I intend to construct a new religion - need advice?
2008-03-18 11:47:29 UTC
I plan to launch a new religion next week, with myself as the deity. I have written a checklist, but can you take a look & advise if I forgot anything?
1. Need a miracle. Actually harder than it sounds. I tried water into wine, but succeeded only with water into ice. Uncle Frank says that just chemistry, so I am practising some card tricks instead.
2. Make use of water - advice from Philip Larkin
3. Emphasise need to worship me by donating money. This is a key one. I intend to stop work as soon as I have enough disciples and live the life of Riley.
4. Only get 11 disciples. The twelth will dob you in.
5. Sit under a bodhi tree. I didn't have any so I sat under a sycamore. But then I got nipped on the **** by an earwig, so I stopped.

I will also establish my HQ in Dudley, being central for worshippers across the country. I intend to make Dudley a holy city rather like the Vatican over time. And with all the money too!

Any help u can give pls. Me Bless You!
44 answers:
Dan S
2008-03-18 15:40:01 UTC
So you want to be a deity.

1. Well the great Oz used some special effects and told the adventurers to ignore the man behind the screen. Therefore you idea of card tricks is a good one, but I would learn something that seems more powerful like making your daughter disappear in the disappearing lady cabinet; much safer than sawing her in half (which would require 2 daughters, because you put one daughter into each box and make them double themselves up so they appear to be at half their normal height).

2. Why follow in the footsteps of someone else and part water or walk on water or such silly miracles. Why don’t you try walking on pure air (with the assistance of water), or maybe parting the milk (using two glass sheets). Or better yet walk across hot lava with your space shuttle tile sandals.

3. When you start calling for money then you sound like ever single other religion in the world. Why don’t you NOT ask for money and be original. You can still take donations and use those donations to fund your own radio program where you implore the masses to not give you money for your church and to give you money so you can keep spreading the message of not donating money to your new religion.

4. Why stop at 11 disciples, start a pyramid scheme where you have one apostil who picks up two apostles, and each of them picks up two or more apostles and so on. You can also use this as a revenue generating system by forcing them to pay for your radio show to implore that people NOT send you money. That was Jesus’ failure his apostles were not trained to be a constant revenue generating system; only Peter and Paul who founded the church generated any money. What did Mark do besides have a major cathedral next to the Palace of Marco Polo built in his name? What did John do, he didn’t invent the toilet that was Mr. Crapper’s contribution to religion (religion and waste products are so similar, oops that’s some dangerous thinking there).

5. You are not the Buddha so you don’t need to sit under a tree, update your religion to the 21st century making your religion the most advanced in the world, and sit under a sun umbrella on a towel at the beach. It is a nice place to be in the summer, you can sit at any beach in the world even on lakes AND you only need to wear a bathing suit which cuts down on your clothing budget. Also if you want to baptize people their will be a big source of water easy at hand. You can also make it a tenant of your religion that only the beautiful women go topless and you can ban the Borat style man-kini.

6. I don’t know where Dudley is and that is a major problem because other people won’t know either. You need to establish your religion under a major structure, like the North Star and the Southern Cross. Why limit yourself to one church there are thousands of churches and St. Pauls, St. Marks, the Cathedral of Notre Dam are all major cathedrals devoted to their own brand of religion. This way you can declare any building as a temporary church, which can be a boom to your pocket book. What if you went to Grand Central Station in the US and declare that non-secular place into a temporary cathedral. You could set up collection boxes and even charge people by the train and bus load to pass through your hallowed halls. But, why stop there, you can go to Buckingham palace, The Empire State Building, The Sears Tower; you can use an non-secular building to become a temporary church and charge renters. You can take credit for their architecture and not have to worry about funding your own expensive building project.

I see you have a Holy Virgin, but why limit it to a female. A REAL miracle would be if a MAN gave birth; especially if it was the master of the church. With invitro fertilization and modern medicine you can have a baby implanted as a parasite, incubated in a mother and then implanted into you to make it a virgin birth. Just because the birth was virgin doesn’t mean the conception had to be, its all in the details and if you pay attention to the details and obscure them well enough you can escape the laws that are meant to curb religions. To get around silly details like not being able to declare the Empire State building as one of your churches, you simply rent an office building and perform a fast ceremony there. Your church is sand based so you can spread holy sand, sand that sat underneath your towel when you were on the beach, and therefore consecrate the building as your church before the owners know what hit them.

You will also need to get a web site for your virtual church. Take any large non secular building and post pictures of its ceiling as a background on your website so that viewers will be underneath your holy building’s structure. If you don’t have a building at the time then you can simply revert to the naked sky and the North Star or the Southern Cross. For those background pictures it is best that you take them on the beach. You can then charge people for those pictures to raise money to fund your web site to implore people to NOT donate money to your church.

You can even create a revenue stream by charging the owners of non-secular buildings a no occupancy fee. They pay you and you promise to not convert their building into one of your churches. This isn’t extortion, this is sound business practice. Extortion is when you tell people that they have to follow the laws and give money to the church or they will go to Hell.

You need a clear and easy to remember set of commandments, I recommend using the three golden rules:

- Do on to others as you would have others do on to you.

- Silence is golden, speech is silver and with the price of gold these days please shut up.

- He/She who has the gold makes the rules.

Those are 3 easy to remember rules and simple ones to follow. Look at the 10 commandments; you cover all ten in your first rule. You stand against murder, theft, adultery, and taking your name in vain all with one rule. You can add the Native American observation; “Before you judge someone walk a mile in their moccasins.”

Then of course you can have people become deacons and disciples of your church and grant them the ability to declare the non-secular buildings where they work into your churches, they can start with their own cubical; by putting a circle of sand around their chair and calling it holy ground (see the sand is part of the ground). You use of sand will keep your religion well grounded and you can bury any of your mistakes. Finally you won’t snow anyone with b_ll sh_t because your holy material is sand and sand can’t be formed into snow. You could also make sand timers into ready made holy objects worshiping the sand inside of it.

You could create another revenue generating stream by selling the sand you sat on top of to be put into your sand timers and used by your followers as a religious icon. You see the Catholic Church has a major problem they need to put an artifact under the pulpit for a new church. It can take 300 years to make a new saint (Pope John Paul is on the super fast track) and the number of holy relics in existence are few. Already they have enough splinters of the cross to construct a town hall and matching library and enough bones of Christ to form a 30’ tall skeleton with 8 arms and 20 fingers on each arm. Your churches could use simple sand and your preachers and deacons could bless it. Hey, that means glass and mirrors would also be religious artifacts in your religion. Think how many vain people you can attract when you tell them that preening themselves in a mirror is an act of religious faith. Breaking a mirror will give them 7 years of bad luck, see it all comes together, you can even add water to make quick sand for those people who want a short mass and to waste little time on their religion. Just add water (preferable nonholy water because that would create a divinity conflict).

Sorry I am not doing that well in the money part, but by the pattern I have laid out it would be a sin/crime for me to give you any money. However you could sell a deaconship, an apostle hood or even a priest hood; do you see the steps in your pyramid scheme? And what are pyramids built on; sand, sand, sand, it is all in the sand. You could even sponsor tours of Briton beach where you sat and let your acolytes gather religious artifacts in your footsteps and your shadow.
2008-03-18 12:04:08 UTC
Well good for you, just don't take any members from my church, the Religion of the Most Holy Ale.

Frankly you've got too much too much imitative stuff in there. You don't need a miracle, water, etc. The Bodhi tree isn't bad.

Our religion is practiced in the twilight darkness -- a casino or bar is ideal. We baptize people in the most holy Ale, but not too much of it because the Sacred drink is intended for internal consumption.

Money is important along with a need for mystic things. So we require a lot of money up front for new members. Our average service now has 30-35 people and new members have to stand a round for everyone. Then it's every man or woman for themselves.. or smaller groups or gropes of believers.

We don't have secret handshakes but we do have sacred rituals. We keep most of them secret, but all new members must demonstrate proficiency with the Holy Depth Charge, i.e. a double shot glass of vodka dropped into a pint of ale that is consumed at one gulp. You have to do five in a row before you can be elevated to Bishop.

Being as it's my church, I decide who the upper clergy area but given our importance to pubs, we have no trouble getting a large private table to discus sacred issues.

We had intended to sacrifice virgins, but we couldn't find any, so we just sacrifice whoever is willing and makes a good offer.

We only have seven commandments, although we might change that since ours weren't carved in stone, but written on a computer. And we may change the Holy Typeface.

We're not just a church. We're a society, a bar and grille and a gunowner's club. It's all part of our worship.

Society because all of our churchmembers are friends and associates. A bar and grille because a drinking man ought to always be able to get a grilled cheese sandwich when he's had a few. As for the gunowner's part, only a few actually own guns. Our requirement is something that's at least 155mm, howitzer or field gun because by Ale if you shoot at something, you want to make sure you blow it up, especially after having a few.

Being a Typical bunch of males, we're always recruiting new female members.
2016-04-09 03:31:08 UTC
In all honesty, even if we remove religion entirely from the equation, we have to look at certain historical factors that basically set many people up to be classically conditioned, which would probably still make people disapprove of homosexuality. Initially, humans were a hunter/gatherer society. Slowly, we split into hunter/gatherers and the beginnings of what would become the river valley civilizations. The river valley civilizations were obviosuly obsessed with fertility, in both their crops and their people. A son was another male child that could help in the fields, a daughter was another child that could help around the house. And to a certain extent, we still revere fertility at a level that's actually irrational when you think about it. We still revere large breasts, large penises, hips that will bear easily. Even when none of them have anything to do with fertility, and our intents have nothing to do with fertility. Those are just some of the "symbols" it's ingrained to look for, indicating fertility, that we almost all of us look for. So, with fertility so wired into the mind, I believe that even if religion were removed, there would still be objection to homosexuality in those that couln't get past the original programming, or couldn't be bothered to get past it. For what it's worth, I frequently think it's the latter of those two scenarios. D
2008-03-18 11:55:18 UTC
You need to have had some sort of divine revelation... hopefully involving some sort of burning bush in or near a cave.

Also, you'll need to make sure to tell people how cool the afterlife is gonna be if they follow your teachings and give you their money. The flip side of this is that your version of "Hell" (whatever you choose to call it) has to sound really scary...and make a list of a bunch of stuff people can;t do or else they go there...forever!

Praise be to You...literally. I'm gonna buy some real estate in Dudley just in case you succeed.
2008-03-18 11:55:52 UTC
Who do you think you are making yourself higher than God? Are you sinless? Did you lay your life down for others and die for their sins, even though you were innocent or would you go that far to permit people to literally nail you to a cross? How dare you blaspheme The Lord! You need some serious prayer, and if you are saying this to be funny or make a joke about this, Jesus is not a Joke! You didn't even create the world, nor do you know how it was created!
Smart guy
2008-03-18 11:55:57 UTC
You should walk around naked and show the miracle you performed of attracting police men to you. Show that you are "the one" by that example.

You should shoot yourself in the head and show (after you die) your spirit rising so that people will believe. Also, tell people to support Ron Paul for president because that would show the miracle of them being intelligent like you, oh, all mighty.

Thank you for showing me the light. I saw the light before but I was never "shown" it.
2008-03-18 11:52:16 UTC
If you want money, you'll need to think about what you'll be offerring your followers in return. You've framed your religion in economic terms, so you really ought to have something to exchange in this transaction. I suggest something metaphysical, salvation, forgiveness, enlightenment or some such. It's tried and tested model and is rather simple to achieve.
2008-03-18 13:07:21 UTC
Dudley never struck me as a sort of Vatican City!

Stick with the tried and tested - seek God. xx
2008-03-18 11:50:56 UTC
It's also important to be sanctimonious and righteously angry without actually doing anything about the problems in the world.

Oh, and convince people that all their natural urges and survival instincts are wrong, so they need you to tell them what to think and do. This may require some fancy talking and poorly constructed logic.
Max Power says relax
2008-03-18 11:54:43 UTC
How about a few of us crucify you , it coming up to Easter and all that it will give you a massive ,boost , i could look after the money until you decide to resurrect you self
2008-03-18 11:51:01 UTC
My religion has Tulsa as its Holy City. We worship a broken vacuum cleaner named Fred.
2008-03-18 11:55:36 UTC
You can convince people of any ridiculous crap you want. You just have to be a good enough salesman.

Hey...look at Scientology or the Mormons if you don't believe me.
2008-03-18 11:51:19 UTC
Write some bottom of the barrel pulp science fiction for a few years. It's apparently good experience.
2008-03-18 11:53:22 UTC
Can we have more than one wife? Can we have rules that govern our every moment on Earth? Can we kill people who don't believe the same as we do? Can we take over a government? Should we encourage female genital mutilation, or pedophilia? Should we bring back stoning, beheading, and chopping off hands and feet?

Oh, wait! That's already been done. 'Sorry!
Jovibot, of the flying species
2008-03-18 11:54:45 UTC
The only way you will get people to follow you is by showing them you are serious. To do this you will need to murder anyone who is different from you.
2008-03-18 11:52:27 UTC
Make sure your followers have to have bloody conquest.

Have an award for worshiping you and a punishment for not

Make your followers think they are the chosen ones

three words: repent! guilty sinners!

Make sure your followers condemn someone for being born a certain way (homosexuality and Judaism work well)
Jack T
2008-03-18 11:51:22 UTC
get like over 500 people is a rule n a religion, or something like that. but yeah, you need over 500 people to start a new religion (: xx
2008-03-18 11:55:13 UTC
Ask God to guide you through it! He will make a better job of it than you ever can.

Best wishes, Mike.
2008-03-18 12:19:28 UTC
Just know you may have defectors that speak out. Like these people.
2008-03-18 11:52:06 UTC
Well, the checklist is all Christian. At least until the fifth one. Not sure about it. Be more diverse. Make all your people give up their worldly possessions - to you.
2008-03-18 11:51:11 UTC
Don't forget some promise of eternal life in one way or another, that's a good hook.
2008-03-18 12:00:08 UTC
make sure if your married to line up a prostitute and then cheat on your wife and practice crying saying Jesus Jesus Jesus a few million time.
2008-03-18 11:52:35 UTC
Mr. Trench, help is on the way! I just converted my entire family ( sure at gun point but it's a time honored religious tradition so...) and more are on the way.
2008-03-18 11:52:24 UTC
This is a pretty dumb decision, what, you think your better then every other religion and want to make another? Pathetic!
2008-03-18 11:52:01 UTC
stfu! u cant go around making a new religion! people who found religion were either sent by god or are insane and stupid and are toying with peoples minds!
2008-03-18 11:51:40 UTC
You will need a polyester suit and plastic hair. Or is it the other way around?
2008-03-18 11:50:48 UTC
why dont you make a religion solely based off the Bible and not on organized religion. make a religion where everyone tries to find the best meaning of the Bible in its entirety. id join it.
2008-03-18 11:53:59 UTC
First, you need to get a life..and then...get a life.
2008-03-18 11:55:13 UTC
lol i dont think thats possible..... and asking people for their opinion?? lol then ur not capable of creating "A RELIGION" :P
2008-03-18 11:54:28 UTC
Dude you need cool name!!!! Try Jedi!!
2008-03-18 11:50:48 UTC
yeh! go to the psycho hospital and lock yourself in! there is nothing!! you can come up with, pal, that has not!! been thought of!!
alan h
2008-03-18 13:56:14 UTC
I will not be holding my breath. (Have YOU tried THAT, by the way?)
2008-03-18 11:51:18 UTC
you know, that's basically a cult.

and it's not a religion if it's just stuff you made up and are asking people to help you fabricate.
2008-03-18 11:50:42 UTC
Just don't include vestal virgins.
bonzo the tap dancing chimp
2008-03-18 11:50:09 UTC
first off, you need to become insane. ah, i see you may have already addressed that
2008-03-18 11:53:23 UTC
dont do it just spread the love all around you

2008-03-18 11:51:55 UTC
don't do it

construct something else......

like a new speices or something....something we could use
2008-03-18 11:55:39 UTC
sounds more like u have one already it called "ATHIESTSATTACK"...
2008-03-18 11:50:54 UTC
LOL. are you kidding me?
2008-03-18 11:50:44 UTC
Your crazy!
2008-03-18 11:51:06 UTC
Are you serious??
2008-03-18 11:50:24 UTC
you need virgins (lots of 'em)
2008-03-18 11:50:10 UTC
Don't, we've already got enough lying religions
2008-03-18 11:56:37 UTC
Wow can you please send me an application form?

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