My son's teacher declared "God doesnt exist" to the whole class? I'm upset!?
2012-03-27 05:13:38 UTC
Christian values and traditions are very important to our family, so what makes this teacher think he has the right to poison our son's mind with his garbage? Just because he hasn't got anything to believe in and no hope in life doesn't mean he has to ruin the lives of young children as well! I'm absolutely disgusted and am thinking if I could take an action of some kind to get him fired? Is there anything I could do?
33 answers:
Lady Lonewolf
2012-03-27 05:17:44 UTC
Well, you could complain to the school if you're really upset about it, because a teacher isn't supposed to be telling kids ANYTHING about God because that's up to the beliefs of the kids themselves and their parents. Personally, I'd make absolutely sure that you're kid is telling the truth before reporting it. Sometimes kids can twist things around or leave out details just by accident and you don't want to appear rash in front of a teacher that might have said something entirely different. Once you've determined that, if you want, you can report it to the school.

I don't think you can get him fired, unless it's a Christian school, but you can get the principal to give him a warning to not talk about religion in his classes.
2012-03-27 09:24:45 UTC
Your son's teacher is both stupid and ignorant. Stupid because his job is now in jeopardy, ignorant because he said something he is incapable of backing up with facts, and so he is going to have to admit he was stating his own opinion, and other opinions (like, for example, that God does exist) are just as valid, and more valid if they can be backed up at all while his cannot.

Meanwhile, the students are going to have to question EVERYTHING he says as if it were fact from now on... not necessarily a bad thing.

On the other hand, your family's values don't necessarily depend of there being a God or not, do they? Would your family really fall into theft and murder if there were no God? Maybe yes, because if there were no God, there would be no morality. So fight against that teacher with everything at your disposal, including the Court of Public Opinion. Tell the media and work to get that teacher fired or at least force him to admit to the entire school he said something he has no way of knowing is true as if it were true.
Christian M
2012-03-27 05:27:01 UTC
If you believe you needn't be upset. If the whole world were to collapse into chaos and we become upset by it that would be vanity. You have to let your children understand that everyone has their opinion and they must find their own way to God. Some will not find their way in this life. It may help to realize that Faith cannot be destroyed, it can only be abandoned. It lies at the heart of all being awaiting their acknowledgement and acceptance. Sometimes it takes many life experiences before it awakens. God Is and that is the end of it for those who know and trust It. The only thing left at that point is to do ones best to awaken ever more awareness of this truth.

2012-03-27 05:23:56 UTC
Although i can understand why this has upset you, i cant help but think if the teacher said "God does exist" you would be happy? Whether god exists or not, that is up for debate. No kid should be told he does exist, also, should not be told that he doesnt exist, whether that be by a teacher or parent. It should be for the kid to decide, maybe later in life. I'm disgusted that you think just because someone doesnt believe in god then they have no hope in life. Hope doesnt lie in the belief of god. Personally, i dont believe in god, but i still have hopes and dreams in life. Each to there own, but seeing as there is no proof that god exists/doesn't exist, then each person on this planet should make this decision themselves. If someone wants to believe in god, that is fine, but that decision should be theirs, not their parents or teachers. If my kid asked me if god exists, my answer would be "some people believe so, its upto you to decide if you think he does or not". I would never tell my kid that he does exist or doesnt, there is no proof either way, so let people make up their own minds and Never preach.
2012-03-27 05:31:15 UTC
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. - Proverbs 22:6

Your son's mind won't become poisoned just because of some misguided teacher. That is if he's rooted in his belief in God. I also had atheist teachers, but their disbelief had no impact on me whatsoever.

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." Proverbs 1:7
2012-03-27 05:17:09 UTC
Is that part of the sunject matter for the class? Then the teacher should stay on subject. Math class is for math, Composition is for learning how to write, etc. You could file a complaint with the principle. Teachers aren't supposed to be taking sides.
2012-03-27 05:23:16 UTC
How is that any worse than forcing non-Christian children to say "one nation under God" every morning? Sucks to be on the other side of it huh?

It wasn't right, if said in the way you mean. That's why the discussion of religion belongs at home. Separation of Church and State are important.
Delusion Crusher 10000
2012-03-27 05:17:55 UTC
It sounds like he violated the Constitution if he is in public school. If the state cannot push a particular religion on the students, he should not be able to teach atheism.

I doubt he would be fired, but you can register a complaint with the school board. You should also seek legal counsel before you do that.
R. C.
2012-03-27 05:20:59 UTC
I would first speak to the principle and let him know that your are upset, and considering filing a grievance because of the damage this could do to a young mind. And that "separation of church and state" prohibits such behaviors in the classroom. If it doesn't work with the principle. I'd recommend, the superintendent. Whenever my children had issues in school.... the principle may be lacking in speed to resolve the issue. It's always been resolved at the superintendent level.
2012-03-27 05:24:11 UTC
@Thierry Henry:-

Very interesting, now let me ask you this, why is it that it's always after (and not before) a man of science makes a great discovery, you people will go on claiming that it was already mentioned in your holy books? Why? Why none of you noticed that before? If that fact was already mentioned in your book, why don't you used it for the good of mankind?

So go ahead, I'll just wait here...

Btw Einstein never describe Earth as flat, oval shaped like a pizza pie.

Oval -/- sphere.
2012-03-27 05:15:31 UTC
The subject of "God" shouldn't even come up in any class, so why would the teacher even say it?

But maybe you should actually talk to the teacher and find out what happened, before you start a jihad against him without the facts.

Besides, if one person saying "God doesn't exist" will "poison your son's mind" and "ruin his life", then you & your church sucked at teaching him about God. Stop blaming someone else for your son's lack of faith.
2012-03-27 05:19:49 UTC
Oh, poor you.

If you so vehemently assert that your god exists, why would

you be upset about it? It's because somewhere in that useless

skull of yours, a spark of logic lives on, and you know the truth.

There is no god.

Yeah, get him fired.

And if he's not wrong about god?

Then you've just screwed someone's life.

I'm sure your sky daddy is proud of you, fool.
2012-03-27 05:19:18 UTC
You can't shelter your kid forever, eventually... they're going to meet an Atheist or person of different faith. If you're that insecure in the "truth" you've taught them. That someone merely, mentioning that there's a possibility you might be wrong... then I'd reevaluate that truth.
2012-03-27 05:34:37 UTC
i disagree with you.

being a christian myself, i am aware that i am surrounded by

a world filled with people of different beliefs. This does not

impinge my faith in any way ...

are you going to protect your child for the rest of his growing

years this way or ...

would you rather play your part as a parent and instill christian

teachings to your child so that he stands against non-christian


you decide ...
2012-03-27 05:23:08 UTC
Let your kid go to that school. He might learn something. Something more valuable than "put your trust in a malevolent being that does not exist".

Your job as a mother is to raise your kid, eventually he has to make his own decisions. If you're not up for that, too bad it's too late for an abortion now.
2012-03-27 05:16:31 UTC
He was probably overstepping his duties as a teacher, but you should know that the opposite happens even more often. Religion doesn't belong in the classroom, and teachers shouldn't take sides either way.
2012-03-27 05:53:05 UTC
Why would you allow your son to be taught by a fool?

Psalms 14:1 The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none who does good.
2012-03-27 05:23:53 UTC
I know you're trolling... I also know there are people who think that way..

How do I know you're not one of them?

Cos those people just mutter to themselves cos they're quite insane.

A computer would be far too difficult for them to operate.

2012-03-27 05:19:04 UTC
No because your government is secular, the teacher will win and with good reason if you take him/her to court.
2012-03-27 05:15:10 UTC
If you think one teacher saying gods aren't real is going to undo all your years of indoctrination, I suggest you get real.
Thierry Henry
2012-03-27 05:17:11 UTC
God does exist, to me (a muslim) its written all of what science is saying in our quarn. Einstiens theroy of the world being not straight but an oval shaped. Its in the quarn 1400 years ago when he just found that out less than 100 years ago. Or when he said about the big bang, ITS WRITTEN, in 1400 years ago there was. Proves that theres a god (allah to me). He has all the answers. There was this one guy, took him 40 years to find something about an ant. When an islamic man came and told him, what u tried for 40 years and over, is already written. Then at that moment, the guy who wasted 40 years of his life for something that has been done by god, he turned in to a muslim
Martin T
2012-03-27 06:05:45 UTC
Get God to strike him dead with a thunderbolt.

That would show him!
2012-03-27 05:16:20 UTC
Sorry, but I don't believe you.

Such an outburst would be career suicide.
2012-03-27 05:15:50 UTC
Yeah cuz this is the way the government wants your childrens to grow. This is called Laic Totalitarism...


This is a video that will make u understand life <3:
2012-03-27 05:18:38 UTC
If your son had been raised correctly you would have no fear of someone else telling him anything.
2012-03-27 05:22:07 UTC
Don't make things up.
The Thinker
2012-03-27 05:18:37 UTC
Well let me just say this: Atheists have a holy day too, It is coming up on 5 days.


2012-03-27 05:16:06 UTC
I bet you're forcing your child to believe....

You can't take any action against an intelligent man trying to teach kids the truth.
2012-03-27 05:15:02 UTC
You can start here
Mrs. Mom ( 5 and counting)
2012-03-27 05:16:44 UTC
the number one reason why we homeschool our children is to teach them the Truth of God's word. Maybe you should consider it.
Guru Hank
2012-03-27 05:15:03 UTC
Which God?


You are, of course - a poe.
2012-03-27 05:15:14 UTC
first...stfu, second...put your kid in a christian school.
2012-03-27 05:14:54 UTC
You can't sue the truth.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.