The point of life is to better yourself and the universe. Perfect yourself physically, mentally (those should be obvious) and "spiritually".
There is not one shred of evidence that a single one of Nature’s laws has ever changed or been broken. If we look at ourselves we find that we, of the human race, too, are a creature of Nature. Furthermore, we observe that the human race too, is sub-divided into many species and sub-species, with hundreds of differences in their physical, mental, emotional and psychic makeup. Many of these differences are of major importance, but all of them are significant. We either obey the laws of Nature and work in harmony with those laws, or face extinction.
In each species Nature has implanted a strong urge for the survival and perpetuation of its own kind. It is over-abundantly apparent that Nature urges the inner segregation of each species. Among birds there are, for instance, there are 75 species of larks; there are also 75 species of swallows and so on. Furthermore, once a species is firmly established, it will practically never interbreed with that of another species of the same family.
The 75 species of swallows may all have originally descended from one species a long time back in their evolution, but they do not retrogress and interbreed amongst each other and become again one mixed-up species of swallows. No, Nature does not plan it that way. If this were not so, then all the species would soon be mongrelized into one mixed-up species. Furthermore, the mongrelized swallow would soon breed with the 75 species of larks and we would soon have a swallark. The mongrelized swallark would soon breed with mongrelized cardinals and bluebirds and the whole process would degenerate into a mongrelized bird. The end result would soon be that birds would lose their own innate, peculiar characteristics that enabled them to survive all these thousands of years.
Why does Nature urge the inner segregation of the species? There is a very good reason for this and it is in pursuit of the law of the Survival of the Fittest. Nature is continually striving to upgrade, to improve, and to find a better breed, a better species, a better specimen. Let us repeat this: Nature is continually trying to upgrade the species by segregating the woodpeckers, for instance, into 175 species. It has 175 different entries in that one particular species, each of them with its own peculiarities and particular means of survival and propagation. Some of them are better than others. Some of these species are not going to survive. Others are better fitted to cope with the environment, their natural enemies, the food situation, propagation, etc., are not only going to survive, but multiply in great numbers. So the answer is obvious, Nature is continually producing new species which will be able to better compete the hostile arena of life against all others. If some are better adapted than the others in coping with their environment, they will survive and prosper. If they are less capable, they will survive for a time and then be relegated to the scrap heap of evolution. In so doing, Nature is ever evolving to a higher plane.
Now spiritually: The body reconstructs itself based on octaves of vibration or sound waves. Higher levels of light, sends a higher vibration into the DNA which is literally a vibrational information code that interacts with and forms the whole being. Change the vibration change the code, change the code change the form[person] because the form is vibration metagenics not genetics.
All matter are octaves, different levels of vibration or sound waves, then geometric patterns of light waves, color, chemical and organic matter.
The level of vibration that comes with higher octave of existence formats the endocrine system from breaking the secretions of the pineal gland/ pituitary gland activate master hormone HGH. it has been found in study the only difference between a 21 year old and 80 year old man is more has 80% and the other that much less HGH in the body.
The DNA helix correspondingly reformats itself[causing physical transformation of the being] according to higher levels of light energy[vibration] passed though it via the increased frequency which relates to and is directly connected to the rate of frequency of the light wheel centers or chakra's. The ancients called them chakra's [light wheel} because they understood the spin or rate of vibration of the "wheel" is related to the amount of life force the body exists on.