Special Agent Fun Goose
2013-06-12 01:29:23 UTC
Face the hard, cold, facts:
Religion was created by man because they were afraid of death and what the afterlife was to be for them. Would there be an afterlife? Religion gives hope, it gives hope for a salvation. Is this true? Well, what happened to the greek Gods? Or the animal-beast-like Gods from ancient times before there was the one and only, "God"? Stop listening to what mainstream society is telling you and think for yourselves. Being raised into your religion, living your whole life under those doctrines and what your mamma or papa tells ya, that is not you making the decision to believe in what you believe.
Learn about other religions and the world before you start making bias decisions. The world does not revolve around you or your community; there are people from all over the world with different lifestyles who live in different countries and believe in a different religion that is not yours. The GOD you believe in was made to fit YOUR community. Because if it was meant for the entire world, then everyone would be following and doing the same doctrines that you do. Overall, all of the religions believe in the same God, the only difference is that God is pronounced in a different name for said religion, like Allah means God in Arabic, the one and only God, the same God Christians believe in, just a different pronunciation. Allah is the word God in Arabic. Not a GOD, but the one and true God; the only God.