When israel was created in 1947?
2011-05-23 08:40:58 UTC
when israel was created in 1947 was the Palestinian population already living there forcibly expelled or removed from the area to make way for Jewish settlers?
Fourteen answers:
2011-05-23 08:44:39 UTC
The British government and others bought and paid for the land. Anybody who was already living there beforehand, sold up and moved on.
2011-05-23 15:54:46 UTC
The palestinians were given a choice to move or to stay. It didn't matter just that if they stayed they must follow the rules of the land. Now in the 60s there was a war that alot of palestinians were told to leave by there muslim brothers before the war started and some left then. Some where killed because there was a war going on at the same time. They were not slaughtered or massacred like some would like you to believe. Most massacres that happen in israel/palestine are done by the palestinians. the israelie defense force is well trained and very professional and doesnt just go around killing and blowing stuff up at random unlike the palestinians who blow up children fairly often. Or break into jewish peoples homes and stab them to death even new born babies. That just happend a few weeks ago. the killed a man and his wife and 3 children under the age of 8 one who was only a month or so old. They stabbed them many times even the newborn.
2011-05-23 15:48:33 UTC
what people fail to understand is that in 1947 the Israeli's welcomed those islamic arabs living there as full citizens--some stayed and is why there is a portion of israels population that is both arabic in descent and islamic in religion-and are full citizens of Israel. Then there were those who refused to be citizens of Israel and fled--or those who tried killing the Israeli's and failed and left--these are the ones who now live in the palestian area.
Robert Abuse
2011-05-23 15:43:06 UTC
Yes, hundreds of thousands of them.

Many were massacred.

Death marches where tens of thousands were stripped of their possessions and forcibly marched off of their land and towns.

Check the Lydda and Ramle death marches online.

There were around 34 others too.

Arab towns were deprived of food and transportation.

Mortar attacks and burnings.

Truck bombs and other terrorist acts.

Seizing towns and villages and killing everyone including the women and children usually with machine guns and grenades.

Machine gunning mosques.

Blindfolding and shooting people one at a time.

Throwing petrol over houses and then blowing them up, with everyone still inside.

And so on.

Many of those that became Israeli presidents were the direct perpetrators of those acts and the Red Cross and the UN were horrified and full of condemnation.

It started around Jan.`48 I think.

@ Bob .. "I suggest you do some research on your own and learn the truth"

I did actually and these things are quite recent and I am almost old enough to remember them.

Judging from all the thumbs down they don`t teach history where most of you live.

Google some of the things that I have mentioned and find out for yourself, if you really want to know.

Or do you just like the propaganda because it makes you feel all warm and comfy?

I am not prejudiced in any way at all, I am just British and had a decent education in Europe. The history of Israel after 1948 is not exactly a mystery.

That I am smart or not is yet another question altogether and not for me to answer.

EDIT: I am actually really quite appalled that nobody seems to know anything about this quite recent period of history.

Why do you think that one of the Palestinian`s demands is `the right to return`?

Very many of them indeed were thrown out of their homes and immigrant Jews were installed in them, complete with the gift of the previous occupant`s possessions by the Israeli government.

Where do you get all of this `barren wasteland` nonsense from?

What have they done to your schools?
2011-05-23 15:47:33 UTC
Back then there was no "Palestinian population", there were Jews and Arabs. When Arab countries attacked Israel and Israel won, some Arabs stayed and became Israeli Arabs, and some didn't and became refugees. Those refugees are the "Palestinians".

Jordan is the Arab Palestine, pretty much. When Jews were expelled from Arab countries including Jordan, Israel absorbed them. But the Arab countries didn't absorb Arab refugees, creating the Palestinians.
2011-05-23 15:52:34 UTC
No. I suggest you do some research on your own and learn the truth. For the most part the area was a barren wasteland.

And listen to people like "robert abuse", he is clearly very prejudice and not too smart.
2011-05-23 16:06:19 UTC
I can speak to this question because

I was born that moment, in May 1948

God is NOT the God of Israel, but

the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob;

Which is to allegory say NOT Law<--law,

but rather grace-us-->mercy-full-->peace-full.

Which is to say it's AD-->only goes one way.

For the God of old/new Israel was/is Law,

and their Law worketh wrath, not mercy;

And there is no Peace nor safety in Law,

b/c it's the ministration of death: 2Cor 3:7.

So it's not about L/R Jews/Palestinians,

nor about reversed L/R Palestinians/Jews;

but rather about under/above (Gen 1:6-8):

- above = harmless grace mercy peace

- under = under-taker jeopardy every hour

- with grace: no sides nor any side effects of wars

- under grace: hasn't profited either jews/muslims

So, can we move on, from L/R to under/above,

and dispense with under-taker jeopardy every hour

by leaving under for what's above: grace mercy peace
Chapter and Verse
2011-05-23 15:45:13 UTC
I heard that the Palestinians migrated into what is now called Israel just like Mexicans come north to find work.
Pastor Art (((SFECU)))
2011-05-23 15:44:56 UTC
When Abraham was called in the year 2000 BC, God gave that land to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The Romans drove the Jews out of their land in about 70 AD.

In 1948, not 1947, the UN decided to give the Jews their homeland back.
2011-05-23 16:06:22 UTC
Jews lived in Hell in Europe hated by all, there are 3 books by them: the Controversy of Zion =


you might be Able to read it here:


it tells you about how they plotted to build homeland in EITHER: Uganda, Argentina or Palestine, religion has nothing to do with it, most Jews are seculars

so much crimes committed:
2011-05-23 16:05:02 UTC
As an Apostolic Christian I believe it should be returned to the Jews. Contrary to the beliefs of much of the world today, they have been more than willing to share the land of Israel with the Arab people. The majority of the wars and fighting have been AGAINST Israel since its inception beginning with Balfour Declaration of 2 November 1917. It was drafted by Zionist leaders, revised and approved by the British war cabinet, and forwarded by Lord Arthur Balfour, the British foreign secretary, to Lord Rothschild, a Zionist philanthropist and one of its drafters. It consisted of a single sixty-seven-word paragraph: "His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country." (Hurewitz, 1979)

This was one of a number of contradictory promises Britain made during World War I. Needing Arab support against the Ottoman Empire, Britain promised in the Husayn - McMahon Correspondence (1915 - 1916) to support the establishment of an independent Arab nation, which Arabs understood to include Palestine (which Britain later denied); and needing French and Russian support, it promised in the Sykes - Picot Agreement (1916) to rule the region, including Palestine, with its allies.

In the Genesis 17, God changed Abram's name to Abraham and Sarai's name to Sarah. The sign of the covenant, circumcision, was established. God gave this sign as a reminder of his promise. God explicitly stated that the land he promised Abraham and his descendants was an everlasting possession. God also explicitly stated that the covenant went through Isaac (v. 21) not Ishmael. (Genesis 17:2-9 and Deuteronomy 1:7-8). While several of the Arab peoples descend from Abraham through Ishmael, they are not in the line of promise which is the line of Isaac and Jacob. Therefore, they have no Scriptural claim to the land promised to Abraham and his seed.

Also, the Arabs living in Israel at the time of the first emigration of Jews to their homeland were offered the opportunity to stay and live in peace with the Jews. Unfortunately, this was discouraged by neighboring Arab countries and the conflict continues to this day. The beginning of the modern Jewish return to Eretz Yisrael - the Land of Israel -, which laid the foundations for the establishment of the State of Israel, were due to a combination of three causes:

* the age-old devotion of the Jews to their historic homeland,

* the wave of pogroms in Russia and

* the efforts of an active minority convinced that the Return to the homeland was the only lasting and fundamental solution to the Jewish problem.

The Abrahamic Covenant is unconditional and eternal. In the Genesis 17 passage, God changed Abram's name to Abraham and Sarai's name to Sarah. The sign of the covenant, circumcision, was established. God gave this sign as a reminder of his promise. God explicitly stated that the land he promised Abraham and his descendants was an everlasting possession. God also explicitly stated that the covenant went through Isaac (v. 21) not Ishmael. (Genesis 17:2-9 and Deuteronomy 1:7-8). While several of the Arab peoples descend from Abraham through Ishmael, they are not in the line of promise which is the line of Isaac and Jacob. Therefore, they have no Scriptural claim to the land promised to Abraham and his seed.

The boundaries are given for the title deed (v. 18, cf. Exodus 23:31 "I will establish your borders from the Red Sea to the Sea of the Philistines, and from the desert to the River. I will hand over to you the people who live in the land and you will drive them out before you.)" At the present time the Arabs have deep bitterness and conflict over Israel's place in the Middle East and her present borders. Most Arabs refuse to recognize Israel's right to exist in the Middle East and many will not rest until the nation is destroyed. God, however, has declared that this will never happen. Indeed, God has promised that in a future day he will fulfill his covenant to Abraham and establish Israel's borders from Egypt to the Euphrates River. The new boundaries will be vastly more extensive than Israel's current borders. They will include the lands from Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, western Iraq, and northern Saudi Arabia. These countries would do well to be good neighbors to Israel in anticipation of the day when God will fulfill his covenants and Jesus of Nazareth, the son of David, will reign as King from Jerusalem.


Apostolic Believer In One God, Jesus
2011-05-23 15:52:20 UTC
The land now occupied by so-called Palastininans was not their land until they were kicked out of every other arab nation. This is where they ended up.
2011-05-23 15:49:16 UTC
Rothschild brokered a deal that if he could get the US to join the war and bring about a triumph, then the land of YisraYl would be given to the Khazarian converts, who call themselves....
2011-05-23 15:42:34 UTC
They were shot, cut into peices, and sold as kosher meat

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.