im getting confused, and im worried about making the wrong decision.?
2007-08-25 06:32:00 UTC
i have asked a few questions about magic, and in many answers i have seen that people said that i would be selling my soul to the devil, that magic is bad, that i should not try it, that i was too childish, and in others it said that magic has nothing to do with religion, or with God, and that i should try it. my last answer was think about it before u start.

im thinking, but i cant really make a desicion! i need answers from people who practice it, and please only SERIOUS ANSWERS! thankyou!
PS if by any vcase i start doing magic, i want to use it for good, and yes, i do believe god is the only one who has real powers, but i want to use "magic" as in a way to help others, im NOT trying to harm anybody.
27 answers:
2007-08-25 06:35:25 UTC
supernatural type of magics or criss angel?
2007-08-25 07:43:08 UTC
Let me ask you a question: Do you think the devil would like for you to get involved in these practices? The answer is yes—and that should be a solemn warning to you.

The Bible is very clear: If we want to please God, we will avoid everything that has anything to do with the occult (even if it seems innocent or harmless on the surface). The reason is because occult practices of any kind could involve you with spiritual forces that are opposed to God and are, in fact , in league with the devil.

I know that is a strong statement—but I can't emphasize strongly enough how spiritually dangerous it is to follow Satan's way rather than God's way. When the Ephesians who had practiced the occult became Christians, they "brought their (magic) scrolls together and burned them publicly" (Acts 19:19). They knew there could be no compromise between their old way of living and God's way.

Don't try to resist the "pull" you feel toward the occult in your own strength. Instead, by faith turn to Christ and ask Him to come into your life and give you the strength of His Holy Spirit. Don't be deceived, but come to Christ, who alone is "the way and the truth and the life" (John 14:6).
2007-08-25 06:49:14 UTC
It is said that power corrupts and the more power, the more corruption.

This is very true in the world of people where we are often motivated to control other people.

As a boy I was taught magic. There are two kinds of magic, that which seeks to control others and that which seeks to enhance life. To control the choices of other people is black magic. To enhance life is white magic.

Do not listen to those who claim that magic is neither white or black. These people are led astray.

I was also taught that "good" is anything that enhances life without infringing on the freewill of others. That was a hard lesson to learn.

Even those who commit great "evil" have freewill and to impose your will on them is as great an "evil" as it is for them to impose their will on others.

I was taught I must never impose my will on other people, although I could "encourage" people or influence people to a choice. This is the razors edge a person must walk when wielding magic, or any other power.

It is often easy to believe that we have the "moral" superiority to impose our own will on others and this is how the power corrupts.

Look at the terrorism of Islam, or the Inquisition of the Church, or the corruption of governments or police officers.

Any you really any better than anyone else?
2007-08-25 06:49:41 UTC
Well Mellxxxd, I don't believe in God and I don't practice magic or wicken. But, since you said you are religious, man was the envy of the angels because of one thing. FREE WILL. The greatest gift God ever gave man was free will. If magic works then God knows about it and allowed us to dabble in it. If you truly believe in God, heaven and hell their are only seven condemnable sins.








I don't see trying something new listed in God's hit list. So try it, if you like it do it, if you fear it leave it alone. Don't worry about what others think. If you enjoy it go for it, they only tell you not to because it outside the preconceived perceptions of what is normal and what is not.

In the end you're the only one that can decide what is right for you.
2007-08-25 06:38:08 UTC
Try reiki instead, it is much more spiritual than magic and you will help people - It is healing through energy and manipulating that energy in other bodies for the persons best interest. Just do a search on Reiki before doing magic because you will find it to be very uplifting. Also as you get good, you can talk to spirit guides.
2007-08-25 06:42:18 UTC
You're getting confused b/c you are asking others to make a decision that only you can make.

All religions, including wicca and associated "magic" religions, are a leap of faith. The choice is a personal one and one that we can all advise on - but its only our personal beliefs.

If you are having a crisis of faith (questioning your religion and choices), which it sounds like you are, only you can resolve this. I can tell you magic is good but you're going to find someone that will tell you its bad too.

YOU have to do the research and make an informed decision about what YOU believe and what is best for YOU!

Good luck!
2007-08-25 06:44:52 UTC
right firstly magic is not a problem it has no affects with god its mainly how we live our lifes i used to visit a medium who taught me a few tricks and everything he said was coming true but he done white magic and a bit of black, its not dangerous only if you mess with the dark side of it voodoo dolls, etc also pentegrams make sure if you make one or buy one that the point is up and the two points are down two points up represents dark magic and evil, magic in no way shape or form is harmfull or evil only if you practice black magic my advice is buy a pendulum play about with that i own one works good, also buy crystals crystals take in your thoughts so hold a crystal and tell it your dreams and wishes you will feel it warm up and you will feel its powers basically, it will feel like its tingleing your fingers and the palm of your hand, quite strange i have a few crystals all for different things love crystals ones for pain hurt and general ones for guidance try looking at this guys site this is who i used to go and see
2007-08-25 06:40:32 UTC
ALL Magic starts in the mind and comes from within.

Those who say it doesnt exist? Let them prove it.

Those who say it doesnt work? Let them prove it.

Those who say it is Evil and against "god"? Let them prove it.

The point is that whatever YOU believe to be true, IS true, regardless of what anyone else says!!!

If you want to do good, you will, and the more you do it, the more "magical' it will be, especially in these times of doubt, intolerance and disbelief.

Good luck to you and may you do well!!
2007-08-25 06:44:35 UTC
There is no magic you can learn that will enable you to help others. Do you watch a lot of television? This is a make believe world you know.
2007-08-25 06:37:38 UTC
The people saying these things to you are Christians who don't understand one fundamental concept.

Magic is the SAME as prayer!!!!

I attended Catholic school, and the Priest, teachers, every Christian I know says this.

Prayer= Getting in touch with divine powers

Magic= Manipulating divine powers

They left out one CRUCIAL bit of info. In prayer, you get in touch with said divinity to manipulate it! Do this for me, help me get good grades, etc etc.

You can do what you want, and don't let intolerant Christians get to you. The people who say this to you are a bunch of bible thumping fundies who would gladly crucify Harry Potter

It says magic is bad in the Bible, so whatever is called magic now they just go psycho about. They can't question the bible, so they can't understand this basic and true concept. They want a Christian theocracy.
2007-08-25 06:41:47 UTC
Magic and Jinn
2016-05-17 14:33:15 UTC
This is the begining of your life just do what any mother would do just be a mom treat the child like your own the ex is just jelous if you really love him then yes get married dont let peaple ruin your life and if you and your husband are perfect for each other then Just do it!! oh yea nad PRAY!!
kit walker
2007-08-25 06:45:13 UTC
Read up about some Wicca..white magic and female orientated...Don't stress out..Go to a theosophical bookstore and inquire there...You have to understand yourself sound unsure..What's the deal? This is old stuff.
2007-08-25 06:38:12 UTC
Many things were considered "magic"at one time...If you can work forces successfully,go for it...only frightened supersticious people will call it evil...but remember Salem,and keep it inconspicuous,the religious right still holds power in the world...
2007-08-25 06:39:31 UTC
Me!xxxD, no one can accomplish anything by magic. For example, if I am sick, and can take medicine validated by scientific experimentation. Alternatively, God can intervene with a miraculous healing. But no one can say magic words and make me well.

The tricks performed by magicians involve sleight of hand. Professional magicians are adept at making subtle movements and distracting your attention from them. It is good entertainment, but not real magic.
2007-08-25 06:40:24 UTC
It's all a lot of baloney, all of it, and has no real bearing on anything in the real world and exists only in the warped and twisted minds of the psychpaths who use it to justify all sorts of atrocities.

There is no decision to make here, really, none at all.
Anthony M
2007-08-25 06:41:18 UTC
so you are asking for answers from people who only agree with your original decision?

doesn't sound like a Good way to learn about anything.
adam a
2007-08-25 06:40:54 UTC
Don't confused your with magic and miracle.Go for a miracle.
2007-08-25 06:36:22 UTC
Wicca was founded some 55 or so years ago by a British civil servant as a sarcastic response to England overturning the Witchcraft Acts. It is kept alive by teenage girls and nerdy boys who need a *safe* form of rebellion. THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO SUCH THINGS AS MAGIC SPELLS (OR MAGICK OF ANY KIND).
2007-08-25 06:49:50 UTC
to use good magic is to ask the holy spirit to give you your gift. and see what the gifts are and then start to practice it
deepak d
2007-08-25 06:40:10 UTC
U can start dong magic.

U just need to believe in magic.

Go ahead and try.

all the best.
2007-08-25 06:37:25 UTC
its a life choice which god offered you if you use it for good then wouldnt he see it as helping him out? i would do what interests offense but i dont believe in that stuff so i dont see harm in it...go for it
T Leeves
2007-08-25 06:38:23 UTC
any practice is okay as long as you are not harming anyone or anything in the process
2007-08-25 06:36:08 UTC
Okay seriously, magic is fake, There is no devil, there is no hell etc etc. Stop worrying!
2007-08-25 06:37:50 UTC
Your excuse, or the way you are trying to justify doing it is "to use it for good."

This does not make it right in the eyes of God. It is sin.

More is to be gained by obedience to the known will of God.
2007-08-25 06:40:29 UTC
2007-08-25 06:56:15 UTC
..... Sounds.... LIKE..... " TOO... 'MUCH' ... HOLLYWOOD.... INPUT...! "

Thanks, RR

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.