Jonas Blythe
2010-03-02 08:07:00 UTC
Despite this, lately -- I'd say roughly in the last 6 months -- he's been developing a bitter hatred for people with Down Syndrome. I first noticed it when I found some of his artwork. He basically depicted people with DS being shot, stabbed, gassed, mutilated etc. I quizzed him about it, and he just laughed, made a humming noise and walked away muttering to himself.
AIn the weeks after, I began to get complaint after complaint about from his teachers about this same artwoork appearing in his books, as grafitti on his desk, on other school property. He was eventually expelled after he assaulted a Chinese boy, saying that he hates people with Down Syndrome. He attempted to stuff one of his hateful drawings into the Asian's mouth and then attempted to urinate on the boy's face.
I grounded him indefinitely. However, being a single parent, I didn't want to leave him home alone (when his other brother was at school, out with friends -- and besides, his brother is one year his junior). Anyway, this whole debacle culminated when I took him out in my car to go shopping. We passed a young man with Down Syndrome and stopped close to him at the traffic lights. My son said he wanted to go out and "sort that guy out". He was literally foaming at the mouth with rage. I said no, knowing the child-lock was on. My son faked a heart attack, begging to be let out so he could breathe. I released the child lock, and he shot out, brutally attacking the Down Syndrome man, telling him to "go back to China" among other racial insults. Anyway, character limit ahoy. He's been arrested and is pending trial. I need advice.