When we wear clothes that advertise something it shows our support for things that God may deem to be an abomination..
Wearing something with a witchcraft symbol on it, when you are a Christian,brings demonic things with it, that you don't need, believe me.
Read James 1:5 and ask God next time whether you should be supportive of something that mocks God. So where does that leave your 'Christian faith '? If you unsure of whether you should be doing something unclean, remember that Jesus Christ goes with you wherever you go and whatever you do.
May be it is time you checked your taste in music and see how much of it is not of God ? And next time ?
... leave a donation and then it will be just between you and God...and be wise, not leaning on your own understanding, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
Because you cannot serve both God and mammon.
psss.... the cat within the circle is also demonic, as it is meant to be..
My advice ? I would burn it and get it right out of my house, after all would you give it someone else with a curse on it ? Read Acts 19:19, for advice..