2009-08-12 10:28:06 UTC
Why is it that you reject God and the Holy Bible but yet there is no evidence for evolution? I'm sure you are aware that evolutionists have lied about fossils before and done hoaxes but yet you make yourselves hypocrites by accusing the bible of being full of lies. So lets think about this logicaly:

Our earth is in the perfect position from the sun for the right temprature for life on earth. Then there came about male and female over millions of years that have the ability to breed and have emotions. And then we have our moon which controls the seasons on our earth. If the moon were slightly different it would not control our seasons on earth.

So there was a big bang and then somehow our planet earth just formed itself in perfect distance from the sun and just happened to rotate around the sun in perfection. And then there just happened to be a moon that controls our seasons. I don't mean to be rude but to believe God did not do all this is probably the most ignorant, foolish nonsense I have known.

The truth is evolution has been accepted by the ignorant atheists because it allows them to think in their small minds that they will not be punished for their sins when their time is up. I know it can be hard at times not to lie, steal, sleep around, get drunk, commit adultry, kill people, disrespect others, but to replace the truth with the foolishness of evolution is utter ignorance.

God bless
57 answers:
2009-08-12 10:33:25 UTC
You cannot be serious.

Your rant is ignorant, insulting, and ridiculous.
2009-08-12 10:55:48 UTC
1. Evolution is a fact. Deal with it. The existence of God and evolution have nothing to do with each other. And even if evolution were total trash, the Holy Bible and the Christian religion would still be a load of BS.

2. If by perfect position you mean that it's within a range of about 50 million miles, then sure, we're in the PERFECT position.

3. What the hell does the existence of males and females with emotions have to do with anything? I'm sure that in your little mind, no animals besides humans (humans are animals) have emotions. Sorry, but this has been proven 100% wrong. Many animals show emotions from birds to mammals.

4. The moon doesn't control the seasons, the tilt of the earth does.

5. The earth REVOLVES around the sun. It rotates on a tilt about its axis.

6. The Big Bang actually helps the Christian argument by proving that the universe had a beginning. The formation of stars and solar systems follows the laws of physics. If you choose to believe that God started the universe and tweaked the laws, there's not a shred of evidence contradicting that.

7. Most of what you've said is trash, but the insult to those who don't believe in God is just plain ridiculous.

8. Evolution is accepted by atheists and theists alike.

9. The fact that you need to be scared into behaving like a decent human being just shows that you're a shallow, worthless excuse for a person. The fact that your fear of hell has not prevented you from lying or disrespecting others (both of which you've done in this post; not sure about the others) just shows that you're a hypocrite.
2009-08-12 10:52:27 UTC
So much wrong with this...

For starters, the evidence that demonstrates evolution is overwhelming. The handful of hoaxes -- debunked by evolutionary scientists, by the way -- are countered thousands of times over by the plethora of legitimate fossils discovered in recent history. But even without fossils, we would know that evolution happens, because we can *observe* it. Everthing from Darwin's finches to antibiotic-resistant bacteria point directly to the inescapable fact that evolution is happening around us all the time.

You seem to be laboring under the misapprehension that the Earth is somehow special. There are hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy alone, and countless other galaxies beyond ours. Circling around many of those myriad stars are planets, of various sizes and at various distances from their suns, with varying numbers of natural satellites. Some of those planets will have conditions adequate for the survival of some form of life. Statistically, the rise of life like ours is not really all that surprising. If Earth hadn't had the right conditions, it would have been a different planet somewhere else. There is nothing "perfect" about the Earth; it is merely sufficient. The only ignorant, foolish nonsense is your Earth-centered, human-centered view of the universe.

Is your belief in God really the only reason you don't run around lying, stealing, sleeping around, getting drunk, committing adultery, killing people, and disrespecting others? Is the only thing that stops you from committing murder and rapine the threat of eternal damnation? If so, then you are a sociopath, and I hope you never lose your fear of the Hall Monitor in the Sky. Meanwhile, I'll be over here *not* doing all those things while being an atheist, because I'm a decent person with morals and empathy.
2009-08-12 10:47:58 UTC
For the same reason that you reject our Chinese supreme deity Yu Ti, Japan's supreme deity Ameratsu, India's Trimurti (Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma), etc., etc. There is overwhelming evidence for evolution but none for any gods. You have not studied evolution, so you cannot begin to try to refute it. I can and do think logically, but you display no such ability here. Life adapted to the position of the Sun that varies by about 4,000,000 miles a year. The Moon has been different and will be different in the future. You are "putting the cart before the horse". How dare you call anyone ignorant and foolish! If I was as rude as you are, I could tell you what nonsense you are uttering here. China has never had very many Christians, so that is not an option for us. China is atheistic but once had a traditional religion with Yu Ti as the supreme deity. Chinese liked to blend it with Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism, not Christianity that never made any sense to us. You are the one who lies outrageously here, so I assume you probably commit other bad deeds to support your naive beliefs.
Thunder and Lightning
2009-08-12 10:37:49 UTC
There is evidence for evolution. Tons of it.

"I'm sure you are aware that evolutionists have lied about fossils before and done hoaxes but yet you make yourselves hypocrites by accusing the bible of being full of lies."

Actually, those were creationists.

"Our earth is in the perfect position from the sun for the right temprature for life on earth. Then there came about male and female over millions of years that have the ability to breed and have emotions. And then we have our moon which controls the seasons on our earth. If the moon were slightly different it would not control our seasons on earth."

"My... Isn't this hole just perfect for me," said the puddle.

"I don't mean to be rude but to believe God did not do all this is probably the most ignorant, foolish nonsense I have known."

Wow. Massive projection on your part.

"The truth is evolution has been accepted by the ignorant atheists because it allows them to think in their small minds that they will not be punished for their sins when their time is up. I know it can be hard at times not to lie, steal, sleep around, get drunk, commit adultry, kill people, disrespect others, but to replace the truth with the foolishness of evolution is utter ignorance.


Poisoning the well fallacy. Unsupported assertions. Ad hominem attack.
2009-08-12 10:45:56 UTC
Congratulations you just reached epic levels of stupidity!! First off evolution does not disprove the existence of God. I know a good amount of Christians who believe in evolution. Their thought is that the fact God could make such a complex system makes him all that much more amazing. Therefore Christianity and evolution are not mutually exclusive. One does not disprove the other.

"I know it can be hard at times not to lie, steal, sleep around, get drunk, commit adultry, kill people, disrespect others, but to replace the truth with the foolishness of evolution is utter ignorance." I started to honestly laugh when I read this. Have you looked at the history of the Christian religion at all? The Christian religion is the one that lies, is completely money and power hungry, supports incest, molests children, and has slayed countless numbers of people simply because they didn't conform. When an atheist does a good deed they do it because it is a good deed not to kiss the buttock of some invisible sky man.
2009-08-12 11:38:49 UTC
My My Don't you have the huge EGO. Everything you say can go along with believeing in an invisable sky fairy. Of course, the way it looks is all this has been created. But no way will I belive it was done by the mickey mouse god of the bible with it's very lame reasons for doing it. If a god had human emotions of any kind it would probably go insane trying to protect any of it's creation from being hurt in any mannor. I have allways thought it strange that the gods humans create have the same likes and dislikes they do. But I guess that is what is going to happen when one creates thier own god. And there are many of them you know. Yours doesn't necesarily need to be the right one. I personaly have a strong dislike for any god that needs to feel it must be a human every now and again. i have also felt that any god worth it's salt could create the universe and everything in it in,,,say 15 mins. tops. But this dumb creep needs 6 days and then it don't get many things right. the bible god needs to go from plan A to plan B on the human creation in the garden, then had to go from Plan B to Plan C after the flood. No god in it's right mind would do that. But, in my reading of the bible I understand that the bible god created all it's mistakes. You see, this god created everything. this god created all the bad to counter the good it created. Well. listen up my friend. this bible god created everything and it is time it stood up and took responsibility for all it's actions. But it never does that, allways blames other things it created for the failures. The failure in the garden, The failure in Adam and Eves first children where one is born insane, That happens when the parents are the same blood type. A little something god forgot about, by the way. And Cain was insane you know. Cain killed his brother over the huge reason of. get this, If god liked the smell of burnt lamb over the smell of steamed carrots. Classic case of insaneity.Then the time that gods sons came to earth and ruined the humanity creation by haveing children with earth woman. If I had been with god, before god created the universe, I would have told god, it might not be such a good plan to create a bunch of sons and give them human reproductive organs. And place them in some Gays heaven with no women. This plan might very well turn around and bite you someday. But no, this know it all god went ahead and did it anyway. By the way, this was the same good son Lucifer that god asked to do the talking snake trick on Eve to get her to eat the fruit. Nothing was going good for god at all in the early days. God had forgot it had not given either Adam or Eve a brain, and when god told them not to eat the fruit, it went right over thier heads and they didn't. So hence, the talking snake trick. I often wondered why god created all those sons with human male reproductive organs, but then when god called on them to ruin the humanity creation it all came togeather. You just keep believeing in this dunce and I will take my chances on other things. thank you.
2009-08-12 11:05:39 UTC
Should you actually be interested in an answer rather than just be interested in hearing yourself.

The basis of your argument is that god put the earth in the perfect spot, etc, etc. That is arrogance in the extreme. We developed on this planet because 100 billion other planets out there were not in the proper spot around the proper type sun. It has nothing to do with god it has to do with chance. Of the other 100 billion planets out there it is only you who think that there is not life on them. Again extreme arrogance.

Also, should you be interested in facts rather than your own blather - the bible is nothing more than a plagiarized version of the Sumerian tablets which is a history of the Annunaki.
2009-08-12 10:48:04 UTC
There is evidence of evolution. You should trust a book other than the bible. Scientists are not here to disprove god. They are genuinely looking for answers to the mysteries of the universe. These mysteries are falsely explained as fact in the bible.

You are being ignorant yourself if you chose the bible over an unbiased scientific report.
2009-08-12 10:37:16 UTC
Err...there are tens of thousands of peer reviewed papers supporting evolution. There is no alternate scientific explaination and not a single one agaist it.

Venus is just a bit to close, and Mars just a bit to far. There is a pretty wide band that works. There are trillions of stars. Having a planet in the band isn't even unusual.

Most of the rest of that is just nonsense. Seasons come from the axis tilt, not the Moon. Most planets have both. The Big Bang can be mapped in radio waves: so saying it didn't happen when we can see it is just ignorant.
2009-08-12 10:38:39 UTC
ooo ok then well how come u belive in the bible where it contrdicts itself so much acording to the bible u cant b rich and go to heaven then l8er on in the bible oo no u can b rich just if you get rich honestly ffs how about u let us belive what we want to and get somthink that makes more fukin sence big band and evolution makes so much more sence than some "being" this so called "god" where is the proof in him only wot a book which sounds more like a story written by noone

knows that even has bits added to it!!! ur argument is so flawed if god is so fukin gr8 why dont he go and save all the dieing africans why do good honest christians die live on the streets hav there lives ruined??? he doesnt exist!!!

*EDIT* oo and why would god only make our planet perfectly positioned and not mars and stuff when theres bacteria therefore technicaly life did got realy put life there but only bacteria when nothing else can live there whats the point in that???
2009-08-12 11:23:28 UTC
More evidence for evolution than there is for god. Evolution is testable and observable today, look up the peppered moth.

Earth in a perfect spot. Well of course its in a spot where life can happen. Bit of a nonsensical argument.

Now then, on to this punishment. Prove it.
2009-08-12 10:38:14 UTC
Quote: "And then we have our moon which controls the seasons on our earth. If the moon were slightly different it would not control our seasons on earth."

Wow. I see you've really done a lot of research. Clearly you are a master of astrophysics. No way to argue with that.

But seriously, every star has an inhabitable zone, and earth isn't the only planet in one. I'm sure there is plenty of life elsewhere. We're not as special as you think.

If you are ever able to swallow your pride, you'll see that we aren't divinely created in the image of some ultimate being. The rest of the universe was not created so we'd have little twinkles to look at at night. And as much as you want to deny it, you are not immortal.
2009-08-12 10:35:12 UTC
You arguement makes little sense.

There is a great deal of support for evolution, but none for creationism.

Your points in no way refute evolution or theries about the development of the solar system. What you fail to mention is that there are billions upon billions of planets circling stars at different distances, most of which will not not be the proper distance to have liquid water and other things we think are necessary for life. However, with so many, the odds that at least one will bet that distance from a star is most probable indeed.
2009-08-12 10:54:58 UTC
I am a christian, although not one as one sided as you appear to be in this article. You cannot deny that evolution exists. It has been proven by scientists. Proof goes a long way. Besides, how is it ok to "lie, steal, commit adultery, kill, and be disrespectful, but it isn't ok to accept the facts about evolution. It isn't the dark ages anymore. Wake up to the 21st century. Your statement is so absurd that I have seen it quoted out of shock on another page by someone who is a christian, and is just as much appalled by your beliefs as I am.
2009-08-12 10:47:50 UTC
For me, it is not possible for God to just "create" the world in seven days, and place animals and the the first two people on the world to create the human race. I just don't beleive it, sorry.

And yes, there is evidence for evolution. Look it up on the internet. I guarantee you find something about it, no matter how small it is.

Everyone has their own beliefs, so get used to it. Everyone has the right to believe what they want.
2009-08-13 11:29:02 UTC
*banging head on desk* Really? And your saying that Atheists are the ignorant ones? Riiiiiiiiiight. Have you EVER read a science book in your life? Or anything besides your precious bible? Cause it sounds doubtful. Maybe you should stretch your poor brain and find something with some actual facts in it? Just a suggestion.
2009-08-12 10:51:34 UTC
*sigh* why must you always think about this backwards?

The only reason that life happened on this planet is because of the location of the earth. There are billions of planets out there, chances are at least one of them would sustain life. We just happen to have evolved on this one.

The earth is the way that it is, because if it wasn't there would be no one around to question why it is the way that it is.

If you were to critically look at the earth and it's ecosystems, you would see that it looks more like a second grader's collage than a work of art by a genius all powerful yadda yadda.

And that last paragraph, in which you list those crimes and sins...those are more likely to be committed by christians (who are only held accountable by their god, who they only have to ask forgiveness in private) than atheists, who know that this is their only life and most are smart enough not to mess up their only chance.
2009-08-12 10:50:00 UTC
1. As many people before have mentioned, there is plenty of evidence to support evolution. Please direct yourself to this video for a bit of insight (I can assure you, it's all true):

2. The same goes for the Big Bang Theory, please educate yourself as to what it actually is (I'll direct you to the same youtube account for your education):

3. Really? Perfection? If you really look around, you'll see that this world and everything in it is pretty imperfect. In fact, I can't think of one thing in existence that comes close to being perfect - the moon's rotation and the earth's position in space are no exception.

4. Your "truth" about evolution is probably something that your parents, your church, or you friends told you. Please take the time to rationalize and educate yourself, you'll be doing the human race a huge favor.

2009-08-12 10:37:07 UTC
There is plenty of evidence for evolution. Crack open a book on it sometime and see for yourself.

Yes the Earth has ideal conditions for life. What, would you expect life to form on planets that aren't well suited towards it?

There are 100 billion stars in the galaxy, and probably most of them have planets. There are billions of galaxies in the universe. Odds are, there are going to be at least a few planets capable of supporting life. We happen to live on one of them.
2009-08-12 10:33:50 UTC
Sorry, but you are, take your pick:

1) Misinformed

2) Uninformed

3) Willfully ignoring facts

4) Any combination of the above

There is a massive amount of evidence that supports evolution. But guess what? That doesn't matter in regards to atheism. Back when I believed in god, I still accepted evolution as a fact, as do many believers today.
2009-08-12 10:35:14 UTC
There is lots of evidence of evolution. Giraffes don't just happen to be tall enough to reach the high tree leaves. They were naturally selected. They survive because they can reach the trees. Life is a cycle. Some things make it and some dont.
2009-08-12 10:32:47 UTC
Ok I'm stopping at "there is no evidence for evolution?", because there IS, you ignoring it does not mean it doesn't exist.

Actually no, I'm gonna break it down as I'm bored and like proving idiots wrong:

"that evolutionists have lied about fossils before and done hoaxes"

Being wrong is not the same as lying; yes scientists have been mistaken, but then other scientists have come along and, thanks to the strict ways science must be conducted, duplicated the experiments, leading to the mistakes being uncovered and rectified. Very few scientists engage in creating hoaxes, but there are bad apples in all elements of society, do not tar them all with the same brush.

"Our earth is in the perfect position from the sun for the right temprature for life on earth. Then there came about male and female over millions of years that have the ability to breed and have emotions."

And when you look at scale, which so many of you fundie morons fail to grasp, you'll find that the odds are not actually that small of there being planets in this position. As for the male and female bit, why it almost sounds like you're talking about evolution happening...

"And then we have our moon which controls the seasons on our earth. If the moon were slightly different it would not control our seasons on earth."

Errr no, it really doesn't control the seasons at all. And the moon is constantly changing in that it's moving away from Earth.

"So there was a big bang and then somehow our planet earth just formed itself in perfect distance from the sun and just happened to rotate around the sun in perfection."

Yes, a big bang, the result of things we don't yet understand. And the Earth was created over many, many millenia as spacial debris (rocks, dust, comets etc etc) collided and compacted, then gravity kicked in in it's universally neat little way. You really are going off on a tangent from the start of your rant by the way.

"I don't mean to be rude but to believe God did not do all this is probably the most ignorant, foolish nonsense I have known."

As you are aware of how rude that is you obviously do mean to be rude, otherwise you wouldn't make such a statement. The fact is you, like so many of your brethren, simply do not understand many of the modern scientific facts. You can't grasp the complexity of them nor the enormity of what is involved, so you call them wrong in order to try and avoid being left behind.

"The truth is evolution has been accepted by the ignorant atheists because it allows them to think in their small minds that they will not be punished for their sins when their time is up."

No, it has been accepted because there has been over 150 years of work done to back it up. It is sound, it is proven, it is observed and it is FACT. What it is not is some kind of atheist superweapon; you need to shake off your paranoia and the delusion that science's ultimate goal is the destruction of God. It isn't, it's finding answers to questions (logical, provable answers).

"I know it can be hard at times not to lie, steal, sleep around, get drunk, commit adultry, kill people, disrespect others, but to replace the truth with the foolishness of evolution is utter ignorance."

Can it? I seem to have managed to avoid most of that for 28 years without trying (I have a soft spot for the sauce, but I don't turn into a raving Ibiza type dick head. Ever). Are you saying you have to actively stop yourself from doing those things?

So, there you have it, everything you say debated against successfully. To put it in the modern vernacular, I PWNED YOU. If you care to judge this on common opinion then the amount of thumbs up I get can be translated into agreement, and thumbs down into disagreement.
Vincent K, Atheati Mad Scientist
2009-08-12 10:38:54 UTC
Even though your pathetic logic fail has been exposed already, I'd like to point out one other little thing; the moon doesn't control seasons on Earth you idiot. It's the Earth's axial tilt that does that. Congratulations on making youself seem even MORE ignorant than the average creationist tool.
2009-08-12 10:40:36 UTC
If you want to believe what you read on some creationist web site that incorrectly states there is no evidence for evolution, without researching it yourself, then knock yourself out. I will only point out that ignorance isn't the virtue you seem to think it is.
2009-08-12 10:34:02 UTC
There is evidence for evolution. Fail.

Equating evolution with atheism is a fail

Equating evolution with the big bang is another fail

We're ignorant? That's ironic. Go do some real research.
Maid Angela
2009-08-12 12:19:07 UTC
Do yourself a favour and read some books other than the bible which is full of half told facts bolstered with lots of fiction.
2009-08-12 10:34:22 UTC
It's statistically MUCH more probable that a planet would find itself in a position optimal for the emergence and evolution of life forms (and not just one planet, but there's probably others) than that a god put it there.
2009-08-12 10:42:47 UTC
I stopped at you first sentence because it contained a blatant error. I don't know why you believe there is no evidence in favor of evolution, but you are incorrect. Please seek an education immediately.

I do not believe in fairy tale monsters because I am not a child. I am able to use logic and fact to discern reality. There is no evidence of any god and no need of them. Natural phenomenon needs no goblins. Neither do you. Please shake free from your brainwashing asap. God delusions are destroying civilization.
2009-08-12 10:35:54 UTC
No evidence of evolution? who told you that?

Reading the bible is what made me reject your god and holy book! I think the god of your bible is sadistic and evil!

The bible is full of homophobia, bigotry, sexism and hate. It condones stoning people to death and slavery! It also says eternal punishment is just. That to me tells me it's a load of bull written by cave dwelling men.

I take science over a book written by cave dwelling men
2009-08-12 12:22:29 UTC
I became an atheist long before I had even heard of the big bang or evolution

So your question is fairly pointless
Stainless Steel Rat
2009-08-12 10:36:11 UTC
No evidence for evolution? You can't be serious. Also why is you think that you have to be an atheist to believe that evolution happened?
2009-08-12 10:32:09 UTC
There is evidence for evolution, but that has nothing to do with atheism. Evolution and the Big Bang are not disproving God. Why can't theists understand this basic principle?

Where in either theory does it say God didn't do it.

Evolution /= Atheism

Atheism doesn't lead to immorality. There are plenty of "christians" who do all that you have mentioned. In fact more religious people commit murder per capita! See the prison stats. I don't find it hard not to lie, steal, sleep around, kill people. I respect others who are respectful, respect is earned my friend.

Edit- if you pick best answer by thumbs up, then you know what to do....
2009-08-12 11:33:44 UTC
dear stephen, even many of your fellow believers now accept evolution, so if you have a problem with it, thats up to you, i really dotn care, but maybe, get your facts straight before you coem here stating your thoughts as facts
2009-08-12 10:34:15 UTC

If you don't see evolution around you, you are one blind person.

Uhm I have GOT to ask this. How is it hard to avoid stealing, sleeping around, committing adultery, AND killing people??? It's not that hard considering I don't even begin thinking of doing it in the first place. If YOU find it that hard YOU have a serious problem.
DFM radio
2009-08-12 11:31:55 UTC



2009-08-12 10:48:58 UTC
I thought your god wanted you to tell the truth! Silly me.

I thought your Jesus guy said to judge not, lest ye be judged. Silly me.

How very Christian of you.
2009-08-12 10:34:10 UTC
There's evidence for evolution, like homologous structures and transitional fossils. Creation has none.
the big man
2009-08-12 12:30:04 UTC
you call us ignorant,you are an extremely ignorant narrow minded dont mean to be rude but you are being very rude

and dont you god bless me
Invisible Pink RN
2009-08-12 10:32:19 UTC
Good grief do us all a favor and please stay in school!

There's a ton of evidence that supports both evolution and the Big Bang theory!

Its also a little known fact that the bible holds more contradictions in it than any of the "non-fictional books" in print!
Lord Sesshomaru ✿殺生殿✿
2009-08-12 10:34:14 UTC

The abject and total truth, since you asked, is that I hate the f*ck out of your God, should that cruel fantasy actually exist.
2009-08-12 10:34:46 UTC
There's no evidence for creationism either.

No. The Bible does NOT count.
2009-08-12 12:19:38 UTC
There IS evidence for evolution, you idiot. That's the whole point!!!
2009-08-12 10:34:53 UTC
Take your "God bless" and stick it where the sun don't shine. Your logic is a touch more that seriously stupid.
2009-08-12 10:33:50 UTC
False premise.

There are literal TONS of evidence supporting evolution, and absolutely none contradicting it.

Ignorance of the facts on your part doesn't make them go away for the rest of us.
The Happy Atheist
2009-08-12 10:32:58 UTC
Before we even begin to discuss evolution, you should first prove to me that your god is real.
2009-08-12 10:32:25 UTC
You're just scaring the shite out of me. Read a book besides the bible.
2009-08-12 10:38:46 UTC
That observer bias of yours is impenetrable, you must be a happy camper.
2009-08-12 10:36:11 UTC
I do not believe its that believe what ever you want to its no skin off my nose.
2009-08-12 10:32:40 UTC
Logic fail.

talk about having no evidence?
2009-08-12 10:37:44 UTC
Lying for Jesus: still lying.
2009-08-12 10:38:49 UTC
Bravo!!! Very well stated. Psalm 14:1 (Amplified Bible)

1THE [empty-headed] fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable deeds; there is none that does good or right. Psalm 53:1 (Amplified Bible) 1THE [empty-headed] fool has said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt and evil are they, and doing abominable iniquity; there is none who does good. Proverbs 17:21 (Amplified Bible)

21He who becomes the parent of a [self-confident] fool does it to his sorrow, and the father of [an empty-headed] fool has no joy [in him].
2009-08-12 10:38:12 UTC
OMG your serious arn't you!
2009-08-12 10:32:56 UTC
I hope you're a troll, but if you're not, you're embarrassing yourself with your lack of knowledge.
2009-08-12 10:34:02 UTC
You must be incredibly stupid...
2009-08-12 10:36:03 UTC
2009-08-12 10:33:03 UTC
*clap* *clap*

Good one, but I dont think they will listen.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.