2011-01-07 08:13:37 UTC
Satan says to Jesus: “All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me.”(Matthew 4:9)
I have always taken by that passage that Satan owns the world and runs it according to the scripture because Jesus never says --- they aren't yours to give --- not then not later not ever
Satan who decieves the whole world ---- ..... 2 Thess claims it is god himself that sends a strong delusion that
2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
Either way --- some powerful unseen forces working against humanity in general and likely via us and ruled by what the Christians refer to as Satan and Yung refereed to as the repressed shadow
I don't believe in most of the bible --- but I always suspected just at the very least that Christian bible based assumption was more or less correct ---
What if the Christians were right about Satan or an evil being running the planet - politically speaking
And yes I reserve the right to cherry pick right through not only the bible but the bits of science I agree with as well --- Sometimes I only agree with half of someone elses assumptions some times none at all ---- bible included