There is empirical evidence for evolution ._.
Fossil records, natural selection, and genetic information are all various types of empirical evidence for evolution. Fossil records are probably the most prominent proof there is. It is the most obvious observation of evolution. Observation is not limited to the present, but the products of evolution can be observed in the present anyway. Look at primates. Chimps, gorillas, bonobos and humans all had a common ancestor, and these ancestors branched out into the primate genus' that exist today. We can prove that we are related through our genes. There is only a 1% difference in human genes from chimps. Now, could we breed with chimps and etc..? That isn't tested for obvious ethical reasons.
Evolution itself does take place over millions of years, but the physical evidence from the products of evolution are overwhelming. Again, just look at the fossil records. ANY fossil records (obviously in chronological order). Or look at the Galapagos Island finches. The list just goes on and on.
And matter can come from nothing. How it occurs is still being investigated (I would assume, unless I was just given a dumbed down version and they've already found out how it exactly happens; I mean, I'm not a PHD). For example, protons can pop in and out of existence.
No one has ever observed life arising from nonliving matter because of beyond obvious reasons. Planet earth is alone with life, perhaps not in the entire universe, but most likely within our entire solar system. The sheer immensity of this scale is nearly incomprehensible. What are the chances that lightning will strike twice in one place, and life will arise from non living matter AGAIN on earth?
There's no debate on whether or not it happened among scientists, including the religious scientists. There's only debate on how exactly it happens. I have almost no doubt that all credible scientists that are religious are all old earth creationists.
Dating techniques when applied properly show the correct results. I hope you aren't getting this "the earth is not billions of years old" from fake scientists. If there was a flaw in radiometric dating or any other dating technique, it would be all over scientific peer reviewed journals, and not just all over christian sites.
Natural selection is just such an obvious and logical mechanism for evolution. Creatures that aren't adapted won't survive. That's just how it works.
Meanwhile, creationism has no proof at all and is not logical at all. If you look up atheist vs christian debates, and ignore your bias for a moment, it's kind of sad how christians/religious people [in general] pretty much ignore the points made by the atheist and just keep droning on and on about how wonderful their god is and how it just makes sense for him to exist, when it really doesn't.
Where's my money?