It is said that power corrupts and the more power, the more corruption.
This is very true in the world of people where we are often motivated to control other people.
As a boy I was taught magic. There are two kinds of magic, that which seeks to control others and that which seeks to enhance life. To control the choices of other people is black magic. To enhance life is white magic.
Do not listen to those who claim that magic is neither white or black. These people are led astray.
I was also taught that "good" is anything that enhances life without infringing on the freewill of others. That was a hard lesson to learn.
Even those who commit great "evil" have freewill and to impose your will on them is as great an "evil" as it is for them to impose their will on others.
I was taught I must never impose my will on other people, although I could "encourage" people or influence people to a choice. This is the razors edge a person must walk when wielding magic, or any other power.
It is often easy to believe that we have the "moral" superiority to impose our own will on others and this is how the power corrupts.
Look at the terrorism of Islam, or the Inquisition of the Church, or the corruption of governments or police officers.
Any you really any better than anyone else?