Question To Christians?
2015-05-30 05:38:37 UTC
As a Christian I always believed Jesus to be the son of God and basically if you believed in him you went to Heaven (that's the general gist); so what about Jews then? Are Jews going to hell? It makes no sense. Further more so what about the Holocaust? Are all those millions of Jews who died going to hell???
The funny thing is I have checked online and I can't find a straight answer. I get stuff like it's not our place to judge; but Christians are quick to say if you do not believe you don't go up!! So which is it.
I think I lost my faith today; over questions like this and more. I still love Jesus and what He did. And I still think it's the closest relationship to God. I do still think there is a God out there, but with thousands of Christian disciplines out there; I'm done with it; everyone is two faced and I can't seem to get an answer from anyone.
Anyway, in summary I think I'm done with it all
Thanks for reading; your thoughts about the Jewish thing is most welcome.
111 answers:
2015-05-30 23:20:11 UTC
You are not the only one who is looking for an exact answer day after day and moment after moment. They will not give you the answer.

You have to know the religion marketing as well as why is there religion marketing. You also have to know why is there religion in the world as well as what is religion for different people and what is religion for you. Do not forget traps come in all forms; traps come in disguise and who is deceiving you and why have you been deceived and how.

I don’t know whether or not this exists in your bible. Jesus said to His disciples that one does not necessary have to believe in God so long one lives life and be a good person. Here is also another question what is the definition of a good person? Does it means by doing certain charities make one a good person or does it mean obeying the church make one a good person?

In Christianity there always emphasises that there is one God as well as one must believe in Jesus or else one will go to hell. It sounds very barbaric; inhumane, illogical, unknowledgeable and makes no sense. To find out all these whys then you will have to understand the actual social structure and mass psychology and the purposes. The more you have found the more you will feel you are lost but never mind life is to explore and through exploration you will find yourself and when you have found yourself the truth is there for you.

Religion is tribal fighting and it will never cease. If you have read about history about how different tribal fighting then you will understand it. Think how many tribes have been wiped out in history then you will understand why the emphasis of why one must believe in Jesus or else one will go to hell.

When you feel doubting of your religion and they will tell you that it is normal because it is Satan who is working in you. It is an absolute lie. Religion is the psychology and to control a person then one must controls the mind and once the mind is being controlled means the breaking of the spirit of that person. Exactly like breaking the spirit of a horse thus you can ride on it and use it.

It is natural that human question all and so when doubting ones belief is normal because your intellect is working. If your intellect is not working then something wrong with you.

Why do they insist that the bible is the truth as well as insist this and that is said by Jesus? Where is the proof and did Jesus really has said it or purely made up? For instance in the Ten Commandments it says “Honour thy Parents” but it doesn’t tell you the definition of what is the word “Honour” means. In the old days children are married off when very young from even younger than the age of 12 or even much younger boys and girls and the purpose is simply social resource; creating social structure, workforce and so on.

Why does a God have to send people to hell? If there is a God and the God is almighty and all knowing then does not this God not know human sufferings? It is all about scare tactic. Why are some religions so successful and some so slow and almost failed. It is also extremely important to learn how different religions work with their different structures.

If there is an all knowing God then we shall know nothing can be any cleverer than a God and this will include religion.

Don’t mistake that I am trying to persuade you to leave your belief. I believe religion also has its value. I don’t against people who need religion when they are in dire of need of spiritual consolation since life can be so unpredictably wordless.

Read a lot because your own intellect will lead you how to live life. The more you will read than you will realise you will be immune to all traps in this swindling world.

I am now an atheist and I have my own library and it is still expanding. I believe life is all about learning.
2015-05-31 14:22:53 UTC
You're going to give up because you can't find the answer? You going to give up because you think God didn't give you an answer in the Bible? You need to look there first instead of relying on what man says about anything. You've had some awesome answers today. The poster "dewcoons" is the answer I most align with. Paul wrote the answer to us in Hebrews. Your answer is found in Romans 11. The Jewish people and hence Israel has never been forsaken. Not back in the time of Jesus Christ nor in World War 2 during the holocaust or any other time.

The truth is. It is us gentiles who have been grafted into the main root religion of Judaism and it's true history and gospel. In fact Jesus Christ told his Jewish disciples to preach the gospel first in Jerusalem and spread it all over the world for both Jew and Gentile.

God is a great teacher and would not leave his believers clueless about what to believe in. Our answers come from the Bible. And it is that word that cannot pass away.
Scarborough Fair
2015-05-30 06:50:47 UTC
The idea that salvation depends only on what you believe comes from Martin Luther's Reformation. Luther promised God that if he survived a horrible storm that he'd become a monk. That's not a good reason to be a monk. He didn't like all the rules involved with that job. When he broke away from the church, he taught salvation by faith alone. The reverse of that is that only those who believe the right thing can make it to Heaven.

"Faith alone" is only found in the Bible one time and that's in James 2:24 where he says "24 You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone." Luther took a statement Paul made when he was arguing with Christian Jews that they should accept the Gentile converts without requiring them to become Jews and following the 613 Jewish laws which were called works.

We don't have to pass a theology test to get to Heaven. If that were the case, Satan and all his demons would get there with flying colors. They know God exists and they know Jesus is the Son of God. They would score 100% on a theology exam, yet they tremble.

Jews today are getting their information second hand. They are not necessarily rejecting the second person of the Trinity because they don't believe a story told to them by people they do not trust. Jesus is God. They are worshiping God. They just aren't using the name, Jesus.

Why would the early Christians try to convert the Jews if it didn't matter. It does matter. Their chances of salvation would be far better if they also were baptized and regularly took the Eucharist. Jesus died for our sins. Baptism and the Eucharist are important sacraments. I've been told by priests that it's possible for people to achieve salvation without it if it's through no fault of their own. If a Jew does not trust the person telling him, he does not know the importance of Baptism and the Eucharist. They are nevertheless trying to please God. I think God appreciates when we try to please him and try to do his will even if we get it wrong.
2015-05-30 06:04:42 UTC
If you read the Bible, you will find that God made different covenants with different people and groups over the centuries. A person who was part of one covenant was required to follow another covenant any more than an employee at Walmart is covered by the union contract at Ford. That is why, for example, Noah and his family had to build a giant boat and fill it with animals to be saved, but Christians today do not.

The Jews had a covenant of salvation based on the keeping of the Jewish law. I find nowhere that the Bible suggest that covenant has ended. Rather God started a second covenant with everyone who is non-Jewish. That covenant is based on faith in Jesus as the Messiah have already come. While the Jewish covenant is based on faith that the Messiah will come.

The New Testament book of Hebrews talks bout these two covenants and how the Jewish were saved by looking ahead to what the Messiah would do. While Christians are saved by looking back at what the Messiah did. (Read chapter 11 for an outline of this whole concept.)

The question now becomes, are the Jews today still saved by following the covenant that God made with them? Well, if Walmart were tomorrow to unionize its employee and offer them a contract that is different fro the one at Ford, does that make the Ford contract invalid? Of course not. Nor does the offering of a second contract to Gentiles make the contract with the Jews invalid. (Some Jews have become Christians and taken advantage of both contracts just as a Ford employee could decide to moonlight at Walmart.)

God is working to get people into "heaven", not keep them out. Otherwise he would not have wasted his time making such covenants with humans. He would have just sent them all straight to hell. As such, he will honor any and all covenants that get people there. The apostle Paul writes in Romans 2 about how those who have no knowledge of "the law" (the Bible and its teachings) will either be "accused or excused" by how they follow their own conscience, They are judged (and may be let into heaven) because the followed the understanding they did have of God in faith.

So Christianity does NOT automatically exclude the Jews (or anyone else) for admission to heaven. It only excludes those who reject a belief faith in God. And they are actually excluding themselves.
2015-05-30 07:49:49 UTC
Jesus was a good Jewish boy who knew his scriptures (at least his Isaiah). Constant references to 'the Jews' in the gospels are much more likely to be references to particular sects or factions in what was a highly politicised and fragmented religiously based society, and a society under threat. The early followers of Jesus were Jews (someone Jewish tells me they were lapsed jews, but that is a quibble) and the early church was developing in Jerusalem. It was only really with Paul, seeking to establish an 'Imperial' church that subtle changes were made. As to the holocaust, in answer to the question 'Where was God when all this was happening?' the answer has been given 'Right there in the gas chambers, suffering with the rest'. When a young boy was hanged in Auschwitz an onlooker calls out 'where is God? Where is he?'. Elie Weisel feels a voice welling up inside him saying "There he is, There on the scaffold." As Peter Chave says [Christians and Jews in Britain: A Study Handbook for Christians]" Our Christian devotion to Jesus must not be used to put down our Jewish brother or sister. Our wish to assign (Jesus) the title of 'Christ'='Messiah'='The anointed one' does not make them fools or scoundrels for not doing so. The title is by no means as precise or obvious as Christians often think, and Christians and Jews alike live in expectation of further Messianic activity." The Holocaust cannot with a clear conscience be sanitised (as Hollywood seeks to do) nor can it or should it be lightly put aside or forgotten. It is a blight upon all of us that humanity as a whole could have allowed this to happen to Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, the mentally ill, and homosexuals. The Nazis used the later anti-semitic writing of Luther as part of their justification (he had been closely associated with jews for many years before and had probably gone a bit by the time he wrote them.) But there is no justification. Christian Theologian Bonhoeffer, who also died in The Camps, spoke of 'Mankind Come of Age'. In view of the vitriol in this place toward people different from us, perhaps he spoke a little prematurely.
2015-05-30 14:31:16 UTC
The last half of Ezekiel tells us about the Millennium, which is the Lord's Day, that starts when he returns to fight the battles of Armageddon and Medego. This will be a time of great teaching because the Word will be with us. All that never had the opportunity to hear the truth will get that chance. Only at the end of The Lord's Day will the Final Judgement commence. No one but Satan has been sentenced to death by God yet. God is fair and gives everyone a chance to make the eternity.
2015-05-31 12:24:48 UTC
"The funny thing is I have checked online and I can't find a straight answer. I get stuff like it's not our place to judge; but Christians are quick to say if you do not believe you don't go up!! So which is it. "

You are confused. Not all Christians are identical. I will agree with those who say it's not our place to judge. You should come to your own conclusions about what you believe and based on that choose a Christian sect. If you do not want to be a Christian then that is fine. But it should not be based on false stereotypes about all Christians.
2015-05-30 17:09:12 UTC
< makes no sense.>>

It makes perfect sense. Don't forget, God had the "Old" Covenant with the Jews before He had the New Covenant with the Christians.

< going to hell???>>

What about the Holocaust? How is 'that' relevant? God decides where the souls of the Jews who died in the Holocaust went.

< which is it.>>

Is it so hard to accept the idea that perhaps the Internet does NOT have all the answers to everything?!?!?!

Truth be told, when it comes to where the souls of the dearly departed go, that's STRICTLY God's Call, not ours - hence the reason you get CORRECT answers like, "It's not ours to judge".

Also, The Bible and the Church give us a moral code by which to live that - generally speaking - claims "do this, go to Heaven, don't do that, go to Hell". Hence the reason you get CORRECT answers like, "the Bible says. . . "

The point is, both those kinds of answers are CORRECT, when taken in the proper context.

< with it all>>

You're done with Christianity just because YOU can't find the answers YOU want from:

1) The Internet - The Internet is HARDLY a bastion of theological integrity!

2) People in general - People you don't know, so you assume they know more than they actually do!

Thanks for reading; your thoughts about the Jewish thing is most welcome.

Is it really the people, or the Internet, or Christianity that's "failed" you?


I think you've found the answer to your question, and the answer isn't what you hoped it was - and you're disappointed. So disappointed in fact that you've unfairly mis-allocated a lot of anger towards a lot of people who don't deserve it.

That's what I think is going on here.
2015-06-01 00:18:50 UTC
Where is heaven? it's a physical state ? It's a mental state?

Where is Hell ?

Is there any different places in the hell and heaven ?

Do we go with biological body to the hell or heaven?

What if we go to heaven and then we do not like it ?Is there any exit ?

Whom innovation are these places ?

Does ADAM told his son and his son to his son and so on?If so this is 4 billion years no one came back from there ,to tell us such places are exist .

If is a place on the earth ,then google map must show it .If is out space ,then we need a space ship to go there .What religion are telling about heaven it's place that river of the honey and milk it's flue and naked angels are fly by ,so must be some where on the earth ,it can be Babylon tower or creek temple ,which there were such things as it say in the religions.Thinking of living in dry desert of the Sinai and Lebanon or Palestine in harshest environments and if obey the GOD Zeus or GOD ANKIDO will let us to join him in his castle with heavenly fruit and clear water and women would be quite heavenly life .

Does Jews were mind blow by seeing the temple of the Greece or tower of the Babylon and thought there are heaven that GOD promise them.

Reminding the king at that time was called GOD and less people can see his face ,even when he was pass trough to his people they must kneel and face on the ground as he approach ,other wise their head was in the well of the hell .So these GODS create a extreme fear in the people mind that no one even think about it to disobey his command .Same thing in all the religions and fear of the GOD it become first command ,other wise there's no chance even one percent to be life .

These it give the King GOD a Divine power that if say happen will happen no farther question and all the people will obey and give their will to the power of the GOD king ,so one will be million wills and million wills it's very powerful will.
2015-05-31 07:52:44 UTC
Seems tough but the answer is Yes, they are. The first people were put in charge of the Earth. When they obeyed The Devil instead of listening to God. They put Him in charge of the earth. Read the last part of 1 John if you don`t agree or ask why Jesus did not argue with The Devil when he showed him all the kingdoms in the world and said that these have been given to me.

The Devil is still in charge. ALL people born since that time have been born in the kingdom of The Devil. Jesus purchased everything back when he died on The cross but it will still be in the power of The Devil until Jesus returns to judge The Living and the dead. The only way out is to take hold of that fact.

Seems tough. It is. Think of Hitler. Pol Pot, Stalin. Did they show mercy because it seemed unfair to some of their victims? Of course not. The devil is much worse and much less merciful than any man ever born. He will not spare anyone unless HE has to.
2015-05-30 14:21:37 UTC
Great question. There are many Messianic Jews. I correspond with a few of them. the Zola Levitt ministries is one. They work on winning their own people to the Lord.

There were secular Jews, religious orthodox Jews and also Messianic Jews who died in the Holocaust. I'm sure many of them went to heaven. To understand a book called THE HIDING PLACE by Corrie Ten Boom.

Also look up Zola Levitt on the internet. He and his team do a good job of explaining such things.

The coming Tribulation is also known as Jacob's Trouble. God's promises to the Jews still stand and will forever. He weeds out those that will believe and those that just won't during that time.
2015-06-01 21:05:32 UTC
To understand this question you need to look at what exactly did the early a Christians believed as far as someone born into another religion .

The early Christians were inclusivists , which basically means that if you are seeking God with all your heart with the wisdom that was given to you , you can be saved , even if your not a Christian .

I am also a Christian inclusivist . How can God damn someone to hell if they happened to be born into another religion and believed thatbtheybwere serving God who is truth with the best of the ability that God gave them. God won't damn you for what you in I entry never rejected .

The earliest Christians were inclusivists and inclusivism speaks volumes about God's infinite compassion and understanding .

As far as atheists are concerned they are a different story cause not only do they actively not believe in God , but they also are try g to take God's children away from him. In the bible it says that if anyone causes any if his children to gravely sin it will be better for that person if they were never born then to face the judgment that awaits them .

This is a good link to study inclusivism .

This is in direct contrast to exclusivism (which was not taught by the earliest Christians ) which says that even if you never knew about Christ or were born into another religion , if you did not acceot Christ as your personal savior you are going to hell, no exceptions . Exclusivism was not taught by the earliest Christians .
2015-05-31 07:11:27 UTC

God made covenants with the Jews- with Moses, with Abraham, with David. These covenants always made the Jews God's chosen people. God's covenants promised the Jews the land of Israel and that God would always be with His people, for all eternity.

All Jews are under at least one of the covenants. As long as Jews do not break the covenant they are under, they are saved to God forever since God cannot ever break a promise, go back on His Word.

So obedient Jews are saved to God.

Remember, the New Testament which applies mostly to Christians, is actually a covenant between us Gentiles and God as well as Jews who believe in Jesus and God. So as we Christians now have a covenant with God, originally so did the Jews.

The trouble is that not enough Christians know enough about the Old Testament to understand the connections between the Old and New Testaments.
2015-05-30 21:13:01 UTC
Anyone besides Christians will not enter heaven. Christians should really be called Jews but since the Jews rejected christianity they called it christianity. They should be called Messianic Jews. Jews will not enter heaven because they dont believe. If they do, they will. (we're talking about religion here not heritage). The holocaust was unfortunate but that doesnt mean that they're going to heaven just because they were mistreated
2015-05-31 01:05:55 UTC
You are touching upon an extremely complicated subject; but, when you say that you "lost your faith today" because of a subject you do not understand - then I propose you never had faith at all! God promises us that he is just and never shall be unjust or do wicked things. If you believe that then you should be able to have faith in our Heavenly Father doing what is right vis-a-vis every single indivudual on earth past, present, and future.

There are laws in scripture that tells the Christian what God condemns, what damns a Christian. If such laws damn the Christian or justifies the Christian - likewise, if kept by non-Christians they would damn or justify!

I could bring to bear on this subject several scriptures which would make this answer extremely long. However, John in one of his epistles told us that none could do righteousness as a practice without being a 'son' of God. He also told us that all who practice wickedness are 'sons' of the devil.

In this nutshell you have your answer. If you want scriptures, you will have to ask for them in a person to person exchange.
2015-06-01 09:27:06 UTC
First we need to use our power of reason. Could of God of even consider torment on the humans he created. When God create the first human couple he gave them a simple command to obey. If they did not they would simply die. There was nothing about going to hell and being tormented.

Byington Ge 2:17 but from the tree of knowledge of good and bad you are not to eat, because on the day you eat from it you shall die.” King James Version Ge 5:5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died. A thousand years is a day to God. King James Version 2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. So Adam did not live a day from God's standpoint. Bible tells us when a person dies their sins is acquitted. Reference Bible Ro 6:7 For he who has died has been acquitted from [his] sin. Based on this there is no need for further punishment. Not all Jews rejected Jesus. After his death many Jews became believers. Byington Ac 2:36 So let all the house of Israel know positively that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.” 37 And at hearing it they were pricked in their hearts, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles “What shall we do, brethren?” 38 And Peter said to them “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the pardoning of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit......41 So those who welcomed his words were baptized, and there were added on that day about three thousand souls;

There are many today who professes to be Christians but are not obeying Jesus' commanded. Reference Bible Mt 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”

Jesus stated:John 13:35 By this all will know that YOU are my disciples, if YOU have love among yourselves. There is no love among Christians when they go to war and kills other Christians or harm other Christians who don't agree with them. Soon God will straighten everything out. But if you lose faith what position will be in. Mt 5:5 “Happy are the mild-tempered, since they will inherit the earth. Psalms 37:10 Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there. 11 But the meek will possess the earth, And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.......29 The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it. For more information go
2015-05-30 21:09:00 UTC
Hi Babatunde - When your a christian you cannot say that your just a christian and not put it into practice. I think that you personally have to renew your faith and then take action. As someone who died I can tell you without a doubt that first Jesus is truly the son of the living God, and second that God is the Father and he has committed all authority and judgment to the son. It is jesus name who you will hear calling you out of the grave according to the book of John. As far as the millions of jews who died it doesnt mean they all went to heaven because many jews even today DO NOT believe in Christ. They mocked him, they assisted in crucifying him. Not all the jews, but just those who feared the chief priests and might have been thrown out of the synagogues. Even Christ refers to some of the jews practices as a synagogue of demons. So they are not off the hook. I believe Christ also said that they would be punished greater because the LAWS were handed down to them and so they had a greater responsibility to share it. The ultimate judge though is us standing before Christ and his father. Christ said as I hear I obey. I do the will of my father. Dont ever lose your faith because of others comments. Read and study your bible. I read the kings james version. You should also and start by repenting and saying Lord Im sorry for listening to so many versions and not just reading your word. The lord tells us also that we are saved by grace, not because we accomplish so many things or because we have faith only and do nothing. He wants us to live our lives to the fullest serving others. He judges our hearts everyday. Do charity work. Be great at your talents and gifts that he placed inside you. Explore, discover, travel if possible. Always help and serve with joy even those who might not be nice to you because Jesus in heaven will see what your doing and reward you openly. God Bless and DONT LOSE FAITH. I am an example of that. As long as I prayed daily, thanking God, asking to see him and thats what happened. I had a problem with my heart, fell out on my bed, went to heaven and God made me examine my actions, my thoughts, my attitude....and then he quickly sent me back into my body. HEAVEN WAS BEAUTIFUL, AWESOME, PEACEFUL, BUSY...just wow. I had to come back to earth because he had a plan for get married and have three kids, now grown and care for other families kids.I love kids. They are my heart. But you do charity and you'll see. God Bless.
2015-05-31 08:30:56 UTC
It is not just about 'believing' in Him. Satan believes in Him and used to dwell with Him and God the Father .He is more aware of Christ's existence than any earthly person is.

Just believing in Christ will not get us to Heaven. Christians accept that Christ was who He said He was i.e. the Messiah, the one who paid the price for OUR sins on the cross of Calvary. When He died he took all the punishment that I deserve for MY sins and He did that as a gift to ME. When I understood that I accepted that GIFT with thanks and that is why I am saved and will one day dwell with HIM.

Gifts can be accepted or rejected so those who believe He exists but do not ACCEPT the gift on offer will not be saved and will, therefore, not dwell with Him after this mortal body dies.

Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah and still await a coming Messiah even though He fulfilled ALL Old Testament prophecies of HOW He would come. Some Jews have accepted Him and are referred to as Messianic Jews (meaning that they are now Christians).
2015-05-30 06:03:50 UTC
Neither Christian,nor jews,nor hindus,nor buddhist etc. will go to heaven or achieve salvation.These things do not matter in finding God.Anyone of any caste,religion,colour,region etc. can find God from within his body by obeying God said path, which is prayer and meditation alongwith good deeds.Christ or any other Saint have always preached their message in such a way that these things (religion etc)have no place in Their way.

Christ said:

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Matthew 5:8

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9

Here peacemakers mean who have found the peace from inside their body.

Everyone has equal right to find God but by accepting the way of truth.

All are created from one light, then who is good or bad. Saint Kabir.

All are equal in eye of God and everyone has equal right to see that truth by mean of prayer and meditation.Religions have parted the people by creating different groups.
Francis F
2015-05-30 19:27:45 UTC
Most Jews have heard of Jesus. Even orthodox Jews and those that are atheists and agnostics know about Jesus because he is an essential part of Jewish history. Many Jews -Messianic Jews have been accepting Jesus as the Messiah because they know that he is the truth the Life and the way. And in Acts 4:12 the apostle says there is only one name under heaven whereby a man or woman may be saved.. The name is Jesus.

Those Jews that died in the holocaust will be saved. Other who did not accept Him are lost. I believe that all those Jewish children under the age of accountability will be saved.
2015-05-30 23:50:27 UTC
Answer, to your understanding, a few simple questions about the nature of God. See where that points you...

1q. Is God just?

1a. Yes!

2q. But there are injustices in life, Why doesn't God intervene?

2a. Any injustices will ultimately be handled by the Lord in the end ("Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord").

3q. Is the path to heaven straight and narrow?

3a. Well, I guess so, if it says so in the scriptures.

3q. But what about the Jews, or anyone else that didn't hear the Gospel?

3a. If we know God is Just, God HAS to provide a way for them.

1 Cor 15:29

"Otherwise, what will those do who are baptized for the dead? If the dead are not raised at all, why then are they baptized for them?"

Why were early members of the church doing proxy baptisms for those that had died? Because those that died weren't given a chance to hear the Gospel, and God is just...
2015-05-31 05:02:56 UTC
You asked several questions that require at least an hour of teaching and explanation to clear up your MANY misconceptions concerning salvation and what scripture says about the Jews. But to begin with, let me give you some fodder for thought. Simply believing in Jesus Christ is no guarantee of salvation. If it were, then Satan would be saved. He KNOWS Jesus is the Son of God IN THE FLESH and that He is the Creator. John 3:16 refers to the fact that Jesus IS the sacrifice for our sins AND that He was resurrected just as we will be. Jesus ALSO went into hell to preach the Gospel and brought many "captives" out with Him into salvation while His body was in the grave.

Your statement that you lost your faith in one day says much about your faith and even moreso that you could lose it over an unanswered question or questions tells me you never had any "faith" to begin with. At best, you may have lost your ability or desire to contend with trying to understand the Christian beliefs but I suspect you have simply moved on to become the "trendy or cool" thing to do about Christianity these days and call yourself an atheist. You had absolutely little, if any, understanding of what faith is and if you had been curious about your questions, you would have sought out your pastor to answer these things. The entire book of Hebrews deals with the issue of salvation for the Jews. That's why the book is titled HEBREWS. In the end, I suspect your entire question and comments are based upon an attempt to use ignorance of scripture as an excuse to malign Christianity.
2015-05-31 21:48:32 UTC
There are so many false prophets and leaders out there that only lead you far from the truth. 1 john 4:1 tells us to test the spirit. matthew 7:18 tells us that a good tree cannot bear bad fruit, meaning that although one may have the knowledge of the bible, you can tell by the fruit of the spirit ,or there character, which is spoken in galatians 5:22-23. Also. it is way better to get the answer you are looking for from the main source. God would love for you to ask him these questions. That is what he wants, a close relationship with you. As long as you have received the baptism of christ you can hear when God speaks in to your heart. But again test the spirit because God never goes against his word and this is why It is vital to read the bible ,so that we know who God is. My point is, stop relying on world to give you answers and allow God to answer your questions. You will be amazed when he starts showing you and teaching you, but it is important to read the bible because most of the time that s how he speaks into your heart, that s how he speaks to me a lot of the time. Believe me you will know when he speaks to you when he does. I pray that you will be so spiritually blessed and that you will hear the voice of God:) God Bless you.
2015-05-30 06:13:16 UTC
Read the Bible more. Perhaps the New Living Translation would be easier to understand?

What you will find is that Moses and ____ that were Jewish did make it to Heaven before Jesus came. They came and visited Jesus while he was here on earth.

Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi, from both sides of his parents -Mary's and Joseph's. In Matthew 5:17-20 Rabbi Jesus teaches that he was Not here to start a new religion; but to fix the Jewish one. Also requiring us to keep Obeying ALL of the 613 Commandments that God gave to Moses! Few religions teach this anymore. In Acts the Christian met in the Synagogues in the Evenings! (The Catholic religion, the first to stop obeying ALL that is required of us, was started in 305/6 AD by 29 lazy men! The Catholic religion has never even taught the Second Commandment! They split the Tenth Commandment into two, then claim they have ten.)

The Christian religion that Is Obeying the Bible the most/best is "Messianic Judaism"! Carful with this name for some have broke off of it and are not obeying the Bible as much. They are large and have two TV stations, but are not everywhere.

With the invention of the printing press people read that the Catholic religion was/is Not teaching much of what the Bible dose require of us. So new religions came to be that were much more obedient of God and His Bible! Martin Luther was the first man to start a new religion without the Catholic church being able to kill him! Many had been killed before him! Watch a 1952 or 2002 Martin Luther movie.

Most of these religions have dropped more and more.

To get to Heaven we have to Believe that God is God. Believe that God sent Jesus as the Christ. Plus have Zero hate in us. Even If a person is church leader, yet dies hating just one person- then to Hell! Watch "The Lazarus Phenomenon" on DVD also FREE over this Internet and See what happened to men that died, were confirmed dead by a doctor, then came back to life several hours to three days later!

We are all here being tested. Do you thinks if a person Never went to collage they should still be given a degree just to be kind to them? Of course not, for they could not have learned anything. To get to Heaven We have to prove we are wanting to go to Heaven that is All Love and able to live there where All is Love!

The Bible also states that If one dies as a child or lives their life without ever hearing of God, then they are to have another life here! So IF one dies as a Jewish since Jesus came, they are to have another life for their test.
2015-05-30 19:03:28 UTC
I'm sorry you haven't received a straight answer on your inquiries today. But, I can give you an answer about all the Jews. I got this answer straight from Jesus Himself, so I hope it helps. It is true as God's Word says that you have to be born again. No, believing will not get you into Heaven. satan and his demons know Who Jesus Christ is too and they tremble but, they are not saved and will never be born again. It isn't an option for them and they know it. I asked the same question about the Jews also. Jesus told me that not all of the Jews went to Hell. He was with them in the chambers and He revealed Himself to them. Many and I mean many were saved. We serve and merciful God. Jesus hurts so incredibly when one soul that He died for dies and falls into Hell because they chose to deny Him and not want anything to do with Him. It was their choice and there is nothing He can do about that. He reveals Himself to many all the time. He even reveals Himself to people in coma's and at the moment of death. He loves you and everyone here. I'm not saying all will be saved. That is not biblical but, it they will be without excuse on Judgement Day when they stand before Him and our Father. I hope this helps. God bless you and keep you. Oh, and yes, it is a relationship with Jesus Christ that is important not religion. Jesus hates religion. It smothers His relationship with His children everyday. He told me that Himself too. Plz feel free to email me if you would like. I don't know everything...far from it. But, I will be glad to help all I can.
2015-06-02 13:00:03 UTC
The jews will always be God's chosen people, they are the literal children of Israel and believers today are adopted into those abrahamic covenants and blessings. Just because many have not found or know CHrist as their Messiah, they too will have the chance to see, know & understand. They are still an upright and righteous people and God will judge them, as He judges all mankind - by the people they have become in this life and where their Hearts are.
2015-05-30 22:54:39 UTC
"Faith alone" is only found in the Bible one time and that's in James 2:24 where he says "24 You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone." Luther took a statement Paul made when he was arguing with Christian Jews that they should accept the Gentile converts without requiring them to become Jews and following the 613 Jewish laws which were called works.
2015-05-31 20:12:08 UTC
Hell is no joke while you're alive you have a chance to seek forgiveness for your sins by repenting to the Lord but after death all bets are off.

Doesn't matter if you're a Jew, Christian, Muslim


Oh by the way you guys who think you can get away with sin and breaking God's laws because of Jesus sacrifice on the cross are in for a rude awakening it's no free pass to sin and do what you want.

Don't forget that in Heaven the book of life is updated every second of the day names are added and names are being blotted out if you want your name in the book before Jesus comes back repent while you have the chance,
2015-05-31 00:56:39 UTC
Its nice to have a belief to keep you guided on the right path. However if there is a god he would not define people based on a specific belief. You really think god would be the creator of humanity and be so great. If he condemned people to hell for such irrelevant reasons. People will belief different things, diversity makes humanity so great.

Also understand that the bible was written by people with different beliefs, different experiences. It is important to consider your own understanding of God. If you are a good person and you have faith, God will accept you. Dont live like this as a ticket to heaven, don't make your decisions because of this and don't cloud your judgement on specific belief systems. Do good things because that is you, dont be selfish, dont judge others for their beliefs because it is irrelevant, god will accept you for being great,
2015-05-31 23:45:28 UTC
Acts 4:12

Romans 1:18-25

All non-Christians will at one point be cast into the lake of fire receiving just punishment for their sins. Every individual has the knowledge of God and they have willingly sinned against Him. They will not end up in Hell for sinning against the God they do not know but instead for sinning against the God they DO know. Unbelievers are suppressing the truth of God in unrighteousness. They willingly reject Him and His gospel. Those in cultures yet unreached will die and spend eternity in Hell. That is why we send missionaries to reach them. If they were going to be OK without hearing the gospel, then the most merciful thing we could do would be to build a wall around them so that no one would reach them and they wouldn't be accountable after hearing the gospel. This is not the case of course, they are already accountable, and so we reach them with the gospel which is the power of God for salvation for all who believe.
2015-05-30 06:42:46 UTC
But that is NOT the general gist. God has always commanded man to do three things:

1) Hear Him

2) Trust Him

3) Obey Him

Without doing this no man will be with God. Be you Jew or Gentile--the way to God is a New Way--through the church and the door to the church is baptism to wash away your sins and to be covered spiritually with the blood of Christ, then living faithfully unto death. For the Jews, Jesus is the Messiah. For the Greeks (everybody else), Jesus is the Christ.
2015-05-31 00:46:52 UTC
Look, first the Jesus story is total fiction, and all written by royal and aristocratic Romans for the purpose to attempt to destroy Judaism and then have the Judeans become fools of the fictional story so that they would stop fighting the Romans. Christianity is nothing more than voodoo or any other nonsense. You have the right idea, and to help you get a handle on this obtain the book "Piso Christ" at bookstores or Amazon. It will help you understand who wrote that fairy tale and why.

I call it the biggest lie ever written on told.
2015-05-31 00:23:24 UTC
Mormon (Christian here)

We believe after the Resurrection you will be judged by the celestial father, and depending on how you lived your life here on earth, that will decide where your spirit is heading. If you were righteous, repented your sins and got baptized, you will go to the heavenly kingdom. If you were a good person, but did not accept the teachings of Christ (which through him is the key to finding god), then you will inhabit the earth, which is a million times better than going to the underworld with Satan, but you will know deep inside that there was much better. And if you live a sinful life, reject the teachings of Christ, do not follow the commandments, you will go to a place where the sun doesn't shine. I don't think anyone would want to go there so find Christ while you can, let him in your life!

In order for the Jews to be saved, they need to acknowledge the fact that Jesus Christ is the Messiah who died so mans sins can be forgiven, then be baptized in the name of the Celestial father, Jesus and receive the holy spirit.

Have a great day all, amen!
2015-05-31 06:55:55 UTC
My guess, and I apologise if I am wrong, but you are looking for any old reason, doesn't really matter what in fact, to say you are giving up your religion. If someone says God is evil, you are going to give up your religion.

In reality God is very very good, and he lets people choose either to follow him or not. Those that do, go to heaven. Those that choose to have nothing to do with God end up with nothing, well that is just as everything comes from God and if you don't want it then you don't have to have it. That is hell, your choice. What happens to Jews, some go to heaven some don't. What happens to Muslims, some go to heaven some don't. It is easier to get to heaven if you follow Jesus and live a good life.
2015-05-31 11:51:43 UTC
The faith alone doctrine is only held by protestants.

The oldest form of Christianity (The Orthodox Church )

teaches salvation in the form of the beatific vision and that as God is infinite we can not comprehend him on our own.

The beatfic vision is how we see God- someone who was seeking to live the beatittudes from the sermon on the mound will know God when they see him and will have a vision of joy that will continue to grow for all eternity. Theosis is spiritual growth. The point to the incarnation was to relate to humanity in a form we can understand.
2015-05-31 00:00:18 UTC
Some Christians do believe that "no one comes to the Father but through me" means non-Christians are dying the real death.

Other Christians believe we have the "inside track"... but also that non-Christians will encounter Christ at the end of days and resurrection. Those who were turned-off to Him by the poor example of Christians in life, or never meaningfully exposed to His teachings and example at all, will have the "last chance" to get to know Him. He's got eternity in which to process a finite number of cases, so I'm sure it will all work out to transcendently perfect justice.
2015-06-01 11:40:21 UTC
There is the trinity. Jews don't believe in Jesus and are waiting for his second coming, but Jews DO believe in God so they will go to heaven. All martyrs are going to heaven, and those in the holocaust were martyrs. Know that even today those who are martyred for their faith go to heaven.

know that the Catholic and most of the christian religions originally came from Judeasm. And in fact so did Islam (come from Judeasm). So we are all believers.

Why would you lose your faith today or so quickly? If you have faith then it's always within you.
Christian Sinner
2015-05-30 06:11:31 UTC
One of the problems the churches made for themselves is they made up doctrines where God's love is unconditional. It's a big problem because that isn't what he says, and it sets the Christians up for misunderstanding other things God said. Then they confuse the matter further, when they talk about love being the greatest thing. They begin to try to explain how God loves e-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y, yet it's judgment that wins out when all this is over, removing love from the headliner attribute of the expression of God. It might make sense to some people that judgment overrules love when it really counts, but rational people begin to question the whole religion because of this.

So some people have better rationalizing faculties than many Christians do. Christians are set up to preach a message which is tainted by traditionally expressed error, which makes void the word of God.

This is only one aspect of what drives Christians to fail when it comes to expressing truth about God's love. Other problems which arose is the Christian tendency towards legalism. Another, sociopolitical activism, which tarnishes the church's image, which is supposed to be a spiritual organization entrusted with the Gospel message to where people can make peace with an otherwise angry God.

Another is the tendency to dwell so much on God's love and grace, that one loses sight on reasons to fear God, which addresses your question, I believe, because God says in the Old Testament that he would put the Jews through this time, the time they would wake up is expressed in places like Zechariah 12. The time of that opening of their eyes is still future, so what about all the generations including the ones present now? God only wants a remnant, just like what he is doing with the rest of the world's population. Since that way of thinking is a stain to most Christians and polarized under the term "Calvinist", it is rejected. Christinas do not tend to think outside the box they were taught in, so they reject any idea of God's elect as being a limiting factor, when that is exactly what it is; limiting.

So your problem isn't with God, I'm glad to hear it. But as with so many other Christians what isnt making sense is Christian tradition. Let God out of the box of Christian expectation, and yourself out of the box of Christian tradition. I encourage you to rebuild your ideas of what God expressed, and decide for yourself what he means. Ask for his help.
2015-05-30 13:26:21 UTC
Most people have been taught to think God is out to punish people.

When the opposite is true. Those who are cruel, want to believe God is like them. He is not like a man inhis thinking ...His ways are higher than ours. What a sad testimony to how man has dominated man to his own injury, when we look at history. Jesus sacrifice covers the death of all who suffered and have fallen asleep in death. Jesus promised there will be a resurrection , a standing to life, with no evil enemies to fear. Even death will be done away with. Please visit official website

Acts 24: 15 , John 5:29
2015-05-31 08:18:49 UTC
Jesus made it clear who will go to Heaven and who will not. The definition is in Matthew 12 verse 32. To go to Heaven you must believe in the Holy Spirit. If you do not, you will go to Hell for committing the Unforgivable Sin. The Holy Spirit is the key to let the believer into Heaven when he/she gets there.

There are Jews who do believe in Christ and have been sent the Holy Spirit, and their room in the Heaven Hotel is assured. Not so Orthodox Jews who do not believe in Christ, and therefore have refused the Holy Spirit. They cannot book into the Heaven Hotel because they do not have the key, and so have to go to the Hell Guest House, which is the only other accommodation in town, but it's a place of last resort.
2015-05-31 14:14:51 UTC
Not only is there no heaven nor hell, nor is there a personal God with opinions and a mind (for such would invalidate infinity and omniscience), there is also no self: the self is a myth like shadows cast by the sun.

This can be observed but not concluded: you cannot come to the observation of one self.

Fundamentally, this implies that there is no self to be saved, and therefore, no requirement for a location for such a self to go to after death.
chick b
2015-05-31 02:46:12 UTC
We now know that man himself invented religion,it has now been thought to be the most evil idea to come from a human mind,over the years it has caused Wars,Genocide,Crime,and Corruption,millions have been murdered and tortured to death, all in the name of a so called God that does not exist,eventually it will be banned worldwide,and then and only then will we have peace on our world,how long is this going to take,probally 2 to 3 hundred years from now,anyway the sooner the better,for the future generations to come ok.
2015-06-01 15:46:31 UTC
Good questions. For starters, the Bible teaches that only a select few are going to Heaven-144,000. (Rev.14:1-4) The rest that are viewed as righteous in Jehovah's eyes will live upon the Earth, devoid of evil people in the future. (Ps.37:10, 11 & 29, Prov.2:21 & 22) In that same future life will be devoid of all that brings misery to mankind. (Rev.21:4)

As for 'hell', according to the Bible that word is translated from the Greek and Hebrew words 'Sheol' and 'Hades', and both refer to the common grave of both man and animals. It is there that they 'return to dust', or break down into the bare elements they are made of and cease to exist eventually. (Eccl.3:19 & 20) After one dies and this process is taking place, said individual is aware of and can feel nothing. (Eccl.9:5, 6 & 10)

Those that have died that put faith in Jehovah or those that died before knowing who He was will be brought back to life in the future. (John 5:28 & 29, Acts 24:15) Those that weren't aware of Him will be given a chance to get to know Jehovah, and after a period of time will be judged on how they respond to His ways He wants them to follow. (Rev.20:12 & 13) Those that wish to follow Jehovah's principles will continue living, and those that do not will die again.

The following information above goes for people of ALL nations, creeds, and backgrounds. Including the Jews.
2015-05-30 06:28:00 UTC
John 5:28,29. Romans 5:12. Romans 6:23.
2015-05-31 07:12:58 UTC
It is not that simple.

In the first place we cannot judge. Then you have to understand that after the 'original sin' we needed a 'redeemer'. Finally if you love Jesus and follow Him then you are bound to be saved, since God is ever so kind to all who search for Him.
2015-06-02 04:10:10 UTC
The jews are Gods chosen people, they have turned away from him before and he has always taken them back because of the promise he made to Abraham. God keeps his promises, even if we dont. He will save them because they are his chosen people, but for the rest of us who arent Jewish, we are saved through a different promise, Christs promise, the 'New Testament', that if we accept his sacrifice we will be saved. Its actually quite straightforward and its all there, in the bible.
2015-05-30 14:22:06 UTC
The scriptural truth here

Jhn 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Jhn 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

Jhn 5:23 All men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.

1Jo 2:23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: [(but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also].

2Jo 1:9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
2015-05-31 14:01:07 UTC
Don t you love how atheists say Christians can t or won t answer a question, that is followed by several answers by Christians? I sure do.

If you study the Bible, you will find that God judges all human beings based on their good and bad deeds. One sin, with a lifetime of good deeds does not result in hell. The Bible never says that. The Bible says God rewards good deeds and rewards the righteous with eternal life. The Bible never says that only Jesus was righteous. The Old Testament is a long story of righteous men. The Bible calls them righteous. We are held accountable. Christianity offers forgiveness for sins. Like declaring moral bankruptcy repentance and belief in the resurrection of Jesus allows us to have our debt of sins erased. Don t take my word for it. Study the Bible yourself and you will find that I am right.

Jeremiah 17:"I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve."

Psalm 62:11One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard:

that you, O God, are strong, 12 and that you, O Lord, are loving.

Surely you will reward each person according to what he has done.

Proverbs 11:18The wicked man earns deceptive wages, but he who sows righteousness reaps a sure reward. 19 The truly righteous man attains life, but he who pursues evil goes to his death.

Proverbs 19:17 He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD,and he will reward him for what he has done.

Proverbs 24:12 If you say, "But we knew nothing about this,"

does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay each person according to what he has done?

2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.

Revelation 22:12 "Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done.

For more on this, read the book of James.
2015-05-30 20:41:27 UTC
I am not entirely sure.

The bible says you have to accept Jesus to be saved, and that's what Jews don't accept. But they do believe in God. To be honest, Jesus kind of is God, so I could imagine they are saved. That is what I think. There is no definite answer.
2015-05-31 10:05:23 UTC
Babatunde, Please don't loose your faith because these Christians have no answer to your questions. If this is a quest in your life to know this answer then leave it to God. I believe there are more important things in life to be concern about and, by the way if you knew everything then would'nt we be calling you God?
2015-06-02 15:45:11 UTC
The fact of the matter if God Jesus Christ does not save you before you die then you will go to hell which is the grave of all the unsaved souls so when God Jesus Christ comes back to judge the living and the dead and too destroy the heaven and the earth by fire, the second death, where the heaven and the earth shall be burned up, by the hell fires. Only God elect will God to heaven and the elect are the ones that God Jesus Christ has saved before the foundation of the world, as it is written No man comes to the father but through the son Jesus Christ, he did all the work before the foundation of the world, that is why he is called the lamb slain before the foundation of the world.
2015-05-30 20:43:26 UTC
the Bible says this concerning Israel ( Real Jews )

Rom 11:26

And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:

it also states this

Rom 2:29

But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

Not everyone who claims to be a Jew it is written.
2015-05-31 16:23:30 UTC
Yeshua [Jesus] was or is the perfect observant Jewish Rabbi. HE said I have kept my Father's Commandments. John 15:10

Yeshua also said that no man comes to the Father but by ME. John 14:6
Bobby Dwai
2015-05-30 20:30:33 UTC
Man wrote those rules into religion...

Do you think God cares how you are thankful/show your appreciation , as long as you are appreciative? Let me ask you a question... if you and your spouse were to have a blind child, and on your childs birthday you bought separate gifts-- you bought your child a puppy and your spouse bought your child a sweater -- if when your blind child realized he/she was given a puppy , he/she was filled with so much joy and happiness and screamed "thank you soooo much!" to your spouse instead of you, would you take the puppy away? would you scold your child for not knowing exactly which giver had given the puppy? Or would you be happy to be appreciated, that your gift was appreciated and not overlooked? Well thats how I feel God views us - - the blind children, not knowing which book or verse or word to believe. . . and understandably so. As long as we are thankful to our creator , I dont think God cares what nickname we use for him/her. As long as we look around at the trees and the sky and the beautiful life around us and take it all in and take the time to say "Thank you for everything, I adore you" THATS what really my humble opinion. We sometimes get caught up in the bullsht and fail to recognize the important parts. That's at least how I see it.
Ernest S
2015-05-31 04:39:06 UTC
Surely a Christian believes Jesus Christ?

Maybe you need to actually read what He says?

As to your question, how is any to be saved from their sin?
2015-06-01 00:32:46 UTC
Jews also need Christ for salvation just like anyone else.

Brothers and sisters, my heart's desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved. Rom 10:1
2015-05-31 16:18:33 UTC
I took the time to PROVE the existence of Jesus [ Issa Ibn Miriam] Once I did, I now study his teachings with more enthusiasm now then when clerical black robes were trying to jam crap down my throat!! Son of God? NO! SON OF MAN is more accurate. He provides the WAY. People who study the Tao Te Ching know all about His greatness with or without the so-called miracle necessity.
2015-05-30 07:28:34 UTC
This will probably shock you, but if you are in a mainstream church then you are meant to believe Jesus is God almighty, not just the son of God (as the Bible tells us). As JWs we often meet people on the doors or in the street who truly dont realise their church believes in a trinity of three in one in opposition to Gods word.

Firstly thre is NO burning hell - the Bible kindly explains that the lake of fire "means the second death" - that is, the righteous and unrighteous will be resurrected from their first death to be given the opportunity to live on earth in God kingdom government but if they rebel against God then they will receive the second death from which there is no return.

No one knows who is "saved", its not a choice you can make yourself, nor can anyone make it for you - Jesus will judge us all by our hearts and its nonsense for anyone else to give an opinion. Jesus knows the circumstances of our lives/upbringings/opportunities and heartfelt beliefs. He will choose and no one is exempt or included by their own choice.
2015-05-31 18:53:51 UTC
This is a really good question!

Ultimately, what happens to us when we die? No matter what your religious background, nationality, or history, according to the Bible we all cease to exist when we die. (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10 “The living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all . . . Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might, for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going.”)

This is all due to the sin committed by Adam and Eve. They were disobedient to the law given and as they were warned they died. (Genesis 2:17) But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will certainly die.”

As a result, the reason we die is that Adam’s sinful condition as well as death was passed on to all of his descendants. (Romans 5:12)  That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned. . .

Even though most of mankind do not go to heaven after death, God promises to resolve all the badness and wickedness that has resulted from the events in the Garden of Eden, including death of people of all nations and backgrounds.

(Revelation 21:3, 4) . . .With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”

(John 5:28, 29) 28 Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.

I hope this helped answer your question. If you are sincere in wanting to find answers to your questions, pray for the answers and you will find them. Jehovah wants us to get to know him and his purpose for mankind and the earth and the Bible is the way to do that.

(Matthew 7:7) 7 “Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you;
2015-05-31 14:50:47 UTC
It really doesn't matter what religion you are. It only matters about a true relationship with Jesus. No matter who you are, as long as you believe Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world and know him as your savior, you will be saved and accepted into the kingdom of God.
2015-05-31 18:31:55 UTC
Is God fair? Is God just? He says that He is. Either you call Him a liar or believe Him. Christians believe IN God. They just refuse to believe Him. They want to do what they want. They just want to be saved. Saved for what? They wont listen to God here. As for the Jews: Christians dont hate them per se. They just represent the law because they try to keep it. It is the law Christians hate and the Jews remind them of it. The Jews make them feel guilty. But if they want to believe God is unfair then he will be unfair in the next world. In that case, the Christians are in trouble. Christians dont want Him to be fair because if he is fair then they are in trouble. But if they want God to be unfair there will be hell to pay for them in the next. Because they said the Jews who tried to obey God would have no reward. So what reward will God give them for obeying Jesus? Wont God then reward the Jews for disobeying Jesus?
2015-05-30 21:09:28 UTC
Plenty of "Christians" will go to hell (like murderers and rapists). So I highly doubt a bunch of innocent jews will go to hell bro (refering to the holocaust). I'm Christian as well.
2015-05-31 07:59:34 UTC
THERE ARE 3 major lies in the Christianity of Constantine that have a major hold on all people on earth since circa 300 A.D.


"The Lie That Made God Cruel" @ 3 min audio & article

MOST OF mankind who have lived & died come under the Powerful authority of Jehovah God & Christ Jesus. This as Christ Jesus stated:

(John 5:28, 29) “Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.”

All mankind come under this powerful promise!

Christ Jesus demonstrated his power over death when he resurrected people back to life on earth ( which is the major promise for most mankind)! , NOT to heaven. This marvelous blessing is part of his wondrous miracles that he demonstrated:

AN ILLUSTRATED reference as to how many could live on earth comfortably is as stated

*** it-2 p. 792 Resurrection ***

Resurrection During 1,000 Years. The exact number of humans who have ever lived is unknown to humans. However, by way of illustration, if Jehovah resurrects 20 billion (20,000,000,000) people, there would be no problem as to living space and food for them. The land surface of the earth at present is about 148,000,000 sq km (57,000,000 sq mi), or about 14,800,000,000 ha (36,500,000,000 acres). Even allowing half of that to be set aside for other uses, there would be more than a third of a hectare (almost 1 acre) for each person. As to earth’s potential food production, a third of a hectare will actually provide much more than enough food for one person, especially when, as God has demonstrated in the case of the nation of Israel, there is abundance of food as a result of God’s blessing.—1Ki 4:20; Eze 34:27

All THE above come under the authority of Christ Jesus as promised in his powerful "Lords' Prayer" in part:

"........thy Kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it does in heaven......." Matthew 6:10

Please note the audio "The Struggle to Love God"
2015-05-31 04:21:20 UTC
When Jesus walked and talked right besides them they rejected him then. John 1:11 "He came unto his own, and his own received him not." It is also written Psalm 61. After the rapture they will eventually come to Him.
2015-05-30 14:08:24 UTC
HEAVEN: Revelation 14:1-3; "I saw, and look! The Lamb [Jesus Christ] standing upon the Mount Zion [in heaven; see Hebrews 12:22-24], and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads...And they are singing as if a new song,,,and no one was able to master that song but the hundred and forty-four thousand, who have been BOUGHT FROM THE EARTH." Only 144,000 are going to heaven.

HELL: Acts 2:25-27: "David speaketh concerning him [Jesus Christ],...Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither will thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption." (The fact the God did not "leave" Jesus in hell implies that Jesus was in hell, or Hades, at least for a time, does it not?) Hell is the common grave of dead mankind.
2015-05-30 17:54:46 UTC
When Jesus came, he came to the Jews saying, "The Kingdom of God

is at hand." The Jews rejected him and it. That is why Jesus recruited

Saul of Tarsus, (Paul) to take the gospel to the Gentiles, which is

salvation by grace, through faith. Faith in Jesus Christ. "If any man

does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his." (Romans 8:9)

"And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the name

of the Lord shall be delivered;"(Joel 2:32)
2015-05-31 18:03:22 UTC
the Gospel says

1 peter 3:18,

John 3:16

God bless all

in Jesus name AMen.
great knight
2015-05-30 23:29:46 UTC
They aren't jews. Watch this movie. They hate the truth. The Bible answers all your questions and this on multiple times! Get a kjversion Bible and believe. Look at what they do!
2015-05-31 06:46:39 UTC
Remember, believing Jews wrote the New Testament.
2015-05-30 08:05:02 UTC
Some people believe that if they are devout Moslem's they will go to heaven too. who's right and who's wrong, only God knows.
2015-06-01 05:11:10 UTC
Jewish people who believe that Christ is their Messiah (also known a Messianic Jews) from my understanding of the scripture, will be saved
2015-05-31 09:37:14 UTC
"At it the skies are ready to burst, the earth to split asunder, and the mountains to fall down in utter ruin, 

That they should invoke a son for (Allah) Most Gracious." (Koran)
2015-05-30 21:56:29 UTC
Fr. Robert Barron on Whether Hell is Crowded or Empty:
2015-06-01 17:40:41 UTC
Dude.. The Jews are God's people. Its God's decision If they go to hell or not.
Alan H
2015-05-31 00:27:16 UTC
Salvation is by grace. God's grace is beyond our understanding.

Life NOW can be fulfilling,

You are in my prayers.
2015-05-31 01:11:40 UTC
***The funny thing is I have checked online and I can't find a straight answer.*** So let's laugh together.

Have you looked up what makes a Jew a Jew? No.

Do you recognize that Jesus was/is a Jew? No.

Do you recognize that Jesus never converted or started Christianity according the the NT? No.

Do you recognize that Jesus's disciples were Jews? No.

Do you recognize that Jesus's disciples never converted or started Christianity according the the NT? No.

*** Are Jews (like Jesus and His disciples) going to hell? It makes no sense***

You are right. Jesus and His disciples were Jews that never converted or started Christianity according to the NT! It makes no sense that they would go to hell.

***Further more so what about the Holocaust? Are all those millions of Jews who died going to hell??? ***

Tell me about the Jewish army during WWII. We know that 6 million Jews died but how many died fighting the Germans?

When reading the Jewish scriptures, you find the God of Israel leading His people out of slavery and when Joshua stopped the sun, the hail actually killed more of the enemy than the Jews. Tell me about what the God of Israel was doing to support the Jewish troops and their impact on the war?

Otherwise, talking to me about the Christians who rescued Jews from the death camps. You know, the followers of the Jewish Messiah fighting, bleeding, and dying to do that which rabbis told Jews not to do. You know, the ones that put God on trail and found Him guilty of breaking His covenant.

You know, like the ones who wanted to kill Moses in Numbers 11 or Elijah in 1 King 19:10.

Like the Jewish scriptures say, ***And HaShem said unto me: 'Arise, get thee down quickly from hence; for thy people that thou hast brought forth out of Egypt have dealt corruptly; they are quickly turned aside out of the way which I commanded them; they have made them a molten image.' 13 Furthermore HaShem spoke unto me, saying: 'I have seen this people, and, behold, it is a stiffnecked people; 14 let Me alone, that I may destroy them, and blot out their name from under heaven; and I will make of thee a nation mightier and greater than they.' 15 So I turned and came down from the mount, and the mount burned with fire; and the two tables of the covenant were in my two hands. 16 And I looked, and, behold, ye had sinned against HaShem your G-d; ye had made you a molten calf; ye had turned aside quickly out of the way which HaShem had commanded you.***

You know, that after about 1000 years, the Jewish prophet said, ***Nevertheless they were disobedient, and rebelled against Thee, and cast Thy law behind their back, and slew Thy prophets that did forewarn them to turn them back unto Thee, and they wrought great provocations.***

So are you, like most Jews, done with God, too? Or just Christians?

Don't take my word for it. Listen to this rabbi describe who Jews are. The first point he makes is that being Jewish isn't a religion because you don't have to believe in God. His second point is that being Jewish isn't a nation because you don't have to live in a country, speak the language or share the culture. The third point he makes is that being Jewish isn't a race because you can choose to be Jewish and you can't choose your race.

He concludes by saying what makes a Jew a Jew is that being Jewish is being one of Jacob's children either by natural birth or through adoption. That is it. That is all the Jews share. Jews don't need to be a part of the Jewish religion, a Jewish nation, or a Jewish race. They only have to identify themselves as one of Jake's more, no less.

So you know that Jesus can't be excluded from being Jewish by the definition. And Jesus' followers convert into a form of Judaism that is religious and believes in the Jewish scriptures and the God of Israel...unlike most Jews.

Hope this helps.
2015-05-31 18:15:58 UTC
Don't worry about us. Our God doesn't have a place of eternal torment for not believing in a human sacrifice. Is it the Jewish God or the Christian God who is a God of vengeance?

Our God is a God of forgiveness -- make amends, make restitution, and God forgives. So sorry about your eternal torment problem.

2015-05-30 05:53:33 UTC
Jesus went to Jews first then to gentiles. No one can come to the father except through the Son. That applies to everyone. Father God gave everyone the gift if they are willing to accept it. But in His terms not yours. You are to surrender completely and let Him give you the Holy Spirit to guide you. You have to be born again. Don't throw away your salvation. Your only way to Him.
2015-05-31 05:53:48 UTC
About the Jews the Bible said God was going to make them blind to their Messiah

Luke 19

38 Saying, Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.

39 And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples.

40 And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.

41 And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it,

42 Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes.

Paul writes in Romans about the Jews Romans 9

What if God, although choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath—prepared for destruction? 23 What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory— 24 even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles? 25 As he says in Hosea:

“I will call them ‘my people’ who are not my people;

and I will call her ‘my loved one’ who is not my loved one,”[i]

26 and,

“In the very place where it was said to them,

‘You are not my people,’

there they will be called ‘children of the living God.’”[j]

27 Isaiah cries out concerning Israel:

“Though the number of the Israelites be like the sand by the sea,

only the remnant will be saved.


For the Lord will carry out

his sentence on earth with speed and finality.”[k]

29 It is just as Isaiah said previously:

“Unless the Lord Almighty

had left us descendants,

we would have become like Sodom,

we would have been like Gomorrah.”[l]

Israel’s Unbelief

30 What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith; 31 but the people of Israel, who pursued the law as the way of righteousness, have not attained their goal. 32 Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone. 33 As it is written:

“See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes people to stumble

and a rock that makes them fall,

and the one who believes in him will never be put to shame
2015-05-30 07:02:46 UTC
Are Jews going to hell? yes they are .

what about the Holocaust? Are all those millions of Jews who died going to hell??? if they did not have christ as their savior yes.

god had his apostles say.

Romans 1:16

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
2015-05-31 00:58:04 UTC
Jesus loves u and He died for you on the cross.

Only He can remove the wrath of God on you, mentioned in John 3: 36.
2015-05-31 17:21:39 UTC
Of course not! The Jews are God's chosen people -.-
2015-05-31 20:44:15 UTC
Yes Juice will go to hell - most definitely and rightly so, since they outwardly reject Jesus Christ as their saviour and shun anyone else as non human who isn't Jooish and want to kill off and destroy them.
2015-05-30 08:48:44 UTC
Simply put, the Jewish God doesn't send anyone to hell. His kid had a disciple that does that, but God? never. That fact is in your Bible if you would bother to read it.
2015-05-31 05:59:54 UTC
1- The Bible has countless contradictions, most of which, even in any context, I could not find explanations for. I was told accept it or I will not go to heaven.

2- The trinity concept was invented in the 320s AD for the council of Nicea. They decided to legalise Christianity and recognize it as a religion, with a compromise; that God was made to have 3 parts, and one if them was Jesus, who was then made divine, being both God and the son of God at the same time. The Bible was edited, with new verses about the father, son and holy spirit, and a few others about Jesus being the Lord.

These contradict the original verses that show him not to be God.

(If you message me, I will gladly give you these verses and explain them, I just don't have room here).

3- Original sin- Because Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden, the paradise garden, they had to live mortally on earth and now by Christianity, we are all sinful by default. This is a massive injustice in itself.

This is why there is a need for a savior, who was then butchered on a cross to die slowly, in agony and humiliation. Punished for everybody else's sins, so that we can believe this, and suddenly sin does not matter as long as we believe. Even a horrible person who believes is in heaven, everybody else goes to hell, ignorance (not getting the message of Christianity is no excuse). What about the people before Jesus' time? They are punished forever for being born and dying before him, which God made happen anyway.

4- The Bible condemns sins, says the adulterer, drunkards, homosexuals, thieves, etc, will not inherit the kingdom of God (heaven). If only faith gets you to heaven, why bother having these in the Bible, in the NT? Another massive contradiction.

5- The trinity. God in a trinity is a father, son and holy spirit. He is His own father, and His own son, and a holy spirit, all separate but the same, united in one. This God prayed to Himself, prostrated (the biggest form of submission), and was tempted by the devil (His own creation)? Really? This is monotheism, but was invented by men, as I said above, around 300 years after Jesus came and went.

6- The dead sea scrolls recently found were banned from the Bible, they say Jesus is a man, not God etc. Also the Pharoah that chased Moses and the Jews out of Egypt was, according to Christianity, never to be found. His body was found, preserved not long ago, confirmed it was his body.

7- The Bible has been changed, edited, distorted by humans (both the Torah and Gospel included), over time, which is obvious and recently, Bible scholars were even squabbling about verses being true and fake.

8- God in Christianity is either incapable, or unwilling to forgive any sins without the crucifixion of Jesus. He had to have a man who is somehow both Him, and His own son brutally persecuted, tortured and murdered before considering forgiving any human, even if they are repentant of their sins.

9- If God exists, He above creating a literal son for Himself, far above that trait that His creations have. If Jesus is divine for only having a mother, what about Adam, who had no parents? Is he greater than Jesus now? Or are most Christians just pretending that issue does not exist?

10- In Genesis, God created the earth in 6 literal days and then had a rest for the 7th day. God resting? If He is flawless, perfect, infinite and eternal, how come he had to rest?

I left Christianity, I believe God is just One. He doesn't need to rest, is able to forgive sins with repentance, no one bears the weight/ punishment of anyone else's sins, we are only responsible for our own sins once we are old enough and mature enough to understand sin, repentance and forgiveness etc. Before that, we are not accountable. When we repent, God is Forgiving and that sin is history, we are not held to account for it.

Those who have not received the message I believe in are not held to account for that, because God is not unreasonable. Our scripture was sent down and protected from corruption/ editing by humans, to correct the Torah and Gospel.

This message: One God, the rest are His creations. One short life here as a test for the next life, then we are judged for paradise or hell fire. Those in hell fire with even 1 atom's weight of belief in 1 God in them will be saved from the fire and brought into paradise forever on.

The same message through the Bible, submission to One God, living to please Him. A simple message. Our scripture: The Qur'an.

My religion= Islam :)
2015-06-01 00:35:57 UTC
if you raeally are lookng for going to heaven just venvert to Islam belive me and it is your choice..because islam is the last religion in the earth ,no more passengers nor any other relighion will come anymore..even Issa peace be upon him (jesus)is a muslim but in different worship but the path is the same as Musa(Muses)all passengers came to say be muslim ,submitt to Allah.

just read more and more about religions and see where the rightthink is ,be justice and use your really your mind.

just say: no god but Allah and Mohammad is his passenger..get some books about Chritianity,jew,,islam what ever is and see ..

good luck

2015-06-01 08:58:18 UTC
We are all judged, if we believe in Jesus our sins are forgiven and counted against us no more so we automatically enter heaven. All others are judged according to their deeds and it is up to God whom He lets in.
2015-06-01 19:01:23 UTC
Will all the Jews be converted to faith in Christ and attain to eternal salvation?

Rom. 11:25, 26: “I do not want you, brothers, to be ignorant of this sacred secret, in order for you not to be discreet in your own eyes: that a dulling of sensibilities has happened in part to Israel until the full number of people of the nations has come in, and in this manner [“this is how,” TEV; “thus,” CC, By; Greek, houʹtos] all Israel will be saved.” (Notice that the saving of “all Israel” is accomplished, not by conversion of all the Jews, but by the ‘coming in’ of people from Gentile nations. Some translators render verse 26: “And then after this the rest of Israel will be saved.” But A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament [Edinburgh, 1937, G. Abbott-Smith, p. 329] defines houʹtos as meaning “in this way, so, thus.”)

To arrive at a correct understanding of what is recorded at Romans 11:25, 26, we should also take into account these earlier statements in Romans: “He is not a Jew who is one on the outside, nor is circumcision that which is on the outside upon the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one on the inside, and his circumcision is that of the heart by spirit, and not by a written code.” (2:28, 29) “Not all who spring from Israel are really ‘Israel.’”—9:6.

Is it necessary for Jews to put faith in Jesus Christ in order to be saved?

Isaiah 53:1-12 foretold the death of the Messiah ‘to bear the sins of many and to make intercession for the transgressors.’ Daniel 9:24-27 connected the coming of the Messiah and his death with ‘making an end of sin and forgiving iniquity.’ (JP) Both passages show that the Jews were in need of such intercession and forgiveness. Could they expect to reject the Messiah and have the approval of the One who sent him?

Acts 4:11, 12: “[Regarding Jesus Christ, the apostle Peter was moved by holy spirit to say to the Jewish rulers and older men in Jerusalem:] This is ‘the stone that was treated by you builders as of no account that has become the head of the corner.’ Furthermore, there is no salvation in anyone else, for there is not another name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved.” (Although the nation of natural Israel no longer enjoys special divine favor, the way is open to individual Jews, as it is to people of all nations, to benefit from the salvation that is made possible through Jesus the Messiah.)

What does Revelation 20:4-6 indicate as to those who will be resurrected on earth?

Rev. 20:4-6: “I saw thrones, and there were those who sat down on them, and power of judging was given them. Yes, I saw the souls of those executed with the ax for the witness they bore to Jesus and for speaking about God . . . And they came to life and ruled as kings with the Christ for a thousand years. (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. Happy and holy is anyone having part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no authority, but they will be priests of God and of the Christ, and will rule as kings with him for the thousand years.”

The parentheses are used in NW and Mo to help the reader to connect what follows the parenthetical statement with what precedes it. As clearly stated, it is not “the rest of the dead” who share in the first resurrection. That resurrection is for those who rule with Christ for the thousand years. Does this mean that no others of mankind will live during the thousand years except the ones who rule in heaven with Christ? No; because, if such were the case, it would mean that there was no one on behalf of whom they were serving as priests, and their domain would be a desolate globe.

Who, then, are “the rest of the dead”? They are all those of mankind who died as a result of Adamic sin and those who, though survivors of the great tribulation or those who may be born during the Millennium, need to be relieved of the death-dealing effects of such sin.—Compare Ephesians 2:1.
2015-05-31 00:19:14 UTC
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but by Me” (John 14:6). The “no one” He referred to includes Jews and Gentiles. Jews are not saved because they are God’s chosen people, but because they believe in Jesus Christ as their true Messiah. There are many Messianic Jews who have accepted Yeshua (the Hebrew word for “Jesus”) as their Messiah.

However, there is no doubt that the Jews are still God’s chosen people. “For you are a holy people unto the LORD your God: the LORD your God hath chosen you to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because you were more in number than any people; for you were the fewest of all people: But because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers…” (Deuteronomy 7:6-8).

According to many modern rabbinical scholars the Christian concept of salvation from sin has no equal in Judaism. Judaism does not believe that man, by his nature, is evil or sinful and therefore believes that man has no need to be “saved” from an eternal damnation. In fact, most Jews today do not believe in a place of eternal punishment or a literal hell. The Hebrew root word for “sin” is chayt, which literally means “to miss the mark.” It is a term commonly used in archery, of one who “misses the mark” of the bull’s-eye. When a Jew misses the mark and occasionally falls into the sin of failing to fulfill the laws of God, the belief is that he can obtain forgiveness through prayer, repentance and doing good deeds.

The temple sacrifice was always the centerpiece for Jewish atonement. Once a year, on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), the Levitical High Priest would enter the Holy of Holies in the temple and sprinkle the blood of the sacrifice on the mercy seat. Through this yearly act, atonement was made for the sins of all Israel, but the Holy Temple was destroyed in A.D. 70, and for almost 2,000 years, Jews have been without a temple, a sacrifice, and a means of atonement.

The New Testament teaches that all of us, Jews and Gentiles, have “missed the mark” (Romans 3:23). All of us are under the consequences of sin, and “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). We are all in need of salvation from our sin; we are all in need of a Savior. The New Testament teaches that Jesus the Messiah is “the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father” but through Him (John 14:6) And, most importantly, “there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under Heaven given among men by which it is necessary for us to be saved" (Acts 4:12).

For the Jews, Jesus the Messiah has come as High Priest and through His once-for-all sacrifice for sin offers complete atonement to all people. For there is “no distinction” between Jew and Gentile (Romans 10:12). Yes, the Jews are God’s chosen people, and through them came the Jewish Messiah to bless all the nations of the earth. And it is only through Jesus that Jews can find God’s complete atonement and forgiveness.

While individual Jews must come to Christ for salvation, God is still not finished with Israel as a nation. The Bible tells us that in the end times, Israel will finally recognize Jesus as their Messiah (Zechariah 12:10). Jeremiah 33:8, Ezekiel 11:17, and Romans 11:26 predict that in the end times Israel will be regenerated, restored, and regathered in their homeland. This regathering took place in 1948 when Israel was recognized as a sovereign country by the United Nations.

The article in the second link below shows that God is not finished with Israel, and she plays a prominent part in end-time prophecy:

The Antichrist will make a 7-year covenant of "peace" with Israel (Isaiah 28:18; Daniel 9:27).

The temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem (Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4; Revelation 11:1).

The Antichrist will break his covenant with Israel, and worldwide persecution of Israel will result (Daniel 9:27; 12:1, 11; Zechariah 11:16; Matthew 24:15, 21; Revelation 12:13). Israel will be invaded (Ezekiel chapters 38-39).

Israel will finally recognize Jesus as their Messiah (Zechariah 12:10). Israel will be regenerated, restored, and regathered (Jeremiah 33:8; Ezekiel 11:17; Romans 11:26).

Salvation is offered to every person who turns to God and accepts Christ Jesus as their Lord, after which he becomes their Saviour. That includes every Jew, every Gentile. Nobody is excluded. I hope that goes part way to explaining what the Bible has to say about God's plans for his chosen people.
2015-06-01 15:58:42 UTC
Frankly I don't care if you've been lied to, cheated on, spat on, tortured, betrayed, shot at, stood on, poisoned or just insulted by Christians you cannot opt out of the human race. Neither can you avoid the issue of whether God is real or not simply by being confused, misinformed or growing tired. The truth is the truth and it's your job to find it!

After all if you don't find the truth and end up in a place you don't like for eternity who can you blame if you didn't do everything in your power to find the truth?

As regards the Jews and salvation..

Firstly and most obviously if you ain't one of the dead Jews it isn't your concern. Your concern is you and where you are. How they got into heaven or why they didn't can't and shouldn't affect your choice. Besides which the bottom line could be as simple as "need to know" and frankly you don't "need to know"

Secondly if your Jewish, Hindu, Muslim or raving nutter, the bible makes it clear that only faith in Jesus Christ and acceptance of His atoning work will grant you entry into heaven. However, the bible also makes it clear you cannot have this faith if you are not spurred into good works. By inference that means everyone who hasn't got faith in Jesus won't go to heaven but like many atheists you assume two things... 1) God sends them to hell and 2) That's not right or fair.

Unfortunately making these assumptions only demonstrates a lack of understanding of the simple basics of the Christian faith or accurately hell, sin and heaven....

It seems most non-Christian’s and some Christian’s have a non-biblical view of hell. Some of these people go on to judge God, the bible and indeed Christianity according to their false view.

Hell is simply a place that God isn’t present and is the place all sinners are destined. It might be the eternal flame and punishment place that some believe but it could also be simply ceasing to exist. The bible isn’t to forthcoming about describing hell but it overwhelmingly explains we shouldn’t want to be there.


Sin is simply going contrary to God’s instruction in thought, words or deeds. As such it’s impossible for us not to sin or to undo the sin committed previously. This means all mankind lives in the same category called sinner.


God can’t live with sin. It’s not so much of a choice as it is that His character makes it impossible. Since we’re all sinners with no power to remove our sin (or stop sinning) we are not naturally destined to live with God in His home (heaven) after we die. This is not God’s choice. It is entirely incorrect to assert that God is sending anyone to hell. In fact God, knowing we had no means to save ourselves from hell, sent His only son to live a perfect life and then die on a cross to pay for our sin. Our sin has been paid for and we’ve been given a free gift of salvation. For the gift to have any effect, however, we have to accept that gift by acknowledging Jesus as Lord and accepting that He paid the price for us.

So God ain't sending anyone to hell that doesn't deserve it and we all deserve it. He provided a free way to get out of hell and into heaven but we gotta accept it! If we reject it, it's hardly right to claim it ain't fair.

As for those who haven't heard (like the Jews) well the Christian's who told you we don't know were right... we don't know, aren't supposed to know and that's because we don't need to know. On the bases of what we do know we might assume they won't be in heaven but then it could be possible that those who haven't heard the message of Christ will be held to a different standard... and that's where atheists get weird!

They say if there's another way then preaching to them about Christ is a disservice because they might be better off not hearing. Frankly that's dumb..... really dumb. What they're really suggesting is that it's better to have no clue what will gain them entry into heaven or what will discount their entry and live in abject confusion and gamble eternal life than it is to know and live the life God called us all to!
2015-05-31 05:23:50 UTC
Please proceed ahead as per your plan in an auspicious time, so that everything ends in total success.They will definitely follow wherever you go. They are now keenly watching your movements only.
2015-05-30 05:56:44 UTC
No, all those Jews are not going to hell. That's an absurd notion.
2015-05-30 17:07:50 UTC
will retards go to heaven ? will eskimos go to heaven? will the poor uneducated tribes go to heaven ? belief in written religion must be absorbed with tongue in cheek, as most religions are realistically challenged.
2015-05-30 05:56:18 UTC
I believed in Jesus as the messenger of God . is GOD need to come as a human and be killed to forgive us ?.... i believe He can forgive us without that reason .
Dr. D
2015-05-31 10:42:31 UTC
I believe that if you read a book called, "Love Wins" by Rob Bell, it will restore your faith.

The problem isn't with God, it's our understanding that God gets what God wants.
2015-05-31 04:31:07 UTC
John 11:11, 14-44: “[Jesus said to his disciples:] ‘Lazarus our friend has gone to rest, but I am journeying there to awaken him from sleep.’ . . . Jesus said to them outspokenly: ‘Lazarus has died.’ . . . When Jesus arrived, he found he [Lazarus] had already been four days in the memorial tomb. . . . Jesus said to her [Martha, a sister of Lazarus]: ‘I am the resurrection and the life.’ . . . He cried out with a loud voice: ‘Lazarus, come on out!’ The man that had been dead came out with his feet and hands bound with wrappings, and his countenance was bound about with a cloth. Jesus said to them: ‘Loose him and let him go.’”

(If Jesus had thus called Lazarus back from a state of bliss in another life, that would have been no kindness. But Jesus’ raising Lazarus up from a lifeless state was a kindness both to him and to his sisters. Once again Lazarus became a living human.)

Mark 5:35-42: “Some men from the home of the presiding officer of the synagogue came and said: ‘Your daughter died! Why bother the teacher any longer?’ But Jesus, overhearing the word being spoken, said to the presiding officer of the synagogue: ‘Have no fear, only exercise faith.’ . . . He took along the young child’s father and mother and those with him, and he went in where the young child was. And, taking the hand of the young child, he said to her: ‘Talʹi·tha cuʹmi,’ which, translated, means: ‘Maiden, I say to you, Get up!’ And immediately the maiden rose and began walking, for she was twelve years old. And at once they were beside themselves with great ecstasy.”

(When the general resurrection takes place on earth during Christ’s Millennial Reign, doubtless many millions of parents and their offspring will be overjoyed when they are reunited.)

What prospects will await those raised to life on earth?

Luke 23:43: “Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise.” (All the earth will be transformed into a paradise under the rule of Christ as King.)

Rev. 20:12, 13: “I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened. But another scroll was opened; it is the scroll of life. And the dead were judged out of those things written in the scrolls according to their deeds. . . . They were judged individually according to their deeds.”

(The opening of scrolls evidently points to a time of education in the divine will, in harmony with Isaiah 26:9. The fact that “the scroll of life” is opened indicates that there is opportunity for those who heed that education to have their names written in that scroll. Ahead of them will be the prospect of eternal life in human perfection.)

John 5:28, 29: “Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice [the voice of Jesus] and come out.” (The Greek word translated “memorial tombs” is not the plural form of taʹphos [grave, an individual burial place] or haiʹdes [gravedom, the common grave of dead mankind] but is the plural dative form of mne·meiʹon [remembrance, memorial tomb]. It lays stress on preserving memory of the deceased person. Not those whose memory was blotted out in Gehenna because of unforgivable sins but persons remembered by God will be resurrected with the opportunity to live forever.—Matt. 10:28; Mark 3:29; Heb. 10:26; Mal. 3:16.)

Acts 24:15: “I have hope toward God . . . that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” (Both those who lived in harmony with God’s righteous ways and people who, out of ignorance, did unrighteous things will be resurrected. The Bible does not answer all our questions as to whether certain specific individuals who have died will be resurrected. But we can be confident that God, who knows all the facts, will act impartially, with justice tempered by mercy that does not ignore his righteous standards. Compare Genesis 18:25.)

Rev. 20:13, 14: “The sea gave up those dead in it, and death and Hades gave up those dead in them, and they were judged individually according to their deeds. And death and Hades were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire.”

(So, those whose death was attributable to Adamic sin will be raised, whether they were buried at sea or in Hades, the common earthly grave of dead mankind.)
2015-05-31 18:33:40 UTC
So if all jews go to heaven we will se Hitler there (his mum had jewish blood)

Think about that
2015-05-30 05:41:54 UTC
Jesus was a name-calling preacher of hate and violence. Jesus said, “But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and KILL them in front of me.” (Luke 19:27). "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to HELL?” (Matthew 23:33). "If anyone comes to me and does not HATE father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters--yes, even their own life--such a person cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14:26). "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” (Matthew 10:34).
the Christian
2015-06-02 08:59:26 UTC
All who put there faith in christ jesus will go to heaven, and who don't... won't. God loves you.
2015-05-30 08:45:09 UTC
God is a single entity not belong to anything. God have no children, no family, no sleep, and have no equal. God not human, god not spirit, god not his creation. This is Muslim ways. God is god, God is Allah swt.
2015-06-02 05:36:39 UTC
Ed Martin
2015-05-31 03:13:12 UTC
Why do so many people insist on spelling it "judgement" It s spelled "judgment"
2015-06-01 08:19:11 UTC
No one is going to hell because it does not exist.
2015-05-30 05:45:41 UTC
They will not answer it honestly Because it will hurt the jews..
2015-05-31 04:16:14 UTC
To each his own fate.
Evolution of God
2015-05-30 23:29:47 UTC
Good for you Babatunde, way to use your logic!
2015-05-31 11:27:24 UTC
son of God? god is unlimited and has no can he have a son in shape?!!!
2015-05-31 11:49:32 UTC

Bamboo tiger
2015-05-30 17:21:37 UTC
Every Human Being , whether they are good or bad go to hell when they die. Hell is the common grave of mankind, and no one is conscious who goes there. Death is the end of life. If you use a more modern and accurate Bible translation you will not even find the word “Hell” because people have been completely and deliberately confused about what it is and means.

The word “hell” is found in many Bible translations. In the same verses other translations read “the grave,” “the world of the dead,” and so forth. Other Bibles simply transliterate the original-language words that are sometimes rendered “hell”; that is, they express them with the letters of our alphabet but leave the words untranslated. What are those words? The Hebrew she’ohlʹ and its Greek equivalent haiʹdes, which refer, not to an individual burial place, but to the common grave of dead mankind; also the Greek geʹen·na, which is used as a symbol of eternal destruction.

Translators have allowed their personal beliefs to color their work instead of being consistent in their rendering of the original-language words. For example: (1) The King James Version rendered she’ohl´ as "hell," "the grave," and "the pit"; hai´des is therein rendered both "hell" and "grave"; ge´en·na is also translated "hell." (2) Today’s English Version transliterates hai´des as "Hades" and also renders it as "hell" and "the world of the dead." But besides rendering "hell" from hai´des it uses that same translation for ge´en·na. (3) The Jerusalem Bible transliterates hai´des six times, but in other passages it translates it as "hell" and as "the underworld." It also translates ge´en·na as "hell," as it does hai´des in two instances. Thus the exact meanings of the original-language words have been obscured.

Here is a quote from an encyclopedia:

"Much confusion and misunderstanding has been caused through the early translators of the Bible persistently rendering the Hebrew Sheol and the Greek Hades and Gehenna by the word hell. The simple transliteration of these words by the translators of the revised editions of the Bible has not sufficed to appreciably clear up this confusion and misconception."—The Encyclopedia Americana (1942), Vol. XIV, p. 81.

 What sort of people go to the Bible hell?

Does the Bible say that the wicked go to hell?

Ps. 9:17, KJ: “The wicked shall be turned into hell,* and all the nations that forget God.” (*“Hell,” 9:18 in Dy; “death,” TEV; “the place of death,” Kx; “Sheol,” AS, RS, NE, JB, NW.)

Does the Bible also say that upright people go to hell?

Job 14:13, Dy: “[Job prayed:] Who will grant me this, that thou mayst protect me in hell,* and hide me till thy wrath pass, and appoint me a time when thou wilt remember me?” (God himself said that Job was “a man blameless and upright, fearing God and turning aside from bad.”—Job 1:8.) (*“The grave,” KJ; “the world of the dead,” TEV; “Sheol,” AS, RS, NE, JB, NW.)

Acts 2:25-27, KJ: “David speaketh concerning him [Jesus Christ], . . . Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell,* neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.” (The fact that God did not “leave” Jesus in hell implies that Jesus was in hell, or Hades, at least for a time, does it not?) (*“Hell,” Dy; “death,” NE; “the place of death,” Kx; “the world of the dead,” TEV; “Hades,” AS, RS, JB, NW.)

Does anyone ever get out of the Bible hell?

Rev. 20:13, 14, KJ: “The sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell* delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire.” (So the dead will be delivered from hell. Notice also that hell is not the same as the lake of fire but will be cast into the lake of fire.) (*“Hell,” Dy, Kx; “the world of the dead,” TEV; “Hades,” NE, AS, RS, JB, NW.

The choice set out in the Bible is "life vs death" and it usually describes the dead, whether they were good or bad, as being asleep. Those who God remembers in a ressurection will be awakened, and everyone else will just stay asleep.

(Deuteronomy 30:19) 19 I do take the heavens and the earth as witnesses against YOU today, that I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life in order that you may keep alive, you and your offspring,

Matt. 25:46, KJ: "These shall go away into everlasting punishment ["lopping off," Int; Greek, ko´la·sin]: but the righteous into life eternal." (The Emphatic Diaglott reads "cutting-off" instead of "punishment." A footnote states: "Kolasin . . . is derived from kolazoo, which signifies, 1. To cut off; as lopping off branches of trees, to prune. 2. To restrain, to repress. . . . 3. To chastise, to punish. To cut off an individual from life, or society, or even to restrain, is esteemed as punishment;—hence has arisen this third metaphorical use of the word. The primary signification has been adopted, because it agrees better with the second member of the sentence, thus preserving the force and beauty of the antithesis. The righteous go to life, the wicked to the cutting off from life, or death. See 2 Thess. 1.9.")

During periods of deep sleep it is very difficult to awaken a person. He is completely unaware of his surroundings and the things that may be occurring about him. There is no conscious activity. Similarly, the dead are "conscious of nothing at all." (Ec 9:5, 10; Ps 146:4) Therefore death, whether that of a man or of an animal, is like sleep. (Ps 13:3; Joh 11:11-14; Ac 7:60; 1Co 7:39; 15:51; 1Th 4:13) The psalmist wrote: "From your rebuke, O God of Jacob, both the charioteer and the horse have fallen fast asleep." (Ps 76:6; compare Isa 43:17.) Were it not for God’s purpose to awaken persons from the sleep of death, they would never wake up.—Compare Job 14:10-15; Jer 51:39, 57;

 As for your question in particular about Jews please note what Paul stated about his Christian faith:

(Acts 24:15, 16) 15 And I have hope toward God, which hope these men also look forward to, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. 16 Because of this I always strive to maintain a clear conscience before God and men.

The “unrighteous” would be those who never learned enough about Jehovah to reasonable make an informed choice about serving him. This would include some Jews. They will be resurrected to earth during the thousand year reighn of Christ and we will study the Bible with them so they can decide what they want to do.

Only those who serve in heaven as part of God's government of Kings and priests will be resurrected to heaven. The rest of us will those which Jesus described here when he quoted from Psalms 37:

(Matthew 5:5) 5 “Happy are the mild-tempered, since they will inherit the earth.

If you would like to understand the Bible just ask one of Jehovah's Witnesses to study with you free of charge and at a time and place of your convenience.
2015-06-01 06:08:48 UTC
Christians are NOT an "ethnic" group as is the "Nation of Israel" (not the land) which are the HEBREW people by descent from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Christians are a "religious/faith" group ONLY, made up of BOTH "ethnic" Jew and "ethnic" Gentile. It is incorrect to say that an "ethnic" group is CONDEMNED for just being an "ethnic" group. It's like saying, "Mexicans are CONDEMNED because they are not Christians, they are Mexicans." It would make NO SENSE.

Not all people of the HEBREW nation hold to the same "religious" beliefs, yet they all remain as HEBREWS. No one can change their "ethnicity", it is what you are BORN with and what you will inevitably DIE with. A HEBREW can hold to ANY faith he desires to hold, just as ANY other MAN can hold to whatever "religion/faith" he wants.

Unfortunately, there is an element of contemporary "Pharisaic Jewish" thought that basically says, "You cannot be a 'Jew' unless you hold to the 'religion/faith' of the 'Jew'."; it's CIRCULAR reasoning and people "buy" into that so called "reasoning".

No my friend, the LORD God is not a "respecter of persons". He is pleased whith ANY man, regardless of "ethnicity", when that man is OBEDIENT to His WORD; any man, regardless of his "background" can APPROACH God by "believing" that Jesus is the MESSIAH/CHRIST, the promised "anointed one", the "son of God" (not God Himself, nor god/man, nor of a trinity, nor of a biunity). This "gospel" is to ALL men on equal par; the HEBREW has no advantage over the GENTILE.

The "middle wall of partition" which separated the GENTILE from the HEBREW has been "torn down" in Christ. When a Gentile "believes" in Christ God no longer SEES him as a "Gentile" but as "in Christ", what we call "Christian"; when a "Hebrew" "believes" in Christ God also no longer SEES him as a "Hebrew" but as "in Christ". So, if ANY man, regardless of "ethnicity" (be he HEBREW or GENTILE) REFUSES to obey the voice of God which is "in Christ" ALONE then the "consequences" fall on his head for REFUSING the Word of God and NOT because of his "ethnicity". God does not play the "race card". Why should Christians be blamed for anyone's REFUSAL to "believe" in Christ? It is everyman's CHOICE (to accept) or NON CHOICE (choose to ignore or to claim as false), but as Joshua declared:

Josh 24:14-15 “Therefore, fear the LORD and worship Him in sincerity and truth. Get rid of the gods your fathers worshiped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and worship Yahweh. But if it doesn’t please you to worship Yahweh, CHOOSE FOR YOURSELVES today the one you will worship: the gods your fathers worshiped beyond the Euphrates River or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living. As for me and my family, we will worship Yahweh.” (HCSB) Emphasis mine

As far as PERSECUTION for whatever "evil" reason it is plainly understood that since the "beginning" when Cain killed his brother Abel the ONLY reason was "jealousy/envy" within the HEART of the man. It still is the only "reason" for one man to kill another; although the "sanctimonious" cry of "religious persecution" is always heard in EVERY type of "religious" camp. People, of ALL "ethnic" backgrounds, just NATURALLY hate other people and they are "itching" to find a "credible" excuse in order to JUSTIFY their "evil" deeds. So if you want to blame an individual for some "evil" don't "buy into" his EXCUSE (religion, color, destiny, insanity, etc.) but rather blame his "wicked heart".

Jeremiah 17:9 The HEART is deceitful above all things, and desperately WICKED: who can know it?

Matt 15:18-20a But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the HEART; and they defile the man. For out of the HEART proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: These are the things which defile a man... (KJV) Emphasis mine

The "atrocities" that pre-meditatedly happened during WWII happened because of "evil" MEN's HEARTS, which is the SAME reason atrocities have ALWAYS happened throughout mankind's history. There has been no "outside" factor in any of the PERSECUTIONS. Men are naturally hateful and will kill you just as soon as look at you, whether you are just "kin", "stranger", or "friend"; read the newspapers (sorry, click on the web).

So, in conclusion, "Christianity" is the term given to a group of people, from ALL various "ethnic" backgrounds INCLUDING "ethnic" Hebrew people, who have come to "believe" in Jesus of Nazareth as the promised MESSIAH or CHRIST, thereby their appellation of "Christians" for their BELIEF in the "Christ of God". Therefore it should be self evident that it would be "self destructive" if not "anti-Christ" to EXCLUDE any "ethnic" people from "believing" in Jesus Christ. It should also go without saying that there is a PRICE to pay for "believing" in Jesus as the MESSIAH:

Matthew 10:34-39 “DO NOT THINK that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have NOT come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man AGAINST his father, and a daughter AGAINST her mother, and a daughter-in-law AGAINST her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross (willing to suffer daily persecution) and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. (ESV2011) Emphasis mine
2015-05-30 05:49:12 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.