapable of employing any methods in creation that he did not specifically document in the Bible--as though God is an intensely-supervised employee of theirs, instead of their serving God.

I'm a Christian, also raised in a strongly religious background--a missionary family. But I am also the only person in R&S, so far as I have noticed, who often quotes Darwin's "The Origin of Species" from notes taken while reading the whole thing.

If the Christians around you have no interest in science, maybe you need to find others who share that interest. That doesn't mean cutting off old friends--just cultivating new ones as appropriate. But please try to remember that there's no inherent conflict between science and Christianity, despite the desperate attempts of fundamentalists (and some atheists) to invent one.
2014-10-07 11:25:13 UTC
Speak of the Devil(XD), I just tried to have that conversation with my religious family. I even showed them my Pre-AP Biology notes on evolution, it's teachings and the evidence science has presented for us. Unfortunately, they didn't even read it, calling it off as "bullshit" and saying that the devil has influenced my mind.

So ANDRE L's answer really fleshes out the reasoning for Christians. Luckily, not all of them are like this.
2014-10-07 11:13:41 UTC
I can see why. What you said was right. Im not a christian and even I dont believe in science. Science is only filled with theories. There is no label that says made with cells instead of made in China. I believe that the big bang and evolution is full of bs. I believe in physical science but not much else like body, biology, chemistry, etc.
2014-10-07 10:54:36 UTC
"Many believers admit that nothing could change their mind about their religious beliefs, which means they are no longer seekers of truth and have become, in essence, mindless religious robots. Religion consistently and effectively discourages introspection and inquiry. That isn't by accident."-- Bob Peters

"It is difficult to free [slaves] from the chains they revere." – Voltaire
sandy d
2014-10-07 11:34:42 UTC
Because science looks for the truth and will eventually disprove superbeings!!! Religion can only exist if they keep every body in the dark , the truth will kill religions!!! Faith is only an excuse word used by believers when they have no reasons for their beliefs, where as if they had even one reason for their beliefs then their pretend fake faith would be completely unnecessary!!! Aren't all religious mostly ignorant about their con man made up religions??? The Bile was only a man made up story book with its imaginary people and magical incantations written into its stories!!! Now every body believes in gods and magic!!! Idiotic deviants run amuck in religious circles!!! Religions con the bejesus out of sane but uneducated people (because they are the only ones who fall for the imaginary cons) leaving them delusional and tithing to the religions!!! No actual gods or devils or spirits or heavens or hells or after lives or previous lives etc. etc. exist anywhere outside of any ones inculcated minds!!! The inculcation coming from the same con men who abuse the little boys after preaching blah blahs at you in church!!! It is and has been happening for centuries and you just choose to ignore it because you are brainwashed into believing in a imaginary god!!! If any gods were real then they would stop me and stop the pedophiles in their clergies but they can't because they ain't real!!! I had a friend who took his own life at fifteen years old (that was 50 + years ago) because a priest took his virginity the first day of his altar boy slavery!!! The next day was his last day alive!!
2014-10-09 05:44:14 UTC
Science tends to threaten the worldview of some weak minded Christians.
2014-10-07 22:10:12 UTC
Christians aren't opposed to science. That there are many scientists who are also Christian, even Nobel Prize winners in science, should prove that. What we do oppose are those who twist science all out of proportion to justify their own agendas.

Here's a video of the brilliant Oxford mathematics professor John Lennox lecturing on the relevance of God in the face of science:

And here are a host of videos from Prof. Walter Veith, a former evangelist for evolution. He explaisn why science naturally supports the Genesis account of creation:

And finally, some food for thought. The important questions science cannot answer:
2014-10-07 10:59:59 UTC
Most of us like science, we just do not believe in evolution.
2014-10-07 10:53:46 UTC
They're not, but, if you say it often enough maybe you can then believe it too.
2014-10-07 10:58:36 UTC
We are not against good science.
2014-10-07 10:54:09 UTC
Religion has no room for facts that can be proven.
2014-10-07 10:58:04 UTC
A lot of things in science became false. A scientific notion. like there's no evidence for a ghost, is false also.
2014-10-07 10:54:40 UTC
christian scientists:

• Dr Paul Ackerman, Psychologist

• Dr E. Theo Agard, Medical Physics

• Dr James Allan, Geneticist

• Dr Steve Austin, Geologist

• Dr S.E. Aw, Biochemist

• Dr Thomas Barnes, Physicist

• Dr Geoff Barnard, Immunologist

• Dr Don Batten, Plant physiologist, tropical fruit expert

• Dr John Baumgardner, Electrical Engineering, Space Physicist, Geophysicist, expert in supercomputer modeling of plate tectonics

• Dr Jerry Bergman, Psychologist

• Dr Kimberly Berrine, Microbiology & Immunology

• Prof. Vladimir Betina, Microbiology, Biochemistry & Biology

• Dr Raymond G. Bohlin, Biologist

• Dr Andrew Bosanquet, Biology, Microbiology

• Edward A. Boudreaux, Theoretical Chemistry

• Dr David R. Boylan, Chemical Engineer

• Prof. Linn E. Carothers, Associate Professor of Statistics

• Dr Robert W. Carter, Zoology (Marine Biology and Genetics)

• Dr David Catchpoole, Plant Physiologist (read his testimony)

• Prof. Sung-Do Cha, Physics

• Dr Eugene F. Chaffin, Professor of Physics

• Dr Choong-Kuk Chang, Genetic Engineering

• Prof. Jeun-Sik Chang, Aeronautical Engineering

• Dr Donald Chittick, Physical Chemist

• Prof. Chung-Il Cho, Biology Education

• Dr John M. Cimbala, Mechanical Engineering

• Dr Harold Coffin, Palaeontologist

• Dr Bob Compton, DVM

• Dr Ken Cumming, Biologist

• Dr Jack W. Cuozzo, Dentist

• Dr William M. Curtis III, Th.D., Th.M., M.S., Aeronautics & Nuclear Physics

• Dr Malcolm Cutchins, Aerospace Engineering

• Dr Lionel Dahmer, Analytical Chemist

• Dr Raymond V. Damadian, M.D., Pioneer of magnetic resonance imaging

• Dr Chris Darnbrough, Biochemist

• Dr Nancy M. Darrall, Botany

• Dr Bryan Dawson, Mathematics

• Dr Douglas Dean, Biological Chemistry

• Prof. Stephen W. Deckard, Assistant Professor of Education

• Dr David A. DeWitt, Biology, Biochemistry, Neuroscience

• Dr Don DeYoung, Astronomy, atmospheric physics, M.Div

• Dr Geoff Downes, Creationist Plant Physiologist

• Dr Ted Driggers, Operations research

• Robert H. Eckel, Medical Research

• Dr André Eggen, Geneticist

• Prof. Dennis L. Englin, Professor of Geophysics

• Prof. Danny Faulkner, Astronomy

• Prof. Carl B. Fliermans, Professor of Biology

• Prof. Dwain L. Ford, Organic Chemistry

• Prof. Robert H. Franks, Associate Professor of Biology

• Dr Alan Galbraith, Watershed Science

• Dr Paul Giem, Medical Research

• Dr Maciej Giertych, Geneticist

• Dr Duane Gish, Biochemist

• Dr Werner Gitt, Information Scientist

• Dr D.B. Gower, Biochemistry

• Dr Dianne Grocott, Psychiatrist

• Dr Stephen Grocott, Industrial Chemist

• Dr Donald Hamann, Food Scientist

• Dr Barry Harker, Philosopher

• Dr Charles W. Harrison, Applied Physicist, Electromagnetics

• Dr John Hartnett, Physicist and Cosmologist

• Dr Mark Harwood, Satellite Communications

• Dr Joe Havel, Botanist, Silviculturist, Ecophysiologist

• Dr George Hawke, Environmental Scientist

• Dr Margaret Helder, Science Editor, Botanist

• Dr Harold R. Henry, Engineer

• Dr Jonathan Henry, Astronomy

• Dr Joseph Henson, Entomologist

• Dr Robert A. Herrmann, Professor of Mathematics, US Naval Academy

• Dr Andrew Hodge, Head of the Cardiothoracic Surgical Service

• Dr Kelly Hollowell, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacologist

• Dr Ed Holroyd, III, Atmospheric Science

• Dr Bob Hosken, Biochemistry

• Dr George F. Howe, Botany

• Dr Neil Huber, Physical Anthropologist

• Dr Russell Humphreys, Physicist

• Dr James A. Huggins, Professor and Chair, Department of Biology

• Evan Jamieson, Hydrometallurgy

• George T. Javor, Biochemistry

• Dr Pierre Jerlström, Creationist Molecular Biologist

• Dr Arthur Jones, Biology

• Dr Jonathan W. Jones, Plastic Surgeon

• Dr Raymond Jones, Agricultural Scientist

• Dr Felix Konotey-Ahulu, Physician, leading expert on sickle-cell anemia

• Prof. Leonid Korochkin, Molecular Biology

• Dr Valery Karpounin, Mathematical Sciences, Logics, Formal Logics

• Dr Dean Kenyon, Biologist

• Prof. Gi-Tai Kim, Biology

• Prof. Harriet Kim, Biochemistry

• Prof. Jong-Bai Kim, Biochemistry

• Prof. Jung-Han Kim, Biochemistry

• Prof. Jung-Wook Kim, Environmental Science

• Prof. Kyoung-Rai Kim, Analytical Chemistry

• Prof. Kyoung-Tai Kim, Genetic Engineering

• Prof. Young-Gil Kim, Materials Science

• Prof. Young In Kim, Engineering

• Dr John W. Klotz, Biologist

• Dr Vladimir F. Kondalenko, Cytology/Cell Pathology

• Dr Leonid Korochkin, M.D., Genetics, Molecular Biology, Neurobiology

• Dr John K.G. Kramer, Biochemistry

• Prof. Jin-Hyouk Kwon, Physics

• Prof. Myung-Sang Kwon, Immunology

• Dr John G. Leslie, biochemistry, molecular biology, medicine, biblical archaeology

• Prof. Lane P. Lester, Biologist, Genetics

• Dr Jason Lisle, Astrophysicist

• Dr Alan Love, Chemist

• Dr Ian Macreadie, molecular biologist and microbiologist:

• Dr John Marcus, Molecular Biologist

• Dr George Marshall, Eye Disease Researcher

• Dr Ralph Matthews, Radiation Chemist

• Dr John McEwan, Chemist

• Prof. Andy McIntosh, Combustion theory, aerodynamics

• Dr David Menton, Anatomist

• Dr Angela Meyer, Creationist Plant Physiologist

• Dr John Meyer, Physiologist

• Dr Albert Mills, Reproductive Physiologist, Embryologist

• Colin W. Mitchell, Geography

• Dr John N. Moore, Science Educator

• Dr John W. Moreland, Mechanical engineer and Dentist

• Dr Henry M. Morris, Hydrologist

• Dr John D. Morris, Geologist

• Dr Len Morris, Physiologist

• Dr Graeme Mortimer, Geologist

• Stanley A. Mumma, Architectural Engineering

• Prof. Hee-Choon No, Nuclear Engineering

• Dr Eric Norman, Biomedical researcher

• Dr David Oderberg, Philosopher

• Prof. John Oller, Linguistics

• Prof. Chris D. Osborne, Assistant Professor of Biology

• Dr John Osgood, Medical Practitioner

• Dr Charles Pallaghy, Botanist

• Dr Gary E. Parker, Biologist, Cognate in Geology (Paleontology)

• Dr David Pennington, Plastic Surgeon

• Prof. Richard Porter

• Dr Georgia Purdom, Molecular Genetics

• Dr Albert E. Pye, invertebrate zoology, biotechnology, biological control (1945–2012)

• Dr John Rankin, Cosmologist

• Dr A.S. Reece, M.D.

• Prof. J. Rendle-Short, Pediatrics

• Dr Jung-Goo Roe, Biology

• Dr David Rosevear, Chemist

• Dr Ariel A. Roth, Biology

• Dr John Sanford, Geneticist

• Dr Jonathan D. Sarfati, Physical chemist / spectroscopist

• Dr Joachim Scheven Palaeontologist:

• Dr Ian Scott, Educator

• Dr Saami Shaibani, Forensic physicist

• Dr Young-Gi Shim, Chemistry

• Prof. Hyun-Kil Shin, Food Science

• Dr Mikhail Shulgin, Physics

• Dr Emil Silvestru, Geologist/karstologist

• Dr Roger Simpson, Engineer

• Dr Harold Slusher, Geophysicist

• Dr E. Norbert Smith, Zoologist

• Dr Andrew Snelling, Geologist

• Prof. Man-Suk Song, Computer Science

• Dr Timothy G. Standish, Biology

• Prof. James Stark, Assistant Professor of Science Education

• Prof. Brian Stone, Engineer

• Dr Esther Su, Biochemistry

• Dr Charles Taylor, Linguistics

• Dr Stephen Taylor, Electrical Engineering

• Dr Ker C. Thomson, Geophysics

• Dr Michael Todhunter, Forest Genetics

• Dr Lyudmila Tonkonog, Chemistry/Biochemistry

• Dr Royal Truman, Organic Chemist:

• Dr Larry Vardiman, Atmospheric Science

• Prof. Walter Veith, Zoologist

• Dr Joachim Vetter, Biologist

• Dr Tas Walker, Mechanical Engineer and Geologist

• Dr Jeremy Walter, Mechanical Engineer

• Dr Keith Wanser, Physicist

• Dr Noel Weeks, Ancient Historian (also has B.Sc. in Zoology)

• Dr A.J. Monty White, Chemistry/Gas Kinetics

• Dr John Whitmore, Geologist/Paleontologist

• Dr Carl Wieland, Medical doctor

• Dr Lara Wieland, Medical doctor

• Dr Clifford Wilson, Psycholinguist and archaeologist (1923–2012)

• Dr Kurt Wise, Palaeontologist

• Dr Bryant Wood, Creationist Archaeologist

• Prof. Seoung-Hoon Yang, Physics

• Dr Thomas (Tong Y.) Yi, Ph.D., Creationist Aerospace & Mechanical Engineer

• Dr Ick-Dong Yoo, Genetics

• Dr Sung-Hee Yoon, Biology

• Dr Patrick Young, Chemist and Materials Scientist

• Prof. Keun Bae Yu, Geography

• Dr Henry Zuill, Biology

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.