Hinduism...How does chanting help someone?
2010-12-07 11:40:20 UTC
We keep on repeating a mantra of God's name for maybe 1000 times. But how does it help us? That name can also be the name of our neighbor, since most of the Hindus have God names. How would you explain significance of chanting?
Seventeen answers:
2010-12-07 11:47:19 UTC
It's a tool that is two fold.

First, it helps to stop the internal chatter.

Then, it aids to focus the mind & intent.

Many Blessings!
2010-12-08 01:25:30 UTC
See every organ of our body has different wave length vibrations and you feel friendly if the vibration of another one is near or same wave length. By chanting you are just creating vibration from your mind that will control your environments and negative energy. Mere chanting without mind set will be just like a loud speaker blowing. (No effect of sound form speakers expect disturbance to ears.) The chanting vibration will act as God itself as it is realized as sabthabrahmam.
2010-12-07 21:44:54 UTC
You are wrong.

Do you think that God is not intelligent to understand whether we chant the name of him or people? Not only Hindus, every religion use some name to pray/chant to God. Eg: christians use jesus but there are many people with the name of jesus. It is same with all religions
2010-12-07 15:04:32 UTC
Lord's name is sacred. The idea of naming people after god is at least by habit a person is called by gods name.Chanting God's name purifies us by clearing our sins. More you chant greater is the effect. You can notice the change in your own soul, thinking, and outward behaviour in course of time.
2010-12-07 12:29:31 UTC
The moment I say, Hi and how are you! You will NOT THINK but answer and that is a very subtle example of "mind control." In this darkened world, the mind is the battle field between the Kingdom of Christ in Heaven and the Kingdom of darkness which is Lucifer's Kingdom and his rules over this earth and over all flesh. Now before I answer on chanting, I want you to see "the effect" these two Kingdom has on the United States as this war is fought between Heaven and Hell and our Republican wing leads right up into Heaven and directly into the eternal Kingdom of Christ, thanks to the faith of our founding Fathers. all Americans descend from the womb on this side of the cross at the top of the Republican wing. What I want you to notice is our Democrat wing. It is NOT facing EAST on land but facing WEST. This multicultural atheistic democracy know as our Democrat wing is actually Lucifer's church here in the United States because it faces his Kingdom. And this is what happens when people the world over and also here in the U.S. don't have "light" from the Kingdom of Christ. What we do have is Christians from the Kingdom of Christ, marketing the local church when they should be focused on the Kingdom in Heaven so Americans can make a wiser choice on which road to travel. That said, chanting is but another form of demonic mind control because the only way for anyone to get from an earthly nation up into the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ is by being led by the Holy Spirit and He does that supernatural work once the individual is born again of the Holy Spirit. As long as your mind can be held or "preoccupied" by chanting, you can not be used to shed light on the eternal Kingdom of Christ. Keep people in spiritual darkness is what Lucifer's earthly Kingdom is all about. As long as men are not taught to lead their own seed into the Kingdom of Christ, there will always be plenty of people to deceive and led astray.
Just Plain Bob
2010-12-07 11:51:33 UTC
If you constantly chant the names of God, then you are thinking about God constantly. Can thinking of God hurt?
2010-12-07 14:04:51 UTC
Certain names or words are really viborant and powerfull to make you good and cure your ailments.Don;'t hear about Bharani yoga.all of our hindu god names are for the sake of it.that's why we name our people too.

did you noticed it every cultured and devoleped relegions using chanting or special words to pray god.christ AAHMEN. Muslims ALLAAHU..........Equals to Hindu's Powerful OOhm(AA..UUU...MMM)
2010-12-07 11:50:52 UTC
Chanting is one method of creating sensory deprivation. Sensory deprivation induces visions. Visions provide insight.
2010-12-07 11:44:12 UTC
It sure beats the hell out of praying!

Chanting is a form of meditation, meditation stops the "inner chatter", stopping the inner chatter allows the mind to rest, allowing the mind to rest connects us with all.
2016-02-28 08:39:02 UTC
no i didn't but that is like when wwe was in the uk in 1991 during the dugan vs undertaker match the audience was chanting usa, usa, usa
2010-12-08 00:06:24 UTC
why you muslims speak like aallah hooo akbar , Jihad , and speak in high voice allah hoo akbar with loud speaker .

chanting is the part of meditation , but why you people speak to cry and bend againsta tomb???
2010-12-08 02:45:19 UTC
Chanting the name of your neighbor would help if it happens to be the name of God. Actually, this is the very purpose why our forefathers kept the names of God for their children. By calling out the names of their children one unknowingly calls out the names of God and is benefited.

The name of God and God is spiritual and there is no material difference between them. Being absolute, God, God's form, name, attributes are all same and has the same spiritual effect.

In summary, although the sinful Ajamila meant to call his son, the holy name of Lord Narayana, even though chanted in the preliminary stage, namabhasa, was able to give him liberation. Therefore one who chants the holy name of the Lord with faith and devotion is certainly exalted. He is protected even in his material, conditional life.

SB 6.2.7: Ajamila has already atoned for all his sinful actions. Indeed, he has atoned not only for sins performed in one life but for those performed in millions of lives, for in a helpless condition he chanted the holy name of Narayana. Even though he did not chant purely, he chanted without offense, and therefore he is now pure and eligible for liberation.

SB 6.2.8: The Visnudutas continued: Even previously, while eating and at other times, this Ajamila would call his son, saying, "My dear Narayana, please come here." Although calling the name of his son, he nevertheless uttered the four syllables na-ra-ya-na. Simply by chanting the name of Narayana in this way, he sufficiently atoned for the sinful reactions of millions of lives.

SB 6.2.14: One who chants the holy name of the Lord is immediately freed from the reactions of unlimited sins, even if he chants indirectly [to indicate something else], jokingly, for musical entertainment, or even neglectfully. This is accepted by all the learned scholars of the scriptures.

SB 6.2.15: If one chants the holy name of Hari and then dies because of an accidental misfortune, such as falling from the top of a house, slipping and suffering broken bones while traveling on the road, being bitten by a serpent, being afflicted with pain and high fever, or being injured by a weapon, one is immediately absolved from having to enter hellish life, even though he is sinful.

SB 6.2.16: Authorities who are learned scholars and sages have carefully ascertained that one should atone for the heaviest sins by undergoing a heavy process of atonement and one should atone for lighter sins by undergoing lighter atonement. Chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, however, vanquishes all the effects of sinful activities, regardless of whether heavy or light.

SB 6.2.17: Although one may neutralize the reactions of sinful life through austerity, charity, vows and other such methods, these pious activities cannot uproot the material desires in one's heart. However, if one serves the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead, he is immediately freed from all such contaminations.

SB 6.2.18: As a fire burns dry grass to ashes, so the holy name of the Lord, whether chanted knowingly or unknowingly, burns to ashes, without fail, all the reactions of one's sinful activities.

SB 6.2.19: If a person unaware of the effective potency of a certain medicine takes that medicine or is forced to take it, it will act even without his knowledge because its potency does not depend on the patient's understanding. Similarly, even though one does not know the value of chanting the holy name of the Lord, if one chants knowingly or unknowingly, the chanting will be very effective.

Please chant HARE KRISHNA and be happy.

hare krishna hare krishna

krishna krishna hare hare

hare rama hare rama

rama rama hare hare
2010-12-07 11:44:23 UTC
It doesn't. It's just a tradition made up by priests to give them something to tell people because they don't know what else to say when someone asks what to do.
2010-12-07 11:41:47 UTC
Reiterating it makes it important!
2010-12-07 20:02:55 UTC
I submit that my following question may be a fit answer to your question. Please try it again.
2010-12-07 11:41:33 UTC
Forsake this idolatry and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ.
2010-12-07 11:41:27 UTC
it wont cuz the REAL GOD IS THE TRINITY....JESUS IS THE BRIDGE so ask him for some help.

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