Muslim prayer?
2008-05-12 10:02:34 UTC
I don't know how to properly word this, so please be polite and try to understand what I am asking.

Can someone list the tools/guidelines for Muslim prayer, particularly the prayer area? What makes an area an acceptable place for prayer and what makes it unacceptable? For example, if I were to set up a place for Muslims to pray at my house or work place, how would I do that?
Ten answers:
2008-05-12 14:25:02 UTC
peace Belinda28,

the prophet (peace be upon him) has informed the muslims:

"The whole earth was been created as a place of worship, pure and clean."

like others have mentioned cleanliness is important. also the room should not have pictures of animate objects or idols and statues. since muslims kneel and prostrate during prayers some people prefer to cover the hard floor with a prayer rug or clean sheet of cloth, to make the process more comfortable. see how muslims pray here:

ideally, the room should not be very noisy; there is no problem if voices carry over just as long as they are not very distracting.

muslim face the direction of the kaaba in mecca while praying. if you have the direction marked this will be very helpful. you can find the direction in your locality here:

finally, before muslims pray, they ritually cleanse themselves with water. access to a nearby washroom will be appreciated. muslims wash hands, face, arms and feet during the ablution. see here:

hope this helps
2016-09-08 03:43:35 UTC
Assallam mu alaikom warah matullah hello ta'ala wabarakatuh. Alhamdulillah. U are a Muslim. It may be very handy to be taught and do the prayer. Yes. Of path b4 U do your prayer, U must wash your self -Wuthu' -with water or Tayamum - with exceptional floor of wilderness sand or any of its form ( offered there is not any water to be had or confined, in any other case U must use water from pond, river or sea if to be had). Perform your prayer 5 instances an afternoon ( Please get a Muslim buddy to illustrate the series of acting the prayer). It is an knowledge if U realize the path toward Mecca, However, if U have no idea, U can nonetheless participate in your prayer simply following your intuition - the genuine kiblat is your middle, does not topic in which U face, if U have no idea, But if U realize the path, U must face to the path. U don't must realize Arabic language, so long as U realize the surah (Al Quran) and in a position to recite Fatihah - Alhamdulila hello rab bil aalamin until the tip, U can participate in your prayer. However, it's an knowledge if U would talk and recognize Arabic Language. Wabillah hello taufik wal hidayat. Wassallam mu alaikom warah matullah hello ta'ala wabarakatuh.
2008-05-12 10:15:01 UTC
make sure it is a clean kept area, not too much stuff in the way, simply because as u prostrate u do not want to be bumping into things as u pray. it knocks away concentration and chances are u will most likely at one point be focused on not bumping into things.

also if there is not alot of distraction i.e. televisions or something like that, it would be a great idea to set up a prayer area in there as well. try to have a quiet area, comfortable, so u can spend one on one time with God and sharing the prayer with your co workers and or friends that are muslim (or are learning for that matter)
Master of Puppets
2008-05-12 10:18:18 UTC
cleanliness is number one. it cannot be in a place of pagan worship such as a hindu temple (not that u might try to set it up in one). but Muslims are perfectly allowed to pray in churches and synogogues (given consent of the building of course). also try to make the room plain no pictures. u will never find pictures of living creatures in a mosque. arabesque or other plant-based art is fine if u want to take it that far. carpeted floor is preferred but not necessary. the only two things that are absolutely necessary are cleanliness and keeping the room plain. oh and of course the second condition i mentioned. men and women do not usually pray in the same room unless they are related so if its for both genders ud need to find a way to seperate them. but then again they can just pray one gender at a time
2008-05-12 10:15:33 UTC
ask an alluma about this question. some thats is islamically educated.

i dont know much about religion but i personanly would say that doing something like this is very rewarding but if done wrong then you could be making a sin.

they are alot of things to take account. the place has to be clean, no distraction elements around they praying area this could even be colours. but plz dont take my word for it.

there is a websit call asktheexperts find a scholer on that and ask him.
2008-05-12 10:13:14 UTC
Nothing is required, compulsarily in the theological concept. . No tools. No furniture. But it is customarily necessary to have a clean dry place. Put a clean sheet on the rugs/carpets. Put another clean cloth/rug for the Imam- prayer leader. Have arrangements for the ablution. May you be Blessed. Amen!
2008-05-12 10:08:48 UTC
any clean place is acceptable for prayer.
2008-05-12 10:08:44 UTC
most important thing is cleanliness, except that muslims can pray anywhere, our prophet said this جعلت لى الارض مسجدا و طهورا
2008-05-12 10:15:48 UTC
u will find complete details in this link
2008-05-12 10:12:53 UTC
you need a workbench, wire, a soldering iron, and some batteries to start with...

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